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Project Proposal

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Document Approvals
Role Name Signature Date
Project Sponsor
Project Review Group
Project Manager
ualit! Manager
(i$ a%%&ica'&e)
Procurement Manager
(i$ a%%&ica'&e)
"ommunications Manager
(i$ a%%&ica'&e)
Project O##ice Manager
(i$ a%%&ica'&e)
Table of Contents
TEMP!TE "#IDE$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%
% E&EC#TIVE S#MM!R'$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$(
( )!C*"R+#ND$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$(
$%& 'IS(OR)%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% $
$%$ R*+IR*M*N(S%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% $
$%, SOL+(ION%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ,
, PR+P+S!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,
,%& -ISION .ND GO.LS%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ,
,%$ D*LI-*R./L*S%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 0
,%, (IM*FR.M*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 0
,%0 R*SO+R"*S%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1
,%1 /+DG*(%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 2
,%2 O3N*RS'IP%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 2
,%4 R*POR(ING%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 4
,%5 RIS6S 7 ISS+*S%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 4
,%8 IMPLI".(IONS%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 5
,%&9 S+""*SS "RI(*RI.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 5
,%&& .+('ORI:.(ION%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 5
- !PPENDI&$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
0%& S+PPOR(ING DO"+M*N(.(ION%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 8
Template Guide
What is a Project Proposal?
( Pro)ect Pro%osa& is a document t*at is written to +ic+,o$$ a new %ro)ect. -t needs to
con#ince a s%onsor t*at a %ro)ect needs to 'e initiated to so&#e a %articu&ar %ro'&em or
o%%ortunity in t*e 'usiness.
-t descri'es in de%t*, t*e 'asis u%on w*ic* t*e %ro)ect needs to 'e commenced, so t*at t*e
s%onsor $u&&y understands w*y it.s critica& to t*e 'usiness and w*at is in#o&#ed.
-t a&so needs to out&ine t*e im%&ications o$ not a%%ro#ing t*e %ro)ect, so t*at t*e s%onsor is
$orced to ma+e a c&ear decision / to a%%ro#e t*e %ro)ect, or not.
When do I use a Project Proposal?
(ny time t*at you need to coordinate resources, tas+s, e0ui%ment and raw materia&s wit*in a
s%eci$ic time$rame to ac*ie#e a %articu&ar 'usiness goa&, t*en you s*ou&d consider doing t*is
as %art o$ a $orma& %ro)ect.
*e $irst ste% w*en initiating a %ro)ect is to document a Pro)ect Pro%osa&. -t *e&%s you
$orma&i1e t*e %ro)ect so t*at it *as a s%eci$ic #ision t*at needs to 'e ac*ie#ed in order to
determine its success.
-dea&&y a Pro)ect Pro%osa& wi&& 'e written 'y t*e intended manager o$ t*e %ro)ect. 2owe#er
sometimes it is written 'y a 'usiness manager i$ t*e Pro)ect Manager is yet to 'e se&ected. -t
is a&ways %resented to senior management wit*in t*e 'usiness $or a%%ro#a&.
Once a%%ro#ed, t*e ne!t ste% is usua&&y to write a 3usiness 4ase )usti$ies t*e %ro)ect
$inancia&&y. Soon a$ter t*at, a Pro)ect 4*arter wi&& 'e written 'ased on t*is Pro)ect Pro%osa&,
to sco%e out t*e %ro)ect and ensure t*at e#eryone is c&ear a'out w*at needs to 'e done.
How to use this template
*is document out&ines t*e sections needed to com%&ete a Pro)ect Pro%osa&. 5ou need to
re%&ace t*e content in eac* section wit* your own. 6ac* section inc&udes com%&etion
instructions so t*at you +now w*at you need to write, to $i&& t*e document in $rom start to
$inis*. 5ou wi&& want to remo#e t*ese com%&etion instructions as you go, to create your own
customi1ed Pro)ect 4*arter $or your 'usiness.
