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1. Mori Arts Centre, Roppongi
The "irst #uintessential Tokyo e$perience to tick o"" the list is "inding a per"ect view. %ot
only is &ori Tower hoe to soe o" the country's best odern art e$hibitions (past
shows range "ro )ill *iola to +"rica ,ei$-. it is also a good spot to take in a postcard-
per"ect vista over a seeingly endless cityscape. Tokyo /ity *iew. its 02nd "loor
observation area. o""ers 162-degree birds-eye views "ro a 202-etre height.
Mori Arts Centre
39th-01rd 4loor. ,oppongi 5ills &ori Tower. 6-62-6 ,oppongi. &inato-ku
2276 16326 6622
Mori Art Centre: open daily. 8ed-&on. 62a-62p. Tues. 62a-0p.
9ntry "ees vary "ro e$hibition to e$hibition. but e$pect to pay around :6.022 (; 7.91-
Tokyo City View: open daily. <un-Thurs. 62a-66p and 4ri-<at. 62a until 6a.
+dission :6.022 ( ;7.91-
2. Ueno Park
5oe to an epic nuber o" shrines and teples. useus and galleries. =eno >ark is the
per"ect place "or dipping a toe into ?apanese culture. +ttractions range "ro the Tokyo
%ational &useu to the Toshogu <hrine via the lotus-"illed <hinoba@u >ond A alongside
"irst-rate people watching opportunities. +s the hoe o" ore than 6.222 cherry blosso
trees. the park is a prie springtie sakura-watching spot "or Tokyoites as well as
Ueno Park
=eno station on the Bin@a and 5ibiya <ubway lines as well as the ?, :aanote. ?oban
and Ceihin Tohoku lines
=eno Coen (park- is open dawn to dusk. "ree adission.
Tokyo National Museum ( open Tues-<unday. 9.12a to 0p.
+dission :622 (;1.67-
. Tsuki!i "is# Market
+n early orning "ish arket ay not sound like the ost conventional o" tourist
attractions but Tsukiji 4ish &arket has becoe an unlikely draw "or visitors. 8ith its
endless rows o" "re#uently unidenti"iable aritie species. bustling workers and a rowdy
pre-dawn tuna auction. it is the per"ect antidote "or the jet-lagged. Its highlight is
undoubtedly tucking into the "reshest sushi break"ast possible in one o" the venues that
cling to the edges o" the arket.
Tsuki!i "is# Market
Tsukijishijo station on the Dedo line or Tsukiji station on the 5ibiya line
0a-62a (ai to get there be"ore 6.12a-. /losed <undays and second and "ourth
8ednesday every onth
4ree adission.
$. %motesan&o
Take a stroll along the broad tree-lined Dotesando boulevard "or a spot o" window-
shopping and a bite-si@ed suary o" ?apanese odern architecture. It is along this street
that a growing nuber o" international "ashion houses have coissioned ?apan's ost
cutting edge architects to create "lagship stores A "ro Toyo Ito's lea" oti" Tod's store to
the sleek Eouis *uitton by ?un +oki.
Dotesando station on the /hiyoda. Bin@a and 5an@oon lines. or &eiji ?inguae
station on the /hiyoda line
'. (mperial Pala)e *ast +ar&ens
9$plore the wide lawns. castle ruins and guardhouses that span Cokyo 5igashi Byoen.
the walled 9ast Bardens o" the 9peror's o""icial residence. Dnce the site o" 9do /astle.
the seat o" the Tokugawa shogun. visitors today can take a peek at %ijubashi. the two
bridges that ark the entrance to the inner palace grounds. The palace itsel" is open to the
public only on ?anuary 2 and the 9peror's birthday on 22 Feceber.
*ast +ar&ens
Dteachi station on &arunouchi. To@ai. /hiyoda. 5an@oon. Toei &ita lines or
Takebashi station on To@ai line
Tues-Thur and <at-<un 9a-3.12p (&arch-Dct-G 9a-1.12p (%ov-4eb-G closed &on
and 4ri year-round.
4ree adission.
Tokyo. about 66 hours' "lying tie "ro Eondon and 62 hours "ro <ydney. is a handy. i"
"re#uently overlooked. stopover destination. 8ith 62 illion people craed into ile
a"ter ile o" sprawling urban landscape. it ay be one o" the ost densely populated
cities on the planet. but it is also dotted with pockets o" serenity. 9ven on a 23-hour visit
you can have wildly di""erent e$periences o" the city. depending on your energy level.
&any visitors choose to tuble head"irst into the "ast-paced aelstro o" odern Tokyo.
e$periencing a whirlwind o" galleries. restaurants. bars and shops. Those who pre"er a
slower tepo can tiptoe into a pictures#ue world o" #uiet teple-lined lanes. green parks
and tiny local restaurants lurking behind the skyscrapers. )etween neon-"illed ,oppongi
and the city's serene gardens. you should "ind a place to atch your ood.
