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Military Movement! in the City

This regiment, nnmbering over a thousand
meu, ormcd litio na Wednesday. They ore son,
enlisted for three years, and is known an the re-
served corps. The regiment in recruited from was
I lie northwe'stern part of Pennsylvania,, and
comprises a very fine looking body of men. He
There officers are ; '
Colonel MeClemont, Lieut. Colonel Kirl;,
Mnjor Allen, Adjutant Smith, Quartermaster
Evans, Snrgeon Rhorer, Assistant Surgeon
Kennev, and Captains Cummin. McConnell, a
Over, McDaniel, Knox, Adama, Warner, Part
ridge, Ayer, and Miller.
This regiment, numbering 1,04$ stout, able
bodied men, arrived here at one o'clock yester-
day morning. The men in this regiment are
17611 used to the management of and
trill undoubtedly render good service. Their
officers are :
Colonel E. B. Harvey, Lieut. Colonel J. Tot-te-
Major Lyman, Adjutant A. B. Sharpe,
Quartermaster Lane, Surgeon Green, Assistant S.
Burgeon Jones, and Captains Henderson, Jame-
son, Lantz, Speece, Bolinger, Chapman,
Peel, Myers, and Linn.
The first regiment of General Sickles's brig-
ade, 1,046 strong, arrived here at six o'clock
vcsterdav mornin?. direct from Staten Island.
It comprises as nardy, robust-lookin-
set of
men as New York city has yet sent, nnd may
be set down as certain to do their full share of
fighting. Their officers arei Lieutenant colo-
nel. William Dwight, commanding; major, J.
Egbert Farnam ; quartermaster, Lovell Purdy ;
adjutant, 0. II. Hart; surgeon, William H.
Tiugley ; chaplain, Charles H. Buckley; assist-
ant surgeon, Harvey E. Brown; sergeant ma-
jor, William J.Kay; quartermaster sergeant,
J. M. Drodger; commissary sergeant, Henry
Wilkes; hospital steward, B. T. Groft; drum
major, W. H. Barclay; second fife major, F.
L. Rainbow ; and Captains Joel M. Johnson,
Daniel Mahon, William H. Hugo, Benjamin
Price, Jacob Brunn, Thomas Holt, Joseph
Keller, H. Bugbee, E. J. Ayres, and F. T. R.
Yesterday afternoon the third and sixth
Pennsylvania regiments arrived at the depot.
They are both regi-
ments, the first numbering one thousand and
forty-si- and the latter about nine hundred and
eighty. They come fully prepared for any
emergency, and are determined to fight for
their country during the whole war.
The second regiment of Col. Sickles's brig-
ade arrived last night about ten o'clock. Like
the former regiment of the brigade, they are a
set of men, who come completely
equipped for the war.
The following are their officers :
Colonel George B. Hall, Lieutenant Colonel
Henry L. Potter, Major Peter McDermot,
Adjutant James W. Powell, Jan., Quarter-
master James W. Powell, Surgeon, J. J.
Assistant Surgeon James Ash, Chap-
lain Joseph H.Twitchell, Sergeant Major John
O'Connell, Quartermaster Sergeant Michael C.
Cowell, Hospital Steward Heman Steecher,
and Captains J. Polen, T. B. Bradley, J. G.
Brown, W. H. Greene, 0. Murphy, W. A. Don-elso-
E. W. Powers, T. Rafferty, O. C. How-
ard, and T. H. Glover.
With Sickle's second regiment, company D,
3d regiment Hussars, of Mew York, numbering
about one hundred well mounted men, arrived.
The second New Jersev repiment. the aixtv- -
ninth and seventy-firs- t New York regiments,
the first and second Ohio regiments, the first
Rhode Island, and the first Connecticut, re
turned home yesterday afternoon and last night,
the terms for which they had enlisted having
expired. Most of the men express their de-
termination to return as soon as tbey spend a
little time with their friends. The noble fellows
were heartily cheered as they passed down our
streets to the depot.
Arrival or the Resolute All Safe.
The gun-boa- t Resolute arrived at the navy yard
at a late hour on Wednesday night, all safe
and sound. The Resolute has been doing good
service along the eastern shore of Virginia, in
preventing the shipment of articles to the Con-
federates, nnd in seizing suspicions vessels.
The Resolute was sent to cruise ofT the coast
for a term of two or three days ; but her officers
found so much to do, that they deemed it best
to remain as long as their stock of coal and
provisions would allow ; hence the rumor, that
the vessel had been captured. Within the last
two or three days she has captured three ves-
sels, and they are now in charge of an armed
cutter at Piney Point. The vessels are: the
sloop Chesapeake, of Baltimore, empty, and
schooners Artist and McCabe the latter heavi-
ly laden with potatoes, fruit, and eggs. The
Artist had nothing on board, save empty boxes
and barrels, and it is thought she was on her
way to be fitted up for a privateer. She is one
of the neatest crafts on the river, and a remark-
ably swift sailor. The vessels all hail from
Baltimore, and were captured near Watts and
Fox islands.
