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Zucchini and Chickpea Lasagna

Serves 4
Cup Fresh Basil Leaves
2 Garlic Cloves, Peeled
1 Cups Canned Chickpeas, Strained and Rinsed
Cup Low Fat Ricotta Cheese
2 easpoons !"tra #ir$in %live %il
&osher Salt
Black Pepper
2 Lar$e 'ucchini, Cut Len$thwise into ( )nch hick Strips
Cup Pasta Sauce
2 a*lespoons Par+esan Cheese, Grated
1, Prepare a -ood processor with the *lade attach+ent,
2, Pick *asil leaves o-- the ste+s to +easure indicated a+ount, Place in *owl o- -ood
., S+ash the $arlic under the side o- /our che-0s kni-e to re+ove the peel, 1dd to the -ood
processor, urn on -ood processor to +ince the $arlic and -resh *asil, Scrape down the sides,
4, Strain the chickpeas throu$h a colander and rinse under cold water until water runs clear,
2r/ thorou$hl/, then add to the -ood processor, Run the -ood processor until the chickpeas are
-inel/ chopped and +i"ture is *eco+in$ paste3like,
4, Scrape down sides o- the -ood processor, then add ricotta cheese and olive oil and season
with salt and pepper to taste, Puree until well co+*ined, )- /ou have a lot +ore prep work to
do, trans-er to a s+all dish and re-ri$erate until read/ to *uild the lasa$na,
5, #er/ li$htl/ $rease a sheet pan with olive oil,
6, Cut 7ucchini thinl/, a*out 184 inch thick len$thwise, to $et lon$ ri**ons, 9ou want enou$h
ri**ons to +ake 2 la/ers in the *akin$ dish, Place ri**ons on the prepared sheet pan, 2o not
1, Preheat the oven to 44: de$rees,
2, Sprinkle the 7ucchini ri**ons with a little *it o- salt and pepper on *oth sides,
., Place the 7ucchini ri**ons in the preheated oven and cook until tender, a*out 1.314
+inutes, Flip each ri**on a-ter 6 +inutes to ensure even cookin$,
4, %nce 7ucchini is out o- the oven, turn on the *roiler, Let 7ucchini cool sli$htl/,
4, Start *uildin$ the lasa$na */ spreadin$ 2 a*lespoons o- pasta sauce on the *otto+ o- the
;<";< *akin$ dish,
5, La/ the roasted 7ucchini slices -lat on top o- the pasta sauce in the *akin$ dish, Scoop the
chickpea and ricotta +i"ture on top and spread out evenl/, op with the re+ainin$ 7ucchini
ri**ons, 9ou +a/ need to tri+ the 7ucchini ri**ons so the/ -it the dish,
6, Spread the re+ainin$ pasta sauce over the second la/er o- 7ucchini and sprinkle Par+esan
cheese evenl/ over the top,
;, Place the 7ucchini lasa$na under the *roiler and heat until cheese is +elted and $olden
*rown, a*out 234 +inutes,
=, 1-ter lasa$na is out o- the *roiler, let it cool sli$htl/ *e-ore slicin$, a*out 4 +inutes,
1:, Slice lasa$na and use a spatula to trans-er portions to dinner plates, Serve war+>

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