1 Executive Summary
(;e #irst step to completing a Project Proposal is to write an *<ecutive Summar!% (;is
section will summari=e t;e entire document >! descri>ing t;e >ac?ground #or t;e project and
t;e proposed -ision@ Goals and (ime#rames% In essence@ it sets t;e scene #or t;e project
and ma?es t;e document enticing enoug; to read and endorse@ so t;at t;e project can >e
?ic?edAo##% So summari=e eac; o# t;e sections in t;is document concisel! >! outlining t;eB
'istor!@ reCuirements and proposed solution
Project vision@ goals delivera>les and time#rames
Resources@ >udget and success criteria%
D3rite !our content ;ereE
2 Bac!round
2"1 History
/e#ore !ou descri>e t;e proposal in dept;@ !ou need to provide t;e reader wit; a >rie#
;istorical view o# t;e compan!@ so t;at it sets t;e conte<t upon w;ic; t;e project will >e
initiated% .s t;is is t;e >asis upon w;ic; t;e project is created@ !ou need to descri>e all o#
t;e relevant ;istor! t;at ;as ta?en place up until now%
For instance@ i# t;is was a proposal to create a project to implement a new so#tware pac?age
#or t;e >usiness@ t;en t;is section would descri>e ;istoricall! w;ic; so#tware pac?ages ;ad
>een used until now@ w;ic; ;ad succeeded and w;ic; ;ad #ailed@ as well as w;en t;e
so#tware is due #or replacement and w;o t;e relevant so#tware vendors are%
3it;out t;is in#ormation@ t;ere ma! >e dela!s in t;e approval o# t;is document >ecause t;e
Project Sponsor ma! wis; to ?now more a>out t;e >asis upon w;ic; t;e project is >eing
D3rite !our content ;ereE
2"2 #e$uirements
Most projects are created to eit;er solve a >usiness pro>lem or reali=e and opportunit! in t;e
mar?et% (;is pro>lem or opportunit! is t;e reason t;at t;e project is >eing ?ic?edAo##@ so !ou
need to descri>e it ;ere in dept;%
/usiness Pro>lem
I# !ou ;ave a >usiness pro>lem t;at needs to >e solved >! t;is project@ t;en descri>e t;e
pro>lem in dept; ;ere% Descri>e t;e t!pe o# pro>lem and s!mptoms t;at t;e >usiness is
e<periencing as a direct result o# t;e pro>lem% For e<ample@ a >usiness pro>lem mig;t >e
t;at it is struggling #inanciall!@ ;as poor communication or low customer satis#action%
/usiness opportunit!
I# !ou ;ave a >usiness opportunit! t;at needs to >e #ullA#illed >! t;e project@ t;en descri>e it
in dept; ;ere% Descri>e t;e environment wit;in w;ic; t;e opportunit! e<ists@ t;e time#rame in
w;ic; t;e opportunit! must >e ta?en up on and t;e wa! in w;ic; t;e opportunit! must >e
reali=ed% .n e<ample o# an opportunit! is t;at t;ere is a gap in t;e mar?et segment #or a
particular product or service@ t;ere is a new tec;nolog! w;ic; can improve t;e >usiness@ or a
regulator! c;ange ;as meant t;at t;e >usiness can provide a new product or service t;at it
could not >e#ore%
D3rite !our content ;ereE
2"% Solution
(;e ne<t step is to descri>e t;e so&ution to t;eir pro>lem or opportunit! t;at t;e project must
deliver% In descri>ing t;e solution@ !ou need to ma?e clear t;eB
Purpose o# t;e solution
Scope o# t;e solution Fi%e% w;atGs in or out o# scopeH
3a! in w;ic; t;e solution must >e delivered Fi%e% approac;H
Remem>er@ t;e project ;as one purpose and one purpose onl!@ w;ic; is Ito deliver t;e
solution to t;at pro>lem or opportunit! wit;in t;e time#rames reCuiredJ% So t;e more t;at !ou
can descri>e t;e solution in dept;@ t;e easier it will >e #or t;e project team to ?now w;at ;as
to >e delivered and >! w;en%
D3rite !our content ;ereE
% &roposal
In t;e >ac?ground section a>ove@ !ou ;ave descri>ed t;e general >asis upon w;ic; t;e
project will >e created% )ouKve descri>ed t;e pro>lem or opportunit! t;at e<ists in t;e
>usiness and t;e solution t;at t;e project needs to deliver% In t;is section@ it is now time to
descri>e t;e project t;at !ou are proposing is initiated%
%"1 'ision and Goals
State t;e vision and goals o# t;e project% (;e! need to >e ISmartJ w;ic; means S%eci$ic@
Measura'&e@ (ction orientated@ "ea&istic and ime >ased% 3;ere possi>le@ tr! and lin? in t;e
>usiness pro>lem or opportunit! into t;e -ision so t;at t;e project team ?nows e<actl! w;at
is >eing solved >! t;e vision% 'ere is an e<ample o# a project visionB
7Our #ision is to im%ro#e customer satis$action 'y 89: 'y 1
;an 801< 'y o$$ering new
ser#ices to our *ig*,#a&ue c&ients=.
