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77 Laws of Success

1. Accept everything the way it is. Dont wish things or situations were different. Bitching about stuff
will not change it. Confront the reality.
2. Take Responsibility. You are responsible for your thoughts and actions.
3. Go to work on yourself, not women. You cannot change other people, you can only change
4. Evict Your Inner Wussy. When I bitch or complain about things, I dont feel responsible for them
that might be a secondary pay-off for being a wussy. But it is wrong. Stop being a wussy. Figure out
whats stopping you and start working on fixing it up.
5. Build a Powerful, capable self-image that you love. Picture of you that you carry inside yourself. Get
a clear picture of the person you want to be. Ask yourself am I the person who I want to be? Make it
as clear and vivid as possible so that you can feel yourself living it.
6. Move your frame of reference inside. You dont have to get external validation for anything. You
should look on the inside to figure out if everyone else is on the right page. You are in competition
with yourself and have to keep things to your own standards not the standards of others.
Have an inner locus control Make the decisions with are right for your own life, dont worry about how
others are affected by them or will perceive them. It is your life and you are responsible for it so do
whatever is right to achieve and live the life that you want to live.
7. Stop making identity meaning out of external events. If others disapprove of what you do then it is
their problem, not yours. Dont try to analyse it much or make a generalization out if it. If she doesnt
like you, it is her loss not yours (or she is a lesbian). I can provide a lot more to her than she can
provide to me.
8. Eliminate failure by learning from it. Dont attach any meaning to the failure. You have not failed
I am not a failure because something has not worked out. Plus there is no failure it is just a lesson
you have learnt in how not to do it. Be logical in analysing things. You will see that the lesson you
have learnt would be far more valuable than the cost you have paid.
9. Compare your progress and success only to yourself, not to others. You have to worry about
achieving what you want to achieve dont worry about beating other people. Decide your path and
stick to it. Run your own race. Focus on achieving your own end goals and results that you want.
Compete with yourself and dont worry about beating others improve yourself. Take yourself to the
next level.
Just dont give a fuck about others. Get motivated by their progress that they are doing something to
achieve it. Take inspiration and learn lessons. Dont envy their status or results. Just focus on doing
what is right and needs to be done to achieve your own end goals. Just like golf, compare your
progress to yourself and dont worry about others. Just think did I do the best I could, honestly.
10. Evolve constantly and consciously always seek the next level and paradigm. Keep looking for
the next level. You have never arrived. Keep thinking what is the next level and how do I reach
there. Find and be with people who dont give a damn about your current level because they are at a
higher level than you are.
11. See yourself as high status. Build a high status self-image. Go in expecting that you will be the
high status person in the room. Dont care about others because you are the shiznit and the coolest
and most awesome, fun motherfucker in the room. You are the rock star and will have the attention of
others. Make things fun and connect people make people smile and have fun yourself.
12. Stop Apologizing. You should never apologize to get another persons approval. It makes people
respect you when you know how to apologize at the right time. Just dont give a fuck truly. Dont seek
approval and do what you want to do and just how you want to do it.
13. Stop Seeking Approval. Neediness kills attraction. Dont ask permission or look for external
validation. Do what you want to do and not what others expect you to do. Not seeking external
approval means having confidence in yourself and your decisions. This is a highly attractive mind-set
for women and men (nohomo).
Some people play to not lose and some people play to win. Take the right decision, which may
not always be the easiest, and play to win. Right decision is not always the easiest and the easiest
decision is not always right. It is your life and you are responsible for it, no one else. So do the right
14. Stop Giving Approval in Order to Get It. Let people earn your respect and approval. It should
always be a reward when they earn it. Dont take shit from others. And dont do things that will help
you get their approval.
15. Stop Trading Status for Approval. Be in control, lead. Be the person who is net-positive dominant.
Let people earn your attention and make them go through hoops before you give them respect. Dont
respect people just to make them respect you. Let them earn it.
16. Untangle past, present and future. Life for now and for the moment. Consider short term, medium
term and long term gratification of everything that you are about to do. Do what is right in the long run.
Live for the moment. You always tend to overestimate the future loss or reward. Dont live in the fear
of something happening. Just deal with it when it arises. Dont worry about solving the future
problems before they arise.
17. Surround yourself with success models. Be it people, books, audio or videos. Get inspired
and surround yourself with success and vision of what you want to be in future. Visualize
things. Grow consciously. Dont do anything that is of no use. Focus on success and what you
want to achieve in the long run.
18. Know your path or purpose in life and stay on it. Remembered what you are doing it all for. Focus.
Remember 80/20 principle and focus on things that make the biggest impact on you achieving the
goals that you want to achieve. Dont have any distractions have a tunnel vision on what you want
to achieve.
Any man who tries to chase two rabbits gets none. Also, dont multitask. Focus on one thing
at a time, it is lot more efficient.
19. Travel. Explore new places and cultures. Go learn from them and meet new people. Expand your
horizons. List everything that you learn and implement it.
