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CHARLES DICKENS, in a note now lying befoe !e, all"#ing to an
e$a!ination I on%e !a#e of t&e !e%&ani'! of ()anaby R"#ge,( 'ay'* ()y t&e
way, ae yo" awae t&at +o#win wote &i' ,Caleb -illia!', ba%.wa#'/ He fi't
in0ol0e# &i' &eo in a web of #iffi%"ltie', fo!ing t&e 'e%on# 0ol"!e, an# t&en,
fo t&e fi't, %a't abo"t &i! fo 'o!e !o#e of a%%o"nting fo w&at &a# been
I %annot t&in. t&i' t&e 2e%i'e !o#e of 2o%e#"e on t&e 2at of +o#win* an#
in#ee# w&at &e &i!'elf a%.nowle#ge', i' not altoget&e in a%%o#an%e wit& 31
Di%.en', i#ea* b"t t&e a"t&o of (Caleb -illia!'( wa' too goo# an ati't not to
2e%ei0e t&e a#0antage #ei0able fo! at lea't a 'o!ew&at 'i!ila 2o%e''1
Not&ing i' !oe %lea t&an t&at e0ey 2lot, wot& t&e na!e, !"'t be elaboate#
to it' #eno"e!ent befoe anyt&ing be atte!2te# wit& t&e 2en1 It i' only wit& t&e
#eno"e!ent %on'tantly in 0iew t&at we %an gi0e a 2lot it' in#i'2en'able ai of
%on'e4"en%e, o %a"'ation, by ! t&e in%i#ent', an# e'2e%ially t&e tone at
all 2oint', ten# to t&e #e0elo2!ent of t&e intention1
5&ee i' a a#i%al eo, I t&in., in t&e "'"al !o#e of %on't"%ting a 'toy1 Eit&e
&i'toy affo#' a t&e'i'* o one i' '"gge'te# by an in%i#ent of t&e #ay* o, at
be't, t&e a"t&o 'et' &i!'elf to wo. in t&e %o!bination of ' e0ent' to
fo! !eely t&e ba'i' of &i' naati0e*#e'igning, geneally, to fill in wit&
#e'%i2tion, #ialog"e, o a"toial %o!!ent, w&ate0e %e0i%e' of fa%t, o a%tion,
!ay, fo! 2age to 2age, en#e t&e!'el0e' a22aent1
I 2efe %o!!en%ing wit& t&e %on'i#eation of an effe%t1 Kee2ing oiginality
alway' in 0iew* fo &e i' fal'e to &i!'elf w&o 0ent"e' to #i'2en'e wit& 'o
ob0io"' an# 'o ea'ily attainable a 'o"%e of intee't* I 'ay to !y'elf, in t&e fi't
2la%e, (6f t&e inn"!eable effe%t', o i!2e''ion', of w&i%& t&e &eat, t&e
intelle%t, o (!oe geneally) t&e 'o"l i' '"'%e2tible, w&at one '&all I, on t&e
2e'ent o%%a'ion, 'ele%t/( Ha0ing %&o'en a no0el, fi't, an# 'e%on#ly a 0i0i#
effe%t, I %on'i#e w&et&e it %an be be't wo"g&t by in%i#ent o tone* w&et&e
by o#inay in%i#ent' an# 2e%"lia tone, o t&e %on0e'e, o by 2e%"liaity bot&
of in%i#ent an# tone* aftewa# abo"t !e (o at&e wit&in) fo '"%&
%o!bination' of e0ent, o tone, a' '&all be't ai# !e in t&e %on't"%tion of t&e
I &a0e often t&o"g&t &ow intee'ting a !aga7ine 2a2e !ig&t be witten by any
a"t&o w&o wo"l#* t&at i' to 'ay, w&o %o"l#* #etail, 'te2 by 'te2, t&e 2o%e''e'
by w&i%& any one of &i' %o!2o'ition' attaine# it' "lti!ate 2oint of %o!2letion1
-&y '"%& a 2a2e &a' ne0e been gi0en to t&e wol#, I a! !"%& at a lo'' to
'ay* b"t, 2e&a2', t&e a"toial 0anity &a' &a# !oe to #o wit& t&e o!i''ion t&an
any one ot&e %a"'e1 3o't wite'* 2oet' in e'2e%ial* 2efe &a0ing it
"n#e'too# t&at t&ey %o!2o'e by a '2e%ie' of fine fen7y* an e%'tati% int"ition*
an# wo"l# 2o'iti0ely '&"##e at letting t&e 2"bli% ta.e a 2ee2 be&in# t&e
'%ene', at t&e elaboate an# 0a%illating %"#itie' of t&o"g&t* at t&e t"e 2"2o'e'
'ei7e# only at t&e la't !o!ent* at t&e inn"!eable gli!2'e' of i#ea t&at ai0e#
not at t&e !at"ity of f"ll 0iew* at t&e f"lly*!at"e# fan%ie' #i'%a#e# in
#e'2ai a' "n!anageable* at t&e %a"tio"' 'ele%tion' an# e8e%tion'* at t&e
2ainf"l ea'"e' an# inte2olation'* in a wo#, at t&e w&eel' an# 2inion'* t&e
