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Aica Ribonucleotide Mechanisms

Posted on April 14, 2014 by Maxim Peptide

Aica ribonucleotide is a common name for the peptide 5-aminoimidaxole-4-carboxamide ribonucleotide. This is a
generation of inosine monophosphate which is in the intermediate stages of development. The more common
abbreviation for this chemical is AIAR! though it is perhaps more accurate to refer to it as Aica ribonucleotide!
given its actions when applied to live animal tissue. This is also "nown as #M$! which is used for its advantages in
stimulating protein "inase activit% &AM$-dependent'! also "nown as AM$(.
Aica ribonucleotide is being investigated for its potential clinical use of protecting an animal from cardiac ischemic
in)ur%. If this condition is left untreated then it could cause a m%ocardial infarct! which has the potential to be fatal
without intervention. ardia ischemia is t%picall% caused from insufficient blood flow or ox%gen to an animal*s
Aica ribonucleotide was originall% presented as a solution for this difficult% in the +,-.s because it had the potential
to preserve the blood flow to the heart which was ceased during surger% in this area. urrent research has also
shown the potential of this chemical to manage the s%mptoms of diabetes in animals b% helping to increase
metabolic activit% of the tissues that can change the ph%sical composition of the muscle tissue.
Mechanisms of Aica Ribonucleotide
Aica ribonucletide is commonl% produced under the name acadesine/ this is generall% the name used in order to
publish consistent research on the sub)ect.
Aica ribonucleotide is a version of the chemical adenosine which is designed to inhibit the adenosine
deaminase and adenosine "inase! as it enters into the cardiac cells.
The presence of acia ribonucleotide can help with the re-s%nthesis which increases the adenosine generation
from the adenosine monosophates which are present! though this will onl% occur during conditions which are
condusive with m%ocardial ischemia.
In some cardiac m%oc%tes! aica riboside can be phosphor%lated into aica-ribotide! also "nown as #M$. This can
activate the existing AM$( within the animal*s bod%0 without the need to change the nucleotide levels in this area.
This wa%! #M$ is given access to the de novo s%nthesis pathwa%s which are used for adenosine s%nthesis/ it can
also be used to inhibit adenosine deaminase which will cause adenosine and AT$ levels to increase throughout the
animal*s bod%.
$otential Medical Applications
Aica ribonucleotide is being researched for its potential applications in humans in a medical setting! as a means of
addressing a variet% of cardiac conditions.
It has been noted that following periods of coronar% arterial occlusion in animals are immediatel% followed b% a
prolonged ischemia! which is "nown as preconditioning. This has been seen as a protective condition.
$reconditioning which precedes a m%ocardial infarction could dela% the death of cells in this area which will
ma"e it easier to salvage the m%ocardium of the animal using reperfusion therap%.
Aica ribonucleotide has been found to be an effective chemical that can precondition an animal )ust before or
during an episode of ischemia. Aica ribonucleotide can trigger an anti-inflammator% response during
preconditioning that will increase 12 production which develops from the ischemic leu"oc%te-endothelial cell.
Aica ribonucleotide preconditioning can also be mediated using AT$-sensitive potassium channels that are also
utili3ing hemox%genase-dependent mechanisms. This increase in AM$(-dependent recruitment of the AT$-
sensitive potassium channels will react with the sarcolemma which will cause action potential that could prevent
an overload of calcium which is at ris" during reperfusion.
4ecreases in calcium overload during these episodes can reduce the ris" of inflammation or activation of the
The presence of aica ribonucleotide will also increase glucose upta"e &AM$(-dependent'. This is done b%
translocating the 678T-4 molecules throughout an animal*s bod%! which can be beneficial to the heart when it is
experiencing an episode of post-ischemic reperfusion. This increase in glucose which occurs during preconditioning
using aica ribonucleotide will lengthen the time that preconditioning can occur b% two hours when performed in
rabbits that are experiencing coronar% ligation.
Results li"e this help scientists to estimate that aica ribonucleotide ma% reduce the si3e and fre9uenc% of
m%ocardial infarcts b% a 9uarter in humans b% improving blood flow to the heart during this event! though this is onl%
an estimate! based on results seen in animal studies. Applications of this chemical have also been shown to help
animals improve from surger%! resulting from an ischemic in)ur%.
$urchasing s%nthesi3ed peptides for a research setting must be ta"en with care in order to ensure that these
productsare suitable for the nature of %our research. :or that purpose! see" out suppliers that speciali3e in research
with live test sub)ects! ma"ing sure that these applications will be safe and provide consistent results for those that
are going to perform long-term research activities. Most suppliers that provide research grade products will provide
contact information to individuals that would li"e to "now more about the specifics of these chemicals.
Resource ;ox/

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