Anothf.r Homicide in tite First Ward.
Last night, a quarrel occurred in the first ward
between an Irishman, named Pat Flaherty, and
a negro, named Joseph Penny, which resulted
in the death of Flahei ty at the hands of Penny.
The affair took place about 8 o'clock, et the
house of James Kennedy, in a neighborhood
on Twenty-firs- t street, known as Mageestown.
It seems that Penny was with a soldier at Ken-
nedy's house, and Flaherty's wife, who lives
near by, came in, and while there was grossly
insulted by Penny. Her husband hearing of
it, came in to punish the negro for his conduct,
when Penny drew a long dirk-knif- e and stabbed
him through the breast, the blade coming out
at his back. Flaherty fell, and died almost
instantly, while his murderer immediately fled.
Penny belongs to the notorious Penny family,
end has recently completed a term in the peni
tentiary for grand larceny. His mother lately
completed a similar term there, and is now in
jail on a charge of assault and battery with in-
tent to kill. It is supposed that he has taken
refuge in some of the camps in the neighbor-
hood. Flaherty was a poor, la-
borer, and generally esteemed as an honest,
sober man.
Fire. About six o'clock yesterday after-
noon, the stable of Mr. Thomas Berry, situated
in the rear of his dwelling, on E street, between
Ninth and Tenth streets, was consumed by fire.
The carriage and horses, which were in it at
the time, were safely gotten out. The most of our
fire companies were early on the ground, and,
aided by our military, soon extinguished the
Escaped. Joe Ward, a negro, who is serving
out a term of' four years in the penitentiary,
made his escape at an early hour yesterday
morning. He bad about five months yet to
SnooTiNO ArrRAY. Yesterday, a teamster
named John Tracey, driving one of the Govern-
ment wagons, was assaulted by two soldiers
the Park, whom he warned to leave him,
they still continued to follow him, when he
a pistol and shot at them, the ball enter-
ing the throat of one of them, named Thomp
belonging to the ninth Massachusetts regi-
ment, inflicting a dangerous wound. Tracey
arrested by some soldiers, and taken be-
fore Justice Donn, who committed him to jail.
states that he did not intend to fire, and
cannot account for the pistol going off. Thomp-
son, it was reported, was in a dying condition.
James Noland nnd Kiernnji. two pti
vates in Captain Griffin's light battery, got into
quarrel in a house on Sixth street near E,
about sU o'clock last, evening, during which
Noland drew a pistol and shot Kiernan, the ball
entering his right breast and passing out at his
shoulder blade. Kiernan was Immediately re a
moved to the hospital, but little hopes are en-
tertained for his recovery. Noland was arrest-
ed by officers Yeatman and Harrison, and com-
to jail by Jnstice Donn. the
Important Arreat. Yesterday morning,
James Scrivener was arrested on the charge of
carrying off a horse belonging to the Rev, J.
Isdell. Mr. I., whS was at the battle of
Bull Run, as a spectator, on Sunday, caught a
horse running at large, which on the retreat of
torces, be rode to this city. The horse was
placed in Harvey's wood yard until the owner-
ship of the horse was established. Mr. Scriv-
said that it belonged to the 11th Massa-
chusetts regiment, and that he would see it
returned, scrivener and a soldier named
and cut he horse loose, and carried it off.
Scrivener gave bail for a further examination.
The soldier, who stated that the horse belonged
the adjutant of his regiment has not yet
been arrested.
I. 0. 0. F. The Grand Encampment of the
District of Columbia held its annual session on
Tuesday night. After(the transaction of other
business, the following officers were elected for
the next term : Charles J. Wright, M. W. G. Pa-
triarch ; John A. Monlden, M. E.G. H. Priest ;
William S. Roberts, G. S. Warden; Alfred H.
Gawler, G. J. Warden ; Harrison S. Bowen, G.
aMtk .
D T J .. SI rn
.TaAlr.nn 17iltnnn.tAn ft M mIhiI". rMluinl.
Prosper!, G. Sentinel; William It. McLean,
Representative to the Grand Lodge of the
United States. An adjonrned meeting will be
held on Tuesday evening, the 13th of August.
A Zouave Shot. A Fire Zonave was shot
through the thigh last evening, by a comrade,
near the corner of Twelfth and D streets. The
affair originated in a quarrel in relation to
some money, in which one of them drew a
pistol and fired into the crowd, the ball taking
effect in the leg of his comrade. He was taken
to the drug store at the corner of Twelfth
street and the avenue, where th? wound was
The numerous friends of Rev. Henry N.
