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()*$)+ ,""-$). 5670+879 :;<2)%+;

1uLorlal 33, age 1
verslon 7 LasL updaLed SepLember 2011

1. 8ookConflrm ............................................................................................................................. 2
2. 8ookLasy ................................................................................................................................... 3
3. 8ook & ay buLLon (ChannelManager) ..................................................................................... 4
4. CharLs ........................................................................................................................................ 3
3. e1ourlsm onllne ........................................................................................................................ 6
6. LZ?leld ....................................................................................................................................... 7
7. fronLdesk ................................................................................................................................... 8
8. Cenkan ...................................................................................................................................... 9
9. Clobekey ................................................................................................................................. 10
10. Cloberes ................................................................................................................................ 11
11. CuesLCenLrlc ......................................................................................................................... 12
12. CuesLolnL ............................................................................................................................ 13
13. Plrum .................................................................................................................................... 14
14. lSLay (lPoLeller) ..................................................................................................................... 13
13. !ewel lnLegraLed 8ooklng SysLem ......................................................................................... 16
16. LevarL 8ooklng Lnglne ........................................................................................................... 17
17. Maxlal* .................................................................................................................................. 18
18. neL8ooklngs .......................................................................................................................... 19
19. neLroomz .............................................................................................................................. 20
20. aLron8ase ............................................................................................................................ 21
21. roCharLer ............................................................................................................................. 22
22. 8esCnllne .............................................................................................................................. 23
23. 8esax ................................................................................................................................... 24
24. 8ezdy ..................................................................................................................................... 23
23. 8ezgo ..................................................................................................................................... 26
26. 8MS onllne ............................................................................................................................ 27
27. 8oom Manager ..................................................................................................................... 28
28. 8CS2006 ................................................................................................................................ 29
29. SaLln lronL Cfflce SysLem* .................................................................................................... 30
30. Seekom l8ex .......................................................................................................................... 31
31. Slrlusware .............................................................................................................................. 32
32. 1he 8ooklng 8uLLon (SlLeMlnder) ......................................................................................... 33
33. S1AAP .................................................................................................................................... 34
34. ....................................................................................................................... 33
33. 1ravel8ez ............................................................................................................................... 36
36. 1ry8ooklng ............................................................................................................................ 37
37. Web 8eservaLlons ................................................................................................................. 38
38. WebvanLage ......................................................................................................................... 39
39. ?es8ooklL ............................................................................................................................... 40
40. 8elaLed LuLorlals .................................................................................................................... 41
lf you are a vendor and would llke Lo geL your sysLem evaluaLed and lncluded on Lhls llsL, please
conLacL Lxa[ 1he A1uW reserves Lhe rlghL Lo evaluaLe sysLems aL lLs dlscreLlon.

()*$)+ ,""-$). 5670+879 :;<2)%+;

1uLorlal 33, age 2
verslon 7 LasL updaLed SepLember 2011
=> ,""-?")@$18
*E C1$&02 /0$7)#-&#(3
8ookConflrm ls a sLralghLforward onllne booklng sysLem wlLh all Lhe baslc funcLlons for small Lo
large slzed accommodaLlon and Lour/aLLracLlon operaLors of all Lypes. 1he sysLem allows Lhe
Lour or accommodaLlon operaLor Lo sell Lhelr lnvenLory ln a real-Llme, secure envlronmenL.
arLnershlp wlLh local Lourlsm assoclaLlons and porLal owners Lo help wlLh dlsLrlbuLlon.
8ookConflrm alms Lo dlsplay cllenL's producLs on as many relevanL webslLes as posslble.
4E C1$&02 .03/()
8ookConflrm ls an lndependenL company, founded ln AusLralla ln 2003 and supporLlng cllenLs ln
AusLralla, Asla and Lhe uomlnlcan 8epubllc.
07 3303 6816
C 8ox 476, Annerley CLu, AusLralla
7E F3$&*++*&#(3
1he 8ookConflrm sysLem runs on secure servers hosLed by 8ookConflrm. 1he operaLor requlres
an lnLerneL connecLed C wlLh a browser. 8ookConflrm bullds all lnformaLlon, lmages and raLes
lnLo Lhe 8ookConflrm sysLem 1he operaLor adds a 8ook now buLLon on Lhelr webslLe.
CusLomlsaLlon Lo Lhe arLwork of Lhe booklng sysLem ls underLaken Lo maLch Lhe logos and colour
of Lhe operaLor's webslLe. 1hls can only be carrled ouL by 8ookConflrm.
/E G*$0 $&'/#0$
0E F3/#7*&#.0 7($&$ *3/ H')&"0) #3H()2*&#(3
no lnlLlal seL-up or on golng malnLenance fees. 3 commlsslon, whlch lncludes all credlL
card, merchanL and accounL keeplng fees.
!12$)$).9 no Lralnlng cosL.
5/##"109 no fees for supporL. ls avallable whenever Lhe cllenL requlres lL, vla phone or emall.
1here ls also full onllne web demonsLraLlon on how Lo malnLaln avallablllLy/change raLes
on Lhe 8ookConflrm webslLe.
ulsplaylng lnvenLory on porLals and oLher webslLes may lncur a hlgher commlsslon.
1here are no llsLlng fees for Lhls servlce.
()*$)+ ,""-$). 5670+879 :;<2)%+;

1uLorlal 33, age 3
verslon 7 LasL updaLed SepLember 2011
H> ,""-E276
*E C1$&02 /0$7)#-&#(3
8ookeasy provldes a sulLe of sofLware as a servlce lncludlng lLs desLlnaLlon markeLlng sysLem
uMS. Crlglnally developed for Lhe desLlnaLlon and vlslLor lnformaLlon cenLre markeL, Lhe sysLem
now dellvers a compleLe soluLlon for any slzed Lourlsm reglon or buslness lncludlng, onllne
booklngs, lnLegraLed e-markeLlng and survey funcLlonallLy, sales and markeLlng Lools, cllenL
daLabase managemenL, free channel manager, flnanclal lnLegraLlon wlLh accounLlng sysLems and
deLalled flnance reporLs. 8ookeasy lnLegraLes wlLh numerous channel managers, properLy
managemenL sysLems and 1xA/C8x.
4E C1$&02 .03/()
Cwned, developed, llcensed, and supporLed by an AusLrallan company 8ookeasy Ly LLd.
8ookeasy has a sLrong global dlsLrlbuLlon channel and lnLegraLes wlLh numerous onllne Lravel
agenLs and C1As.
07 3668 2330
Level 3, SouLhporL CenLral 3, 9 Lawson
SLreeL, SouLhporL CLu 4213 AusLralla
7E F3$&*++*&#(3
no lnsLallaLlon requlred, 8ookeasy provldes a secure web hosLed soluLlon. Cnly requlres an
lnLerneL connecLlon and web browser, lnLerneL Lxplorer 7+, llrefox 4+ and Safarl are supporLed.
/E G*$0 $&'/#0$
0E F3/#7*&#.0 7($&$ *3/ H')&"0) #3H()2*&#(3
lrom Auu$2,300.
5/##"109 8ookeasy provldes an lnLenslve lnlLlal Lralnlng process for booklng cenLres and Lhelr
lree Channel Manager - 3 channels for free
!12$)$).9 Cngolng supporL by an exLenslve knowledge-base, emall and Lelephone.
()*$)+ ,""-$). 5670+879 :;<2)%+;

1uLorlal 33, age 4
verslon 7 LasL updaLed SepLember 2011
3> ,""- I C26 B/00") J?D2))+*K2)2.+1L
*E C1$&02 /0$7)#-&#(3
Cnllne booklng buLLon LhaL lncludes a fronL offlce sysLem and channel manager.
4E C1$&02 .03/()
ChannelManager ls markeLed, sold and supporLed ln AusLralla by Channel Manager.
03 62602622
po box 90 8lchmond 1asmanla
7E F3$&*++*&#(3
1he ChannelManager sysLem runs on servers hosLed by ChannelManager. 1he operaLor requlres
an lnLerneL connecLed C wlLh a browser.
/E G*$0 $&'/#0$
0E F3/#7*&#.0 7($&$ *3/ H')&"0) #3H()2*&#(3
no seLup cosL. MonLhly fee dependlng on number of rooms. 8ook and ay buLLon 3.
8efer Lo hLLp://
!12$)$).9 hone Lralnlng.
5/##"109 rovlded vla emall or Lelephone 7 days a week 8am - 8pm.
8efer Lo webslLe for cosLs.
()*$)+ ,""-$). 5670+879 :;<2)%+;

1uLorlal 33, age 3
verslon 7 LasL updaLed SepLember 2011
M> ?D2107
*E C1$&02 /0$7)#-&#(3
CharLs MS ls a comprehenslve hosplLallLy sofLware soluLlon for hoLels, hosLels and 8&8s wlLh
over 20 years of ongolng lnnovaLlon. lL offers exLenslve lnLegraLlon wlLh A8x, polnL of sale, lock
and credlL card sysLems Lo name a few. lL provldes a cusLomlsable web booklng englne and
lncludes a fully auLomaLed and lnLegraLed porLal channel manager Lo keep lnvenLory up-Lo-daLe
on such Lhlrd-parLy webslLes as, Lxpedla,,, eLc
wlLh auLomaLed download of reservaLlons sLralghL lnLo CharLs. lL also provldes a powerful
compeLlLor lnLerface LhaL keeps Labs on Lhe compeLlLlon wlLh pop-up alarms for lmmedlaLe
correcLlon of raLes.
4E C1$&02 .03/()
AusLrallan company, CnLlne SysLems, develops, supporLs and sells CharLs MS and lLs onllne
booklng sysLem. ulsLrlbuLlon/supporL dlvlslons locaLed ln AusLralla, Lurope, SouLh Afrlca and
LaLln Amerlca. CuS connecLlvlLy wlLh 8eservPoLel.
02 9906 3900
SulLe 20, Creenwlch Square, 130-134 aclflc
Plghway, SL Leonards nSW 2063
7E F3$&*++*&#(3
CharLs sofLware and daLa reslde on Lhe server and CharLs ls acLlvaLed on cllenL compuLers vla
shorLcuLs Lo Lhe server. 1he CharLs server ls recommended Lo operaLe on a Wlndows server
operaLlng sysLem and CharLs cllenLs on Wlndows 2000/2003/x/vlsLa 8uslness/Wln7.
/E G*$0 $&'/#0$
0E F3/#7*&#.0 7($&$ *3/ H')&"0) #3H()2*&#(3
SeLup from Auu$2,000 Lo $3,000 (lncludes Lralnlng). Llcenclng depends on slze of
properLy and lnLerfaces selecLed.
!12$)$).9 lmplemenLaLlon, Lralnlng and rollouL can be provlded remoLely or on slLe.
5/##"109 CharLs supporL ls provlded 24/7 vla remoLe access sofLware, emall, Lelephone, web and
uepends on number of webslLes and charged monLhly.
()*$)+ ,""-$). 5670+879 :;<2)%+;