D3rite !our -ision ;ereE
(;en@ list , goals w;ic; relate to our vision a>ove% .gain@ ma?e t;em SM.R(% 'ere are
some e<amples
1. 7o re&ease a customer satis$action sur#ey 'y 1
;anuary 8018=
8. 7o u%grade our 4ustomer "e&ations*i% Management system 'y a 1
;une 8018=
<. 7o *a#e a %ersona& re&ations*i% wit* a&& our *ig*,#a&ue customers 'y 1
;anuary 801<=
D3rite !our Goals ;ereE
%"2 Delivera(les
*ver! project produces delivera>les w;ic; #orm part o# t;e solution t;at solves t;e >usiness
pro>lem or opportunit!% (;ese delivera>les wit; are ?e! to t;e success o# t;e project and
t;e! also de#ine t;e scope o# w;at must >e produced% (;ere#ore it is critical t;at !ou list all o#
t;e ?e! delivera>les t;at are to >e produced in as muc; dept; as possi>le%
+se t;e #ollowing ta>le to descri>e delivera>les to >e produced >! t;e project% NoteB a
delivera>le is somet;ing t;at is produced t;at is ;anded over to t;e customer at t;e end o#
t;e project@ as part o# t;e solution% It mig;t >e a new product@ a new service or a new s!stem
#or instance%
Project Deli/erables
Title Description Notes
Dlist ;ereE Dlist ;ereE Dlist ;ereE
Dlist ;ereE Dlist ;ereE Dlist ;ereE
Dlist ;ereE Dlist ;ereE Dlist ;ereE
%"% Timeframe
.ll projects must >e delivered wit;in a speci#ic time$rame% *ver! >usiness pro>lem or
opportunit! must >e solved >! t;e project wit;in a speci#ic time#rame to ma<imi=e t;e value
to t;e >usiness%
(;is time#rame is critical to success@ >ecause i# t;e project delivers t;e solution a#ter t;e
time#rame speci#ied@ t;en t;e >usiness ma! not >ene#it to t;e level t;at was intended%
So !ou need to speci#! t;e time#rame #or delivering t;e project% Descri>e w;at t;e time#rame
is and w;! it is so important t;at t;e project deliver t;e solution wit;in t;is period o# time%
DSpeci#! t;e time#rame ;ereE
Ideall! !ou will also include an initial %ro)ect %&an #or t;e deliver! o# t;e project% .lt;oug; it is
ver! earl! stages@ t;e reason #or t;is is t;at it gives !our Project Sponsor con#idence t;at
ever!t;ing ;as >een t;oug;t t;roug; and t;at t;e project can realisticall! >e delivered wit;in
t;e time#rames speci#ied%
'ere is an e<ample o# a generic project planB
DInclude !our Project Plan ;ereE
%") #esources
In order #or !our sponsor to approve t;e Project Proposal@ t;e! will want to ;ave an
understanding o# t;e amount o# resources reCuired to underta?e it% "omplete t;e #ollowing
ta>le w;ic; sets out t;e generic resources including %eo%&e@ e0ui%ment and materia&s
needed to underta?e t;e project% (;ese are onl! generic #igures to give t;e Project Sponsor
an idea o# t;e level o# resourcing reCuired to #inis; t;e project%
Project Resources
T0pe 1uantit0 Notes
Dlist ;ereE Dlist ;ereE Dlist ;ereE
Dlist ;ereE Dlist ;ereE Dlist ;ereE
Dlist ;ereE Dlist ;ereE Dlist ;ereE
ID (as? Name Duration
, INITI!TI+N %2 3a0s
0 De/elop )usiness Case - 3a0s
&9 Perform 4easibilit0 Stu30 5 3a0s
&4 Establish Terms of Reference - 3a0s
$, !ppoint Project Team , 3a0s
$5 Set6up Project +ffice , 3a0s
,, Perform Stage6"ate & da!
