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This Week at Aldersgate

Today, July 6
9:00 am Revelation Class (208)
9:30 am Praise Band Small Group (211)
10:00 am Worship Service (Sanctuary)
10:50 am Joyful Noise Singers
11:15 am Godspell Class (FH)
11:15 am Friendship Class (208), Seekers (108)
11:30 am Worship Service (Sanctuary)

Monday, July 7
9:00 am District UMW (106)
6:30 pm COSA (111)
7:00 pm Member Care (HR)
7:00 pm Families Anonymous (108)

Tuesday, July 8
10:00 am Quilters Guild (FH)
1:30 pm Alzheimers Support Group (FC)
5:30 pm Total Restoration Ministry (108)

Wednesday, July 9
5:30 pm Small Group Prayer mtg. (108)
6:15 pm Covenant Discipleship (Parlor)
6:30 pm Class mtg. (106)
7:30 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal (S)

Thursday, July 10
6:00 pm Praise Band rehearsal (S)
6:30 pm Sweet Adelines (FH)
7:00 pm Class meeting (108)

Friday, July 11
3:00 pm Thompson-Daniel Rehearsal (S)

Saturday, July 12
8:00 am Sat. Morning Mens Group (FC)
12:00 pm Thompson-Daniel Wedding

An Ecumenical Camp for
Adults of All Ages
August 25, 26, 27
9:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Registration Fee
$20 Individual / $35 Couple

Camp Young At Heart is
planned by an ecumenical
committee and is open to
all interested adults.
For more information, call
Broadus Memorial Baptist
Church at (434) 977-7381
or e-mail Rev. Chris Fuss,
Registration forms are

P PHONE HONE: 434.973.5806 F : 434.973.5806 FAX AX: 434.973.1333 : 434.973.1333
July 6, 2014
July 6, 2014 Fourth Sunday After Pentecost 10:00 AM Worship Service
Prelude Prelude on America the Beautiful Dennis Janzer
Norman Allen, guest organist
Welcome Rev. Scott Davis
Welcome to Aldersgate and to this worship experience! Please take a moment to sign the
attendance pad found at the end of each pew and then pass it down to your neighbor. If you
have a prayer request please complete the blue card found in your pews and pass it to the
ushers during the opening hymn. Kindly silence all electronic devices as we prepare to worship.
*Call to Worship Bill George
Leader: We have come this day to learn about what God expects of us.
People: Sometimes we really dont want to know what God wants. We are
afraid to make the commitments God seeks.
Leader: God is persistent. God will not let us off the hook so easily.
People: But we have failed so many times in the past. How can we possibly
serve now?
Leader: Open your hearts to receive forgiveness and healing. Listen to God. Be ready
to work with God for hope, peace, justice and love.
People: Be with us, Lord. Help us to turn around, to see you, to serve you, to
witness to your Love.
*Opening Hymn 698 God of the Ages NATIONAL HYMN
*Opening Prayer
Open our eyes, our ears, our hearts and spirits this morning, Lord, that we may be healed of
our faithlessness, freed from our fears and anxieties, and placed on the pathways that lead
to peace and service to you. In Jesus Name, we pray. Amen.
Come Now Children
All children are invited to come forward as the congregation sings:
Come, now, children, this is your time; God loves you, we love you,
you are the gift of our church!
Childrens Message Rev. Chris Fuss
Following the Children's Message children may return to sit with their families or
attend Children's Church (for children ages Pre-K through 5th grade) downstairs.
Before Holy Communion all children will return to the Sanctuary to sit with their
families to participate in Holy Communion together.
Anthem God Is My Shepherd Gordon Young
Chancel Choir
Scripture Lesson Luke 18:1-8
The Word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God.

Sermon Parables from Godspell: The Persistent Widow Rev. Scott Davis
Prayer is vital to a relationship with God! Please join us Wednesday evenings from 5:30 - 6:30
PM in Room 108 for a hour of prayer, silence, and conversation.

One Minute Prayer of the Week! Each day at noon the Spiritual Growth Team is asking the
congregation to pray in agreement with Bishop Cho for "the renewal and revival of Aldergate
and all our churches. Come Holy Spirit!

Summer Office Hours: Monday, 1:00 to 4:30 pm, Tuesday Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Amy
OBrien, our Church Administrator, will be taking a vacation day on Mondays during the
summer but will be available Tuesday - Friday.