ta%.le fo '%ene*'&ifting* t&e 'te2*la##e', an# #e!on*ta2'* t&e %o%.,' feat&e',
t&e e# 2aint an# t&e bla%. 2at%&e', w&i%&, in ninety*nine %a'e' o"t of a
&"n#e#, %on'tit"te t&e 2o2etie' of t&e liteay &i'tio1
I a! awae, on t&e ot&e &an#, t&at t&e %a'e i' by no !ean' %o!!on, in w&i%&
an a"t&o i' at all in %on#ition to eta%e t&e 'te2' by w&i%& &i' %on%l"'ion'
&a0e been attaine#1 In geneal, '"gge'tion', &a0ing ai'en 2ell*!ell ae 2"'"e#
an# fogotten in a 'i!ila !anne1
9o !y own 2at, I &a0e neit&e 'y!2at&y wit& t&e e2"gnan%e all"#e# to, no,
at any ti!e, t&e lea't #iffi%"lty in e%alling to !in# t&e 2oge''i0e 'te2' of any
of !y %o!2o'ition', an#, 'in%e t&e intee't of an analy'i' o e%on't"%tion,
'"%& a' I &a0e %on'i#ee# a #e'i#eat"!, i' 4"ite in#e2en#ent of any eal o
fan%ie# intee't in t&e t&ing analy'e#, it will not be ega#e# a' a bea%& of
#e%o"! on !y 2at to '&ow t&e !o#"' o2ean#i by w&i%& 'o!e one of !y
own wo.' wa' 2"t toget&e1 I 'ele%t ,5&e Ra0en, a' !o't geneally .nown1 It i'
!y #e'ign to en#e it !anife't t&at no one 2oint in it' %o!2o'ition i' efeable
eit&e to a%%i#ent o int"ition* t&at t&e wo. 2o%ee#e# 'te2 by 'te2, to it'
%o!2letion, wit& t&e 2e%i'ion an# igi# %on'e4"en%e of a !at&e!ati%al
Let "' #i'!i'', a' iele0ant to t&e 2oe!, 2e 'e, t&e %i%"!'tan%e* o 'ay t&e
ne%e''ity* w&i%&, in t&e fi't 2la%e, ga0e i'e to t&e intention of %o!2o'ing a
2oe! t&at '&o"l# '"it at on%e t&e 2o2"la an# t&e %iti%al ta'te1
-e %o!!en%e, t&en, wit& t&i' intention1
5&e initial %on'i#eation wa' t&at of e$tent1 If any liteay wo. i' too long to
be ea# at one 'itting, we !"'t be %ontent to #i'2en'e wit& t&e i!!en'ely
i!2otant effe%t #ei0able fo! "nity of i!2e''ion* fo, if two 'itting' be
e4"ie#, t&e affai' of t&e wol# intefee, an# e0eyt&ing li.e totality i' at on%e
#e'toye#1 )"t 'in%e, %etei' 2aib"', no 2oet %an affo# to #i'2en'e wit&
anyt&ing t&at !ay a#0an%e &i' #e'ign, it b"t e!ain' to be 'een w&et&e t&ee
i', in e$tent, any a#0antage to %o"ntebalan%e t&e lo'' of "nity w&i%& atten#' it1
Hee I 'ay no, at on%e1 -&at we te! a long 2oe! i', in fa%t, !eely a
'"%%e''ion of bief one'* t&at i' to 'ay, of bief 2oeti%al effe%t'1 It i' nee#le'' to
#e!on'tate t&at a 2oe! i' '"%& only ina'!"%& a' it inten'ely e$%ite', by
ele0ating t&e 'o"l: an# all inten'e e$%ite!ent' ae, t&o"g& a 2'y%&al ne%e''ity,
bief1 9o t&i' ea'on, at lea't, one*&alf of t&e (;aa#i'e Lo't( i' e''entially
2o'e* a '"%%e''ion of 2oeti%al e$%ite!ent' inte'2e'e#, ine0itably, wit&
%oe'2on#ing #e2e''ion'* t&e w&ole being #e2i0e#, t&o"g& t&e e$te!ene''
of it' lengt&, of t&e 0a'tly i!2otant ati'ti% ele!ent, totality, o "nity of effe%t1
It a22ea' e0i#ent, t&en, t&at t&ee i' a #i'tin%t li!it, a' ega#' lengt&, to all
wo.' of liteay at* t&e li!it of a 'ingle 'itting* an# t&at, alt&o"g& in %etain
%la''e' of 2o'e %o!2o'ition, '"%& a' (Robin'on C"'oe( (#e!an#ing no "nity),
t&i' li!it !ay be a#0antageo"'ly o0e2a''e#, it %an ne0e 2o2ely be
o0e2a''e# in a 2oe!1 -it&in t&i' li!it, t&e e$tent of a 2oe! !ay be !a#e to
bea !at&e!ati%al elation to it' !eit* in ot&e wo#', to t&e e$%ite!ent o
ele0ation*again, in ot&e wo#', to t&e #egee of t&e t"e 2oeti%al effe%t w&i%& it
i' %a2able of in#"%ing: fo it i' %lea t&at t&e be0ity !"'t be in #ie%t atio of