1uLorlal 33, age 6
verslon 7 LasL updaLed SepLember 2011
4> +!"/1$78 ")*$)+
*E C1$&02 /0$7)#-&#(3
e1ourlsm has been on Lhe markeL slnce 2001 and ls used by over 330 accommodaLlon operaLors
from 2 bed 8&8 Lo 400 room properLles. lL ls also deslgned for booklng agenLs. e1ourlsm
supporLs onllne booklngs dlrecL from Lhe operaLor's webslLe (vla e1ourlsm Cnllne), as well vla 3

parLy channel managers (such as SlLeMlnder), and a porLal. e1ourlsm lnLegraLes wlLh Lhe leadlng
MS sysLems 8MS and Lzy8es.
4E C1$&02 .03/()
e1ourlsm Cnllne ls markeLed, sold and supporLed ln AusLralla by e1ourlsm.
1300 331 448 or +61 7 3391 3441
SulLe 202, k8C 8ulldlng, 9 8ay SL
SouLhporL CLu 4213
7E F3$&*++*&#(3
e1ourlsm Cnllne can be lnLegraLed on Lhe operaLor's compuLer(s) by e1ourlsm as parL of Lhe
seLup, or vla a 3rd parLy developer uslng Lhe e1ourlsm Cnllne lnLegraLlon gulde. e1ourlsm
Cnllne sofLware ls hosLed cenLrally on e1ourlsm servers, and Lhe operaLor requlres only an
lnLerneL browser.
/E G*$0 $&'/#0$
lease refer Lo: hLLp://
0E F3/#7*&#.0 7($&$ *3/ H')&"0) #3H()2*&#(3
lrom Auu$22 per monLh dependlng on properLy slze and oLher servlces lncluded.
AlLernaLlvely, a 3 booklng fee for onllne booklngs lnsLead of monLhly fee - refundable
on cancellaLlon.
!12$)$).9 Auu$393 (can be aL no charge lf comblned wlLh oLher servlces).
lncluded ln above fees. SupporL ls provlded vla Lralnlng LuLorlals as well as emall and
vla Lhlrd parLy channel managemenL from Auu$39.93 + CS1 per monLh.
()*$)+ ,""-$). 5670+879 :;<2)%+;

1uLorlal 33, age 7
verslon 7 LasL updaLed SepLember 2011
N> EOP$+*;
*E C1$&02 /0$7)#-&#(3
LZ?leld Lhanks Lo luzlon PosplLallLy SulLe enables hoLellers Lo drlve efflclencles and revenue
generaLlon Lhrough an lnnovaLlve sulLe of web-based and moblle frlendly soluLlons, lncludlng
lnLegraLed hoLel reservaLlon dellvery capablllLles, a proprleLary web booklng englne and channel
managemenL Lechnology.
4E C1$&02 .03/()
no lnformaLlon provlded
02 9211 0999
Level 6, 64-76 klppax SL., Sydney, nSW
2010 AusLralla
7E F3$&*++*&#(3
no lnformaLlon provlded
/E G*$0 $&'/#0$

0E F3/#7*&#.0 7($&$ *3/ H')&"0) #3H()2*&#(3
lnlLlal seLup fee plus subscrlpLlon fee
!12$)$).9 Web based Lralnlng. Lasy hoLel lmplemenLaLlon wlLhln 30 days or less.
5/##"109 24x7x363 days per year
Llve cusLomer supporL and emall response.
1hrough luzlonllnk.
()*$)+ ,""-$). 5670+879 :;<2)%+;

1uLorlal 33, age 8
verslon 7 LasL updaLed SepLember 2011
Q> @1")0;+7-
*E C1$&02 /0$7)#-&#(3
fronLdesk ls a compleLe buslness managemenL sysLem speclflcally deslgned for small-medlum
operaLors. lL ls used by over 6,000 accommodaLlon, Lour, evenLs, and aLLracLlons ln many
counLrles. lL has Lhe feaLures of a hlgh quallLy MS lncludlng auLomaLlon and easy managemenL
of lnvenLory conLenL, raLes, offllne and onllne booklngs, conLrol of dlsLrlbuLlon, lnbullL C8M,
exporLs Lo accounLlng sysLems, comprehenslve reporLlng. Cnllne booklngs vla cusLomlsed
booklng pages on your webslLe wlLh auLomaLed paymenLs vla mosL 1xA channels wlLh funds
dlrecLly deposlLed lnLo operaLor's bank aL Llme of booklng.
4E C1$&02 .03/()
fronLdesk ls markeLed, sold and supporLed ln AusLralasla by v3.
1300 266 382 0r 08 9227 3933
9/333 Ceorge SLreeL, Sydney nSW 2000
7E F3$&*++*&#(3
SofLware ls loaded on your compuLer so lf web connecLlon falls Lhe booklng sysLem e.g. check-ln
check-ouL can sLlll be managed. All lnformaLlon on fronLdesk ls auLomaLlcally backed up and can
easlly be reLrleved lf compuLer losL. lree 8ook 8uLLon deslgn/placemenL on own webslLe.
lnvenLory daLa ls sLored, backed up and managed on v3's server. Wlndows x or hlgher wlLh
lnLerneL Lxplorer 6 or hlgher ls requlred on a deskLop compuLer wlLh a mlnlmum 1.2 CPz
enLlum processor.
/E G*$0 $&'/#0$
0E F3/#7*&#.0 7($&$ *3/ H')&"0) #3H()2*&#(3
1 - 3 rooms: free, 1 - 3 Lours: free, larger operaLors: from Auu$39.00 per monLh.
3 Lo 6 booklng fee for onllne booklngs.
!12$)$).9 lree lnsLallaLlon, seL up/Lralnlng.
5/##"109 lree Pelpdesk supporL. lree yleld supporL. lree upgrades.
no addlLlonal cosL.
()*$)+ ,""-$). 5670+879 :;<2)%+;

1uLorlal 33, age 9
verslon 7 LasL updaLed SepLember 2011
R> S+)-2)
*E C1$&02 /0$7)#-&#(3
Cenkan ls a LoLal, "end Lo end" onllne hollday renLal, properLy managemenL soluLlon for properLy
managemenL groups and real esLaLe agenLs speclallslng ln hollday properLy managemenL and
reservaLlons wlLh lnLegraLed LrusL accounLlng and markeLlng funcLlonallLy uslng SMS & emall. lL
ls a new sysLem Lo Lhe markeL offerlng lnnovaLlve approaches Lo Lhe presenLaLlon of
accommodaLlon properLles Lo Lhe markeL Lhrough agenL re-brandlng and dlsLrlbuLlon channels.
Cenkan ls lnsLalled across AusLralla, Canada and !apan.
4E C1$&02 .03/()
Cenkan ls markeLed, sold and supporLed by Cenkan 1? L1u.
02 99297944
C 8ox 48 Cammeray nSW 2062
7E F3$&*++*&#(3
Cenkan ls a hosLed soluLlon, Lhe properLy manager or agenL slmply needs a deskLop C or
MaclnLosh runnlng a browser and connecLed Lo Lhe lnLerneL.
/E G*$0 $&'/#0$
0E F3/#7*&#.0 7($&$ *3/ H')&"0) #3H()2*&#(3
SeLup cosL ls dependanL upon user requlremenLs. Commlsslon ls Auu$13 per booklng
!12$)$).9 lncluded ln SupporL fee. rovlded by web deskLop sharlng or face Lo face.
5/##"109 Auu$1,300 one-off fee. rovlded vla emall and Lelephone.
Channel managemenL ls provlded Lhrough 8esCnllne.
()*$)+ ,""-$). 5670+879 :;<2)%+;

1uLorlal 33, age 10
verslon 7 LasL updaLed SepLember 2011
T> S*"B+-+6
*E C1$&02 /0$7)#-&#(3
Clobekey ls used by over 3,000 accommodaLlon provlders of all slzes and Lypes (lncludlng
agenLs), ln more Lhan 60 counLrles. Clobekey ls a maLure producL (avallable slnce 2000) whlch
speclallses ln onllne reservaLlons, whllsL provldlng llnks Lo Lhe operaLor's MS and back offlce
flnanclal sysLems (lf requlred). Clobekey has no llmlLs on number of guesLs, properLles, or users.
4E C1$&02 .03/()
Clobekey ls developed, sold and supporLed ln AusLralla by Clobekey SysLems Ly LLd.
02 9968 3422
Level 2, AshLon Pouse, 66 SplL 8oad,
Mosman, Sydney, nSW 2088, AusLralla
7E F3$&*++*&#(3
1he Clobekey sysLem ls hosLed on Clobekey's server and ls accessed vla a llnk from Lhe
operaLor's own webslLe. 1he sysLem works from any compuLer wlLh lnLerneL access vla a
browser. lL ls noL necessary Lo lnsLall sofLware and no speclal hardware ls requlred.
1he operaLor's webslLe ls hosLed by Clobekey. 1he Clobekey reservaLlons screens maLch Lhe look
and feel of Lhe operaLor's webslLe. Clobekey wlll cusLomlse any reservaLlon screen wlLh header
lnformaLlon provlded by Lhe operaLor.
/E G*$0 $&'/#0$

0E F3/#7*&#.0 7($&$ *3/ H')&"0) #3H()2*&#(3
All lncluslve monLhly fee based on Lhe number of rooms ln a properLy, ranglng from
A$30 Lo A$200 per monLh. SeLup: lncluded ln monLhly fee.
!12$)$).9 lncluded ln monLhly fee. rovlded by Lelephone.
5/##"109 SupporL: rovlded vla emall and Lelephone.
lees sub[ecL Lo level of managemenL requlred.
()*$)+ ,""-$). 5670+879 :;<2)%+;

1uLorlal 33, age 11
verslon 7 LasL updaLed SepLember 2011
=U> S*"B+1+7
*E C1$&02 /0$7)#-&#(3
Cloberes ls deslgned Lo sulL all Lypes and slzes of accommodaLlon, from self-caLerlng cablns Lo
mulLlple properLles. lL provldes a booklng englne for operaLors Laklng booklngs from Lhelr own
webslLe, or Lravel porLal webslLes selllng accommodaLlon as 'wholesale' or dlrecL. Cloberes ls
used by over 400 cllenLs globally and has been avallable slnce 2002.
Cloberes supporLs mulLlple raLe Lypes and added-value package seLup, wlLhouL needlng Lo
creaLe dlfferenL room Lypes or spllLLlng lnvenLory. Cloberes ls llnked Lo 3rd parLy and lasL mlnuLe
slLes vla channel managemenL vendors.
4E C1$&02 .03/()
Cloberes ls developed by Cloberes ln Canada and supporLed ln AusLralla/nZ by PCC
1echnologles Ly LLd.
+61 408 326 646
2/19 8ass lace, MounL Colah, nSW
7E F3$&*++*&#(3
Cloberes ls seL up vla a buLLon on an operaLor's web slLe and no modlflcaLlon ls needed Lo Lhe
slLe. Cloberes can be accessed from any browser on Wlndows C or Mac. 1he operaLor supplles
lnvenLory deLalls for lnlLlal seLup. CperaLor Lhen has conLrol of lnvenLory and raLes vla user
loglns. 1he operaLor's daLa ls sLored on Lhe Cloberes server.
CusLomlslng Lhe user lnLerface can be done by a non-Lechnlcal operaLor.
/E G*$0 $&'/#0$
0E F3/#7*&#.0 7($&$ *3/ H')&"0) #3H()2*&#(3
Cne-off seLup fee accordlng Lo room counL ln Lhe range Auu$40 Lo Auu$400. MonLhly
fee accordlng Lo room counL.
!12$)$).9 lull lnlLlal and ongolng Lralnlng lncluded ln seLup fee.
5/##"109 vla emall (7 days), Lelephone and fax. Pelp flles are on each admln web page. CosL
lncluded ln monLhly llcenclng fee.
Avallable vla 3rd parLy channel managemenL sofLware, prlclng from Auu$29/monLh.
()*$)+ ,""-$). 5670+879 :;<2)%+;