20. Every day -> find your centre, become centered and make yourself the center. Get in touch with
your ideal life. Meditate. Learn to control your thoughts. Notice your breath and learn to control it.
Make your model and reality as real as possible and make it the centre of your life.
21. Focus on your core skills, your inner game and tactics will fall in place. Dont always look for
instant gratification. Put in the time to learn the thing properly and do what needs to be done.
22. Accept and Embrace the transition anxiety as an opportunity to see things from a beginners
perspective automatically. When you do a new thing, you are out of your comfort zone. Do what is
right. Dont worry about how you will look when you fail or what people will assume. Just do it if you
have to do it. You will learn only by practicing it correctly. Just keep at it learn and embrace the
transition. Make it a game compete with yourself. Anxiety is a natural part of transition.
23. LEarn to enjoy the process of learning more than the actual result of learning.
24. Teach others every great thing that you learn, immediately. If you teach it, you learn it a lot faster
and can internalize it much better. Maybe blog about it, have a private mastermind or talk about it with
a friend.
25. Never whine, bitch or complain. Ever. That is just your perception of things and not really the
reality of how it is.
26. Objectify your demons so that you control them instead of them controlling you. Something you
dont have control over. Dont worry about them and learn to consciously make sure that they never
control you.
27. Become selfish so that you can become generous. Make yourself a priority in your life and do
what is right for yourself and achieving the goals that you want to achieve. Be independent and focus
on yourself.
28. Surround yourself with success models and eliminate failure models from your life and mind.
29. Keep doing what works and stop doing what doesnt. Dont assume, try and see what works.
Split test everything and stick to winners. Keep track of the lessons that you learn, write them down
and do more of whatever works. If it doesnt work, just eliminate it from your life and mind.
30. Maintain your composure. Control your emotions. Be complete and be balanced. If you lose your
emotions on something that means you have to work on it. If others freak out, you instead have to
become calmer and a cold-calculating machine.
31. Prove to yourself over and over that you can deal with rejection. Remember if a girl doesnt want
you, it is her loss and not yourself. You can bring a lot more into her life than she can bring into yours.
I am the shiznit. If she doesnt want me, something is wrong with her or she is just a lesbian.
32. Learn to sacrifice short-term gratification for long term success. Do it strategically to
achieve specific goals and milestones and not just for the sake of it. Decide what you need to
do, how you are doing to do and do whatever it takes to achieve those goals, including if it means
going out of your comfort zone or making short term sacrifices. And dont pretend to be doing
something do it with full focus and real effort. You are not mind-fucking yourself. Look realistically @
33. Learn to always enjoy yourself no matter what is happening around you. You make your own
reality. Make it fun.
34. Value yourself and your time more than any other women. Put your priorities first and before
anyone. Dont tolerate any disrespect of yourself or your time. Always do a valuation analysis and do
what is of highest value / priority.
35. Develop your awareness. Form a peripheral vision / 360 degree vision.
36. Learn to control your emotions. Be happy, be in a state of bliss and be fun. Take responsibility for
your emotions and dont let any external factors impact them.
37. Become unbelievably honest and authentic. Be direct and blunt tell people how it is. If they do
something wrong or something you dont approve, tell them. Call girls out if they shit on you.
38. Learn to identify the social status of others by communication and body language instantly.
Looking away while taking is a high status symbol. Connect with leaders and befriend them. Become
like them.
39. Become an expert on your own self-deception games. Become aware of the games you play with
yourself. Keep a journal and do things what need need to be done, dont mindfuck yourself.
40. Balance learning, practicing and doing. Learn -> Do -> Analyse -> Improve -> Repeat.
Perfect practice makes a man perfect. And perfect practice means taking things seriously and
always fine-tuning things to the next level. Do it the right way, dont pretend that you are doing
41. Constantly improve yourself. Get started, put it to test, improve it. Keep optimizing whatever you
do. You are never perfect, keep doing things that will have major impact on your overall success
and keep pushing it to a higher level.
42. Stop projecting your strengths and weaknesses on others. (Tip!) Make a list of people you hate
and those you admire. Then make a checklist of what you admire or hate in them. Then make those
things you admire in others as your habits consciously and try to eliminate what you hate in others.
43. Eliminate all negative/destructive habits and start adapting positive/constructive habits in your life.
Become conscious of your own habits and self, do what it takes to fix things the way you want them to
44. Recognize when you are losing control of yourself. Just stop. Dont talk negatively to yourself,
dont victimize yourself. Just take a break, think logically and do what is right. Dont think when you
are emotionally high.
45. Make your territory yours. Dont take any shit from anyone.
46. Lead. Find people with high potential and then help them achieve the best they can. Inspire others
to look at you. Work harder than anyone else. Work smarter than anyone else. Inspire them to reach
your level.
47. Stop idealizing women. No woman is special or has some specific high status. Your status is
higher. She will be privileged to have you in her life and I can provide more to her than she can ever
to me. She can never walk over me ever.
