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Ann Mortifee: Eskova Speaks! ONE IK



In this world of busyness and flurry, it takes

practice to listen to the movement of the wind as it whispers into
you its message from beyond the veil, the veil that separates this
world from that. The wind is the breath of Spirit in the material
world. As you may know, 'Spirit' means 'breath'. And to 'inspire'
means both to 'breath in' and 'to uplift and instill possibility'. Nothing
lives without breath. Breath is what causes everything to thrive.

We breathe in the winds of heaven and the air sustains us. It enters
the blood stream, the waters of the body. And its' life-giving energy
is carried to every cell where it is transformed into the earth
substance of muscle and bone and skin. This breathe then enters the
fire of the nervous system to ignite passion and vitality. It enlivens
the creative urge, the moving force that governs and inspires,
infuses, breathes into and out from, all that lives. Ah yes, the Breath
of Spirit is a wonderful thing.

It is meant that the 'spirit of life' flow through you in a balanced way.
Your emotional, mental, spiritual and physical selves need to be
working as an integrated, balanced entity, if an harmonious way of
life is to be attained. Only then can the whole of you be vibrating at
the highest possible frequency.

If, for instance, the 'breath of spirit' does not flow easily through the
water of your emotional nature, your feeling self will become
agitated. You will either slow down your expression until you
become ..stagnant and depressed, or you will, through impulsive and
uncontained expression, speed up in a desperate and excessive need
to feel alive. Your emotions will either be suppressed or they will
overflow the banks of the river. But, either way, they will cause
damage to the healthy functioning of your mind, spirit and body.

In a similar way, if the 'breath of spirit' does not flow through your
mind in a simple, fluid way, your thinking process will become
affected. You will either become compressed, controlling, fixed and
judgmental, or you will become uncontained and lacking in
discernment. You will either be heavy and ponderous in your
thoughts, needing to tunnel in upon, understand, rationalize and
categorize everything, or else you will become ensnared in the
unfettered fantasy of your minds attachment to its own sense of

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Ann Mortifee: Eskova Speaks! ONE IK

reality, refusing to look at the shadow side of the beliefs and the
thoughts that control you. As you cut off the need for emotional
aliveness in favor of mental precision, you leave the body, heart and
spirit to the side and become dangerously unbalanced.

If your body is not animated in an ongoing way by the 'breath of

spirit', you will grow either austere, restrictive, sluggish and dense as
you renounce more of the simple pleasures that feed it, or else you
will abuse your body with too much work, too much stimulation, too
much food, too much exercise, too much of everything. Either way,
you will cause damage to your body, to your emotion, mind and

If the 'breath of spirit' does not flow through your spiritual life in a
healthy way, your inner life may grow fixed and dry, lacking in joy,
inspiration and wonder. Or you may become over zealous, filled
with righteousness, losing the heart of compassion and the integrity
of kindliness. On the other hand, you might lose all stability and
groundedness and thus become unable to function well in this world
at all, causing damage to the body, mind and emotions.

It is very easy to become unbalanced. In fact, it takes a lifetime to

bring ourselves into a state of balance. Learn to listen to the wind as
it quickens your longing for wholeness, and follow it. Activate and
care for your emotional, mental, spiritual and physical selves with
equal attention, so that you might live to your full capacity the life of
a truly balanced person.

It is too often that the silent yearnings of the heart go unnoticed. Yet
they are the very wind of Heaven breathing upon the shores of your
own being. This is why it is good to set aside time, every day, to
breathe the breath of your own spirit as it moves within you. For this
breathe is none other than the Divine seeking to embrace you, to
commune with you, to speak to you. Do not stay aloof from your
own yearning. For it is this very yearning that will guide you home.
As surely as the bee is drawn toward the flower by a hunger it
cannot name, so the yearnings of your heart can be trusted to guide
you to the place of greatest beauty and nourishment, the place to
which, from the innocence of your childhood knowing, you have
been destined to arrive.

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