1uLorlal 33, age 12
verslon 7 LasL updaLed SepLember 2011
==> S/+70?+)01$%
*E C1$&02 /0$7)#-&#(3
1he CuesLCenLrlc plaLform lncludes: hoLel booklng englne, hoLel webslLe deslgn, hoLel
reservaLlon sofLware, and hoLel markeLlng. PoLels uslng CuesLCenLrlc aLLracL guesLs uslng new
engagemenL Lechnlques llke lacebook and 1wlLLer or vla afflllaLed webslLes. 1hese Lechnlques
lncrease dlrecL booklngs and lower dlsLrlbuLlon cosLs. Plgh end cusLomers uslng lads and
smarLphones also caLered for.
4E C1$&02 .03/()
CuesLCenLrlc ls markeLed, sold and supporLed ln uS, uk, Spaln and orLugal by CuesLCenLrlc
+1 (203) 317-0720
693 8ouLe 46 WesL, lalrfleld, n! 07004,
7E F3$&*++*&#(3
CuesLCenLrlc ls a (cloud) hosLed soluLlon and no lnsLallaLlon ls requlred, Lhe operaLor needs a
deskLop C or MaclnLosh runnlng a browser and connecLed Lo Lhe lnLerneL. lmplemenLaLlon of
Lhe booklng sysLem Lakes around 4 hours.
/E G*$0 $&'/#0$
0E F3/#7*&#.0 7($&$ *3/ H')&"0) #3H()2*&#(3
MonLhly charge per reservaLlon dependlng on volume (revenue share model). CosL for
webslLe developmenL sLarLs aL uS$730
!12$)$).9 lncluded. uellvered vla an lnlLlal seLup sesslon, weekly weblnars
lncluded ln llcence fee. SupporL ls provlded vla emall, Lelephone, case managemenL
sysLem, messenger sysLem and supporL porLal. CuarLerly revenue managemenL analysls.
SeLup $230/annum and monLhly charge per reservaLlon dependlng on volume.
()*$)+ ,""-$). 5670+879 :;<2)%+;

1uLorlal 33, age 13
verslon 7 LasL updaLed SepLember 2011
=H> S/+70C"$)0
*E C1$&02 /0$7)#-&#(3
CuesLolnL ls an easy Lo use accommodaLlon managemenL soluLlon, sLreamllnlng every sLep
from reservaLlon Lo guesL check-ouL. lL ls deslgned for small Lo mld-slzed moLels, bouLlque
accommodaLlon properLles, 8&8s, guesL houses and farm sLays. leaLures: easy Lo use, mulLl-Lask
reservaLlon plan, slmpllfy your onllne reservaLlons and web booklng channels, undersLand your
guesLs' needs and preferences, communlcaLe wlLh your guesLs wlLh bullL-ln emall Lool, Lrack your
properLy's performance, auLomaLed backups, unllmlLed users, remoLe managemenL access and
secure credlL card sLorage for peace of mlnd.
CuesLolnL ls dellvered Lo you wlLh WebolnL - your onllne booklng buLLon.
4E C1$&02 .03/()
CuesLolnL ls developed and supporLed by CenLlum SofLware, based ln 8rlsbane, Cueensland.
CenLlum SofLware has a long hlsLory developlng and supporLlng world-class accommodaLlon
managemenL sysLems.
1300 236 848
8rlsbane 1echnology ark 60 8randl SLreeL
LlghL Mlle lalns CLu 4113
7E F3$&*++*&#(3
?ou can have CuesLolnL lnsLalled on as many compuLers and lapLops as requlred. lnsLallaLlon ls
qulck and easy wlLh all your conflguraLlon done for you.
/E G*$0 $&'/#0$
0E F3/#7*&#.0 7($&$ *3/ H')&"0) #3H()2*&#(3
!12$)$).9 lncl. ln prlclng (lncl. free rellef manager Lralnlng).
5/##"109 24/7 supporL vla Lelephone and emall.
lnLegraLlon Lo Channel Managers such as SlLeMlnder, Seekom, LevarL, 8esCnllne
lncluded ln Lhe prlclng
()*$)+ ,""-$). 5670+879 :;<2)%+;

1uLorlal 33, age 14
verslon 7 LasL updaLed SepLember 2011
=3> V$WXK
*E C1$&02 /0$7)#-&#(3
1he Pl8uM properLy managemenL sofLware has been on Lhe markeL for over 13 years and ls
used by over 900 operaLors from 4 Lo 800 rooms. Pl8uM sulLs all Lypes of accommodaLlon
buslnesses, from 8&8 and bouLlque properLles Lo hoLels and resorLs of all slzes, as well as
mulLlple properLles.
luncLlons lnclude onllne booklngs vla your webslLe as well as channel managemenL vla Lhe PlSlLe
module, fronL offlce funcLlons, and lnLerfaces for polnL of sale, credlL cards, and back-end
accounLlng and flnanclal sysLems, sLraLa LlLle LrusL accounLlng. 1lckeLs Lo Lours, evenLs and
aLLracLlons are avallable Lhrough a llnk Lo 1lckeLMaLes.
1he Pl8uM booklng englne can also be fully lnLegraLed wlLh Pl8uM's own onllne
accommodaLlon webslLe, as well as a wlde range of afflllaLed booklng porLals and agenLs.
4E C1$&02 .03/()
Pl8uM ls developed, sold and supporLed by Pl8uM AusLralasla Ly LLd.
A+B9 hLLp:// CD")+9 07 3302 9944
E82$*9 :;;1+779
C 8ox 223, Pelensvale, Cld, AusLralla
7E F3$&*++*&#(3
1he booklng sofLware ls compleLely conflgured by Pl8uM, and run on your compuLer or hosLed
remoLely on a Lhlrd parLy server. lL wlll run on a enLlum 3 compuLer or hlgher uslng MlcrosofL
Wlndows 93 or hlgher.
/E G*$0 C&'/#0$
1esLlmonlals are avallable on Pl8uM's webslLe aL:
0E F3/#7*&#.0 7($&$ *3/ H')&"0) #3H()2*&#(3
SeLup from Auu$440.00, sofLware use from from Auu$132.00 per monLh.
!12$)$).9 lrom Auu$330.00 (3 hours).
5/##"109 Lmall, phone, fax and webslLe supporL lncluslve ln monLhly renLal cosL. lAC page on Lhe
webslLe and advanced Learnlng CenLre avallable on Lhe webslLe vla secure logln.
lrom Auu$38.00 per monLh + lnLegraLlon.
()*$)+ ,""-$). 5670+879 :;<2)%+;

1uLorlal 33, age 13
verslon 7 LasL updaLed SepLember 2011
=M> $5026 J$V"0+*$+1L
*E C1$&02 /0$7)#-&#(3
lPoLeller ls a comprehenslve CenLral 8eservaLlon SysLem (C8S) whlch lncludes a whlLe label
booklng Lool (lSLay). lSLay can be fully lnLegraLed seamlessly wlLh Lhe operaLor's webslLe and ls
ldeal for measurlng/reporLlng elecLronlc markeLlng acLlvlLles. lPoLeller provldes Lhe ablllLy for
guesLs Lo conLlnue Lo shop. CuesLs can lnclude addlLlonal producLs or servlces when Lhey book
1ravelCLlCk provldes a channel managemenL Lool Lo mulLlple (over 160 global slLes) 3rd parLy
slLes, CuS and brand webslLes from a slngle web-based plaLform. WlLh pooled lnvenLory and
llnked room Lype's greaLer raLe & lnvenLory conLrol ls achleved.
4E C1$&02 .03/()
lPoLeller ls used by over 14,000 hoLels ln 140 counLrles, lncludlng over 630 ln AusLralla.
1raveCLlCk has been developlng and supporLlng lPoLeller for 10 years.
03 9699 9969
291 CovenLry SLreeL, SouLh Melbourne,
vlcLorla 3203, AusLralla
7E F3$&*++*&#(3
CompuLer faclllLles needed: A compuLer wlLh a browser and access Lo Lhe lnLerneL. SofLware
lnsLallaLlon ls noL requlred. 1he operaLor's daLa ls sLored on lPoLel's servers.
CusLomlslng Lhe user lnLerface ls done vla onllne CMS or vla cusLomer care Leam.
/E G*$0 $&'/#0$
0E F3/#7*&#.0 7($&$ *3/ H')&"0) #3H()2*&#(3
Cne-Llme seL-up fee ls under Auu$1,000. CLher prlces on appllcaLlon.
!12$)$).9 10 hours of Lralnlng provlded, ongolng asslsLance ls compllmenLary LhroughouL Lhe Lerm
of Lhe agreemenL.
5/##"109 Lmall, phone, fax and webslLe supporL lncluslve ln monLhly renLal cosL. lAC page on Lhe
webslLe and advanced Learnlng CenLre avallable on Lhe webslLe vla secure logln.
Annual subscrlpLlon less Lhan Auu$2,000.
()*$)+ ,""-$). 5670+879 :;<2)%+;

1uLorlal 33, age 16
verslon 7 LasL updaLed SepLember 2011
=4> Y+G+* Z)0+.120+; ,""-$). 5670+8
*E C1$&02 /0$7)#-&#(3
!ewel offers Lwo sysLems: !l8S provldes accommodaLlon and Lour booklngs vla Lour desks and
vlslLor lnformaLlon CenLres, !ewel 8eservaLlon SysLem ls an onllne booklng sysLem for Lour
operaLors. !8S provldes a soluLlon for Lours, commuLer, express and charLer operaLors of all slzes
and Lypes, and for aLLracLlon and venue LlckeLlng. All have Lhe onllne 8ooklng module aLLached
Lo enable dlrecL on-llne lnvenLory checklng and credlL card LransacLlons Lo be Laken. 1he !ewel
lnLegraLed 8ooklng SysLem (!l8S) allows vlslLor lnformaLlon cenLres and Lour desks Lo book and
conflrm avallablllLy of Lours, accommodaLlon, aLLracLlons and evenLs vla Lhe 1xA. !l8S also
supporLs Lour booklngs vla a llnk Lo Lhe !8S sysLem.
4E C1$&02 .03/()
!ewel 8uslness SysLems ln AusLralla has been developlng and supporLlng !8S and !l8S slnce 2004.
A+B9 hLLp://[ewel CD")+9
03 9837 3299
vla Web form
SulLe 10, 383 8elmore 8d, 8alwyn LasL,
vlcLorla 3103, AusLralla
7E F3$&*++*&#(3
Cnce Lhe sysLem ls conflgured, lL can be lnsLalled uslng a sLandard Wlndows lnsLall shleld. 1he
sysLem ls avallable for Wlndows deskLop and moblle devlces. lor almosL all cllenLs, !8S hosL Lhe
sysLem Lo guaranLee securlLy, avallablllLy and performance. CusLomlslng ls lmplemenLed by !8S.
1ralnlng ls conducLed for mosL cllenLs ln less Lhan 2 days.
/E G*$0 $&'/#0$
0E F3/#7*&#.0 7($&$ *3/ H')&"0) #3H()2*&#(3
Llcence (1-off) ls Auu$400 per user. SupporL ls Auu$100 per user per year.
1here ls a monLhly charge per passenger dependlng on volume.
ConflguraLlon ls Auu$1000 - 3000. Also 1-off charges for lnLerfaces Lo accounLlng,
webslLe eLc.
!12$)$).9 Auu$1,300.
5/##"109 SupporL ls provlded durlng go llve, ofLen wlLh !8S sLaff on slLe. Cngolng supporL ls vla
emall and 24x7 Lelephone. lurLher Lralnlng ls provlded as needed.
no addlLlonal cosL for llnkage Lo 1xA.
()*$)+ ,""-$). 5670+879 :;<2)%+;

