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Pursuant to Republic Act No.

9483 otherwise known as the Oil Pollution Compensation

Act of !!"#$ the followin% are the powers an& functions 'este& to the Philippine Coast (uar&
(1) Power to Inspect and Impose Detention and Fine
,ection -4).* pro'i&es that the PC( shall con&uct inspections of certificates of ,hips
enterin% the territor/ of the Philippines or in the case of ,hips re%istere& in the Philippines
'o/a%in% within the sai& territor/# pro'i&e& that such inspections shall not cause un&ue to the
0oreo'er# the PPA an& an/ other port authorities )which inclu&e the PC(* shall &en/
port ser'ices to sai& ,hip without such certificate ),ec. -4.*.
1or this purpose# a certificate mentione& abo'e pertains to the certificate attestin% that
an insurance or an/ other financial securit/ is in force to each ,hip carr/in% more than two
thousan& )!!!* tons of Oil in bulk as car%o issue& b/ 0AR2NA. 3iolations pertainin% to this
certificate consist of+
a. 1ailure to institute or maintain insurance or other financial securit/4
b. Operatin% a ,hip without maintainin% on boar& a certificate of insurance re5uire&4
c. 1ailure to compl/ b/ an/ person re5uire& therewith after &ue notice b/ the 0AR2NA4
&. 1ailure to submit report of contributin% oil
As a conse5uence# an/ ,hip foun& within the sai& territor/ or 6one without such
certificate shall be pre'ente& from loa&in% or unloa&in% of its car%o until it is able to pro&uce the
appropriate insurance or financial securit/ &ul/ certifie& b/ the ,tate of its re%istr/ if such
countr/ is a con'ention7member ,tate# otherwise# issue& or certifie& b/ the 0AR2NA or an/
con'ention7member ,tate ),ec. -4.3*
A fine not e8cee&in% one hun&re& thousan& pesos )P-!!#!!!.!!* shall also be impose&
to an/ person who shall refuse# obstruct or hamper the entr/ of the &ul/ authori6e&
representati'es of the &epartment or an/ person authori6e& un&er this Act to aboar& an/ ,hip or
establishment pursuant to this Act. An/ ,hip apprehen&e& for 'iolation of this Act ma/ also be a
sub9ect of &etention ),ec. !)e an& f**.
(2) Power to Investigate and Prosecute Complaint
2t is pro'i&e& b/ this Act that the PC( shall in'esti%ate# motu propio or throu%h written
un&ertakin% of a complainant# an/ inci&ent# claim for compensation or 'iolation of this Act an&
shall forthwith file appropriate action with the R:C ),ec. -".4*
2n cases file& b/ a complainant# the PC( shall likewise pro'i&e the necessar/ technical
e'i&ence or an/ assistance as the claim for compensation or 'iolation is concerne&.
(3) Power to Conduct Immediate Response and Research in Oil Pollution Cases
:he PC( is taske& to con&uct imme&iate containment# remo'al an& clean7up operations
in all Oil Pollution cases whether co'ere& b/ this Act or not ),ec. *.
Rele'ant a%encies such as PC(# 0AR2NA an& PPA an& other ports authorit/ of the
;O:C# <n'ironmental 0ana%ement =ureau of the ;<NR an& ;O< shall con&uct research#
enforcement an& monitorin% acti'ities pertainin% to oil pollution cases.
() Power to Participate in the Determination o! "mount o! Contri#ution under Oil
Pollution $anagement Fund
:he amount of contribution shall be &etermine& b/ 0AR2NA# other concerne&
%o'ernment a%encies an& representati'es from the owners of tankers# bar%es# tankers haulers
an& ,hip haulin% Oil an&>or petroleum pro&ucts )sec. )a**.
(%) Power to coordinate with the DO&C regarding IRR
2n coor&ination with other concerne& a%encies an& sectors# the ;O:C shall within three
months after the effecti'it/ of this Act promul%ate rules an& re%ulations for the effecti'e
implementation of this Act.
A manual pro'i&in% for the proce&ures concernin% the enforcement of claims un&er this
Act shall likewise be &e'elope& within sai& perio&.

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