SECURITY TEAM There will be a brief training for those who have signed up to do the
security check of our church on Sunday, July 13th following the 10am service. If you can not
attend, please contact Deb Reynolds by e-mail at or at 295-8217.

Come under the spell of Godspell with the Godspell Bible Study Group
A Bible study of the scriptures contained in the play and movie of Godspell will be held this
summer. Godspell is based on the gospel of Matthew. We will focus on a discussion of the
many parables contained in the play including those on which the Godspell sermon series will
be focused. This group meets after the 10:00 am service in the Fellowship Hall. So grab
something at Sip n Chat and join us as we prepare for the performance. Contact Lee or
Rosalie Babbit at with questions.

Financial statements will be mailed the week of July 20
. If you do not receive your copy,
contact Don Fritz at

School Supply Drive
AUMC will be providing school supplies for over 200 students at Greer Elementary School. The
following is a list of items needed or, if you wish, you can make monetary donations to AUMC
with SCHOOL SUPPLIES on the memo line. Donations may be left in the collection box located
in the Welcome Center. Thanks for helping with this valuable ministry. Your Mission Team


Disinfecting wipes Gallon Ziploc bags Rulers
Hand sanitizer Block erasers Bottled glue
Crayons Scissors Dry erase markers
Marble composition notebook Colored pencils Liquid glue
Markers Wide ruled paper Pencil box
Pencils Construction paper Highlighters
Glue sticks Pocket folders
members of Aldersgate who occasionally assist the Emergency Food Bank? AUMC volunteers
are notified by email when large donations of food are expected to arrive at the Food Pantry.
Groups of six to eight people work for 2-3 hours sorting and shelving the canned and boxed
food. Please consider supporting this local mission. Contact Nancy Berman at 973-6555 or

Have an announcement to put in the bulletin or e-Note? Please send your submissions to AND Weekly deadline is Wednesday NOON.

Aldersgate needs more Acolytes and Crucifers this summer! Calling all kids grades 1 through
high school! Please sign-up to be a crucifer or an acolyte this summer! The sign-up and
information is located in the Sip and Chat area, and if you've never done this before, you can
learn how very easily! This is a terrific way for kids of all ages to be engaged in worship at
Aldersgate! Questions? Email

Pave Our Lot/ Stock Our Kitchen: A fundraiser to raise funds for our parking lot while stocking
Aldersgate's kitchen with new items! Laurie Davis and Deb Reynolds invite you to participate
in our Pampered Chef fundraiser at AUMC to help raise money for the church parking lot

Here is how it works: order an item from the Pampered Chef catalog that is needed for the
church kitchen. This item then goes to the kitchen while the funds from the commission go to
the parking lot project. Come review the list of needed items and place an order at Sip and
Chat on Sunday, July 20th, July 27th, or August 3rd.

You may also order online At check
out, be sure to click on Concrete Chefs so we get credit. Questions? Contact Laurie Davis at or Deb Reynolds at

VBS at AUMC 2014
Wow! What a week we had in mid-June! Our team of leaders would love to thank each and
every person who volunteered, prayed for us, donated items and/or made monetary
donations. We appreciate all you did and the joy on the children and parents faces each night
as they spent time learning about how much Jesus loved each of them while singing, dancing,
doing crafts, playing games, and more shows how much your prayers and actions meant to
them! We're especially proud of the children and volunteers who donated almost $180 to
purchase 1 and a half goats through Heifer International. The passion they had for wanting to
help others in this was a breath of fresh air and a brilliant way to start our summer! Let's
continue praying for each person who participated in Vacation Bible School this summer,
especially the wonderful children. So... who's ready for VBS 2015?!?
Hymn of Prayer 328 Surely the Presence of the Lord
Prayers of the People or Pastoral Prayer
A pause follows each prayer which ends with: Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Offering Prayer
Offertory In Heavenly Love Abiding Murray Bradshaw
Norman Allen, guest organist
*Doxology 94
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise God, all creatures here below:
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Praise God, the source of all our gifts!
Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts!
Confession and Pardon 8
The Great Thanksgiving 23 (Musical Setting D)
The Lords Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as
we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us
from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
Giving the Bread and Cup
All who are seeking to respond to the grace of Jesus Christ are invited to share in Holy
Communion. Following the direction of the ushers, please move to the Communion station
nearest you.
Prayer after Communion
Eternal God, we give you thanks for this holy mystery
in which you have given yourself to us. Grant that we may
go into the world in the strength of your Spirit, to give ourselves
for others, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
*Hymn of Commitment 696 America the Beautiful MATERNA
*Passing of the Peace
Leader: The peace of the Lord be always with you.
People: And also with you.
Please greet your neighbor as we move to Sip-N-Chat, to your left as you exit the sanctuary.
*Postlude Postlude Fantasia Robert Thygerson
Norman Allen, guest organist
*stand as you are able
Aldersgate United Methodist Church July 6, 2014 11:30 AM Service