,1 P!NNIN" -7 3a0s
,2 Create Project Plan . 3a0s
04 Create Resource Plan 5 3a0s
10 Create 4inancial Plan 5 3a0s
2& Create 1ualit0 Plan - 3a0s
24 Create Ris8 Plan 2 3a0s
41 Create !cceptance Plan - 3a0s
5& Create Communications Plan - 3a0s
54 Create Procurement Plan - 3a0s
8, Contract Suppliers 2 3a0s
&9& Perform Stage6"ate & da!
&9, E&EC#TI+N 5 3a0s
&90 )uil3 Deli/erables , 3a0s
&98 Monitoring an3 Control - 3a0s
&$$ Perform Stage6"ate & da!
&$0 C+S#RE 9 3a0s
&$1 Perform Project Closure 2 3a0s
&,$ Re/ie: Project Completion % 3a0
1L9& &$L9& &8L9& $2L9& $L9$ 8L9$ &2L9$ $,L9$ &L9, 5L9, &1L9, $$L9, $8L9,
ar! Fe>ruar! Marc; .pr
%"* Bud!et
Since !ouGve speci#ied a>ove t;e t!pe and Cuantit! o# resources reCuired to underta?e t;e
project@ !ou will ;ave a general #eel as to t;e si=e o# >udget needed also%
(;e Project Sponsor will alwa!s want to ?now ;ow muc; it is going to cost t;em% *stimate
t;e total >udget #or t;e project >ased on t;e cost o# t;e resources speci#ied in t;e ta>le
a>ove% (;en add contingenc! and an! ot;er additional costs need to >e #actored in% )ou
need to consider w;et;er to include intangi>le costs also@ li?e t;e cost o# downtime or t;e
cost o# a c;ange in culture or process wit;in t;e >usiness%
D3rite t;e /udget ;ereE
I# !ou are a>le@ provide a calculation o# t;e "eturn on -n#estment #or t;e >usiness% (;is is
simpl! a #ormula w;ic; s;ows t;e additional revenue or >ene#it t;at will >e gained >! t;e
>usiness versus t;e additional cost@ over time%
For e<ample@ t;e cost o# t;e project ma! >e M&99@999 ;owever t;e >usiness ma! gain
M,99@999 in >ene#it over t;e #irst &$ mont;s a#ter t;e project is complete% (;ere#ore t;e
return on investment is M$99@999 over t;e #irst &$ mont;s%
DDescri>e t;e Return On Investment ;ereE
%"+ ,-ners.ip
)ou need to ma?e clear in t;is documentN w;o owns t;e project deliver!@ w;o t;e project is
>eing delivered #or and w;o will >e ?ept in#ormed o# t;e status o# t;e project during its li#e
c!cle% NoteB
Project Sponsor: (;is is t;e person responsi>le #or t;e deliver! o# t;e project% (;e
Project Manager will report correctl! to t;em%
Customer: (;is is t;e person w;o will ta?e owners;ip o# t;e delivera>les once t;e
project is complete% (;is is also usuall! t;e person pa!ing #or t;e project%
Project Manager: I# t;e Project Manager is ?nown at t;is time@ t;en please add t;em
to t;e #ollowing ta>le% 'owever o#ten at t;is stage@ a Project Manager ma! not >e
appointed until t;e document is approved% "omplete t;e #ollowing ta>le to ma?e
t;ese #acts clearB
Project +:nership
Role Name Contact Details
Project Sponsor Dlist ;ereE Dlist ;ereE
Project "ustomer Dlist ;ereE Dlist ;ereE
Project Manager Dlist ;ereE Dlist ;ereE
%"/ #eportin!
