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Theoretical Framework

This study further concerned on cognitive ability of the students and their performance in the actual classroom
interaction. Social learning theory proposed by Albert Bandura has become perhaps the most influential theory of
learning and development. In Albert Banduras Social Learning Theory added an element arguing that people can learn
new information and behaviors by watching other people. Known as observational learning (or modeling), this type of
learning can be used to explain a wide variety of behaviors. It is because people are very perceptual, we love doing the
most popular thing or being in. Through observation, we see and feel that having a social networking site account
could probably makes us feel fit in and those who do the same thing accept us. Lets say computers and social
networking sites together fits the definition of a symbolic model, which involves real or fictional characters displaying
behaviors in books, films, television programs, or online media. Most people's hobbies are intrinsically motivated. Notice
the passion with which people collect books. Few people carry that amount of passion into their workplace. Intrinsic
motivation is when a person is motivated by internal factors, as opposed to the external drivers of extrinsic motivation.
Intrinsic motivation drives a person to do things just for the fun of it, or because I believe it is a good or right thing to do.
Social evaluation theory suggests that we form our own attitudes and behaviors by comparing ourselves with other
people and their opinions. Mostly we compare ourselves against people whom we believe we're reasonably similar to.
For example, a popular social networking site nowadays-Facebook capitalizes on people's drive for social comparison by
offering an excess of applications like the visual bookshelf that lets you see what books your peers are reading and the
'Compare me application that allows you to find out where you stand relative to your friends for various categories like
cutest, sexiest and smartest. This is very similar to the surveys often found in women's magazines - 'How emotionally
intelligent are you? Take our quiz to find out!' It's compelling to benchmark ourselves against others to see where we fit
in.Social learning is the key to creating higher-order thinking and with continualenhancement of technology learning is
inevitable. Figure 1 presents the paradigm of the study. Perception of Emilio Aguinaldo College Cavite students on Their
Study Habits In Relation To Social Networking Site Variable while the Students Study habit is the Dependent Variable.
Spending more time using social networking site rather than studying.
Research Paradigm
Year Level
No. of Hours watching Korean
tele series
(Indeendent Variable)
Perception of Emilio Aguinaldo
Students on Their Study Habits
In Relation To Social
Networking Site
(Dependent Variable)
Figure 1 Relationship to the Variables
Figure 1 presents the paradigm of the study. Social Networking Site is
theIndependent Variable while the Students Study Habits is the Dependent Variable.Spending more time using social
networking site rather than studying.

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