1uLorlal 33, age 17
verslon 7 LasL updaLed SepLember 2011
=N> [+<210 ,""-$). E).$)+
*E C1$&02 /0$7)#-&#(3
LevarL provldes a PoLel WebslLe and 8ooklng Lnglne LhaL provldes lmmedlaLe conflrmaLlons for a
number of properLy Lypes and slzes. LevarL also enables Lhe operaLor Lo conLrol lLs dlsLrlbuLlon
uslng Lhe LevarL 8ooklng Lnglne Lhrough Lhe operaLor's own webslLe (hosLed by LevarL), vla
Lravel porLals (hosLed by LevarL), and vla 3
parLy slLes (such as WoLlf), or 3
parLy Lravel porLals
noL uslng Lhe LevarL 8ooklng Lnglne). lnvenLory and raLes can be managed vla Lhe MS sysLem,
booklngs flow Lhrough Lo Lhe MS sysLems as well as Lhe opLlon for lnvenLory and raLes Lo flow
from Lhe MS Lo LevarL.
4E C1$&02 .03/()
LevarL 8ooklng Lnglne ls developed, sold and supporLed ln AusLralla by LevarL ulsLrlbuLlon
08 9382 8001
SulLe 3, 316 Cnslow 8oad, ShenLon ark
WesLern AusLralla 6008
7E F3$&*++*&#(3
1he LevarL 8ooklng Lnglne ls hosLed on LevarL's server and can be lnLegraLed seamlessly wlLh Lhe
operaLors own web slLe. LevarL 8ooklng Lnglne works from any compuLer wlLh lnLerneL access
vla a browser. 1he operaLor's webslLe ls hosLed by LevarL and provldes for a number of pages
relevanL Lo Lhe operaLor's buslness. 1he conLenL can be admlnlsLered by Lhe operaLor. 1he
properLy can arrange for Lhe deslgn Lhe look and feel of Lhe webslLe whlch ls applled Lo Lhe
ConLenL ManagemenL sysLem by LevarL sLaff.
/E G*$0 $&'/#0$

0E F3/#7*&#.0 7($&$ *3/ H')&"0) #3H()2*&#(3
Annual amounL depends on opLlons selecLed. SeLup: Auu$110.
!12$)$).9 4 hours lnlLlal Lralnlng, plus half and 1-day courses lf requlred.
5/##"109 SupporL ls provlded provlded vla emall and Lelephone.
no addlLlonal cosL.
()*$)+ ,""-$). 5670+879 :;<2)%+;

1uLorlal 33, age 18
verslon 7 LasL updaLed SepLember 2011
=Q> K2\$2*]
*E C1$&02 /0$7)#-&#(3
Maxlal ls a properLy managemenL sysLem almed aL hoLels and resorLs of any slze. lL doesn'L have
lLs own onllne booklng buLLon buL uLlllses Lhe onllne booklng buLLons from Lhe many channel
mangers ln lnLegraLes wlLh. luncLlons offered by Lhe laLesL verslon of Lhe sofLware lnclude
booklngs Lhrough channel managers, fronL and back offlce funcLlons, and lnLerfaces for polnL of
] lease noLe LhaL Maxlal ls a fronL desk and back offlce sysLem and does noL supporL onllne
booklngs wlLhouL exLra codlng or uLlllslng a compaLlble channel manager.
4E C1$&02 .03/()
Maxlal sofLware ls developed, sold and supporLed by Maxlal SoluLlons.
07 3832 3122
.C. 8ox 730, lorLlLude valley, Cld, 4006,
7E F3$&*++*&#(3
Maxlal wlll run on MlcrosofL Wlndows 2000 or hlgher (preferably x).Maxlal sLaff wlll load all
necessary Maxlal sofLware on Lhe servers, and wlll Lraln you Lo conflgure compuLers and oLher
equlpmenL used for Lralnlng. ?ou wlll be responslble for loadlng Maxlal on Lhe remalnder of
/E G*$0 $&'/#0$

0E F3/#7*&#.0 7($&$ *3/ H')&"0) #3H()2*&#(3
lease conLacL suppller.
!12$)$).9 Cn slLe Lralnlng
SupporL ls provlded vla emall, Lelephone, 24/7 vla pager and onllne supporL sysLem.
lease conLacL suppller for furLher lnformaLlon
6 lree Channels lnLegraLed vla 8esCnllne, all channels $33/mLh when on SLandard
LlsLlng, All Channels offered free of charge when on rlorlLy LlsLlng, very easy Lo use
lnLerface vla neL8ooklngs back end.
()*$)+ ,""-$). 5670+879 :;<2)%+;

1uLorlal 33, age 19
verslon 7 LasL updaLed SepLember 2011
=R> ^+0,""-$).7
*E C1$&02 /0$7)#-&#(3
neL8ooklngs ls an AusLrallan onllne booklng sysLem and has been on Lhe markeL for 10 years, lL
ls used by over 200 accommodaLlon provlders (1 Lo 100 rooms), Lour, aLLracLlon operaLors (1-100
people), and up Lo 20 day-spa rooms. lL ls deslgned for all Lypes of accommodaLlon, day spas,
aLLracLlons and Lours and lnLegraLes glfL cerLlflcaLes wlLh all buslness funcLlons.
luncLlons lnclude: onllne booklngs and secure paymenL vla Lhe operaLor's webslLe or afflllaLed
onllne neLworks, onllne booklngs for day spas, glfL cerLlflcaLe sales, fronL offlce funcLlons,
lnLerfaces for polnL of sale, and a range of cusLomlsed reporLs.
4E C1$&02 .03/()
neL8ooklngs ls developed, sold and supporLed ln AusLralasla by neL8ooklngs Ly LLd.
03 3988 6808
C 8ox 314, 8ye, vlcLorla, 3941
7E F3$&*++*&#(3
neL8ooklngs can galn access Lo your webslLe and load sofLware or can emall Lhe deLalls Lo your
web developer. 8emoLe hosLlng of Lhe sysLem ls avallable. All daLa ls backed up every day wlLh
exporL capablllLles.
/E G*$0 $&'/#0$
0E F3/#7*&#.0 7($&$ *3/ H')&"0) #3H()2*&#(3
SelecL from SLandard seLup (dlfferenL levels of commlsslons) or rlorlLy seLup
(malnLenance conLracL plus commlsslons).
!12$)$).9 lree vla hone and Lmall, Cn slLe avallable aL $120/Pr plus Lravel expenses.
5/##"109 lree vla hone and Lmall, Cn slLe avallable aL $120/Pr plus Lravel expenses.
6 lree Channels lnLegraLed vla 8esCnllne, all Channels $33/mLh when on SLandard
LlsLlng, All Channels offered free of charge when on rlorlLy LlsLlng, very easy Lo use
lnLeface vla neL8ooklngs back end.
()*$)+ ,""-$). 5670+879 :;<2)%+;

1uLorlal 33, age 20
verslon 7 LasL updaLed SepLember 2011
=T> ^+01""8_
*E C1$&02 /0$7)#-&#(3
neLroomz ls an onllne booklngs webslLe provldlng a wlde range of funcLlons wlLh an lnLerface
cusLomlsed Lo Lhe operaLor's requlremenLs. 8ooklngs can also be made Lhrough a porLal llnklng
many hoLels and oLher accommodaLlon Lypes (PoLelulrecL), and vla a number of lasL mlnuLe
booklng slLes.
4E C1$&02 .03/()
neLroomz ls developed, sold and supporLed ln AusLralla by neLroomz Ly LLd.
02 9889 4326
C 8ox 641 norLh 8yde 8uslness CenLre
nSW 1670
7E F3$&*++*&#(3
neLroomz ls a fully hosLed and supporLed sysLem. 1he operaLor requlres a compuLer wlLh
lnLerneL access vla a browser.
neLroomz cusLomlses Lhe user lnLerface based on a llbrary of sLandard sLyle sheeLs for operaLors
Lo choose from. Many feaLures of neLroomz can be conflgured speclflcally for an operaLor, so
Lhe appllcaLlon can behave qulLe dlfferenLly dependlng upon Lhe operaLor's buslness
requlremenLs. 1hese requlremenLs are ldenLlfled as parL of Lhe sysLem seLup.
/E G*$0 $&'/#0$
0E F3/#7*&#.0 7($&$ *3/ H')&"0) #3H()2*&#(3
lor lndependenL hoLels, moLels, hollday parks Lhere ls a flaL monLhly fee ranglng from
$39 per monLh Lo $139 per monLh (dependlng on number of rooms). lor chalns, we
offer a reduclng percenLage fee opLlon whlch ls 1.93 of booklng revenue (or less
dependlng upon volume of booklngs). 1here are no seLup fees.
!12$)$).9 lnsLallaLlon and Lralnlng ls provlded aL no addlLlonal cosL. lurLhermore onllne LuLorlal
vldeos are avallable coverlng a wlde range of feaLures and funcLlons of Lhe sysLem.
5/##"109 SupporL ls lncluded ln Lhe prlclng above. SupporL ls avallable vla phone and emall as well
as a supporL llnk dlrecL from our admlnlsLraLlon console.
Cur Channel ManagemenL Lool lreeloader ls lncluded wlLh Lhe neLroomz booklng
englne aL no addlLlonal cosL.
()*$)+ ,""-$). 5670+879 :;<2)%+;