t&e inten'ity of t&e inten#e# effe%t* t&i', wit& one 2o0i'o* t&at a %etain #egee
of #"ation i' ab'ol"tely e4"i'ite fo t&e 2o#"%tion of any effe%t at all1
Hol#ing in 0iew t&e'e %on'i#eation', a' well a' t&at #egee of e$%ite!ent
w&i%& I #ee!e# not abo0e t&e 2o2"la, w&ile not below t&e %iti%al ta'te, I
ea%&e# at on%e w&at I %on%ei0e# t&e 2o2e lengt& fo !y inten#e# 2oe!* a
lengt& of abo"t one &"n#e# line'1 It i', in fa%t, a &"n#e# an# eig&t1
3y ne$t t&o"g&t %on%ene# t&e %&oi%e of an i!2e''ion, o effe%t, to be
%on0eye#< an# &ee I !ay a' well ob'e0e t&at t&o"g&o"t t&e %on't"%tion, I
.e2t 'tea#ily in 0iew t&e #e'ign of en#eing t&e wo. "ni0e'ally a22e%iable1 I
'&o"l# be %aie# too fa o"t of !y i!!e#iate to2i% wee I to #e!on'tate a
2oint "2on w&i%& I &a0e e2eate#ly in'i'te#, an# w&i%&, wit& t&e 2oeti%al,
'tan#' not in t&e 'lig&te't nee# of #e!on'tation* t&e 2oint, I !ean, t&at )ea"ty
i' t&e 'ole legiti!ate 2o0in%e of t&e 2oe!1 A few wo#', &owe0e, in
el"%i#ation of !y eal !eaning, w&i%& 'o!e of !y fien#' &a0e e0in%e# a
#i'2o'ition to !i'e2e'ent1 5&at 2lea'"e w&i%& i' at on%e t&e !o't inten'e, t&e
!o't ele0ating, an# t&e !o't 2"e i', I belie0e, fo"n# in t&e %onte!2lation of
t&e bea"tif"l1 -&en, in#ee#, !en '2ea. of )ea"ty, t&ey !ean, 2e%i'ely, not a
4"ality, a' i' '"22o'e#, b"t an effe%t* t&ey efe, in '&ot, 8"'t to t&at inten'e an#
2"e ele0ation of 'o"l* not of intelle%t, o of &eat* "2on w&i%& I &a0e
%o!!ente#, an# w&i%& i' e$2eien%e# in %on'e4"en%e of %onte!2lating t&e
(bea"tif"l1( Now I #e'ignate )ea"ty a' t&e 2o0in%e of t&e 2oe!, !eely
be%a"'e it i' an ob0io"' "le of At t&at effe%t' '&o"l# be !a#e to '2ing fo!
#ie%t %a"'e'* t&at ob8e%t' '&o"l# be attaine# t&o"g& !ean' be't a#a2te# fo
t&ei attain!ent* no one a' yet &a0ing been wea. eno"g& to #eny t&at t&e
2e%"lia ele0ation all"#e# to i' !o't ea#ily attaine# in t&e 2oe!1 Now t&e
ob8e%t 5"t&, o t&e 'ati'fa%tion of t&e intelle%t, an# t&e ob8e%t ;a''ion, o t&e
e$%ite!ent of t&e &eat, ae, alt&o"g& attainable to a %etain e$tent in 2oety, fa
!oe ea#ily attainable in 2o'e1 5"t&, in fa%t, #e!an#' a 2e%i'ion, an#
;a''ion, a &o!eline'' (t&e t"ly 2a''ionate will %o!2e&en# !e), w&i%& ae
ab'ol"tely antagoni'ti% to t&at )ea"ty w&i%&, I !aintain, i' t&e e$%ite!ent o
2lea'"able ele0ation of t&e 'o"l1 It by no !ean' follow', fo! anyt&ing &ee
'ai#, t&at 2a''ion, o e0en t"t&, !ay not be into#"%e#, an# e0en 2ofitably
into#"%e#, into a 2oe! fo t&ey !ay 'e0e in el"%i#ation, o ai# t&e geneal
effe%t, a' #o #i'%o#' in !"'i%, by %onta't* b"t t&e t"e ati't will alway'
%onti0e, fi't, to tone t&e! into 2o2e '"b'e0ien%e to t&e 2e#o!inant ai!,
an#, 'e%on#ly, to en0eil t&e!, a' fa a' 2o''ible, in t&at )ea"ty w&i%& i' t&e
at!o'2&ee an# t&e e''en%e of t&e 2oe!1
Rega#ing, t&en, )ea"ty a' !y 2o0in%e, !y ne$t 4"e'tion efee# to t&e tone
of it' &ig&e't !anife'tation* an# all e$2eien%e &a' '&own t&at t&i' tone i' one
of 'a#ne''1 )ea"ty of w&ate0e .in# in it' '"2e!e #e0elo2!ent in0aiably
e$%ite' t&e 'en'iti0e 'o"l to tea'1 3elan%&oly i' t&"' t&e !o't legiti!ate of all
t&e 2oeti%al tone'1
5&e lengt&, t&e 2o0in%e, an# t&e tone, being t&"' #ete!ine#, I betoo. !y'elf
to o#inay in#"%tion, wit& t&e 0iew of obtaining 'o!e ati'ti% 2i4"an%y w&i%&
