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Republic Act No.

7042 June 13, 1991

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress
#ection 1. Title. - This Act shall be known as the, )Foreign Investments Act of 1991).
#ection 2. Declaration of Policy. - It is the policy of the State to attract, promote and welcome
productive investments from foreign individuals, partnerships, corporations, and governments,
including their political subdivisions, in activities which significantly contribute to national
industrialiation and socioeconomic development to the e!tent that foreign investment is allowed in
such activity by the "onstitution and relevant laws. #oreign investments shall be encouraged in
enterprises that significantly e!pand livelihood and employment opportunities for #ilipinos$ enhance
economic value of farm products$ promote the welfare of #ilipino consumers$ e!pand the scope,
%uality and volume of e!ports and their access to foreign markets$ and&or transfer relevant
technologies in agriculture, industry and support services. #oreign investments shall be welcome as
a supplement to #ilipino capital and technology in those enterprises serving mainly the domestic
As a general rule, there are no restrictions on e!tent of foreign ownership of e!port enterprises. In
domestic market enterprises, foreigners can invest as much as one hundred percent '())*+ e%uity
e!cept in areas included in the negative list. #oreign owned firms catering mainly to the domestic
market shall be encouraged to undertake measures that will gradually increase #ilipino participation
in their businesses by taking in #ilipino partners, electing #ilipinos to the board of directors,
implementing transfer of technology to #ilipinos, generating more employment for the economy and
enhancing skills of #ilipino workers.
#ection 3. Definitions. - As used in this Act:
a+ The term ,-hilippine national, shall mean a citien of the -hilippines or a domestic
partnership or association wholly owned by citiens of the -hilippines$ or a corporation
organied under the laws of the -hilippines of which at least si!ty percent '.)*+ of the
capital stock outstanding and entitled to vote is owned and held by citiens of the
-hilippines$ or a trustee of funds for pension or other employee retirement or separation
benefits, where the trustee is a -hilippine national and at least si!ty '.)*+ of the fund will
accrue to the benefit of the -hilippine nationals: -rovided, That where a corporation and its
non-#ilipino stockholders own stocks in a Securities and /!change "ommission 'S/"+
registered enterprise, at least si!ty percent '.)*+ of the capital stocks outstanding and
entitled to vote of both corporations must be owned and held by citiens of the -hilippines
and at least si!ty percent '.)*+ of the members of the 0oard of 1irectors of both
corporations must be citiens of the -hilippines, in order that the corporations shall be
considered a -hilippine national$
b+ The term ,investment, shall mean e%uity participation in any enterprise organied or
e!isting under the laws of the -hilippines$
c+ The term ,foreign investment, shall mean as e%uity investment made by a non--hilippine
national in the form of foreign e!change and&or other assets actually transferred to the
-hilippines and duly registered with the "entral 0ank which shall assess and appraise the
value of such assets other than foreign e!change$
d+ The praise ,doing business, shall include soliciting orders, service contracts, opening
offices, whether called ,liaison, offices or branches$ appointing representatives or distributors
domiciled in the -hilippines or who in any calendar year stay in the country for a period or
periods totalling one hundred eighty '(2)+ days or more$ participating in the management,
supervision or control of any domestic business, firm, entity or corporation in the -hilippines$
and any other act or acts that imply a continuity of commercial dealings or arrangements,
and contemplate to that e!tent the performance of acts or works, or the e!ercise of some of
the functions normally incident to, and in progressive prosecution of, commercial gain or of
the purpose and ob3ect of the business organiation: -rovided, however, That the phrase
,doing business: shall not be deemed to include mere investment as a shareholder by a
foreign entity in domestic corporations duly registered to do business, and&or the e!ercise of
rights as such investor$ nor having a nominee director or officer to represent its interests in
such corporation$ nor appointing a representative or distributor domiciled in the -hilippines
which transacts business in its own name and for its own account$
e+ The term ,e!port enterprise, shall mean an enterprise which produces goods for sale, or
renders services to the domestic market entirely or if e!porting a portion of its output fails to
consistently e!port at least si!ty percent '.)*+ thereof$ and
g+ The term ,#oreign Investments 4egative 5ist, or ,4egative 5ist, shall mean a list of areas
of economic activity whose foreign ownership is limited to a ma!imum of forty ownership is
limited to a ma!imum of forty percent '6)*+ of the e%uity capital of the enterprise engaged
#ection 4. Scope. - This Act shall not apply to banking and other financial institutions which are
governed and regulated by the 7eneral 0anking Act and other laws under the supervision of the
"entral 0ank.
#ection *. Registration of Investments of Non-Philippine Nationals. - 8ithout need of prior
approval, a non--hilippine national, as that term is defined in Section 9 a+, and not otherwise
dis%ualified by law may upon registration with the Securities and /!change "ommission 'S/"+, or
with the 0ureau of Trade :egulation and "onsumer -rotection '0T:"-+ of the 1epartment of Trade
and Industry in the case of single proprietorships, do business as defined in Section 9 'd+ of this Act
or invest in a domestic enterprise up to one hundred percent '())*+ of its capital, unless
participation of non--hilippine nationals in the enterprise is prohibited or limited to a smaller
percentage by e!isting law and&or limited to a smaller percentage by e!isting law and&or under the
provisions of this Act. The S/" or 0T:"-, as the case may be, shall not impose any limitations on
the e!tent of foreign ownership in an enterprise additional to those provided in this Act: -rovided,
however, That any enterprise seeking to avail of incentives under the ;mnibus Investment "ode of
(<2= must apply for registration with the 0oard of Investments '0;I+, which shall process such
application for registration in accordance with the criteria for evaluation prescribed in said "ode:
-rovided, finally, That a non--hilippine national intending to engage in the same line of business as
an e!isting 3oint venture in his application for registration with S/". 1uring the transitory period as
provided in Section (> hereof, S/" shall disallow registration of the applying non--hilippine national
if the e!isting 3oint venture enterprise, particularly the #ilipino partners therein, can reasonably prove
they are capable to make the investment needed for they are competing applicant. ?pon effectivity
of this Act, S/" shall effect registration of any enterprise applying under this Act within fifteen '(>+
days upon submission of completed re%uirements.