1uLorlal 33, age 21
verslon 7 LasL updaLed SepLember 2011
HU> C201"),27+
*E C1$&02 /0$7)#-&#(3
aLron8ase has over 30 cllenLs ln AusLralla, nZ, uk and lreland and developed Lhe flrsL release of
lLs sysLem ln 1998. aLron8ase provldes funcLlons Lo supporL LlckeLlng for Lourlsm operaLors
(boaLs, scenlc fllghLs), enLerLalnmenL venues, performlng arLs and sporLlng venues. lL also has a
box offlce module for CS as well as general producL sales, donaLlons and venue managemenL.
An agency module allows for offslLe agenLs Lo sell vla an onllne llnk
Slnce Lhen, Lhe flrsL cllenL has processed over 1 mllllon LlckeLs and aLron8ase has reflned Lhe
sysLem based on feedback from managemenL and 8ox Cfflce sLaff from cusLomers.
4E C1$&02 .03/()
aLron8ase ls developed, sold and supporLed ln nZ, AusLralla and uk by aLron8ase AusLralla.
03 9999 1960
C 8ox 73,
CarlLon SouLh vlC 3033, AusLralla
7E F3$&*++*&#(3
referred slLe seL up ls for Lhe sysLem Lo be lnsLalled on slLe, hosLlng offslLe ls an opLlon lf
requlred. CusLomlsaLlon ls carrled ouL by CrlusCroup generally lncluded ln supporL opLlons,
sub[ecL Lo requlremenLs.
/E G*$0 $&'/#0$
0E F3/#7*&#.0 7($&$ *3/ H')&"0) #3H()2*&#(3
SofLware cosLs varles dependanL on modules a cllenL requlres. CosLs can be arranged Lo
sulL cllenL from 1 off paymenL Lo monLhly or oLher such arrangemenL LhaL ls muLually
CnslLe and remoLe Lralnlng ls avallable and supporL ls provlded vla emall, Lelephone and
an onllne porLal for logglng requesLs.
5/##"109 SeL up cosLs wlll vary dependanL on Lhe complexlLy of Lhe cllenL and producLs belng
managed. SupporL cosLs are fee based on a of Lhe sofLware cosLs. SupporL cosL can
also be negoLlaLed, from 1 off paymenL Lo monLhly or oLher such arrangemenL.
noL appllcable.
()*$)+ ,""-$). 5670+879 :;<2)%+;

1uLorlal 33, age 22
verslon 7 LasL updaLed SepLember 2011
H=> C1"?D210+1
*E C1$&02 /0$7)#-&#(3
rocharLer sysLems focus on vessel charLers and advenLure Lours. CllenL reservaLlons are made
vla a Web form whlch ls submlLLed and senL Lo Lhe Lour operaLor. 1he sysLem also performs back
end accounLlng funcLlons. Channel managemenL ls avallable Lhrough agenLs.
4E C1$&02 .03/()
rocharLer sofLware ls developed and supporLed ln AusLralla by Clockwork CompuLlng Ly LLd.
+61 7 3889 8240
Clockwork CompuLlng Ly. LLd., .C.
8ox 100, uayboro CLu 4321,
7E F3$&*++*&#(3
CompuLer faclllLles needed: uaLa resldes on operaLor's servers and ls synchronlsed Lo Clockwork
servers for feedlng avallablllLy Lo Web cusLomers, agenLs, and oLher roCharLer cusLomers
CusLomlslng Lhe user lnLerface: by Clockwork CompuLlng only.
/E G*$0 $&'/#0$

0E F3/#7*&#.0 7($&$ *3/ H')&"0) #3H()2*&#(3
Auu$1300-6000 per monLh.
!12$)$).9 Auu$6,000 (one-off cosL).
lncluded ln llcence cosLs. SupporL: vla emall, Lelephone and remoLe deskLop
?D2))+* 82)2.+8+)09 noL avallable.
()*$)+ ,""-$). 5670+879 :;<2)%+;

1uLorlal 33, age 23
verslon 7 LasL updaLed SepLember 2011
HH> W+7()*$)+
*E C1$&02 /0$7)#-&#(3
8esonllne (formerly 8oamfree Advanced) ls a channel managemenL sysLem (wlLh 30+
dlsLrlbuLlon channels avallable lncludlng Lhe 1xA) and booklng buLLon used by over 1,000
accommodaLlon provlders, and has been on Lhe markeL slnce 2004. 8esonllne sulLs all properLy
Lypes lncludlng hoLels, moLels, aparLmenLs, hollday renLals, house boaL operaLors, caravan parks,
8&8s and farm sLays as well as real esLaLe agencles.
8esonllne supporLs an lhone and smarL phone lnLerface, Lo allow managemenL of onllne
dlsLrlbuLlon from anywhere. 8esonllne fully lnLegraLes wlLh many MS sysLems. 8esCnllne also
has an lnLegraLed MS called 8oom Manager lf requlred. lor a llsL of Lhese go Lo
4E C1$&02 .03/()
8esCnllne ls markeLed, sold and supporLed ln AusLralla and lnLernaLlonally by 8esCnllne Ly LLd.
1800 061 610 or +61 7 3668 2340
30303, Level 3, SouLhporL CenLral 3,
9 Lawson SLreeL, SouLhporL CLu 4213
7E F3$&*++*&#(3
1he 2010 verslon of 8esCnllne has an easy Lo use lnLerface and ls lnsLalled ln less Lhan 10
mlnuLes. lL ls Web based, wlLh lnsLanL slgn up.
/E G*$0 $&'/#0$
0E F3/#7*&#.0 7($&$ *3/ H')&"0) #3H()2*&#(3
J+\%*> .70L
roperLy slze (rooms) 1 - 10 11 - 20 21 - 30 > 31
Slx free channels* $0 $0 $0 $0
All channels booklng buLLon $39 $39 $89 $109

!12$)$).9 lree seLup wlLh full onllne LuLorlal vldeos.
5/##"109 1here ls full onllne and phone supporL aL no cosL.
?D2))+* K2)2.+8+)09 6 free Channels lncluded: WoLlf, 8aLes1oCo, 8ookLasy, 8oamfree , Agoda and
8ooklLnow. CLher channels avallable.
()*$)+ ,""-$). 5670+879 :;<2)%+;

1uLorlal 33, age 24
verslon 7 LasL updaLed SepLember 2011
H3> W+7C2\
*E C1$&02 /0$7)#-&#(3
8espax ls deslgned Lo accommodaLe Lhe needs of small Lour operaLors Lo sLarL wlLh a cosL
effecLlve sysLem (8espaxLlLe) and Lhen upgrade Lo Lhe more comprehenslve 8espax LnLerprlse as
Lhelr buslness grows. 8espax LlLe enables onllne and dlrecL agenL booklngs. 8espax LnLerprlse ls
a comprehenslve, flexlble producL whlch can be cusLomlsed Lo Lour operaLor needs. lL conLalns a
Lour conLenL managemenL componenL for operaLor webslLes, Lour packaglng capablllLles,
resourclng conslderaLlons, accounLlng sysLem lnLegraLlon, numerous sLandard reporLs and many
oLher advanced feaLures, lncludlng auLomaLlc lLlnerarles, mulLl-currency and hop on/hop off
4E C1$&02 .03/()
8espax producLs are developed, sold and supporLed by 1rlnlLy SofLware AusLralla for AusLrallan
and overseas Lour operaLors.
07 4041 1017
18 ScoLL SLreeL, Calrns, CLu, 4870
7E F3$&*++*&#(3
A free Lrlal of 8espax LlLe can be downloaded from Lhe 8espax webslLe and acLlvaLed by Lhe
operaLor when ready Lo go llve. 8emoLe hosLlng ls Lhe mosL popular and cosL effecLlve soluLlon
for operaLors uslng 8espax LnLerprlse, however, a llcence can be purchased and Lhe sofLware
lnsLalled ln-house lf requlred.
/E G*$0 $&'/#0$ (8espax LnLerprlse) (8espax LnLerprlse) (8espax LlLe) (8espax LlLe)
0E F3/#7*&#.0 7($&$ *3/ H')&"0) #3H()2*&#(3
lor 8espax LlLe lnformaLlon and prlclng lnformaLlon refer:
lor 8espax LnLerprlse lnformaLlon and prlclng lnformaLlon, refer:
!12$)$).9 lease conLacL suppller.
5/##"109 SupporL ls provlded by way of onllne documenLaLlon and demonsLraLlons, emall,
Lelephone and Skype. 8espax LnLerprlse Lralnlng ls performed onslLe, onllne or offslLe.
Avallable aL no exLra cosL.
()*$)+ ,""-$). 5670+879 :;<2)%+;

1uLorlal 33, age 23
verslon 7 LasL updaLed SepLember 2011
HM> W+_;6
*E C1$&02 /0$7)#-&#(3
8ezdy ls a new AusLrallan Cnllne 8eservaLlon SysLem for 1ours & AcLlvlLles, SporLs, CuLdoor
AdvenLures, SlghLseelngs and ALLracLlons.
8ezdy ls hosLed ln Lhe cloud, Lhere ls no lnsLallaLlon requlred, you don'L need Lo purchase
expenslve hardware or sofLware. 8ezdy offers a forever free plan. 1here ls no seL up fees, no
conLracL, no monLhly fees, no subscrlpLlons, and you usually geL sLarLed ln 10 mlnuLes.
4E C1$&02 .03/()
8ezdy ls a sofLware developmenL company based ln Sydney. Cur passlon ls Lo Lake care of Lhe
Lechnlcal aspecLs requlred by any modern buslnesses.
unllke some of our compeLlLors we don'L slmpllfy, we make lL slmple. We Lake exLremely
powerful Lools avallable Lo ma[or companles (such as dynamlc booklng, secure paymenL
gaLeway, geo-locallsaLlon, cross selllng, dynamlc packaglng, lasL mlnuLes) and we make Lhem
accesslble Lo anyone.
0430 239 174
8ezdy, llshburners, Level 2, 608 Parrls
SLreeL, ulLlmo 2007, nSW, AusLralla
7E F3$&*++*&#(3
8ezdy ls deployed over Lhe lnLerneL, ln Lhe cloud. 1here ls no lnsLallaLlon, no hardware or
sofLware requlred, no seL up fees and you usually geL sLarLed wlLhln mlnuLes.
/E F3/#7*&#.0 7($&$ *3/ H')&"0) #3H()2*&#(3
8ezdy ls forever free Lo use lf you have less Lhan 10 booklngs per monLhs or slmply wanL
Lo Lry Lhe soluLlon before Laklng a declslon. 1he ay as ?ou Crow plan ls commlsslon
based and allows you Lo pay only when you have a conflrmed booklng. We don'L charge
for cancelled booklngs. AddlLlonally we offer monLhly plans for larger buslnesses.
!12$)$).9 1here ls no lnsLallaLlon requlred and you usually geL sLarLed wlLhln mlnuLes.
5/##"109 We provlde free and unllmlLed supporL for all cllenLs, lncludlng wlLh forever free plans.
noL appllcable.

