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Aica Ribonucleotide

Posted on January 17, 2014 by Maxim Peptide

Aica Ribonucleotide is a peptide whose technical name is 5-
Aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleotide. It is available for
purchase for the purposes of scientific study on animal test subjects
under several different names such as !"# AI$AR and Acadesine.
It is presented in white powder form and contains a molecular wei%ht
of &&'.()))*(. Aica Ribonucleotide is also referred to as Aicar online
and in most research communities.
+ow Aica Ribonucleotide ,or-s
Accordin% to scientific study on animal test subjects Aica
Ribonucleotide.s mechanics allow for the acceleration of metabolic
processes within animal test subjects. /hese accelerations manifest
themselves in the followin% methods0
Increased glucose uptake 1 Aica Ribonucleotide has been
determined to boost %lyco%en synthesis which in turn leads to an
increased synthesis of the proteins that are responsible for
s-eletal muscle buildin% and repair.
Decreased Insulin Resistance 1 /he peptide contains the ability to be able to boc- the receptors that would
normally inhibit the inta-e of insulin2 the peptide that is responsible for the causation of cells in the liver s-eletal
muscles and fat tissue to absorb %lucose from the blood. /his bloc-in% of such inhibitions allows for an
elevated ta-e of %lucose inta-e which in turn allows for a more efficient ener%y conversion process. /his in turn
allows for an elevated rate of metabolic processes relatin% to the muscular and s-eletal structures found in
animal test subjects.
More Efficient Regulation of Energy 1 3ecause of Aica Ribocluneotide.s ability to accelerate the synthesis of
%lyco%en scientific study on animal test subjects has determined that the peptide can control the distribution
and usage of energy in a more efficient manner. /his increased efficiency has been tied to several benefits as
they relate to several functions re%ardin% an animal test subjects. body includin% a boost of endurance and an
increased facility to burn fat.
Aica Ribonucleotide.s Relationship with $ardiac Ischemic
,hile scientific research conducted on animal test subjects has determined that Aica Ribonucleotide.s ability to
expedite the subjects. metabolic processes the peptide.s efficient nature has caused study to especially hone in on
its potential effects relatin% to cardiac ischemic injuries.
Click here to buy Aicar in our store
At its base point a cardiac ischemic injury is classified as an affliction whose cause is tied to a restriction of blood
supply to tissues. /his in turn causes an insufficient amount of %lucose and oxy%en to be delivered in order to
maintain a re%ulated amount of cellular functionality within the heart muscle. ,ithout proper cellular functionality
the heart starts to fail.
#rimarily cardiac ischemic injuries are directly brou%ht on by a condition -nown as an%ina pectoris. /his condition
routinely referred to as an%ina is characterized by an insufficient amount of blood flow to the heart. /his insufficient
blood flow translates into an insufficient amount of oxy%en and %lucose bein% provided to heart muscle cells which
in turn causes the heart to malfunction. +owever an%ina pectoris can sometimes be asymptomatic in its
presentation. /his condition could lead to a host of serious heart-related elements up to and includin% cardiac
/he scientific study based on animal test subjects has led to the theory that Aica Ribonucleotide.s ability to improve
the metabolic processes within a subjects. body would lessen the restriction of blood flow to the heart muscle
creatin% a more consistent sense of re%ulation in the process. /his would theoretically enable a partially reduced
ris- of an%ina pectoris from occurrin% and by extension a reduced ris- of heart failure. Additional theories based
on such scientific study on animal test subjects lin- the peptide as a potential ally in re%ards to treatin% a heart
attac- that was caused by a cardiac ischemic episode. /he reason for this theory also ties to Aica Ribonucleotide.s
ability to lessen the restriction of blood flow to the heart as an increase in blood flow 1 and subse4uently and
increase in %lucose and oxy%en %ettin% to cardiac cells 1 would aid in stabilizin% the heart as it recovers from an
ischemic episode.
Other Notes on Aica Ribonucleotides Functionality
/here are two thin%s that should be noted in relation to Aica Ribonucleotide.s usa%e and functionality. /he first is
that scientific study on animal test subjects has determined that a few side effects have been lin-ed to the peptide
includin% some serious side effects lin-ed to the heart muscle. /he more serious side effects include0
Development of heart valve defects
Pulmonary hypertension
Abnormal growth of heart tissue
5econdly it should be noted that Aica Ribonucleotide is currently in the research phase. Any study or research
based on the peptide should be rele%ated to animal test subjects and within the strict confines of a controlled
environment such as a medical research facility or a laboratory.

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