!ig&t 'e0e !e a' a .ey*note in t&e %on't"%tion of t&e 2oe!* 'o!e 2i0ot "2on
w&i%& t&e w&ole 't"%t"e !ig&t t"n1 In %aef"lly t& o0e all t&e "'"al
ati'ti% effe%t'* o !oe 2o2ely 2oint', in t&e t&eati%al 'en'e* I #i# not fail to
2e%ei0e i!!e#iately t&at no one &a# been 'o "ni0e'ally e!2loye# a' t&at of
t&e efain1 5&e "ni0e'ality of it' e!2loy!ent '"ffi%e# to a''"e !e of it'
intin'i% 0al"e, an# '2ae# !e t&e ne%e''ity of '"b!itting it to analy'i'1 I
%on'i#ee# it, &owe0e, wit& ega# to it' '"'%e2tibility of i!2o0e!ent, an#
'oon 'aw it to be in a 2i!iti0e %on#ition1 A' %o!!only "'e#, t&e efain, o
b"#en, not only i' li!ite# to lyi% 0e'e, b"t #e2en#' fo it' i!2e''ion "2on
t&e fo%e of !onotone* bot& in 'o"n# an# t&o"g&t1 5&e 2lea'"e i' #e#"%e#
'olely fo! t&e 'en'e of i#entity* of e2etition1 I e'ol0e# to #i0e'ify, an# 'o
&eig&ten t&e effe%t, by a#&eing in geneal to t&e !onotone of 'o"n#, w&ile I
%ontin"ally 0aie# t&at of t&o"g&t< t&at i' to 'ay, I #ete!ine# to 2o#"%e
%ontin"o"'ly no0el effe%t', by t&e 0aiation of t&e a22li%ation of t&e efain* t&e
efain it'elf e!aining fo t&e !o't 2at, "n0aie#1
5&e'e 2oint' being 'ettle#, I ne$t bet&o"g&t !e of t&e nat"e of !y efain1
Sin%e it' a22li%ation wa' to be e2eate#ly 0aie# it wa' %lea t&at t&e efain
it'elf !"'t be bief, fo t&ee wo"l# &a0e been an in'"!o"ntable #iffi%"lty in
fe4"ent 0aiation' of a22li%ation in any 'enten%e of lengt&1 In 2o2otion to t&e
be0ity of t&e 'enten%e wo"l#, of %o"'e, be t&e fa%ility of t&e 0aiation1 5&i'
le# !e at on%e to a 'ingle wo# a' t&e be't efain1
5&e 4"e'tion now ao'e a' to t&e %&aa%te of t&e wo#1 Ha0ing !a#e "2 !y
!in# to a efain, t&e #i0i'ion of t&e 2oe! into 'tan7a' wa' of %o"'e a
%oollay, t&e efain fo!ing t&e %lo'e to ea%& 'tan7a1 5&at '"%& a %lo'e, to
&a0e fo%e, !"'t be 'onoo"' an# '"'%e2tible of 2ota%te# e!2&a'i', a#!itte#
no #o"bt, an# t&e'e %on'i#eation' ine0itably le# !e to t&e long o a' t&e !o't
'onoo"' 0owel in %onne%tion wit& a' t&e !o't 2o#"%ible %on'onant1
5&e 'o"n# of t&e efain being t&"' #ete!ine#, it be%a!e ne%e''ay to 'ele%t a
wo# e!bo#ying t&i' 'o"n#, an# at t&e 'a!e ti!e in t&e f"lle't 2o''ible .ee2ing
wit& t&at !elan%&oly w&i%& I &a# 2e*#ete!ine# a' t&e tone of t&e 2oe!1 In
'"%& a 'ea%& it wo"l# &a0e been ab'ol"tely i!2o''ible to o0eloo. t&e wo#
(Ne0e!oe1( In fa%t it wa' t&e 0ey fi't w&i%& 2e'ente# it'elf1
5&e ne$t #e'i#eat"! wa' a 2ete$t fo t&e %ontin"o"' "'e of t&e one wo#
(ne0e!oe1( In ob'e0ing t&e #iffi%"lty w&i%& I &a# at on%e fo"n# in in0enting
a '"ffi%iently 2la"'ible ea'on fo it' %ontin"o"' e2etition, I #i# not fail to
2e%ei0e t&at t&i' #iffi%"lty ao'e 'olely fo! t&e 2ea''"!2tion t&at t&e wo#
wa' to be 'o %ontin"o"'ly o !onotono"'ly '2o.en by a &"!an being* I #i# not
fail to 2e%ei0e, in '&ot, t&at t&e #iffi%"lty lay in t&e e%on%iliation of t&i'
!onotony wit& t&e e$e%i'e of ea'on on t&e 2at of t&e %eat"e e2eating t&e
wo#1 Hee, t&en, i!!e#iately ao'e t&e i#ea of a non*ea'oning %eat"e
%a2able of '2ee%&, an# 0ey nat"ally, a 2aot, in t&e fi't in'tan%e, '"gge'te#
it'elf, b"t wa' '"2e'e#e# fot&wit& by a Ra0en a' e4"ally %a2able of '2ee%&,
an# infinitely !oe in .ee2ing wit& t&e inten#e# tone1
I &a# now gone 'o fa a' t&e %on%e2tion of a Ra0en, t&e bi# of ill*o!en,