,ire& - Tire& Tours .1 &ay/
There is only one place to start the day: Tsukiji "ish arket. 5undreds o" traders set up
stalls displaying an encyclopedic selection o" aritie creatures - soe dead. soe alive.
and any that would not look out o" place in a horror "il.
+rrive between 6a and 7a to witness the arket at the peak o" its activityG don't "orget
to pick up a can o" hot co""ee "ro one o" the vending achines by the entrance.
,ound o"" the e$perience by tucking into a break"ast "east o" the "reshest sushi in the city
at one o" the tiny restaurants on the edges o" the arket.
+s the sun rises. go to +kihabara. also known as 9lectric Town. hoe to the world's
highest density o" electronic stores. +t one o" the vast ulti-storey shops. such as Eao$
(6-2-9 <oto Canda. /hiyoda-ku-. you can pick up the latest caera or look at ?apan's
ore une$pected technological creations - "ro "loor-sweeping robots to singing
Those searching "or a taste o" traditional ?apan should contact 5.I.< 9$perience (www.j-
e$ and work up an appetite while being taught the basics in oriental artial
arts - under the tutelage o" a saurai aster (o" Cill )ill "ae-. ninja warrior or karate
teacher. :ou can also learn a bit about sushi. with a leading che". calligraphy. traditional
dance. or spend a orning in a suo stable arvelling at these an ountains in action.
Eunch ?up on to the ?, :aanote line and head anti-clockwise to <hinjuku. the world's
busiest train station. <oe o" the best-value restaurants in Tokyo are located at the top o"
departent stores. +ong the is Citchen <hunju (1-17-6 <hinjuku-. on the eighth "loor
o" Euine 9st. above the station's east e$it. Fi lighting. stylish dHcor and an
iaginative i$ture o" ingredients all ake "or a "east o" odern ?apanese cuisine.
+"ter lunch. taking care not to spend too uch tie getting lost - a ha@ard o" visiting
<hinjuku station - ake "or Tokyo &etropolitan Bovernent )uilding %o6 (2-7-6 %ishi-
<hinjuku-. a gleaing granite-and-steel tower cople$ created by the architect Cen@o
Take an ear-popping 00-second li"t journey to the 30th "loor o" the south observatory to
take in the 162-degree views o" the seeingly endless urban sprawl that is Tokyo. /lear
days will yield stunning views o" snow-capped &ount 4uji in the distance.
/oe back down to earth and take a 62-inute stroll through <hinjuku /entral >ark to
8ako 8orks o" +rt (1-67-2 %ishi-<hinjuku-. a gallery e$hibiting odern art "ro
around the world.
4or an e$plosive dinner to atch your energy levels. go to the 17th-"loor Tapas
&olecular bar at the &andarin Driental (2-6-6 %ihonbashi-&uroachi- at 6p "or the
"irst o" its twice-nightly per"orances o" culinary alchey.
Dnce you are seated at the bar. a string o" ore than 12 bite-si@ed courses - all as
une$pected as they are delicious - will be rustled up be"ore your eyes. >repare to breathe
dragon-like "ues "ro your nose and suck on a ystery iracle bean that plays havoc
with your tastebuds.
4or a"ter-hours entertainent. head "or the 9.12p show at the )lue %ote Tokyo in
+oyaa. the city's ost spacious ja@@ club. where an evening o" #uality live usic
ranging "ro world to soul as well as ja@@ awaits you.
&ost ortals will be "ading by this stage. Insoniacs and those with staina o" steel.
however. should head to ,oppongi. which has a string o" brash bars and clubs where
partying until a"ter sunrise is de rigueur. Try )ar &atri$ (&i@obuchi )uilding )64. 1-61-
66 ,oppongi- or :ellow (/esaurus %ishi-+ba@u )uilding )64-)2-4. 6-62-66. %ishi-
<tart the day with a gentle stroll along tree-lined Dotesando. hoe to the city's ost
beauti"ully designed "ashion stores: "ro the gleaing Fior building. designed by ?un
+oki. to Tod's. by Toyo Ito. with its abstract tree oti".
8ander o"" the ain street into any o" the lanes either side o" Dotesando to "ind the
bouti#ues and ca"Hs that draw hip young crowds. <top to people-watch over a co""ee. and
then head to Dotesando station to take the Bin@a Eine north "or a journey back in tie
to +sakusa.
Dccupying centre stage o" this atospheric area with its old Tokyo atosphere is the
grand )uddhist teple +sakusa Cannon-do. also known as <enso-ji. Traditional sweets.
trinkets and 9do-era handicra"ts are on sale along %akaise Fori. a arket that leads to
the teple entrance. 5ere you can "ind out your "ortune by selecting a long wooden stick
"ro a containerG the nuber written on it augurs good or ill "ortune. I" the news isn't
good. no proble: siply tie the piece o" paper to one o" the stringed racks and the wind
will reportedly work its agic and reverse any ill oen.
