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+2"'4 +'%,"2)5 1hls class ls deslgned Lo lnLroduce balleL and Lap class Lo pre-school age dancers. 1hey wlll
learn baslc dance Lechnlques and vocabulary. 1hrough Lhls class Lhey wlll be LaughL creaLlvlLy and muslcallLy
wlLh Lhe use of props and lmagery. uancers ln Lhls class wlll need plnk balleL shoes, black Lap shoes and
leoLard and LlghLs for each class. 1hls class wlll perform one dance aL Lhe annual reclLal.

-.'2#".."): uancers enrolled ln Lhls class wlll expand on baslc movemenLs and dance vocabulary. 1hls class wlll
bulld off skllls learned ln uream uancers and apply balleL and Lap Lechnlque Lo choreography. uancers ln Lhls
class wlll need plnk balleL shoes, black Lap shoes and leoLard and LlghLs aL every class. 1hls class wlll perform a
balleL and Lap rouLlne aL Lhe annual reclLal.

6'##".: 8alleL ls Lhe base of all dance Lralnlng and ls very lmporLanL ln Lhe developmenL of Lhe dancer's
Lechnlque. Lach class wlll begln wlLh warm up and barre exerclses. 1hey wlll progress Lo movemenL across Lhe
floor and [umps ln cenLer. uancers wlll learn balleL Lermlnology and proper body allgnmenL and posLure. lL ls
sLrongly suggesLed LhaL all dancers Lake balleL class Lo ensure Lhey have a sLrong foundaLlon Lo perform all
oLher sLyles of dance. 1hls class wlll need plnk balleL shoes and leoLard and LlghLs aL each class. uancers wlll
perform ln Lhe annual reclLal.

7'3: ln Lhls class dancers wlll learn baslc Lap Lermlnology such as shuffle ball change, flap, cramp roll, buffalo
eLc. 1hls sLyle of dance focuses on Lhe use of Lhe dancers Lap shoes sLrlklng Lhe floor Lo produce sound.
uancers wlll need black Lap shoes and perform ln Lhe annual reclLal.

8$3 803: Plp hop ls a greaL sLyle for a dancer LhaL has no formal dance Lralnlng. 1echnlques such as popplng,
locklng and freesLyle wlll be LaughL ln Lhls class. 1he muslc and choreography for Lhls sLyle wlll be lnsplred by
hlp hop culLure. 1here are classes offered for boLh boys and glrls and each class wlll perform ln Lhe annual
reclLal. 1hey wlll need hlp hop shoes LhaL are easy Lo dance ln.

7/49#$%:: uancers ln Lhls class wlll learn Lrlcks" LhaL advance as Lhe class advances from Level 1 Lo Level 3.
1hls class wlll focus on flexlblllLy, balance and sLrengLh. 1he class wlll begln wlLh baslc Lrlcks such as carLwheels
and handsLands and progress Lo back walkovers and fronL handsprlngs. uancers need Lo wear leoLard/unlLard
Lo each class. uancers wlll perform ln Lhe annual reclLal and no shoes wlll be requlred.

;'<<: uancers wlll focus on leap comblnaLlons, Lurnlng sequences and [umps ln Lhls class. uancers wlll beneflL
from belng enrolled ln balleL ln addlLlon Lo [azz so Lhey already know Lhe baslc Lechnlques. uancers wlll need
nude [azz shoes and perform ln Lhe annual reclLal.

=>2$,'#: 1hls sLyle of dance ls more based off Lhe dancers freedom Lo express Lhemselves. 1hls class fuses
LogeLher balleL and [azz Lechnlque. 1here ls a sLrong connecLlon beLween Lhe muslc and Lhe choreography LhaL
Lhe dancers wlll porLray Lhrough Lhelr emoLlons. uancers are encouraged Lo enroll ln balleL and [azz Lo asslsL ln
Lhelr lyrlcal Lechnlque. 1hls class wlll need nude lyrlcal shoes and perform ln Lhe annual reclLal.

!0&"2%: 1hls sLyle of dance allows Lhe dancer Lo Lake Lhelr balleL Lechnlque and move more freely wlLh lL.
uancers wlll learn baslc modern Lechnlques such as conLracLlons, leaps, C-curves and melLs. uancers wlll dance
barefooL and learn how Lo sLay grounded. 1hey wlll perform ln Lhe annual reclLal.

?0$%.": ln Lhls class dancers wlll learn how Lo properly sLrengLhen Lhelr body Lo go up on polnLe. 1hey wlll also
learn balleL Lermlnology. ln order Lo enroll ln Lhls class dancers musL be enrolled ln balleL and be ln aL leasL
sevenLh grade. uancers wlll need plnk polnLe shoes and leoLard and LlghLs for each class. 1hls class wlll
perform ln Lhe annual reclLal.

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