!onotono"'ly e2eating t&e one wo# (Ne0e!oe( at t&e %on%l"'ion of ea%&
'tan7a in a 2oe! of !elan%&oly tone, an# in lengt& abo"t one &"n#e# line'1
Now, ne0e lo'ing 'ig&t of t&e ob8e%t* '"2e!ene'' o 2efe%tion at all 2oint', I
a'.e# !y'elf* (6f all !elan%&oly to2i%' w&at, a%%o#ing to t&e "ni0e'al
"n#e'tan#ing of !, i' t&e !o't !elan%&oly/( Deat&, wa' t&e ob0io"'
e2ly1 (An# w&en,( I 'ai#, (i' t&i' !o't !elan%&oly of to2i%' !o't 2oeti%al/(
9o! w&at I &a0e alea#y e$2laine# at 'o!e lengt& t&e an'we &ee al'o i'
ob0io"'* (-&en it !o't %lo'ely allie' it'elf to )ea"ty< t&e #eat& t&en of a
bea"tif"l wo!an i' "n4"e'tionably t&e !o't 2oeti%al to2i% in t&e wol#, an#
e4"ally i' it beyon# #o"bt t&at t&e li2' be't '"ite# fo '"%& to2i% ae t&o'e of a
beea0e# lo0e1(
I &a# now to %o!bine t&e two i#ea' of a lo0e la!enting &i' #e%ea'e# !i'te''
an# a Ra0en %ontin"o"'ly e2eating t&e wo# (Ne0e!oe1( I &a# to %o!bine
t&e'e, beaing in !in# !y #e'ign of 0aying at e0ey t"n t&e a22li%ation of t&e
wo# e2eate#, b"t t&e only intelligible !o#e of '"%& %o!bination i' t&at of
i!agining t&e Ra0en e!2loying t&e wo# in an'we to t&e 4"eie' of t&e lo0e1
An# &ee it wa' t&at I 'aw at on%e t&e o22ot"nity affo#e# fo t&e effe%t on
w&i%& I &a# been #e2en#ing, t&at i' to 'ay, t&e effe%t of t&e 0aiation of
a22li%ation1 I 'aw t&at I %o"l# !a.e t&e fi't 4"ey 2o2o"n#e# by t&e lo0e* t&e
fi't 4"ey to w&i%& t&e Ra0en '&o"l# e2ly (Ne0e!oe(* t&at I %o"l# !a.e
t&i' fi't 4"ey a %o!!on2la%e one, t&e 'e%on# le'' 'o, t&e t&i# 'till le'', an#
'o on, "ntil at lengt& t&e lo0e, 'tatle# fo! &i' oiginal non%&alan%e by t&e
!elan%&oly %&aa%te of t&e wo# it'elf, by it' fe4"ent e2etition, an# by a
%on'i#eation of t&e o!ino"' e2"tation of t&e fowl t&at "ttee# it, i' at lengt&
e$%ite# to '"2e'tition, an# wil#ly 2o2o"n#' 4"eie' of a fa #iffeent
%&aa%te* 4"eie' w&o'e 'ol"tion &e &a' 2a''ionately at &eat* 2o2o"n#' t&e!
&alf in '"2e'tition an# &alf in t&at '2e%ie' of #e'2ai w&i%& #elig&t' in 'elf*
tot"e* 2o2o"n#' t&e! not altoget&e be%a"'e &e belie0e' in t&e 2o2&eti% o
#e!onia% %&aa%te of t&e bi# (w&i%& ea'on a''"e' &i! i' !eely e2eating a
le''on leane# by ote), b"t be%a"'e &e e$2eien%e' a fen7ie# 2lea'"e in 'o
!o#elling &i' 4"e'tion' a' to e%ei0e fo! t&e e$2e%te# (Ne0e!oe( t&e !o't
#eli%io"' be%a"'e t&e !o't intoleable of 'oow'1 ;e%ei0ing t&e o22ot"nity
t&"' affo#e# !e, o, !oe 'ti%tly, t&"' fo%e# "2on !e in t&e 2oge'' of t&e
%on't"%tion, I fi't e'tabli'&e# in !y !in# t&e %li!a$ o %on%l"#ing 4"ey* t&at
4"ey to w&i%& (Ne0e!oe( '&o"l# be in t&e la't 2la%e an an'we* t&at 4"ey in
e2ly to w&i%& t&i' wo# (Ne0e!oe( '&o"l# in0ol0e t&e "t!o't %on%ei0able
a!o"nt of 'oow an# #e'2ai1
Hee t&en t&e 2oe! !ay be 'ai# to &a0e &a# it' beginning* at t&e en# w&ee all
wo.' of at '&o"l# begin* fo it wa' &ee at t&i' 2oint of !y 2e%on'i#eation'
t&at I fi't 2"t 2en to 2a2e in t&e %o!2o'ition of t&e 'tan7a<
"Prophet!" said I, "thing of evil! prophet still if bird or
By that Heaven that bends above us- by that God we both
Tell this soul with sorrow laden, if, within the distant
It shall lasp a sainted !aiden who! the angels na!e "enore-
#lasp a rare and radiant !aiden who! the angels na!e
%uoth the &aven- "'ever!ore$"