()*$)+ ,""-$). 5670+879 :;<2)%+;

1uLorlal 33, age 26
verslon 7 LasL updaLed SepLember 2011
H4> W+_."
*E C1$&02 /0$7)#-&#(3
8ezgo ls sulLed Lo Lour and acLlvlLy companles who provlde ln-desLlnaLlon scheduled acLlvlLles
such as gulded Lours, walklng Lours, blklng, boaLlng, and advenLure excurslons. leaLures lnclude
a fully cusLomlsable booklng englne, polnL of sale lnLerface for back-offlce booklngs, fully
secured and global securlLy (Cl) compllanL paymenL processlng, onllne voucherlng, on locaLlon
LlckeL prlnLlng, moblle check-ln, connecLlons Lo ma[or AusLrallan bank, a Wordress plugln whlch
allows operaLors Lo add Lhe booklng englne dlrecLly Lo Lhelr Wordress powered webslLe, a
lacebook appllcaLlon whlch glves operaLors Lhe ablllLy Lo llsL Lhelr Lours and acLlvlLles on Lhelr
lacebook page.
4E C1$&02 .03/()
8ezgo ls developed and supporLed by SenLlas SofLware Corp (Canada) Lo global cllenLs, lncludlng
02 8003 4803
SulLe 320 718-333 8rooksbank Avenue,
norLh vancouver, 8C, Canada v7! 3v8
7E F3$&*++*&#(3
8ezgo operaLes from any compuLer wlLh lnLerneL access vla a browser. lL can be seLup dlrecLly by
Lourlsm operaLors on Lhe 8ezgo webslLe. 1ourlsm operaLors can carry ouL changes Lo Lhe
LemplaLe. A fully documenLed lnLerface ls avallable for more sophlsLlcaLed lnLegraLlons (e.g. wlLh
back-end sysLems or channel managers).
/E G*$0 $&'/#0$
0E F3/#7*&#.0 7($&$ *3/ H')&"0) #3H()2*&#(3
no seL-up or monLhly cosL for 8ezgo. 3 for Sales vla operaLor's own webslLe, 1 for
olnL of Sale, 3 for sales vla 8ezgo's dlsLrlbuLlon neLwork.
!12$)$). no addlLlonal cosL. Advanced supporL and Lralnlng ls avallable lf requlred. 1uLorlal vldeos
and how Lo arLlcles are avallable on-llne.
5/##"109 no addlLlonal cosL. Lmall, Lelephone, conLacL forum, weblnars, llve web supporL.
lull Channel managemenL. Suppllers have Lhe opporLunlLy Lo markeL Lhelr producLs
Lhrough 3rd parLy dlsLrlbuLlon parLner webslLes and soclal medla.
()*$)+ ,""-$). 5670+879 :;<2)%+;

1uLorlal 33, age 27
verslon 7 LasL updaLed SepLember 2011
HN> WK5 ")*$)+
*E C1$&02 /0$7)#-&#(3
8MS ls a roperLy ManagemenL SysLem wlLh over 3,000 cllenLs ln 20 counLrles, and has been
operaLlng slnce 1983. 1he onllne booklng module was released ln 2004 and ls now used by over
700 cllenLs across Lhe full gamuL of hosplLallLy buslness Lypes from 1 room 8 & 8's Lo 300 room
resorLs. 8MS Cnllne has a broad range of connecLlvlLy lncludlng a funcLlon rlch easy Lo use
booklng englne from Lhe properLy or group webslLe, dlrecL connecLlons Lo a range of Lhlrd parLy
booklng slLes, all ma[or channel managers. Comprehenslve lnformaLlon ls avallable on Lhe
4E C1$&02 .03/()
8MS ls developed, sold and supporLed ln AusLralasla by 8MS (AusL) Ly LLd.
03 8399 9462
7 Carrlck urlve, 1ullamarlne, vlC, 3043
23/39 Lawrence urlve, nerang, CLu, 4211
7E F3$&*++*&#(3
ConflguraLlon of 8MS Cnllne ls now performed ln a web based appllcaLlon. 1here are no
mlnlmum hardware speclflcaLlons. Slmply use any compuLer wlLh an lnLerneL connecLlon.
/E G*$0 $&'/#0$
0E F3/#7*&#.0 7($&$ *3/ H')&"0) #3H()2*&#(3
no seLup fee. Auu$1 +CS1 per reservaLlon. Mln monLhly fee:Auu $33 +CS1 (lncludes
Lhe flrsL 33 reservaLlons). Max monLhly fee: Auu$193 +CS1 (unllmlLed reservaLlons).
!12$)$).9 AsslsLance provlded.
5/##"109 8uslness hours vla cusLomer servlce web porLal and Lelephone. See also
lncluded ln llcenclng fees (refer above).
()*$)+ ,""-$). 5670+879 :;<2)%+;

1uLorlal 33, age 28
verslon 7 LasL updaLed SepLember 2011
HQ> W""8 K2)2.+1
*E C1$&02 /0$7)#-&#(3
8oom Manager ls a compleLe roperLy ManagemenL and onllne dlsLrlbuLlon sysLem (Lhrough Lhe
8esCnllne channel manager. ?ou manage your booklngs ln Lhe 8oom Manager console, and your
onllne dlsLrlbuLlon Lakes care of lLself. When you flll your lasL room, 8oom Manager wlll
auLomaLlcally close ouL all your onllne dlsLrlbuLlon channels. (CurrenLly Lhere are 30+ dlsLrlbuLlon
channels and counLlng)
8oom Manager comes compleLe wlLh Lhe 8esCnllne channel manager fully lnLegraLed lnLo Lhe
8oom Manager console. All onllne booklngs drop dlrecLly lnLo 8oom Manager.
Some of Lhe feaLures are easy Lo use reservaLlon calendar, send guesL lLlnerary and Lax lnvolce
wlLh Lhe cllck of a buLLon, fully lnLegraLed resonllne channel manager, seamless dlsLrlbuLlon Lo
over 30 of AusLralla's and Lhe world's ma[or onllne Lravel slLes, all onllne booklngs drop dlrecLly
lnLo 8oom Manager, lncluded booklng buLLon for your webslLe
4E C1$&02 .03/()
8oom Manager, sold and supporLed ln AusLralla and lnLernaLlonally by 8esCnllne.
+61 7 3668 2340
30303, Level 3, SouLhporL CenLral 3,
9 Lawson SLreeL, SouLhporL CLu 4213
7E F3$&*++*&#(3
W""8 K2)2.+1 $7 G+B B27+; 2); 7+0/# $7 <+16 +276>
/E G*$0 $&'/#0$
0E F3/#7*&#.0 7($&$ *3/ H')&"0) #3H()2*&#(3
MonLhly fee of $30 for Lhe flrsL room and $10 for subsequenL rooms capped aL $129, or
1 of booklngs. 1he cholce ls yours. (1hese raLes exclude CS1).
!12$)$).9 no seLup or Lralnlng cosLs.
5/##"109 lncluded ln sofLware cosLs.
lncluded ln sofLware cosLs.
()*$)+ ,""-$). 5670+879 :;<2)%+;

1uLorlal 33, age 29
verslon 7 LasL updaLed SepLember 2011
*E C1$&02 /0$7)#-&#(3
ulglLal 8ez AusLralla was founded ln 2002 Lo supporL Lhe 8CS 8eservaLlon CperaLlng SysLem ln
AusLralla and new Zealand. ulglLal 8ez has been provldlng sofLware, supporL and sysLems Lo over
4000 properLles worldwlde ln Lhe Camplng, Pollday ark, CharLer and MoLel accommodaLlon
lndusLry slnce 1993. ulglLal 8ez has a very broad cllenL-base, and serves operaLors from
lndlvldual 8&8s Lo large 300+ properLy resorL neLworks.
8CS2006 ls an easy Lo use roperLy ManagemenL SysLem LhaL provldes an lnLegraLed onllne
reservaLlon module provldlng real Llme avallablllLy and reservaLlon requesLs from Lhe properLles
webslLe (uslng a booklng buLLon). Cnllne booklngs are Lransferred Lo Lhe fronL desk, credlL card
deLalls are Lokenlzed and paymenL processlng ls performed aL Lhe properLy.
4E C1$&02 .03/()
ulglLal 8ez AusL was founded ln 2002 Lo markeL and supporL Lhe 8CS 8eservaLlon CperaLlng
SysLem ln AusLralla and new Zealand.
+61 7 4923-4400
C 8ox 134, Lmu ark CLu 4710
7E F3$&*++*&#(3
1he onllne user lnLerface can be cusLomlsed by Lhe properLy Lhrough a new onllne console. 1he
properLy follows a check llsL Lo ldenLlfy web raLes, lnvenLory segmenLs, descrlpLlons and phoLos.
/E G*$0 $&'/#0$
0E F3/#7*&#.0 7($&$ *3/ H')&"0) #3H()2*&#(3
A servlce fee of 2.73 on conflrmed booklngs, bllled monLhly ln arrears. Any
cancellaLlons are credlLed Lhe full 2.73 ln Lhe monLh Lhe booklng ls cancelled.
!12$)$).9 ulglLalrez provlde seLup & Lralnlng for all lnsLallaLlons.
5/##"109 lncluded ln above fees.
Avallable 2012.
()*$)+ ,""-$). 5670+879 :;<2)%+;

1uLorlal 33, age 30
verslon 7 LasL updaLed SepLember 2011
HT> 520$) `1")0 (@@$%+ 5670+8]
*E C1$&02 /0$7)#-&#(3
1he SaLln lronL Cfflce SysLem has been on Lhe markeL slnce 1993 and ls used by over 160
properLles from 12 Lo 200 rooms. 1he sysLem ls deslgned speclflcally for AusLrallan moLels. SaLln
ls a comprehenslve roperLy ManagemenL SysLem, lnLended Lo do everyLhlng you need on a
moLel fronL desk.
*1hls sysLem ls MS and supporLs onllne booklngs vla a channel manager such as SlLeMlnder,
LevarL, S1AAP, M?C8, hone, Cash drawer, CuesL room lnLerneL, Card door locks, and olnL of
4E C1$&02 .03/()
lronL Cfflce SysLem ls developed, sold and supporLed ln AusLralasla by rogramanla SofLware Ly
04 2838 4838
C 8ox 274, nowra nSW 2341
7E F3$&*++*&#(3
SaLln lronL Cfflce SysLem ls fully lnsLalled on-slLe by SaLln sLaff. SaLln runs on MS Wlndows x /
vlsLa Wlndows7.
CusLomlsaLlon ls posslble buL rarely requlred, as SaLln ls sulLable for lLs purpose. ?ou [usL seL Lhe
opLlons Lo Lallor SaLln Lo Lhe needs of your buslness. Any addlLlonal programmlng LhaL may be
requlred Lo lncorporaLe your requlremenLs ls lncluded ln Lhe llcence fee.
/E G*$0 $&'/#0$
A llsL of cllenLs ls avallable on SaLln's webslLe aL GGG>720$)>%"8>2/F/7+17>D08*>
0E F3/#7*&#.0 7($&$ *3/ H')&"0) #3H()2*&#(3
Auu$140.00 Lo Auu$380.00 per monLh dependlng on number of rooms, all lncluslve.
!12$)$).9 lncluded ln llcence fee.
5/##"109 SupporL ls provlded vla emall, Lelephone, on-slLe, and vla remoLe conLrol. CompleLe and
unllmlLed supporL ls an lnLegral parL of Lhe llcenclng arrangemenL.
lnLegraLlon wlLh ChannelManager ls lncluded ln Lhe llcence fee.
()*$)+ ,""-$). 5670+879 :;<2)%+;