Strong, D. D., chaplain of the fourth regiment
Michigan infantrv. will be ratified to learn
that the additional degree of Doctor of Laws
(L. L. D.) has been conferred upon him by
the Masonic College, at La Grange, Kentucky.
Unsought, this is a deserved tribute to an
scholar and a Christian gentleman.
Serenade. Gov. Blair, of Michigan, wns
serenaded last night, by Professor Kern's first
Michigan regimental band, at the National
Hotel, After the performance of several g
airs by the band, the Governor and
other gentlemen presentmadepatriotiespeeches,
which were received with the utmost en-
thusiasm by the crowds.
Assault on a Soldier. Yesterdav after
noon,, Officer Ashe arrested a man by the name
or , Lipscomb on a charge of striking a
dier the head with a brick, and cutting- -
it in
a shocking manner. The assault was commit-
ted near the depot, and is said to have been
entirely unprovoked, tie was taken to jail.
Fully Cowhittfd. W. Woodward, colored,
who killed a member of the Highland regiment
on Satnrday night last, in Georgetown, has
been fully committed to answer tlte charge.
Joseph Penny, colored, who murdered a man
in the first ward a day or two since, has not yet
been arrested.
The contracts for iron, lead, tin, hardware,
Ac, under the Bureau of Construction and Re-
pairs, Navy Department, for the navy yards at
Washington, Philadelphia, New lork, and
Kittery, nave been awarded to John R. Elvnns,
of this city, 309 Pennsylvania avenue.
For the Soldiers. Ashed 250 feet in length,
well suDDlled with bathinn utensils, has been
erected at the depot by order of Commissioners
Woods, for the benefit of soldiers arriving In
the city by the cars. Such forethought deserves
the warmest commendation.
We are requested to call the attention of
the Board of Health to the frog pond west of
New Jersey avenue, hetween U and $ streets.
It is a great source of sickness to the denizens
of that neighborhood.
Deserters. Yesterdny morning twelve sol-
diers, belonging to various regiments, were ar-
rested at the depot on suspicion of being de-
serters, nnd committed to jail.
Odd Fellows' Hall. Yy man, the, Wizzard,
is drawing large houses to witness his innumer
able freaks of necromancy. Those who would
laugh should not fail to attend.
Criminal Court Judge T. If. Cratoford,
presiding. The case of R. Rawlings, O.
Jeremiah Carter, S. Howell, Hugh
Myers, J. O. Lusby, W. Nicholson, F- - Lowe,
and Sergeant J. H. Murphy, of company C,
Union regiment, charged with the murder of
Cornelius Boyd on the 28th of April last, was
taken up. The indictment was read, and the
prisoners each plead not guilty. Messrs. Brad-
ley, sen., Lloyd, and Norris for the defence,
and the District Attorney prosecnting.
The jury was called and questioned as to
having formed or expressed an opinion as to
the guilt of the accused. The fallowing were
selected and sworn : J. R. Dale, S. Scbell, H.
B. Pratker, D. Rowland, R. K. Nevitt, J. S.
Holland, A. McD. Davis, B S Kinsey, J. M.
Young, iun.
J. R. Davidson, J. Thompson, H. W. Blunt,
J. Lipscomb, L. Brooks, T. B. Brown, Warren
Lowe, J. W. Barker, W. A. Mulloy, W. Vena-ble- ,
H. Lyles, R.W.Bates, E. Deeble.J. R.
McNair, Joseph Libbey, jun., E. G. Dooley,
and R. Buttj were challenged, or were other-
wise disqualified.
Messrs. j. Lj. Davis, o. uuvau, ana n. u
Baldwin, were excused on account of sickness,
At this juncture the tegular panel was ex
hausted, and the following gentlemen were
summoned as tausmen : v. a. u. uen-nin-
E. F. Simpson, Thomas Perry, T. A.
Stevens, Andrew Goddard, Charles Newton, J.
C. Gibson, J. Markriter, H. F. Zimmerman,
H. O. Windsor, Steptoe E. Tunc, A. Brush,
Elijah Edmonston, nnd Thomas E. Baden, of
whom Messrs. Henning, Gibson, and Baden,
were selected. The last named, however, were
not sworn, in order to give the jury time to
make their arrangements for the trial.
Baltimore, July 25. The steamer Adelaide,
Capt. James Cannon, reached hern this morn-
ing at seven o'clock, with very few passengers. of
Sho led Old Point at six on the previous even-
ing. It was mentioned in the letter of yester-
day that the United States gunboat Penguin
started up .lames' river, near Newport News,
for the purpose of carrying out the blockade,
had permitted a Confederate schooner to pass
from Norfolk on her way to Richmond, with
munitions of war. At an earlr hour'on Wed
nesday morning, in order to capture her, a few
small gunboats were fitted out, with picked
crews on each, but after a long search and
chase, were unsnecessful, and they returned at
late hour in the evening.