I %o!2o'e# t&i' 'tan7a, at t&i' 2oint, fi't t&at, by e'tabli'&ing t&e %li!a$, I
!ig&t t&e bette 0ay an# ga#"ate, a' ega#' 'eio"'ne'' an# i!2otan%e, t&e
2e%e#ing 4"eie' of t&e lo0e, an# 'e%on#ly, t&at I !ig&t #efinitely 'ettle t&e
&yt&!, t&e !ete, an# t&e lengt& an# geneal aange!ent of t&e 'tan7a, a' well
a' ga#"ate t&e 'tan7a' w&i%& wee to 2e%e#e, 'o t&at none of t&e! !ig&t
'"2a'' t&i' in &yt&!i%al effe%t1 Ha# I been able in t&e '"b'e4"ent %o!2o'ition
to %on't"%t !oe 0igoo"' 'tan7a' I '&o"l# wit&o"t '%"2le &a0e 2"2o'ely
enfeeble# t&e! 'o a' not to intefee wit& t&e %li!a%tei% effe%t1
An# &ee I !ay a' well 'ay a few wo#' of t&e 0e'ifi%ation1 3y fi't ob8e%t (a'
"'"al) wa' oiginality1 5&e e$tent to w&i%& t&i' &a' been negle%te# in
0e'ifi%ation i' one of t&e !o't "na%%o"ntable t&ing' in t&e wol#1 A#!itting
t&at t&ee i' little 2o''ibility of 0aiety in !ee &yt&!, it i' 'till %lea t&at t&e
2o''ible 0aietie' of !ete an# 'tan7a ae ab'ol"tely infinite, an# yet, fo
%ent"ie', no !an, in 0e'e, &a' e0e #one, o e0e 'ee!e# to t&in. of #oing, an
oiginal t&ing1 5&e fa%t i' t&at oiginality ("nle'' in !in#' of 0ey "n"'"al
fo%e) i' by no !ean' a !atte, a' 'o!e '"22o'e, of i!2"l'e o int"ition1 In
geneal, to be fo"n#, it !"'t be elaboately 'o"g&t, an# alt&o"g& a 2o'iti0e
!eit of t&e &ig&e't %la'', #e!an#' in it' attain!ent le'' of in0ention t&an
6f %o"'e I 2eten# to no oiginality in eit&e t&e &yt&! o !ete of t&e
(Ra0en1( 5&e fo!e i' to%&ai%* t&e latte i' o%ta!ete a%atale%ti%, altenating
wit& &e2ta!ete %atale%ti% e2eate# in t&e efain of t&e fift& 0e'e, an#
te!inating wit& teta!ete %atale%ti%1 Le'' 2e#anti%ally t&e feet e!2loye#
t&o"g&o"t (to%&ee') %on'i't of a long 'yllable followe# by a '&ot, t&e fi't
line of t&e 'tan7a %on'i't' of eig&t of t&e'e feet, t&e 'e%on# of 'e0en an# a &alf
(in effe%t two*t&i#'), t&e t&i# of eig&t, t&e fo"t& of 'e0en an# a &alf, t&e fift&
t&e 'a!e, t&e 'i$t& t&ee an# a &alf1 Now, ea%& of t&e'e line' ta.en in#i0i#"ally
&a' been e!2loye# befoe, an# w&at oiginality t&e (Ra0en( &a', i' in t&ei
%o!bination into 'tan7a: not&ing e0en e!otely a22oa%&ing t&i' &a' e0e been
atte!2te#1 5&e effe%t of t&i' oiginality of %o!bination i' ai#e# by ot&e
"n"'"al an# 'o!e altoget&e no0el effe%t', ai'ing fo! an e$ten'ion of t&e
a22li%ation of t&e 2in%i2le' of &y!e an# alliteation1
5&e ne$t 2oint to be %on'i#ee# wa' t&e !o#e of binging toget&e t&e lo0e
an# t&e Ra0en* an# t&e fi't ban%& of t&i' %on'i#eation wa' t&e lo%ale1 9o t&i'
t&e !o't nat"al '"gge'tion !ig&t 'ee! to be a foe't, o t&e fiel#'* b"t it &a'
alway' a22eae# to !e t&at a %lo'e %i%"!'%i2tion of '2a%e i' ab'ol"tely
ne%e''ay to t&e effe%t of in'"late# in%i#ent* it &a' t&e fo%e of a fa!e to a
2i%t"e1 It &a' an in#i'2"table !oal 2owe in .ee2ing %on%entate# t&e
attention, an#, of %o"'e, !"'t not be %onfo"n#e# wit& !ee "nity of 2la%e1
I #ete!ine#, t&en, to 2la%e t&e lo0e in &i' %&a!be* in a %&a!be en#ee#
'a%e# to &i! by !e!oie' of &e w&o &a# fe4"ente# it1 5&e oo! i'
e2e'ente# a' i%&ly f"ni'&e#* t&i' in !ee 2"'"an%e of t&e i#ea' I &a0e
alea#y e$2laine# on t&e '"b8e%t of )ea"ty, a' t&e 'ole t"e 2oeti%al t&e'i'1
5&e lo%ale being t&"' #ete!ine#, I &a# now to into#"%e t&e bi#* an# t&e
