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Nottingham School Board

Budget Workshop
November 4, 2009
Official Minutes as of November 18, 2009

School Board Members Present: School Board Members Absent:

Jack Caldon, Chair
Amy Plante, Vice Chair
Dave O’Brien
Frank O’Hanlon
Dawn Fernald

Others Present:
Michael Ludwell, Superintendent
Terry Leatherman, Assistant Principal
Lorraine Ferland, School Board Secretary
Mike O’Neill, Consultant for MRI

Dr. Caldon called the meeting to order at 7pm.

Non Public Session

A non-public session was held.

Public Comments
There was no public in attendance.

Budget Work Session

A. Budget Proposal Overview and Information for 2010-2011
Ms. Carvalho distributed a Budget Proposal Overview and Information for 2010-
2011. There are 4 major budget requests: personnel, instruction (math textbooks),
technology and grounds and facility improvements.

There is a request for 2 kindergarten aides for a cost of $31,200.74. The aides will
only be hired if number of kindergarteners exceeds 60. There is a conservative
projection of 50.6 kindergarteners although recent NHSAA enrollments projection
studies projects the kindergarten enrollment to range from 78-90 students. The
proposed kindergarten aides will assist the two kindergarten teachers due to the
anticipated larger class sizes.

There is a request for new math textbooks as Nottingham did not make AYP in Math
last year. Although the overall school did well, the special education cohort did not.
The cost for the textbooks and which program would be purchased will be determined

NOTTINGHAM SCHOOL BOARD November 4, 2009 Public Session

There is a request for replacement of class and administrative desk top computers for
a cost of $31,080.88. This figure includes licenses and replacement of 33 computers.
Purchase of these computers is consistent with the current Technology Plan.

There is a request for grounds and facility improvements for an approximate cost of
$42,200-77,150. This figure includes repaving and resurfacing the sidewalks and
parking lot.

B. Principal First Draft Budget

The budget total for 2010-2011 is $9,702,536.88 and the budget difference between
2009-2010 and 2010-2011 is $391,146.37. The percentage difference is .04.

Ms. Carvalho went thru the budget line by line. Corrections were made. Discussions

Set Next Agenda

Items to include:

Future Meeting Dates

November 10, 2009 7pm Joint School Board Meeting
with CBNA
November 18, 2009 7pm School Board Meeting
November 23, 2009 7pm Joint School Board Meeting
at the SAU Office
December 2, 2009 7pm School Board Meeting

Ms. Plante made a motion to enter into non-public session per RSA 91-A:3 IIc and e at
Ms. Fernald seconded.
Roll call was taken.
Motion to move into non-public unanimously approved.

The meeting returned to public meeting at 9:48pm.

No votes were taken in non-public.

Ms. Plante made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:49pm.

Mr. O’Hanlon seconded.
Motion to adjourn unanimously approved.

Respectfully Submitted by Lorraine Ferland, School Board Secretary

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