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Had a splendid morning with the GOD himself, Sir Stephan Hawking..

Thrilled by it
Answers given by Sir Stephan Hawking are encrypted prototypes, in order to not to change the
originality, I have not tried to correct any thing here.. I hope you would understand
UK = Uttamkumar
SH = Stephan hawking
Date: 23/06/2014
Time in: 10 am
UK: Good morning sir, I do not have words to express my happiness, totally enthralled by your vision
SH: ~~Good morning~~````..I am pleased to meet you

UK: Thank you sir.

UK: (Silence for a brief minutes of time huh! Could not speak)

UK: Sir I am feeling as if I am entering a massive black hole and not able to see the world and I see a
small hint of light and I dive further down and see that light to be emerging by your presence
SH: ~Ive seen your work on warping of spacetime~~~intrestingly its my forte~~~~and am pleased to say
~~~that you will travel hind time~~with your work##ability~~~good##going
UK: Thank you sir for your kind gesture towards a small pebble lifted by me, while you are already
carrying Mt.Everest of findings and knowledge. Sir, what is your opinion about the elliptical time frame
in a 3 dimensional space or as a matter of fact in a 4 dimensional spacetime with a mass of my size
moving in it?
SH: ~~~Very intresting question~~~~~rather I would prefer to speak~~~~~~on the~~hystologics of size of
mass~~~~enveloped in a ~~~~~~~time matte##woven~~~to a fabric of ~~~very~~~genesis of it
UK: The hystologics of time matte is always a curve with infinite length from the very genesis of our
beginning, is it not sir?
SH: ~~~very well said and understood~~~we live together but~~~we dont see each other becoz~~~of
this curve of infinite length with many ~~~positions with##in~~~it
UK: I suppose you are referring to the uncertainty of the Uncertainty principle. So if we have many
positions, we will have many time frames, hence many variations. These variations are not straight line
at all like in Euclids geometry. Here we can draw triangles with sum of angles more than 180
SH: ~~~You~~~are absolutely right***in the noneuclidian space~~~the lines are~~~ curved~~~hence
if~~~we referto~~~spherical time##frame~~~we might not goto the centre of it~~~as the
dimensionsr~~~non-uniting types~~~~~instead if we metre###down the warpage~~~with an
~~~elliptical symmetry ~~~the~~~fociof it will ~~~give a judgemental observation. I ~~~would rather say
that ~~~your approach of such warping is ##&must be accurate~~~I congratulate you ~~~for your
~~~~~~downy approach
UK:Thank you sir for your kind opinion about my work. Sir, can we have a timespace frame for the
historically backward dark energy while mulling over our present infra-red incident on to us?
SH: ~~~I must say~~~I thought bout ~~~the same ~~~bout 32 years ago~~~but in vein~~~~~~I think it is
possible~~~with your approached ~~~elliptical warping~~~it is the
semi##siphoned~~~transformed~~~energy~~~with a very large~spectral~~~distinction
UK: Ohhh! You mean the energy what we are receiving now is from history! Wonderful sir. Even my
calculations are showing the same results, but I was like in a non-geared vehicle searching for a gear to
run it. With your booster matte now I am confident that I can drive this gearless vehicle comfortably.
SH: ~~~I know Mr.Uttam#kumar~~~ you are a real~~~pro~~~for ~~~such value~~~additions~~~I still
remember~~my school~~~n grads~~~time, you rem##ind me~~~without~~this chai##r
UK: Sir, my doubts you clarified with the fantastic enthusiasm. I am very much thankful to you for your
time and energy transferred to me. Hence I feel more energetic and time-dwarfed. Thank you once
SH: ~~~~~~my pleasure~~and ~~~~~~~~~all the v##ery~~ best~~for your ~~~~work~ n ~ fu##tu#re

Time out: 10:32 am


A discussion with the GOD
With the GODs team (22/06/2014) Happy with the GOD, before my
lecture (22/06/2014)

Net worth from this discussion in simple:
The world in which we live is an illusion of our past (and hence we can do Carbon dating to know the age
of a fossil) which is sending the energy to our present. We can create an artificial black hole of size of
your or my house and create a wormhole by creating a daughter of this black hole (by adding mass on
one end and removing energy on the other end). Then we can go in our school days and teach a lesson to
your nasty friend who used to irritate you!! Please do not ask more details, as these are classified. Await
for my next article to know them.

Thanks very much for being a good reader of this transcript


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