A steamer which recently arrived at Old
Point from New York, brought a large number
rifled cannon, which are to be mounted on
Rip Raps. A large force of artillerists are
now hard at work in putting them in position, to
their average range, it is said, will exceed
iuur liities
General Butler had yielded to the solicita-
tions of a gentleman and two ladies of Virginia,
who earnestly desired to return to their homes,
and granted them a flag of truce, which pro-
ceeded as far as Yorktown, and was, regarded
the Confederate picket lines.
A colored rascal named John Deaver, whose
place of residence is on Low street. Baltimore.
and who had enlisted as an officer's servant on
board the steam-frigat- e Minnesota, deserted the it
service, after having robbed one of the officers
$25 and a lot of wearing apparel.
Harper's terry, July 24. Gen. Johnston's
force at Winchester was 42,000 men before his
march to Manassas, composed of infantry, ar-
tillery and cavalry, as follows: 800 Virginia
cavalry under Colonel Stuart, and 300 from the
Southern States : fortv reiriments of infantrv.
and 3,500 artillery, they left Winchester at
one P. M., Thursday, by order of Gen. Beaure-
gard, and took the road to Berry's ford, on the
nnenanooan, tnirteen ana a bait miles ; over
the Blue Ridge to Piedmont station, on the
Manassas Gap Railroad, fifteen miles ; making
twenty-eigh- t and a half miles, requiring two
days' march. Freight and passenger cars had
been hauled over the road the last week, and
on them Gen. Johnston's force expected to be
transported on the Manassas Railroad from
Piedmont to Manassas Junction, thirty-eigh- t or
forty miles.
There remained at Winchester 7.000 troops
until Saturday afternoon, when tbev left for
Strasburg, one-thir- of the way to Manassas,
excopt about 2,500 of the militia of the neigh-
boring counties disbanded and sent home. A
large quantity of arms in boxes were sent to
The Virginia cavalry under Col. Stuart, went
to Berry ville to observe the movement of Gen.
Patterson's column. The rest of the cavalry
went witn ioi. jonnston.
They had at Winchester sixty-tw- pieces of
artillery In the fortifications, about ten 42- -
pounders. Home tbey thought were Colum-biad- s
were left, the remainder were taken with
Genaral Johnston.
A detachment of the Washington Artillery
from New Orleans had eight heavy guns, of
which four were thirty-tw- pounders. These
were haub-- by twenty-eigh- t horses. Each of
the rest of the smaller guns by six or four
horses. Part of them, if not all of them, were
brass rifled guns.
The fortifications surrounding Winchester,
except to the southward upon tha high ground,
are very heavy. The earthworks are made with
logs, and barrels filled with earth, Ac. In
tront oi tne DreastworEs, jeep irencnes were
dug, communicating below with the insideof the
works. The guns were all masked by artificial
thickets of evergreens, which extended in some
cases' to be used as an ambuscade for riflemen
and sharp shooters.
Among the regiments was one of Kentucky
riflemen, armed with heavy bowie knives.
They refused to take more than one round of
cartridges, and they proposed to place them-
selves In the" bushes for asanlt along all the
fences in front of Winchester.
The fortifications extended two and n half
miles, and the trees have been felled between
Bunker Hill and Winchester to impede our ad-
Fifteen hundred sick troops arc at Winches-
ter, confined with the measles, dysentery, and
typhoid fever.
The prisoners taken from our column were
sent to Richmond.
General Wise has been recalled, it was said,
with his troops, from Western Virginia. Gen-
eral Beauregard has done it in opposition to
General Lee's advice.
The report in Northern and Eastern news
papers, that eighteen regiments of this line re-
fused to march under General Patterson, is
wholly untrue. Eighteen regiments of three
months men unanimously declared that if they
went over their time, they would do so under
General Patterson.
A successful expedition, consisting of parts
of the fifth and twenty-eight- New York regi-men-
returned from Charlestown yesterday,
bringing with them the remainder of their bag-
gage, which they were unable to remove last
Tuesday, and taking prisoner Captain Henry
Wellmore, of Bradly Johnson's regiment.
Well-mor- e
estimates the number of Colonel John-
son's men at 40,000.
Last Thursday, eleven heavy guns and six
tbirty-tn- pounders, and the remainder twenty-fou- r
pounders, were left by General Johnston s
forces a.t Winchester.