t&o"g&t of into#"%ing &i! t&o"g& t&e win#ow wa' ine0itable1 5&e i#ea of
! t&e lo0e '"22o'e, in t&e fi't in'tan%e, t&at t&e fla22ing of t&e wing' of
t&e bi# again't t&e '&"tte, i' a (ta22ing( at t&e #oo, oiginate# in a wi'& to
in%ea'e, by 2olonging, t&e ea#e,' %"io'ity, an# in a #e'ie to a#!it t&e
in%i#ental effe%t ai'ing fo! t&e lo0e,' t&owing o2en t&e #oo, fin#ing all
#a., an# t&en%e a#o2ting t&e &alf*fan%y t&at it wa' t&e '2iit of &i' !i'te'' t&at
I !a#e t&e nig&t te!2e't"o"', fi't to a%%o"nt fo t&e Ra0en,' '
a#!i''ion, an# 'e%on#ly, fo t&e effe%t of %onta't wit& t&e (2&y'i%al) 'eenity
wit&in t&e %&a!be1
I !a#e t&e bi# alig&t on t&e b"'t of ;alla', al'o fo t&e effe%t of %onta't
between t&e !able an# t&e 2l"!age* it being "n#e'too# t&at t&e b"'t wa'
ab'ol"tely '"gge'te# by t&e bi#* t&e b"'t of ;alla' being %&o'en, fi't, a' !o't
in .ee2ing wit& t&e '%&ola'&i2 of t&e lo0e, an# 'e%on#ly, fo t&e 'onoo"'ne''
of t&e wo#, ;alla', it'elf1
Abo"t t&e !i##le of t&e 2oe!, al'o, I &a0e a0aile# !y'elf of t&e fo%e of
%onta't, wit& a 0iew of #ee2ening t&e "lti!ate i!2e''ion1 9o e$a!2le, an ai
of t&e fanta'ti%* a22oa%&ing a' nealy to t&e l"#i%o"' a' wa' a#!i''ible* i'
gi0en to t&e Ra0en,' entan%e1 He %o!e' in (wit& !any a flit an# fl"tte1(
'ot the least obeisane !ade he- not a !o!ent stopped or
stayed he,
But with !ien of lord or lady, perhed above !y ha!ber door$
In t&e two 'tan7a' w&i%& follow, t&e #e'ign i' !oe ob0io"'ly %aie# o"t<*
Then this ebony bird, beguiling !y sad fany into s!iling
By the grave and stern deoru! of the ountenane it wore,
"Though thy rest be shorn and shaven, thou," I said, "art
sure no
Ghastly gri! and anient &aven wandering fro! the 'ightly
Tell !e what thy lordly na!e is on the 'ight(s Plutonian
%uoth the &aven- "'ever!ore$"
*uh I !arvelled this ungainly fowl to hear disourse so
Though its answer little !eaning- little relevany bore+
,or we annot help agreeing that no living hu!an being
-ver yet was blessed with seeing bird above his ha!ber door-
Bird or beast upon the sulptured bust above his ha!ber door,
.ith suh na!e as "'ever!ore$"
5&e effe%t of t&e #eno"e!ent being t&"' 2o0i#e# fo, I i!!e#iately #o2 t&e
fanta'ti% fo a tone of t&e !o't 2ofo"n# 'eio"'ne''* t&i' tone %o!!en%ing in
t&e 'tan7a #ie%tly following t&e one la't 4"ote#, wit& t&e line,
But the &aven, sitting lonely on that plaid bust, spo/e only,
9o! t&i' e2o%& t&e lo0e no longe 8e't'* no longe 'ee' anyt&ing e0en of t&e
fanta'ti% in t&e Ra0en,' #e!eano"1 He '2ea.' of &i! a' a (gi!, "ngainly,
g&a'tly, ga"nt, an# o!ino"' bi# of yoe,( an# feel' t&e (fiey eye'( b"ning
into &i' (bo'o!,' %oe1( 5&i' e0ol"tion of t&o"g&t, o fan%y, on t&e lo0e,' 2at,
i' inten#e# to in#"%e a 'i!ila one on t&e 2at of t&e ea#e* to bing t&e !in#
into a 2o2e fa!e fo t&e #eno"e!ent* w&i%& i' now bo"g&t abo"t a' a2i#ly
an# a' #ie%tly a' 2o''ible1
-it& t&e #eno"e!ent 2o2e* wit& t&e Ra0en,' e2ly, (Ne0e!oe,( to t&e
lo0e,' final #e!an# if &e '&all !eet &i' !i'te'' in anot&e wol#* t&e 2oe!, in
it' ob0io"' 2&a'e, t&at of a 'i!2le naati0e, !ay be 'ai# to &a0e it' %o!2letion1
So fa, e0eyt&ing i' wit&in t&e li!it' of t&e a%%o"ntable* of t&e eal1 A a0en,
&a0ing leane# by ote t&e 'ingle wo# (Ne0e!oe,( an# &a0ing e'%a2e# fo!
