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Publish your app on Google Play

January 26, 2014

Checklist: Before you start
You have tested the application on targeted Android devices.
You have turned off debugging facilities and removed unnecessary data and files.
You have defined a version number for your application.
You have added an End User License Agreement (EULA) in your application.
You have generated a pair of private and public keys with eytool.
You have generated and signed the .apk file with !A".
Step 1: Upload your application
#. $ign in on %oogle &lay https'((!ome.
). *lick Upload your application.
+. *lick Browse and choose your .apk file.
,. *lick Upload.
Step 2: Upload the assets
#. -n the Screenshots field. click Browse and choose at least ) screnshots.
). *lick Upload.
+. -n the High Resolution Application Icon field. add a hi/res application icon.
,. -n the ro!otional graphic field. you can add a add a promotional graphic.
0. -n the "eature #raphic field. you can add a feature graphic.
1. -n the ro!otional $ideo field. you can add a promotional video link.
2. -n the ri%acy olicy field. you can add a privacy policy link or select &ot su'!itting a
pri%acy policy.
3. $elect (arketing )pt )ut if you want to limit the use of your application to %oogle/
owned online or mobile properties.
Step *: "ill in the listing details
#. -n the +anguage field. you can set the application default language. click Add language
to indicate the additional languages in which the application is available.
). -n the ,itle field. enter the name of the application.
+. -n the -escription field. enter a description of your application.
,. -f you are updating an already/published application. fill in the Recent Changes field
with a description of the new features.
Publish your app on Google Play
January 26, 2014
0. -n the ro!o ,e.t field. enter a short te4t to promote your application.
1. -n the Application type field. choose either Applications or %ames.
2. -n the Category field. choose the category corresponding to your application.
3. -n the rice field'
leave 5ree if you want to make your application available for free
if you want to sell your application. click on Setup a !erchant account at #oogle
Checkout in order to specify a bank account for payouts
-f you are selling your application through %oogle &lay. add the support for google &lay
Licensing in order to control the access to your application based on whether the current user has
purchased it.
Step /: "ill in the pu'lishing options
1. -n Copy rotection. select'
)ff so that your application can be copied from the device it has been downloaded to
)n so that your application can be downloaded from the Android 6arket only
). -n the Content Rating field. select the target audience of your application
+. $elect All locations so that your application can be downloaded by anyone who has
access to the Android 6arket. wherever they are located. or clear All locations if you
want to filter the countries where people can have access to your application.
,. -n the Supported -e%ices field. check that your application is available on the devices
you have defined in the 7eveloper *onsole.
Step 0: "ill in the Contact infor!ation
5ill in the form with'
your "ebsite U8L
your email address
your phone number
Step 1: #i%e your consent and pu'lish
#. -n the *onsent field. select the checkbo4es in order to commit yourself to respect'
the Android *ontent %uidelines
Publish your app on Google Play
January 26, 2014
the United $tates e4port laws
2. %o back to the top of the page and click u'lish.

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