Louisiille, July 24. A special dispatch to
the Memphis Argus from Richmond, dated the
22d says: Gen. Beauregard commanded the
Southern troops on the right at Manassas Junc-
tion, and Gen. Johnston en the
battery is captured
Gen, Beauregard's horse was shot from .inder
Generals Barto, cf Georgia, and Be?, cf
South Carolina, are killed
The Lynchburg regiments are cut to pieces.
The Argus editorially says that Gov. Jack-
son recently addressed a number of Missou-rians- ,
now forming into a regiment near that
city, and who are equipping rapidly to return
to Missouri.
More Secession Prisoners. Ten prisoners
(nine South Carolinians and a Virginian) taken
in the battle at Bull Run, were brought into the
viijt jfrsiriuuy, tuej are at me i uu i upuui
Hatti and St. Domincio. Lelters receded
in Boston, state that the Government of Hayti
will not interpose in tho matter of the occupa-
tion of St. Domingo by the Spaniards. Some
of the leading men propose to commence tho
cultivation of cotton upon a liberal scale, and,
at first, suggested the employment of white la-
bor, but this the prejudices of the people for-
bade. The writer of the letter was of opinion
that an attempt would be made to obtain a
supply of coolie laborers.
The battle at Bull Huu continues to be the
absorbing topic. We furnish a number
interesting particulars which have corao to
hand since our last issue. With regard to our
loss, we think it may now be safely stated as
less than COO killed, 1,200 wounded, and a con-
siderable number missing. The greatest loss
appears to have been sustained by the New
York sixty-ninth- ,
the next largest being the
Highlanders, and the next the Fire Zonaves.
Among the regiments deserving of great
credit in this affair is the fifth Massachusetts,
who fought with a coolness and bravery trnly
surprising in volunteers, They ably supported
the Zouaves in making their grand charge, in
doing which Col. Lawrence, who proved himself
be a brave and competent officer, received a
painful wound in the breast. He is still con-
fined to his bed, though gradually improving.
Their was shot down as he was
defiantly waving their flag in the face of the
foe. This regiment has 25 men either killed
or missing, and 26 wonnded.
When Col. Slocum, of the second Rhode
Island, was wounded, his men, not supposing
to be mortal, crowded around him for further
orders; but he died in a minute or two after
being shot, his last words being, " Don't wait
for me; avenge my death." And he was
avenged. From that instant the Rhode Island-
ers made charge after charge, each time bring-
ing a host of rebels to the ground.
It is stated that Captain M. D. Ball, of the
Fairfax cavalry, who was confined at the navy
yard some time since, and released upon taking
the oath of allegiance, was killed by a party of
Fire Zouaves when they marched on Bull Run.
The Zouaves say they fell in with him below
the Court-Hous- as they were scouting, and in
an attempt to disarm him he stabbed one of
their party, whereupon they immediately killed
7b the Editors of the National Intelligencer :
A writer in this evening's Star says a dragoon
arrested the flight of the fugitives from the bat-
tle of Sunday. This is a mistake, wholly.
Whatever credit there was in stopping that rout
is dne wholly to Senators Wade and Chandler,
Representatives Blake, Riddle, and Morris;
Mr. Brown, Sergeant of tha Senate ;
Mr. Eaton, of Detroit ; and Thomas Brown, of
Cleveland. These gentlemen, armed with May-nar- d
rifles and navy revolvers, sprang suddenly
from their carriages, some three miles this side
of Cent reville, and, .presenting their weapons,
in loud voices commanded the fugitives to halt
and turn back. Their bold and determined
manner brought most at that point to a stand-
still. Many on horseback attempted to dash by
them, and had their horses reized by the bits.
Some of the fugitives were armed, and menaced
these gentlemen ; and one, a powerful man,
supposed to be a teamster, shot Mr. Eaton
throught the wrist, as he held his horse by the
bridle rein. None, however, were permitted to
except an army courier, who exhibited
dispatches. Mr. Wade and bis party held
the crowd until the arrival of the second New
Jersey regiment, then on its way towards the
battle-groun- the colonel of which turned back
the flying soUiers and teamsters. Two or
three officers were stopped and turned back.
An s
Washington, July 22, 1S61.
During the late engagement, the second New
Hampshire regiment behaved with the utter-
most gallantry. Arriving on the Geld the second
regiment, they were instantly called upon to
support the right of the Rhode Island battery,
and with the coolness of veterans, although
swept by the fire of the rebels, formed line of
battle, and remained without breaking, in tbis
trying position for more than an hour; when
ordered to charge, they rushed on with great
Impetuosity, driving the enemy from their posi
tion to the woods, and sweeping every thing
before them. At one time, when a retreat was
sounded, Companies I and B remained in
their position half an hour after every other
company had retreated, and poured in a des-
tructive fire upon the rebels, who were advan
cing to outflank them, only retiring when cap-
ture or annihilation became almost inevitable.