8ander past low-rise wooden houses and kiono shops towards nearby Cappabashi
Fori. This #uaint street is hoe to a row o" shops aking wa$work odels o" every
conceivable ite o" "ood or drink "or restaurateurs to display "ront o" house.
Eunch ,ather than wrestle with Tokyo's transport syste - however e""icient it ay be -
eat lunch like a local in +sakusa. 4or an authentic eal. slip o"" your shoes at the plant-
"illed entrance o" <oetaro (2-2-2 %ishi +sakusa- and slip on to a cushion at a low table
on tatai at "looring. :ou will have to uster up the energy to cook the eal yoursel":
the cuisine is okonoyaki. which involves cooking a batter i$ture o" sea"ood. eat or
vegetables on a hot plate built into the tables. thank"ully with help at hand "or con"used
"oreign visitors. The end result. outh-elting and piping hot ?apanese-style oelettes.
repays the e""ort.
+"ter lunch. hop on to the Bin@a line and head back three stops to =eno. Take an
a"ternoon stroll around =eno >ark. a caling green haven o" teples. "ountains and
Those with yet ore staina ay wish to visit the >eninsula 5otel in &arunouchi (6-7-6
:urakucho. /hiyoda-ku-. hoe to an a"ternoon tea spread that is steadily ac#uiring cult
status aong Tokyoites. 9njoy a pot o" Farjeeling and scones as a piano tinkles in the
background. Those with a "inal renant o" energy should saple the delights o" the
?apanese tea cereony. Bo to the /hoshoan Tea ,oo at the stylishly odernist 5otel
Dkura (2-62-3 Toranoon. &inato-ku- to gain insight into the rituals that surround
?apanese tea drinking under the tutelage o" the hotel's tea asters.
+ lack o" energy needn't ean depriving yoursel" o" a top culinary e$perience. 4or a low-
key dinner o" e$ceptional #uality. sit at one o" only 62 stools that line the counter at the
baseent restaurant <ushi &i@utani in Bin@a (<eiwa <ilver )uilding )64-. The
diinutive set-up belies the lo"ty level o" cuisine: the restaurant was one o" eight in the
city to receive three &ichelin stars last onth. +"ter a light but superb sushi eal. head
back to your hotel "or a nightcap and an early night.
+etting t#ere
,eturn "lights between Eondon and <ydney with stopovers in Tokyo are available "ro
?+E (2730 7737 722. "ro ;710- and )ritish +irways (2772 702 9702. "ro ;727-. in partnership with Iantas.
,#ere to stay
4our <easons 5otel at /hin@an-<o (2276 1 1931 2222. www." To
escape urban li"e. head north to /hin@an-<o. This lu$urious retreat set in 67 acres o"
gardens with lantern-lit paths. historic shrines and their own "ire"ly population.
/opleenting the rela$ed setting is the chic :u spa. o""ering "irst-rate treatents.
Foubles "ro ;207. roo only.
Brand 5yatt (2276 1 3111 6213. +s vast and iposing as it
is stylish. the Brand 5yatt is located in the heart o" ,oppongi 5ills. ideal "or guests
planning a whirlwind o" shopping. partying. eating and gallery-visiting. Foubles "ro
;271. roo only.
>eninsula 5otel (22722 2727 1777. The latest jewel in the
city's crown o" top hotels swung open its doors in <epteber. Fesigned to reseble a
lantern. the glowing 23-storey tower is a taste"ul haven overlooking the Iperial >alace
Bardens. Foubles "ro ;129. roo only.
,#ere to eat
5aadaya (2276 1 1666 0932."o-. This restaurant with three &ichelin
stars serves one o" the city's "inest kaiseki "easts - the e#uivalent o" ?apanese haute
cuisine. 5oused in a "orer geisha house. it has 66 private dining roos adorned with
seasonal dHcor to provide the per"ect setting "or course a"ter course o" beauti"ully
presented traditional delicacies. Finner enu "ro ;611.
)eige (2276 1 0609 0022. The union o" /hanel and +lain
Fucasse was always going to produce eye-catching results. >erched on the 62th "loor o"
the /hanel )uilding in Bin@a - decorated. o" course. in a taste"ully chic shade o" beige -
this restaurant serves conteporary 4rench cuisine using ?apanese ingredients. Finner
enu "ro ;71.
Cyubey (2276 1 1076 6021. This traditional "aily-run restaurant.
housed in an award-winning conteporary building in Bin@a. has ac#uired legendary
status in Tokyo "or preparing the "reshest o" sushi. Finner enu "ro ;06.

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