t&e %"'to#y of it' owne, i' #i0en at !i#nig&t, t&o"g& t&e 0iolen%e of a 'to!,
to 'ee. a#!i''ion at a win#ow fo! w&i%& a lig&t 'till glea!'* t&e %&a!be*
win#ow of a 't"#ent, o%%"2ie# &alf in 2oing o0e a 0ol"!e, &alf in #ea!ing
of a belo0e# !i'te'' #e%ea'e#1 5&e %a'e!ent being t&own o2en at t&e
fl"tteing of t&e bi#,' wing', t&e bi# it'elf 2e%&e' on t&e !o't %on0enient 'eat
o"t of t&e i!!e#iate ea%& of t&e 't"#ent, w&o a!"'e# by t&e in%i#ent an# t&e
o##ity of t&e 0i'ito,' #e!eano", #e!an#' of it, in 8e't an# wit&o"t fo
a e2ly, it' na!e1 5&e a0en a##e''e#, an'we' wit& it' %"'to!ay wo#,
(Ne0e!oe(* a wo# w&i%& fin#' i!!e#iate e%&o in t&e !elan%&oly &eat of
t&e 't"#ent, w&o, gi0ing "ttean%e alo"# to %etain t&o"g&t' '"gge'te# by t&e
o%%a'ion, i' again 'tatle# by t&e fowl,' e2etition of (Ne0e!oe1( 5&e 't"#ent
now g"e''e' t&e 'tate of t&e %a'e, b"t i' i!2elle#, a' I &a0e befoe e$2laine#, by
t&e &"!an t&i't fo 'elf*tot"e, an# in 2at by '"2e'tition, to 2o2o"n# '"%&
4"eie' to t&e bi# a' will bing &i!, t&e lo0e, t&e !o't of t&e l"$"y of 'oow,
t&o"g& t&e anti%i2ate# an'we, (Ne0e!oe1( -it& t&e in#"lgen%e, to t&e
e$te!e, of t&i' 'elf*tot"e, t&e naation, in w&at I &a0e te!e# it' fi't o
ob0io"' 2&a'e, &a' a nat"al te!ination, an# 'o fa t&ee &a' been no
o0e'te22ing of t&e li!it' of t&e eal1
)"t in '"b8e%t' 'o &an#le#, &owe0e '.illf"lly, o wit& &owe0e 0i0i# an aay
of in%i#ent, t&ee i' alway' a %etain &a#ne'' o na.e#ne'' w&i%& e2el' t&e
ati'ti%al eye1 5wo t&ing' ae in0aiably e4"ie#* fi't, 'o!e a!o"nt of
%o!2le$ity, o !oe 2o2ely, a#a2tation: an#, 'e%on#ly, 'o!e a!o"nt of
'"gge'ti0ene''* 'o!e "n#e*%"ent, &owe0e in#efinite, of !eaning1 It i' t&i'
latte, in e'2e%ial, w&i%& i!2at' to a wo. of at 'o !"%& of t&at i%&ne'' (to
boow fo! %ollo4"y a fo%ible te!), w&i%& we ae too fon# of %onfo"n#ing
wit& t&e i#eal1 It i' t&e e$%e'' of t&e '"gge'te# !eaning* it i' t&e en#eing t&i'
t&e "22e in'tea# of t&e "n#e*%"ent of t&e t&e!e* w&i%& t"n' into 2o'e (an#
t&at of t&e 0ey flatte't .in#), t&e 'o*%alle# 2oety of t&e 'o*%alle#
Hol#ing t&e'e o2inion', I a##e# t&e two %on%l"#ing 'tan7a' of t&e 2oe!* t&ei
'"gge'ti0ene'' being t&"' !a#e to 2e0a#e all t&e naati0e w&i%& &a' 2e%e#e#
t&e!1 5&e "n#e*%"ent of !eaning i' en#ee# fi't a22aent in t&e line*
"Ta/e thy bea/ fro! out !y heart, and ta/e thy for! fro! off
%uoth the &aven "'ever!ore!"
It will be ob'e0e# t&at t&e wo#', (fo! o"t !y &eat,( in0ol0e t&e fi't
!eta2&oi%al e$2e''ion in t&e 2oe!1 5&ey, wit& t&e an'we, (Ne0e!oe,(
#i'2o'e t&e !in# to 'ee. a !oal in all t&at &a' been 2e0io"'ly naate#1 5&e
ea#e begin' now to ega# t&e Ra0en a' e!ble!ati%al* b"t it i' not "ntil t&e
0ey la't line of t&e 0ey la't 'tan7a t&at t&e intention of ! &i!
e!ble!ati%al of 3o"nf"l an# ne0e en#ing Re!e!ban%e i' 2e!itte#
#i'tin%tly to be 'een<
And the &aven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is
0n the pallid bust of Pallas 1ust above !y ha!ber door+
And his eyes have all the see!ing of a de!on that is drea!ing,
And the la!plight o(er hi! strea!ing throws his shadow on the
And !y soul fro! out that shadow that lies floating on the
2hall be lifted- never!ore$


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