Instances of personal bravery were not rare,
and the conduct of Lieut. Hubbard, private S.
Whitfield, and others, fully proved that the
descendants of 'TC are not degenerate, and that
it only requires the times to make the men.
Throughout the entire engagement, the gallant
second fought on without respite ; and when at
last the final order was given to retreat, form-
ed under the Marshalship of Major Stevens,
and in the face of the enemy, retired in good
order, after having for nine hours borne the
brunt of battle, and shown to the world that
in the cause of right, the sons of New Hamp-
shire were firm and true as their nwu granite
riRST cnNNrcTicrrr reoiment.
The first Connecticut regiment, as well as
the others cf that State, did good service in the
conflict; for, notwithstanding their term of en
listment had expired, they took up their line of
march for the field, at 2 P. M., with cheerful-
ness. Under the circumstances, their lo33 was
comparatively small, a9 tbey were mere cr less
exposed to the enemy s fire forfive hours, They
returned home yesterday, but a majority of them
will shortly return They succeeded, during
the engagement, in taking'six pruccers, which
were brought to the city with them.
At a meeting of the members cf Company
G, first regiment of Ohio volunteers, held July
25, the following resolution was nuaniraonsly
adopted ;
Resohed, That the thanU ol this company
ara hereby returned to Dr. Joseph Corsou, of
Portsmouth, Ohio, tor bis valuable medical ser
vires and kind attention to this company during
the last month at Camp Upton (Centreville)
and Bull Run, and especially for his services
fearlessly rendered nt the latter placo during
the action of July 21, in attending to the sick
and wounded among our troops.
Of this regiment, it is believed that In have
been killeJ, 43 w.iunded.and 32 inissiny.
The loss of the Rhode Wand regiments, in
killed, wounded, and missing, yesterday morn-
ing, amounted to 206 men 92 of the first regi-
ment, and 114 of the second.
Among the killed In the first Ohio regiment
are William Fair and John W. McFadden.
This regiment maintained iui ground, without
faltering, under th'e severest fire of the enemy,
and when the order for retreat was given, re-
tired in good order. It remained at Centre-
ville on Sunday night, and is now stationed at
former quarters over the river. Ill loss in
killed and wounded is , and ode hun
dred missing.
I was on the field of battle, at Bull Run, on
Sunday, and am just sufficiently recovered
from the complete prostration which followed
my march of sixty miles from Vienna to bat-
tle and back to Washington to be able to give
brief account of what I saw. As I was but
civilian, my chief occupation was to help
carry off the wounded, and minister, as far as
possible, to their comfort.
I assisted to bear several totheliflle hospital
at the corner of the woods near the battle-
field perhaps 160 rods from the enemy's bat-
teries. Such a scene of death and desolation I
Men, dying and dead, covered the floor and
filled, the rear yard with frightful misery.
soldiers turned surgeons, and ampu-
tated and bonnd up the wounds of the injured
and dying. A shell from the enemy struck
harmlessly near the front yard, and cannon
balls flew over and around, with their prolonged
" trhsh I " as if the sacred white flag above our
heads, honored by all people besides, was a
special target for the hateful and insolent
" Confederacy." I learn that this hospital was
burned soon after, with all its suffering in-
mates, by the heartless and diabolical foe.
Soon after, a man was brought along on his
way to the other hospital, and I assisted in
carrying him thither. It wasomewhat further
off, on the road of approach, and was extem-
porised from a Church which we had passed
just before reaching the battle-field- . It was a
scene too frightful and sickening to witness,
much more describe. There were in it, scat
tered thickly on the floor and in the galleries,
sixty or seventy, wounded iu every possible
way armes and legs shot off, some dead, and
scores gasping for water and aid. The. pulpit
was appropriated for a surgeon's room, and
the communion-tabl- of pious anarchy became
an amputation table, baptized in willing blood,
and consecrated to the "holy uses of Liberty
and Law I The road and woods, on either
side and all around, are strewn with maimed
and mutilated heroes, and the balls from rilled
cannon go over us like winged devils. There
sits a colonel, with his arm bound up, asking
to be put on his horse and led back to his reg-
iment ; here lies a captain with a grape shot
through his bead, and blood and brains oozing
out as we touch him tenderly to see if be is
dead ; and yonder comes in a pale chaplain,
cut by a canister, while, sword iu hand, he led
his brave little parish, in the name of Almighty
God, to the fight, And again we enter the
hospital with him. Oh, God I What a hide-
ous sight I Step Into this gory tabernacle.