48. Stop idealizing relations. There is no special girl who you cant do without. Dont let a relationship
take over your life or stop you doing things that you want to achieve. This is your life, no one is going
to do stuff for you. Become selfish about your priorities and put top level on what you want to
achieve. Dont let anything stop you from it.
49. Let her problems be her problems. Be stable and be unreactive. Dont try to fix someones
problem for them. Just let them become mature themselves and handle their own shit themselves.
50. Dont try to control a girl with material things. Dont be a beta male. Let her earn the rewards
51. Stop trying to impress women. Dont seek validation. Dont spend more than you want to. Dont
brag. Dont give them gifts and attention that they havent earned. Make them go through hoops and
qualify to you.
52. Look the part. Be stylish, pay attention to details and be hygienic. Women never take things at
face value and use chick logic to figure things out. Just pay attention to small details and let them be
impressed with it.
53. Control your emotions around women, be unreactive and handle their shit tests easily. Ask female
friends if I do anything weird. Treat her insults or any weirdness and you with a little kid.
((Hey you, come over here. I have been looking for you for a while. )) Be confident, learn the right eye
contact. Smile.
54. Make yourself the most interest and fun person a woman has ever met. Be a showman. Learn
what women are most attracted to (cold readings, personality and stuff -> see the chick magazines).
55. Setup your life so that you are constantly meeting women automatically. Have the right hobbies,
go to the right places and try to meet women during coffee breaks. Make a list of the girl I would be
attracted to and then analyse where you can find such a girl. Visualize what you want and then
look consciously for it.
56. Get into the abundance mind-set. Think how would you behave if you had 100 women calling
you. How would you behave if you had all the options. Fake it till you make it.
57. Dont be boring or predictable. DO CRAZY SHIT. Be awesome. Do things for your own
amusement. Go to the extremes and live the life that you want to live be adventurous and fun.
58. Learn how to tell and interesting story about anything. Learn how to be enthusiastic about
anything and say it in an amusing / fun way. Create mystery and anticipation around things and make
them sound awesome. Use copywriting tactics.
59. Learn how to be Cocky and Funny. Flirt. Tease her. Be a funny douche. Learn from James bond,
nip/tuck, californication and mad men. Dont be arrogant but rather a douchebag who is a lot of fun.
Do it for your own amusement.
60. Have female friends. It helps you with preselection and a good social circle. Be the guy they want
to be around with. Like women and enjoy them. Ideally have some of them like the women youd want
to have as your girl.
61. Learn to turn women on mentally, emotionally and physically. Give her emotions, sexualize and
turn her on at all levels. Create a mental state that she needs. Create a perfect crib that will turn her
62. Learn the entire mating process of humans in detail. Learn the steps that they always go through
and then learn to take them to the next level.
63. Learn to read situations before acting or communicating. Become emotionally intelligent and learn
to understand group dynamics.
64. Tease in every way that you can. Build positive responses so that you come out as that fun and
crazy guy that they want around themselves.
65. be honest, authentic and ethical. Dont be ashamed or guilty of your desires. If you check out her
boobs and she asks, just say I am looking at your tits.
66. Set boundaries as soon as possible. If she does something that you dont like or approve of, bust
her balls. Be honest.
67. Look past the content to see what is really going on. Judge people by their actions, not
their words. Pay attentions. Remember what your eyes see, your mind believes dont let that
happen. Always ask whats really going on here. If she creates drama, it is basically a
representation of who she is as a person.
68. Engage her emotions and body, not her mind. Dont use logic girls are emotional creatures.
Dominate and leadership. Make her feel things tell stories, be fun and be adventurous. Be physical.
69. Turn everything into an adventure. It is going to be fun. Do fun things. Be curious, be fun and be
70. Convince yourself that whats going to happen is unbelievably fun and then convince her of it.
Having fun is a state of mind and being on the higher energy level. That attracts people.
71. Do everything so that she wants more. End everything at a high note and when she wants more of
it. When she says more: say it next time. Keep her wanting more. Or, I gotta go.
Woman will be expecting you to fit a next appointment. Instead cut her off and say, listen I gotta go.
Lets talk next time.
72. When you got a challenge, get back to basics. The inner game is the most important thing.
Dont act out of desperation.
73. When you start losing it with a woman. Stop, step back and let her come to you. Create scarcity.
People want what they cant have. Pull the needle out of arm. Familiarity breeds contempt. So learn to
maintain a distance.
74. Always have 3 female friends that you like to have around you.
75. Find out what she really wants. Tease her, step back and make her really want it before you give
it to her. Make it fun.
76. Learn how to make your conversations interesting for women. Remember she is not in search of a
make girlfriend. But still be a fun dude she wants to hang out with. This will attract other women.
77. Learn what it means to be a renaissance man and then become one. Become a man of multiple
adventures. Cultivate multiple interests and focus on overall development.

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