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This Employment Contract is made and entered into on this day 01 Jan 2014 by and between
KWE Resources Network Sn !" #40$0%&'() (Herein after called the EMPLOYER)
Employee of Passport !o" #oth of whom bind
themsel$es to the followin% terms and conditions&'
#asic terms of contract&'
(" E*+,o-ee.s /o0 t1t,e or +os1t1on & )eneral *or+er
," !as1c Mont",- Sa,ar-&
(RM-."/(0"1day 2 ,/days and not less) 3 RM 455"55
a) 3Attenance& 3 RM 55"55
0) 4oo & (RM&55"55 2 ,/ 6ays) 3 RM 55"55
c) Trans+ort & 3 RM 55"55
) S"15t & 3 RM 55"55
e) O6ert1*e &( -hrs 2 RM /".4 2 ,/ days ) 3 RM 05/",,
Minim7m Total ()ross wa%es not less than RM 455"551mth) 3 RM (.5/",,
(8 3 97b:ect to ;7ll <ttendance)
-" 8urat1on o5 contract2 - Years"
49 Tra6e,,1n: e;+enses2
The tra$ellin% e2penses from Yan%on Myanmar to =7ala L7mp7r >nternational
<irport shall be borne by the Employee and the e2penses of the air passa%e from
=7ala L7mp7r >nternational <irport to Yan%on Myanmar shall be borne by the
Employer 7pon completion of wor+in% contract"
0" Acco**oat1on2
The employer pro$ides free accommodation to the wor+ers with free water and
/" 4oo2 borne by the Employee
<9 Work1n: a-s an work1n: "ours2 ? hrs1p1day and / days per wee+"
&9 O6ert1*e2
<ccordin% to Malaysian Labo7r Law as follows&'
on normal days& salary 2 ("0
on 97ndays 1 rest days &salary 2 ,"5
on P7blic Holidays& salary 2 -"5
$9 Annua, Lea6e= S1ck Lea6e an Pu0,1c >o,1a-s2
>n accordance with Malaysian Labo7r laws&
<nn7al lea$e of ? days for the first two years of ser$ice@ for period of ser$ice between
two to fi$e years the employee wo7ld A7alify for (, days of lea$e@ and for ser$ices of
more than fi$e years the employee wo7ld A7alify for (/ days of lea$e
9ic+ lea$e (witho7t hospitalisation)&
(. days for each year of ser$ice for ser$ice less than two years@ and (? days for
ser$ices between two to fi$e years@ and ,, days ann7ally for ser$ices e2ceedin% fi$e
<nd in case of hospitalisation the employee A7alifies for /5 days lea$e in each
calendar year"
The employee shall be entitled to be paid holiday for a total of (5 P7blic holidays in
any one year of ser$ice that m7st incl7de the followin% fo7r days&
(" the !ational day
," the birthday of the Yan% di'Pert7an <%on%
-" the birthday of the R7ler of the 9tate as the case may be and 1 or the ;ederal
Territory day where the employee in wor+in% in s7ch an area"
." *or+ers day
and another si2 more days from&'
!ew Year ' ( day
Chinese !ew Year ' , days
Hari Raya P7asa ' , days
6eepa$ali ' ( day
109 Me1ca, treat*ent2
The employer shall bear the cost of employeesB medical treatment"
119 Year,- Me1ca,2
Yearly medical e2amination will be arran%ed as reA7ired by the >mmi%ration
6epartment of Malaysia and cost inc7rred will be borne by Employer"

129 ?nsurance
;orei%n *or+ers Compensation 9cheme Policy pro$ided by Employer"
1@9 8ecease
>n the e$ent of any employee dies in the co7rse of his employment the employer shall
be responsible to arran%e for the body of deceased to be repatriated to his ne2t of +in
in Yan%on Myanmar and necessary repatriation e2penses shall be borne by the

149 Ao6ern*ent Le6-&
The employer shall pay the )o$ernment Le$y(RM(,05"55) as per the wor+ers and
the re%7lation of the )o$ernment of Malaysia" Le$y will be ded7ct from the
employee salary"
1%9 E*+,o-ees Pro61ent 4un2
The Employers does not s7bscribe for forei%n wor+ers"
1B9 Restr1ct1on
a" That if the Employee is fo7nd creatin% social problems and or en%a%ed in any
ille%al s7b$ersi$e or criminal acti$ities then he will be dismissed with immediate
effect and will be repatriated to Yan%on Myanmar on his own e2penses"
1<9 Ter*1nat1on o5 ser61ce &
(i) That if the Employee breaches any of the restrictions in Cla7se (C abo$e or is
con$icted of any offence 7nder any of the laws of Malaysia"
(ii) That if the EmployeeDs *or+ Permit is withdrawn by the Malaysian a7thorities for
any reason whatsoe$er"
(iii) That if the Employee is absent from wor+ for more than two (,) consec7ti$e
wor+in% days witho7t a reasonable ca7se or lea$e"
(i$) That if a medical doctor certifies the Employee medically 7nfit for employment"
1&9 Ot"er ter*s an con1t1ons2

The Employer shall pay the basic salary of d7e months if any wor+ers are repatriated
before completin% the contract period for whatsoe$er reason"
Other terms and conditions fa$o7rable to the employer and employee not co$ered
herein and which are pro$ided by the laws of the co7ntry of employment shall apply
and shall be the part of the contract"
1$9 Cert151cat1on2
The employer and the employee shall read and f7lly 7nderstand this a%reement and
certify that the terms and conditions to%ether with the application constit7te their
entire a%reement or 7nderstand that any other conditions set besides this contract shall
be considered n7ll and $oid"
>n witness where of the parties ha$e here 7nto $ol7ntarily si%ned their respecti$e names below"
EmployerDs <7thorised 9i%nat7re 9i%nat7re of employee
!ame& Mr =oay Ten% #o+ !ame&
6esi%nation& 6>RECTOR Passport !o&
!R>C !o& .C5C(?'C('0((C
Company Chop&
*itness by& *itness by&
!ame& !ame&
6esi%nation& 6esi%nation&
6ate& 6ate&

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