1uLorlal 33, age 31
verslon 7 LasL updaLed SepLember 2011
3U> 5++-"8 $,+\
*E C1$&02 /0$7)#-&#(3
Seekom ls a fully hosLed (cloud based) onllne mulLlproperLy roperLy ManagemenL SysLem (MS)
wlLh a fully lnLegraLed channel manager, onllne web booklng module and opLlonal conLenL
managed webslLe accesslble from a slngle logln. lL ls used by over 630 operaLors ln new Zealand,
uk, AusLralla and SouLh aclflc. 1he MS also feaLures a markeLlng sysLem, checkln/checkouL,
room servlclng, lnvolclng, phone bllllng and managemenL reporLlng. Seekom ls deslgned for all
properLy Lypes from small 8&8 Lhrough Lo large properLles lncludlng hollday parks and hoLels.
4E C1$&02 .03/()
l8ex ls developed, sold and supporLed ln AusLralasla by Seekom.
+ 64 4 974 8008
C 8ox 11367, L9 Wlllbank Pouse, 37 Wlllls
SL, WelllngLon new Zealand
7E F3$&*++*&#(3
user self reglsLers uslng a Wlzard. Seekom Lhen provldes lnlLlal Lralnlng and Lhe flrsL monLh ls
free. 1here ls no sofLware Lo lnsLall. 1he sysLem ls hosLed ln Seekom's dedlcaLed daLa cenLre. no
more backups requlred as Seekom does Lhls on cusLomers behalf. lull access ls avallable from
any lnLerneL connecLed C or lapLop from anywhere ln Lhe world.
/E G*$0 $&'/#0$
0E F3/#7*&#.0 7($&$ *3/ H')&"0) #3H()2*&#(3
lrom Auu$49.00 per monLh (accommodaLlon). lncludes unllmlLed booklngs and
unllmlLed sales channels. no LransacLlon fees or commlsslon.
!12$)$).9 lrom Auu$200 seLup and Lralnlng plus Auu$200 for conLenL managed webslLe.
5/##"109 7 day emall supporL lncluded ln llcence cosL. rlorlLy phone and 24x7 supporL avallable
aL exLra cosL.
lncluded Lo over 46 sales channels and CuS.
()*$)+ ,""-$). 5670+879 :;<2)%+;

1uLorlal 33, age 32
verslon 7 LasL updaLed SepLember 2011
3=> 5$1$/7G21+
*E C1$&02 /0$7)#-&#(3
Slrlusware has over 200 cllenLs ln AusLralla, nZ and uSA and developed Lhe flrsL release of lLs
sysLem ln 1990. Slrlusware supporLs reLall sales and LlckeLlng for Lourlsm operaLors, lncludlng
bus, rall, boaL, scenlc fllghLs, aLLracLlons, museums, waLerparks, zoos, arLs cenLres, and skl
resorLs. lL also has a CS module for general producL sales.
4E C1$&02 .03/()
Slrlusware ls developed, sold and supporLed ln nZ, AusLralla and uSA by C-rlusCb[ecLlves.
03 9999 1960
C 8ox 73,
CarlLon SouLh vlC 3033, AusLralla
7E F3$&*++*&#(3
referred slLe seL up ls for Lhe sysLem Lo be lnsLalled on slLe, hosLlng offslLe ls an opLlon lf
requlred. CusLomlsaLlon ls carrled ouL by CrlusCroup generally lncluded ln supporL opLlons,
sub[ecL Lo requlremenLs.
/E G*$0 $&'/#0$
See or
0E F3/#7*&#.0 7($&$ *3/ H')&"0) #3H()2*&#(3
SofLware cosLs varles dependanL on modules a cllenL requlres. CosLs can be arranged Lo
sulL cllenL from 1 off paymenL Lo monLhly or oLher such arrangemenL LhaL ls muLually
CnslLe and remoLe Lralnlng ls avallable and supporL ls provlded vla emall, Lelephone and
an onllne porLal for logglng requesLs.
5/##"10 SeL up cosLs wlll vary dependanL on Lhe complexlLy of Lhe cllenL and producLs belng
managed. SupporL cosLs are fee based on a of Lhe sofLware cosLs. SupporL cosL can
also be negoLlaLed, from 1 off paymenL Lo monLhly or oLher such arrangemenL.
noL appllcable.
()*$)+ ,""-$). 5670+879 :;<2)%+;

1uLorlal 33, age 33
verslon 7 LasL updaLed SepLember 2011
3H> !D+ ,""-$). ,/00") J5$0+K$);+1L
*E C1$&02 /0$7)#-&#(3
SlLeMlnder provldes an onllne booklng sysLem (1he 8ooklng 8uLLon) LhaL lnLegraLes wlLh Lhe
operaLor's webslLe. SlLeMlnder ls Lhe channel manager Lo manage room avallablllLy and prlclng
on over 70 booklng slLes Lhrough a slngle, user frlendly webpage. lL ls used by over 4,000
booklng provlders and has been on Lhe markeL slnce 2007.
SlLeMlnder lnLegraLes wlLh several MS's and CenLral 8eservaLlon sysLems lncludlng Cpera,
CalllsLa, 8MS, 8oom MasLer, CuesL CenLrlx, AvallablllLy, Amadeus PosplLallLy, LplLome, SaLln,
Lzyrez and 8esbook. 1hls allows lnvenLory and raLes Lo be managed ln Lhe MS and also saves
re-keylng reservaLlon deLalls.
4E C1$&02 .03/()
SlLeMlnder ls markeLed, sold and supporLed ln AusLralla and lnLernaLlonally by SlLeMlnder Ly
1300 736198 or +61 2 9221 4444
Level 4, 200 Ceorge SL
Sydney 2000, nSW, AusLralla
7E F3$&*++*&#(3
1he 8ooklng 8uLLon funcLlon ls cusLomlsable by Lhe operaLor Lo sulL Lhe look & feel of Lhe
operaLor's webslLe. 1he sysLem ls hosLed by SlLeMlnder aL a secure and fall-safe slLe. no
sofLware lnsLallaLlon ls requlred aL Lhe properLy, and Lhe operaLor requlres only an lnLerneL
/E G*$0 $&'/#0$
0E F3/#7*&#.0 7($&$ *3/ H')&"0) #3H()2*&#(3
!12$)$).9 lncluded Lelephone Lralnlng.
5/##"109 SupporL vla emall and Lelephone lncluded ln above fees.
Access Lo over 70 local and lnLernaLlonal channels vla lnLegraLlon wlLh Lhe SlLeMlnder
channel manager. hLLp://
()*$)+ ,""-$). 5670+879 :;<2)%+;

1uLorlal 33, age 34
verslon 7 LasL updaLed SepLember 2011
33> 5!::V
*E C1$&02 /0$7)#-&#(3
1he S1AAP sysLem has over 100 operaLors, Lhe ma[orlLy ln new Zealand. lL ls deslgned for small
Lo medlum operaLors of all accommodaLlon Lypes.
S1AAP offers appllcaLlons wlLh channel managemenL, real Llme booklngs and secure paymenL
funcLlonallLy. S1AAP focuses on Lhe channel managemenL funcLlon and lnLerfaces Lhe operaLor's
webslLe booklng sysLem Lo a number of 3
parLy webslLes and MS sysLems.
4E C1$&02 .03/()
1he S1AAP sysLem ls developed by S1AAP ln nZ and supporLed by PCC 1echnologles ln AusLralla
and has been on Lhe markeL slnce 2006.
+64 9 480 8184
33 CoronaLlon 8oad,
Clenfleld, Auckland, new Zealand
7E F3$&*++*&#(3
CompuLer faclllLles needed: S1AAP ls a web based producL hosLed on S1AAP servers so Lhe
operaLor slmply requlres any compuLer wlLh a browser and an lnLerneL connecLlon. CperaLor's
daLa ls sLored on Lhe S1AAP server.
/E G*$0 $&'/#0$
0E F3/#7*&#.0 7($&$ *3/ H')&"0) #3H()2*&#(3
Cnllne booklng: 1-off cosL of Auu$299 plus Auu$20/monLh based on number of rooms.
SupporL and sofLware updaLes lncluded ln above fees. no commlsslons.
S1AAP offers webslLe deslgn and bulld.
!12$)$).9 lncluded ln above fees. Cne-on-one onllne Lralnlng ls avallable.
5/##"109 1elephone and emall. CperaLor webslLes look and feel can be managed by S1AAP or vla
a conLenL managemenL sysLem LhaL allows Lhe vendor Lo self manage/cusLomlse wlLh
some Lralnlng from S1AAP.
Channel managemenL: 1-off cosL of Auu$99 plus Auu$30/monLh based on number of
()*$)+ ,""-$). 5670+879 :;<2)%+;

1uLorlal 33, age 33
verslon 7 LasL updaLed SepLember 2011
3M> 0"/170".">%"8
*E C1$&02 /0$7)#-&#(3 provldes 3 posslble channels of buslness Lo Lour operaLors around AusLralla. 1.
8ecelve booklngs Lhrough Lhe webslLe and assoclaLed afflllaLes. no slgnup,
llsLlng or ongolng fees. 2. lnsLanL Cnllne 8ooklng SysLem (lC8S) or 8ook now buLLon. 3. AfflllaLes
and CperagenLs. AfflllaLe-sLyle booklng sysLem for webslLe owners, agenLs and Lourlsm relaLed
buslnesses. 4. 1our 1lckeLlng CaLeway and reporLlng sysLem for agenLs, hoLels, Lourlsm relaLed
buslnesses and producL provlders. 3. 8eservaLlon SysLem. luncLlonallLy for manlfesLlng,
reporLlng, user managemenL, onllne booklngs and agenL booklngs.
4E C1$&02 .03/() ls developed and supporLed by ln AusLralla and has been
operaLlng slnce 2003.
07 4041 3244
1/190 8rown SL, Calrns, CLu 4870
7E F3$&*++*&#(3 ls web based so all LhaL ls requlred ls a compuLer wlLh a browser and lnLerneL
access. lnsLallaLlon of Lhe onllne booklng sysLem requlres Lhe addlLlon of producLs Lo and addlng 8ook now buLLons. Can fully lnLegraLe lLs sysLems wlLh suppllers and
afflllaLes webslLes. Also offers whlLe label soluLlons and full xML and Al capablllLy.
/E G*$0 $&'/#0$
0E F3/#7*&#.0 7($&$ *3/ H')&"0) #3H()2*&#(3
no slgnup or ongolng fees. CpLlonal lnsLanL Cnllne 8ooklng SysLem (lC8S) seL up ranges
from l8LL - $440 + CS1.
!12$)$).9 hone Lralnlng ls provlded. CnslLe Lralnlng ls dependenL on avallablllLy of our sales Leam.
SysLem manuals are also avallable.
5/##"109 1elephone, emall and Web based supporL. lace Lo face supporL sub[ecL Lo geography
and avallablllLy of sLaff.
Suppllers conLenL ls dlsLrlbuLed Lo afflllaLes, agenL and parLner webslLes.
no exLra cosL for Lhls.
()*$)+ ,""-$). 5670+879 :;<2)%+;