Gathering Come Now Is the Time to Worship/Open the Eyes of My Heart (a mash-up)

Welcome To Aldersgate and to this worship experience! Please take a moment to sign the
attendance pad found at the end of each pew and then pass it down to your neighbor. If
you have a prayer request please complete the blue card found in your pews and pass it to
the ushers during the opening hymn. Kindly silence all electronic devices as we prepare to
worship. We hope this worship experience is uplifting and revitalizing for you!

Opening Worship Song Spirit Break Out

Childrens Message Rev. Chris Fuss
Following the Children's Message children may return to sit with their families or attend
Children's Church (for children ages Pre-K through 5th grade) in room 106 downstairs.
Following the Worship service they may be picked up by their parents/guardians.

Scripture Luke 18:1-8
The Word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God.

Sermon Parables from Godspell: The Persistent Widow Rev. Scott Davis

Offering Oceans

Communion Surrender
All who are seeking to respond to the grace of Jesus Christ are invited to share in Holy
Communion. Come to the Communion station as you feel led, receive a piece of bread, and
dip the bread in the chalice. Following communion you may pray at the kneeler if you

The Lords Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be
done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our
trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into
temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the
glory, forever. Amen.

Community Moment:
If you are feeling called to get connected at AUMC we encourage you to talk to one of the
greeters or pastors to see how to get started. Check out one of our Discipleship class
meetings or join us at the next Coffee with the Pastor to learn more!

Send Off Blessed Be Your Name

Please Pray For Irylanna Butler; Alli Callender; Sandy Checchi; Nancy Clark; Victor Connor;
Helen Counsell; Eugene Deane; Harry Fluharty; Tammy Fritz; Harold Fuss; June Moon
Gaedecke; Chad Gittings; Kathryn Gray; Thomas Hamlin; Al Highsmith; Liz Hood; Nan
Hutcherson; Roy Jones; Lillian LaRose; Zander Mawyer; Don & Pat Milleson; Art Oliver; Bill
Pennington; Nancy Reed; Schwaner Family; Paula Smith; Bunny Taylor; Penny Troutman; Travis
Whetzel; Ernestine Williams; Dannie Wright

The Altar flowers today are given to the glory of God, in celebration of their wedding
anniversary, and in honor of their children by Rick and Susan Reed.


Aldersgate has received a very generous anonymous matching donation of $25,000 to be used
specifically for the badly needed paving of our parking lot. Trustees are investigating options
from several local contractors and considering bids from each company. Of course, the more
money raised, the more can be accomplished. We are confident that our Aldersgate
community will be able to fully match this donation, to achieve a goal of $50,000. This money
would provide paving from Rio Road (office entrance), down the side of the building, the back
of the church lot, and ending at Mallside Road. The three trees in the center of the parking lot
near the shed would also be removed to add more parking spaces. Paving of the grass parking
area is not included in the bids. However, if our goal of $50,000 is exceeded, this area could
also be considered for paving.

Please prayerfully consider how you may contribute to our parking lot campaign. Aldersgate
opens its doors weekly for use to many non-profit organizations, district church meetings, and
to the thousands who pass through our doors during our Consignment sales. The most
frequent negative comment we hear from potential new members and people using our church
facility is the parking lot. It is past time to make the outside of our church building as attractive
as our inside to those who enter our doors. I challenge each of you to be a generous and
cheerful giver as we move forward in this new initiative for our church. Please make your
checks payable to Aldersgate United Methodist with parking lot campaign in the memo line.
God Bless each of you and our church.

FREE GODSPELL TICKETS will be available at Sip & Chat!
Performances are 7:30 pm Jul 31, Aug 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 8th, 9th (limited number), 10th in the
former sanctuary. Dinner theatre -- 6:00 pm on Aug 9--Tickets $6 each or $24 for families of 5
or more.

The Evangelism Team is asking for volunteers to distribute flyers prior to the performances and
to serve as greeters and ushers on performance days. Please contact Sybil Robertson at Sip &
Chat or or 973-4470.

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