Yon may grow pallid and faint, as some even
of the strong-hearte- do, or you may find your-
self cool and as I do, against
my own anticipations, amid such sights and
scenes. I have known men who could walk up
to a flashing wall of bayonets unblanched, who
would faint at the sign of suffering. Look
around you here. The grim chambers, where
the deity of a strange despotism was worship-
ped, is turned into an altar of Freedom, and
sanctified anew by the warm life of heroes.
Fit choir, that in the galleries the intermit-
tent yells of the dying and the subdued groans
of brave men I Eloquent preacher, in that
pulpit so long defiled I Glorious burden on
that sacramental tablet, splendid wine there
flowing where Christ has been so often cru
cified: Precious and acceptable Eucharist!
And these are the services to day, in this chapel
of paganism, once dedicated, with lying lips,
to God. The house which Baal built rises over
a holocaust of heroes. And this is the holy
Sabbath day the world's White Day, so long
kept as a blessed symbol of fidelity, purity, hu-
manity, liberty, and peace I
That ghastly picture of carnage will be ever
present before my eyes, and those death-appeal-
and those sobs and
groans, will always ring their dreadful chorus
in my ears.
And now on, and on past us fly the panic-stricke- n
troops. Wc are not beaten, hut these
think we are, which is just as bad for our cause
Good generalship and guarded baggag-
e-wagons would have saved us, we of the
unrailitary corps think, but it is too late now.
And so the whole nation is to suffer then, for
the dark crimes of years the South for its ter-
rible guilt of commission, and the North for
its moral debauchery which has betrayed it
into such fearful complicity. Had we remem-
bered the Divine decree " though hond joined in
hand, the wicked shall not go unpunished."
May God purify the religion, and warm the
heart, and quicken the conscirnce, and r.pen
the eyes cf the nation
( May we learn njw the
it&son which a fes brave souls of the North
have striven long to teach, and appedily wtib
cur bloody bands and beting tn Jo the right-
eous thing I W A TRorruT.
Vfatf.inqtcn, July 2j
The following wounded were received into
the Washington Infirmary yesterday. All of
them are hopeful rases. Indeed, some will be
discharged to day : O. E. Hiss, Davidson,
A. Jones, G. W. Crooks, S. A. Ferguson, F.
liibson, J. Fry, P. Randall, J, Jotehe, S. John
son, J. Anrona, J. Mahoney, and H. HarJing,
of the first Minnesota ; F. 3. Frank, of the first
Connecticut; D. Blanchard, Captain
While-house- ,
and Lieutenant Burgen, fourth Maine ;
W Barry, fifth Massachusetts ; W. Morrison,
J. McDonald, seventy-nint- New York ; E
Kleinshmidt, De Kalb regiment , H. McLnugh
lin, thirty-eight- New at. T. Crosby, J.
M. Zook, J. A. Wisore, second Wisconsin
Sergeant Holmes, second New Hampshire,
Lieutenant Zehners, New York fl Thompson
first Ohio; N. Wright, twenty-sevent- New
York ; W. Peacock, third Maine ; D. Fleming,
J. McCarthy, J. McCown, J. Henlgan, and Ser-
geant Major Goodwin, Fire Zouaves ; T.
eleventh Massachusetts ; A. Chambo, M.
McClelland, sixteenth New York ; J.Lawrence,
thirty-fift- New York ; C. Simmons, fourteenth
Now York ; A. K. Knox, third New Jersey ;
C. W. Mulher, first New Jersey ; J. Conkliu and
J. O'Conner, twenty-fift- h New York.
The flan, of truce sent to recover the body of -
Colonel Cameron has not returned or been-hear-
Anthracite Coal for the Ifavy.
Navy Dspartmimt,
Bureau of Construction, Eouipmnt, and Repairs.
July 9, 1861.
PROPOSALS for furnishing
for the Navy, to be delivered daring
the fiscal year ending 30th June, 1862, will bt
received at this Bureau until 4 o'clock, the 6th
day of August, 18G1.
These nrnnnflal mnlt be emtAMei). ! AoiMMfi
far Anthratitt Coal," that they may bs dlitln-- .
gulsned Irora otner cosiness letters.
The offer must be for the delivery of 30,000
tons, of 2,240 lbs. ; and, if an additional quan-
tity of 50,000 tons Is demanded, it Is to be fur-
nished on like terms and conditions.
The coal must be of the best Back Mountain,
or Black Heatb, or of a kind equal to them in
all respects for the purpose intended, which
equality will be determined by a board appoint-
ed by the Secretary of the Navy, after the recep-
tion of the bids.
The name of the coal proposed to be furnished
mast be stated In the offer.
It Is to be delivered in lumps of suitable size
for naval steamers clean ; of uniform duality;
selected free from impurities ; unmixed ; of which
the contractor wilt be required to furnish such
evidence as will be satisfactory ; and be subject
to such inspection, as to quality and quantity,
as the Department may direct. The coal must,
in all respects, be satisfactory to the Inspector,
or inspectors, to be appointed by the Department,
who will nave me rignt oi peremptory rejection.
