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function [V0,y0,dV,dy,P,Q] = nelder(Fn,V,min1,max1,epsilon,show)

%NELDER Nelder-Mead method to search for a minimum.
% Sample call
% [V0,y0,dV,dy,P,Q] = nelder('Fn',V,min1,max1,epsilon,1)
% Inputs
% Fn name of the vector function
% V starting simplex
% min1 minimum number of iterations
% max1 maximum number of iterations
% epsilon convergence tolerance
% show if show==1 the iterations are displayed
% Return
% V0 vertex V0 for the minimum
% y0 function value Fn(V0)
% dV size of the final simplex
% dy error bound for the minimum
% P matrix containing the vertices in the iterations
% Q array containing iterations for F(P)
% NUMERICAL METHODS: MATLAB Programs, (c) John H. Mathews 1995
% To accompany the text:
% NUMERICAL METHODS for Mathematics, Science and Engineering, 2nd Ed, 1992
% Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 07632, U.S.A.
% Prentice Hall, Inc.; USA, Canada, Mexico ISBN 0-13-624990-6
% Prentice Hall, International Editions: ISBN 0-13-625047-5
% This free software is compliments of the author.
% E-mail address: in%""
% Algorithm 8.2 (Nelder-Mead's Minimization Method).
% Section 8.1, Minimization of a Function, Page 414

if nargin==5, show = 0; end
if show==1,
Mx1 = 'Nelder-Mead search iteration No. ';
Mx2 = ' p q f(p,q)';
diary output,disp(' '),disp(' '),....
disp(Mx1),disp(Mx2),disp(' '),diary off;
[mm n] = size(V);
for j =1:n+1,
Z = V(j,1:n);
Y(j) = feval(Fn,Z);
[mm lo] = min(Y); % Order the vertices:
[mm hi] = max(Y);
li = hi;
ho = lo;
for j = 1:n+1,
if (j~=lo & j~=hi & Y(j)<=Y(li)), li=j; end
if (j~=hi & j~=lo & Y(j)>=Y(ho)), ho=j; end
end % End of Order.
cnt = 0;
while (Y(hi)>Y(lo)+epsilon & cnt<max1) | cnt<min1
% The main while loop has started.
S = zeros(1,1:n); % Form the new points:
for j = 1:n+1,
S = S + V(j,1:n);
M = (S - V(hi,1:n))/n; % Construct vertex M:
R = 2*M - V(hi,1:n); % Construct vertex R:
yR = feval(Fn,R);
if (yR<Y(ho)),
if (Y(li)<yR),
V(hi,1:n) = R; % Replace a vertex:
Y(hi) = yR;
E = 2*R - M; % Construct vertex E:
yE = feval(Fn,E);
if (yE<Y(li)),
V(hi,1:n) = E; % Replace a vertex:
Y(hi) = yE;
V(hi,1:n) = R; % Replace a vertex:
Y(hi) = yR;
if (yR<Y(hi)),
V(hi,1:n) = R; % Replace a vertex:
Y(hi) = yR;
C = (V(hi,1:n)+M)/2; % Construct vertex C:
yC = feval(Fn,C);
C2 = (M+R)/2; % Construct vertex C2:
yC2 = feval(Fn,C2);
if (yC2<yC),
C = C2; % Replace a vertex:
yC = yC2;
if (yC<Y(hi)),
V(hi,1:n) = C; % Replace a vertex:
Y(hi) = yC;
for j = 1:n+1, % Shrink the simplex:
if (j~=lo),
V(j,1:n) = (V(j,1:n)+V(lo,1:n))/2;
Z = V(j,1:n);
Y(j) = feval(Fn,Z);
end % End of Shrink.
end % End of Improve.
[mm lo] = min(Y); % Order the vertices:
[mm hi] = max(Y);
li = hi;
ho = lo;
for j = 1:n+1,
if (j~=lo & j~=hi & Y(j)<=Y(li)), li=j; end
if (j~=hi & j~=lo & Y(j)>=Y(ho)), ho=j; end
end % End of Order.
cnt = cnt+1;
P(cnt,:) = V(lo,:);
Q(cnt) = Y(lo);
format long; % Print iteration and plot 2-dim case.
if show==1,
diary output,disp([V(lo,:),Y(lo)]),diary off;
XS = V(1:n+1,1)'; XSL = [XS,XS(1)];
YS = V(1:n+1,2)'; YSL = [YS,YS(1)];
hold on;
hold off;
end % End of the main while loop.
hold off;
snorm = 0; % Determine the size of the simplex:
for j = 1:n+1,
s = norm(V(j)-V(lo));
if (s>=snorm), snorm = s; end
Q = Q';
V0 = V(lo,1:n);
y0 = Y(lo);
dV = snorm;
dy = abs(Y(hi)-Y(lo));

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