*ver! Project Sponsor is concerned a>out not receiving t;e rig;t in#ormation at t;e rig;t
time% +se t;is section to descri>e ;ow !ou are going to communicate t;e status o# t;e
project regularl! to all o# t;e project sta?e;olders Fincluding t;e sponsor@ customer@ team and
an! ot;er vested partiesH%
(;is includes descri>ing w;et;er !ou are li?el! to run wee?l! team meetings@ ;ave a project
>log@ distri>ute project reports or use project management so#tware t;at comes wit; a
das;>oard #or ever!one to log in and see t;e status o# t;eir projects%
D3rite !our content ;ereE
%"0 #iss 1 Issues
Ris? and issues occur w;ic; tr! and prevent t;e project #rom producing t;e delivera>les on
time% +se t;e #ollowing two ta>les to list all o# t;e ?nown ris?s and issues up#ront%
Risks: . ris? as de#ined as Ian! event w;ic; could ta?e place in t*e $uture t;at will
prevent t;e project #rom producing t;e delivera>les on timeJ% For instance@ a ris?
mig;t >e t;at t;e >usiness is una>le to resource t;e project #ull! as reCuired% For
eac; ris?@ !ou need to speci#! t;e li?eli;ood o# it occurring F;ig;LmediumLlowH%
Issues: .n issue is Isomet;ing t;at is rig*t now a##ecting t;e projectJ% For instance@ it
mig;t >e t;at an issue is t;at at t;e moment@ t;ere is little #unding availa>le to initiate
a new project suc; as t;is one% For eac; issue@ !ou need speci#! t;e impact it is
;aving on !our a>ilit! to ?ic? o## t;e project%
Project Ris8s
Ris8 Details i8elihoo3
Dlist ;ereE Dlist ;ereE Dlist ;ereE
Dlist ;ereE Dlist ;ereE Dlist ;ereE
Dlist ;ereE Dlist ;ereE Dlist ;ereE
Project Issues
Issue Details Impact
Dlist ;ereE Dlist ;ereE Dlist ;ereE
Dlist ;ereE Dlist ;ereE Dlist ;ereE
Dlist ;ereE Dlist ;ereE Dlist ;ereE
%"2 Implications
)ou need to tell !our Project Sponsor a>out t;e implications o# not underta?ing t;e project%
Given t;at t;e project is >ased on a real >usiness pro>lem opportunit!@ i# t;at is not solved
>! initiating t;is project t;en w;at are t;e implications #or t;e >usinessO
Descri>e t;ese implications ;ere% I# possi>le@ Cuanti#! t;e cost to t;e >usiness in not initiating
t;e project%
D3rite !our content ;ereE
%"13 Success Criteria
*ver! Project Manager wants t;e project >e a success% /ut w;at is it t;at de#ines successO
Is it t;at t;e project is delivered on time and >udget@ or t;at t;e project delivera>les are
produced to t;e level o# Cualit! e<pected% Is it t;at t;e customer was ?ept in#ormed
t;roug;out t;e project and is ;app! wit; t;e resultO Or is it simpl! t;at t;e >usiness pro>lem
;as gone awa! or t;e opportunit! ;as >een reali=ed as e<pectedO
)ou need to t;in? a>out t;e success criteria care#ull! and t;en speci#! t;em ;ere% 3e
suggest listing #ive ?e! success criteria@ against w;ic; t;e project will >e measured%
D3rite !our Success "riteria ;ereE
%"11 Aut.ori4ation
(;is is t;e section in w;ic; !our Project Sponsor will aut;ori=e t;e project i# t;e! want it to
>e initiated% I# t;e project is aut;ori=ed@ t;en !ou ;ave done a great jo> in completing t;is
Project ProposalP
Project Sponsor
Date> ?? @ ?? @ ??
Date> ?? @ ?? @ ??
) Appendix
)"1 Supportin! Documentation
Provide an! documentation !ou >elieve supports t;is Project Proposal% It ma! >eB
"ompan! ;istor!
Researc; materials
Statistics or estimates
*<ternal Cuotes or tenders
Detailed cost L >ene#it spreads;eets
Ot;er relevant in#ormation or correspondence%
DInclude !our content ;ereE
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