The coal is to be delivered on board vessels at
such place in the port of Philadelphia as may be
designated by the Department, and in inch quan-
tities and at such times as, tn the opinion of the
Department, the exigencies of the service may
require ; commencing when the vessel Is report-
ed ready to receive cargo, furnishing, when re-
quired, not less than 450 tons per day, to be dU
trlbuted to escb vessel, as may be directed, until
the loading is completed.
Proposals will likewise be received for the de-
livery of fifteen thousand tons, more or less, as
the Department may demand, of the same qnal
ity, under the same terms and conditions, In tba
port of New York.
In the case of failure to deliver the coal of the
proper quality and at the proper time and plies,
the Department will reserve in the contract the
rignt to purcnate lortnwtin, at tne contractor s
risk and expense, that which may be necessary
to supply the deficiency
Any demurrage or other charge to which the
Navy Department may be subjected from delsj
in tha prompt delivery of the coal by the contrac-
tor will be deducted from their bills.
The price must be for the coal delivered en
board vessels, statlog the price if delivered oa
board at Richmond, and that if delivered on board
at any other place in the port, on the terms and
conditions above stated, at the contractor's risk
and excens, and without extra charge of any
The otfr, as required by law, must be acom
panitd by a written guarantee, signed by on or
more responsible persons, to the effect that tbey
undertake that the bidder or bidders will, If hi!
of their bid be accepted, enter into obligation la
such time as may be prescribed by the Secretary
of the Navy, with good and snffirlrnt sureties, to
furnish the supplies proposed.
No proposition will be considered unless ac-
companied by such guarantee.
Two or more sureties, in a sum equal to th
amount specified to be paid, will be required to
sign the contract, and their responsibility will b
certified by a f'mVea' Statu dittrict judge, United
States diitnct attorney, collector, or nary agent.
As additional and collateral security, twenty
per cent, will be withheld from the amount ot
all payments, not to be paid except by authority
of the Secretary of the Navy, until tie contract
shall bare been in all respects complied with ;
and the remaining eighty per cent, or other
amount that may be due on each bill, will, when
a proper certificate is furnished by the Inspector,
and the bill approved by the Navy Department,
be paid by such navy agents as the contractor
may name, wttnin tnirty days alter lis presenta-
tion to him.
It will be stipulated In the contract that if de-
fault be made In delivering the coal, of the qual-
ity and at the place and time directed by the
Department, then, and in that case, the contrac-
tor and his sureties will forfeit and pay to the
United States, as liquidated damages, a sum of
money not exceeding twice the contract price,
which may be recovered from time to time, ac-
cording to the act or acts of Congress in that
case provided.
Bidders whose proposals shall be accepted,
and none other, will be notified, and as early as
practicable a contract will be transmitted to
them, which tbey will be required to execute
within ten days after Its receipt at the post office
or navy agency named by them.
The form of offer, guarantee, and certificate, is
herewith given :
Form of Offer.
I (or we) of , State of . hereby
agree to furnish and deliver thousand
tons of anthracite coal for steamer's use,
at the rate of per ton, of 2,240 pounds,
amounting to dollars, and tne additional
quantity If demanded ; the whole in conformity
with the provisions and terms of the advertise-
ment of tbe fUb July, 1801, from the Navy De-
partment and hereto appended.
Should my (or our) offer or bid be accepted, I
(or we) request to be Informed at , and
that the contract may be forwarded to ,
for signatures and certificate.
(Place) (Signed) A E
(Data )
Form of Guaranty
We, tbe undersigned, residents cf , tn
the Slate of , and , of , in
tbe State of
, hereby jointly and severally
covenant With tbe United States and guarantee
that in case the foregoing bid of beac
oepted, will, within ten days after tha
receipt of the contract at execute thtt
same, with good and sufficient sureties, for tbe
delivery cf the anthracite coal proposed in com-
pliance wilb tbe terms of the advertisement of
tbe 9th July, loUl, hereto appended and under
which it was made ; and iu case tbe said
shall fall to enter into the contract aforesaid, we
guarantee to make good tbe difference between
tbe offer of the said aud that which may
be aeoepteJ
Witoeo (Signed) O D
I hereby certify that to tbe keit of my knowl-
edge and belief tbe above-name- d guarantors
and are good and sufficient
(Signature ) G. E.
To he signed ty the United States dittrict judge,
United Statu district attorney, colltctor, or nauy
agent. July 9 w4wTu
No. 460 Seventh street, U the bMt
in town to Way Clothes, Furnliblbg
tloodi, Usm, and dtp Ub 18 dm

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