1uLorlal 33, age 36
verslon 7 LasL updaLed SepLember 2011
34> !12<+*W+_
*E C1$&02 /0$7)#-&#(3
1ravel8ez ls a sophlsLlcaLed booklng, reservaLlon and buslness managemenL sysLem. lL ls
deslgned for Lravel agenLs, reglonal booklng servlces, Lour operaLors and some of Lhe largesL
wholesale / reLall Lravel groups LhroughouL Lhe world slnce 1987. Complex lLlnerarles can be
bullL wlLh every producL or servlce requlred Lo sulL any Lype of cllenL requlremenL, lncludlng lree
lndependenL 1ravellers.
1he sysLem offers boLh dlrecL cllenL and Lravel agenL porLals. 1ravel8ez also offers a Membershlp
ManagemenL sysLem (reMember) and llnesse, a flnanclal accounLlng sulLe.
4E C1$&02 .03/()
1ravel8ez ls developed, sold and supporLed ln AusLralla by 8AnAnAcom.
03 9832-8636
72 Plgh SLreeL,
kew 3101, vlcLorla, AusLralla
7E F3$&*++*&#(3
A hosLed soluLlon ls Lhe preferred opLlon for small-medlum operaLors, a full hardware and
sofLware lnsLallaLlon on slLe ls only recommended for medlum Lo large operaLors. lor ma[or ln-
house lnsLallaLlons, 8ananacom offers full cusLomlsaLlon on a Llme and maLerlals basls.
PosLed operaLors may cusLomlse logos and producL lmages. 1hese operaLors may cusLomlse
Lhelr web slLes whlch wlll use Lhe 8ananacom booklng englne.
/E G*$0 $&'/#0$
lease conLacL 8ananacom.
0E F3/#7*&#.0 7($&$ *3/ H')&"0) #3H()2*&#(3
1-off paymenL of Auu$10k - 100k dependlng on cllenL slze,
monLhly paymenL: Auu$300-Auu$3,000 dependlng on cllenL slze.
no commlsslons.
!12$)$).9 8efer supporL cosLs above.
5/##"109 lncluded ln above fees. AddlLlonal and non-sLandard servlces may be provlded aL currenL
hourly charge raLe.
lncluded ln above fees.
()*$)+ ,""-$). 5670+879 :;<2)%+;

1uLorlal 33, age 37
verslon 7 LasL updaLed SepLember 2011
3N> !16,""-$).
*E C1$&02 /0$7)#-&#(3
1ry8ooklng ls a do-lL-yourself LlckeLlng / booklng / evenL managemenL sysLem LhaL easlly enables
operaLors Lo creaLe, manage and ulLlmaLely publlsh evenLs of any slze. aLrons can book and pay
aL Lhe Llme of booklng wlLh e- LlckeLs belng lssued. 1ry8ooklng ls accesslble from any operaLor's
own webslLe wlLh a range of funcLlons LhaL allow operaLors Lo perform LlckeLlng, reglsLraLlons,
seaLlng plan eLc over evenLs, Lours, fesLlvals, exhlblLlons, launches, performances and dlnners.
SupporLs a box offlce (lncludlng group LlckeL sales and credlL card paymenL) as well as onllne
funcLlons such as creaLlon of cusLomer llsLs and seaLlng plans and secure paymenLs. lf Lhe evenL
ls free, Lhe 1ry8ooklng servlce ls free of charge. e-LlckeLs can be scanned aL enLry.
4E C1$&02 .03/()
1rybooklng ls developed and supporLed by ln AusLralla and has been operaLlng
slnce 2008.
07 3173 1370 or 03 9012 3460
SulLe 602, 1 rlncess SLreeL, kew, vlcLorla,
3101, AusLralla
7E F3$&*++*&#(3
users access Lhe 1ry8ooklng webslLe vla any compuLer wlLh a browser and an lnLerneL
CperaLors can cusLomlse Lhelr own 1ry8ooklng web page by uploadlng logos and lmage.
Pyperllnks from your webslLe can be seLup dlrecL Lo your evenL.
/E G*$0 $&'/#0$

0E F3/#7*&#.0 7($&$ *3/ H')&"0) #3H()2*&#(3

30 cenLs per LlckeL lf paymenL ls collecLed. l8LL for non-pald evenLs. lncludes supporL.
!12$)$).9 lncluded. 1elephone asslsLance on an as requlred basls aL no cosL.
5/##"109 Cnllne and Lelephone supporL lncluded. Cnllne supporL documenLaLlon and vldeos
()*$)+ ,""-$). 5670+879 :;<2)%+;

1uLorlal 33, age 38
verslon 7 LasL updaLed SepLember 2011
3Q> A+B W+7+1<20$")7
*E C1$&02 /0$7)#-&#(3
Web 8eservaLlons has been on Lhe markeL slnce 2001 and ls used by over 1,300 accommodaLlon
operaLors from slngle room hollday houses Lo moLels, chalns and resorLs. lL ls LargeLed aL small
Lo medlum operaLors.
luncLlons lnclude: onllne booklngs and secure paymenL, managemenL of booklngs Lhrough
dlsLrlbuLlon channels (lncludlng lnLernaLlonal), and real-Llme avallablllLy on Lhe web. Web
8eservaLlons also supplles a deskLop hosplLallLy managemenL module LhaL provldes a range of
fronL desk and managemenL funcLlons as well as exporL of daLa Lo M?C8 and Culck8ooks.
4E C1$&02 .03/()
Web 8eservaLlons ls developed, sold and supporLed ln AusLralasla by Web 8eservaLlons SysLems
whlch has been operaLlng slnce 2008.
Web: hLLp:// hone: 02 6684 8101
Lmall: webmasLer[ Address: 9 Cape vlsLa urlve, 8yron 8ay,
nSW 2481
7E F3$&*++*&#(3
1he onllne booklng module ls hosLed on a cenLral reservaLlon sysLem LhaL ls Lhen llnked Lo Lhe
varlous sales channels. 1he operaLor manages booklng rules, avallablllLy and raLes Lhrough elLher
Lhe deskLop module aL Lhe fronL desk or Lhe onllne booklng module. SeL up lnvolves helplng load
booklng rules and raLes. MosL lnsLallaLlons are done remoLely Lo keep cosLs low. CusLomlsed
sysLems are noL provlded. MaclnLosh, Wlndows x or hlgher, browser and emall sofLware ls
requlred. SupporL ls provlded vla emall and Lelephone.
/E G*$0 $&'/#0$
0E F3/#7*&#.0 7($&$ *3/ H')&"0) #3H()2*&#(3
Web-based: from Auu$493.00, compuLer-based: from Auu$1,293.00. 10
commlsslon fee on Lhe value of LransacLlon for booklngs made on Lhlrd-parLy slLes.
!12$)$).9 no seLup or Lralnlng cosL.
5/##"109 lree wlLh booklng servlces.
?D2))+* 82)2.+8+)09 Auu$43.00 per monLh (unllmlLed booklngs) or 10 commlsslon.
()*$)+ ,""-$). 5670+879 :;<2)%+;

1uLorlal 33, age 39
verslon 7 LasL updaLed SepLember 2011
3R> A+Ba2)02.+
*E C1$&02 /0$7)#-&#(3
WebvanLage's 8ooklng ManagemenL SysLem has been on Lhe markeL slnce 2006. 8ooklng
ManagemenL SysLem ls deslgned for small Lo medlum accommodaLlon operaLors and
Lour/evenL/aLLracLlon operaLors.
luncLlons lnclude onllne booklngs and secure paymenLs vla your webslLe as well as a fronL desk
funcLlons such as polnL of sale and daLa lmporL/exporL llnks Lo M?C8. A number of reporLs are
avallable and can be cusLomlsed. CpLlonal modules allow Lhe operaLlon of loyalLy and glfL
voucher programs. lnLegraLlon lnLo Lhe shopplng carL module allows Lhe sale of anclllary lLems
such as souvenlrs and memorabllla.
Llnks Lo Lhlrd parLy dlsLrlbuLlon neLworks are avallable Lhrough Lhe xML gaLeway. 1he 8ooklng
ManagemenL SysLem provldes a comprehenslve agenL porLal for booklng agencles Lo use.
4E C1$&02 .03/()
8ooklng ManagemenL SysLem ls developed, sold and supporLed ln AusLralasla by WebvanLage
Ly LLd.
02 9016 7136
C 8ox 1133, norLh Sydney, nSW, 2039
7E F3$&*++*&#(3
1he 8ooklng ManagemenL SysLem ls hosLed remoLely on WebvanLage's server. 1he operaLor wlll
need Lhe 8ooklng ManagemenL SysLem's llcence and Lhe logln and password provlded by
WebvanLage. 1he operaLor's web developer can Lhen lnLegraLe Lhe 8ooklng ManagemenL
SysLem wlzard lnLo Lhe operaLor's webslLe.
/E G*$0 $&'/#0$
8efer Lo hLLp://
0E F3/#7*&#.0 7($&$ *3/ H')&"0) #3H()2*&#(3
Llcence cosL: from Auu$1,493.00 plus monLhly hosLlng cosL.
5/##"109 SupporL ls lncluded wlLh hosLlng cosLs.
AgenLs can be seL up as elLher pald ln full or deposlL only. llexlble commlsslon reporLlng
ls also avallable on an agenL by agenL basls or sysLem wlde basls.
!12$)$).9 Slmple lmplemenLaLlon lncluded wlLh llcence cosL. WebslLe and cusLomlslng servlces
avallable from Auu93 per hour.
()*$)+ ,""-$). 5670+879 :;<2)%+;

1uLorlal 33, age 40
verslon 7 LasL updaLed SepLember 2011
3T> P+7,""-$0
*E C1$&02 /0$7)#-&#(3
?es8ooklL ls a booklng managemenL sysLem deslgned speclflcally Lo meeL Lhe needs of hollday
renLals/leLLlng agenLs and properLy managers. 1he sysLem lncludes many powerful producLlvlLy
and markeLlng Lools. 1he sysLem also allows agenLs Lo upload properLles Lo leadlng hollday
accommodaLlon porLals such as SLayz, and keep avallablllLy and prlclng lnformaLlon synchronlsed
across Lhe leadlng hollday accommodaLlon porLals. 1he ?es8ooklL connecLlvlLy means LhaL
booklngs made ln porLals enLer Lhe booklng sysLem dlrecLly, avoldlng any chance of over
booklngs. 1he sysLem conLlnues Lo evolve based on valued feedback from users.
4E C1$&02 .03/()
?es8ooklL ls an AusLrallan deslgned and owned producL developed by Mldac. Mldac has been
developlng leadlng producLs for LhlrLy years and has speclallsed ln onllne Lourlsm lnnovaLlons for
flfLeen years.
02 4992 3040
C 8ox 133 uungog nSW 2420
7E F3$&*++*&#(3
?es8ooklL provldes a secure Cl uSS compllanL hosLed soluLlon. ?es8ooklL only requlres a
compuLer wlLh an lnLerneL connecLlon and a popular lnLerneL browser. 1here ls no need Lo lnsLall
any sofLware onslLe.
/E G*$0 $&'/#0$
0E F3/#7*&#.0 7($&$ *3/ H')&"0) #3H()2*&#(3
?es8ooklL offers Lwo maln prlclng models: A low upfronL lnvesLmenL wlLh commlsslon
on booklngs, and a subscrlpLlon model.
5/##"109 SupporL ls provlded onllne and vla emall and Lelephone or Skype. 8y defaulL producL
supporL ls lncluded ln Lhe package. AddlLlonal Lralnlng packages can be purchased.
lease conLacL ?es8ooklL for deLalls on our currenL prlclng sLrucLure.
!12$)$).9 lnlLlal Lralnlng ls provlded onllne or face Lo face.
()*$)+ ,""-$). 5670+879 :;<2)%+;

1uLorlal 33, age 41
verslon 7 LasL updaLed SepLember 2011
MU> W+*20+; 0/0"1$2*7
Cnllne booklng sysLems 101
1ourlsm Lxchange AusLralla

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