#ection +. Foreign Investments in !port nterprises. - #oreign investment in e!port enterprises
whose products and services do not fall within 5ists A and 0 of the #oreign Investment 4egative 5ist
provided under Section 2 hereof is allowed up to one hundred percent '())*+ ownership.
/!port enterprises which are non--hilippine nationals shall register with 0;I and submit the reports
that may be re%uired to ensure continuing compliance of the e!port enterprise with its e!port
re%uirement. 0;I shall advise S/" or 0T:"-, as the case may be, of any e!port enterprise that fails
to meet the e!port ratio re%uirement. The S/" or 0T:"- shall thereupon order the non-complying
e!port enterprise to reduce its sales to the domestic market to not more than forty percent '6)*+ of
its total production$ failure to comply with such S/" or 0T:"- order, without 3ustifiable reason, shall
sub3ect the enterprise to cancellation of S/" or 0T:"- registration, and&or the penalties provided in
Section (6 hereof.
#ection 7. Foreign Investments in Domestic "ar#et nterprises. - 4on--hilippine nationals may
own up to one hundred percent '())*+ of domestic market enterprises unless foreign ownership
therein is prohibited or limited by e!isting law or the #oreign Investment 4egative 5ist under Section
2 hereof.
A domestic market enterprise may change its status to e!port enterprise if over a three '9+ year
period it consistently e!ports in each year thereof si!ty per cent '.)*+ or more of its output.
#ection ,. $ist of Investment Areas Reserve% to Philippine Nationals -Foreign Investment
Negative $ist.. - The #oreign Investment 4egative 5ist shall have three '9+ component lists: A, 0,
and ":
a+ 5ist A shall enumerate the areas of activities reserved to -hilippine nationals by mandate
of the "onstitution and specific laws.
b+ 5ist 0 shall contain the areas of activities and enterprises pursuant to law:
(+ 8hich are defense-related activities, re%uiring prior clearance and authoriation
from 1epartment of 4ational 1efense '141+ to engage in such activity, such as the
manufacture, repair, storage and&or distribution of firearms, ammunition, lethal
weapons, military ordnance, e!plosives, pyrotechnics and similar materials$ unless
such manufacturing or repair activity is specifically authoried, with a substantial
e!port component, to a non--hilippine national by the Secretary of 4ational 1efense$
@+ 8hich have implications on public health and morals, such as the manufacture
and distribution of dangerous drugs$ all forms of gambling$ nightclubs, bars,
beerhouses, dance halls$ sauna and steambath houses and massage clinics.
Small and medium-sied domestic market enterprises with paid-in e%uity capital less
than the e%uivalent of five hundred thousand ?S dollars '?SA>)),)))+ are reserved
to -hilippine nationals, unless they involve advanced technology as determined by
the 1epartment of Science and Technology. /!port enterprises which utilie raw
materials from depleting natural resources, with paid-in e%uity capital of less than the
e%uivalent of five hundred thousand ?S dollars '?SA>)),)))+ are likewise reserved
to -hilippine nationals.
Amendments to 5ist 0 may be made upon recommendation of the Secretary of 4ational
1efense, or the Secretary of Bealth, or the Secretary of /ducation, "ulture and Sports,
indorsed by the 4/1A, or upon recommendation motu propio of 4/1A, approved by the
-resident, and promulgated by -residential -roclamation.
c+ 5ist " shall contain the areas of investment in which e!isting enterprises already serve
ade%uately the needs of the economy and the consumer and do not re%uire further foreign
investments, as determined by 4/1A applying the criteria provided in Section < of this Act,
approved by the -resident and promulgated in a -residential -roclamation.
The Transitory #oreign Investment 4egative 5ist established in Sec. (> hereof shall be
replaced at the end of the transitory period by the first :egular 4egative 5ist to the
formulated and recommended by the 4/1A, following the process and criteria provided in
Section 2 and < of this Act. The first :egular 4egative 5ist shall be published not later than
si!ty '.)+ days before the end of the transitory period provided in said section, and shall
become immediately effective at the end of the transitory period. Subse%uent #oreign
Investment 4egative 5ists shall become effective fifteen '(>+ days after publication in two '@+
newspapers of general circulation in the -hilippines: -rovided, however, That each #oreign
Investment 4egative 5ist shall be prospective in operation and shall in no way affect foreign
investments e!isting on the date of its publication.
Amendments to 5ist 0 and " after promulgation and publication of the first :egular #oreign
Investment 4egative 5ist at the end of the transitory period shall not be made more often
than once every two '@+ years.
#ection 9. Determination of Areas of Investment for Incl&sion in $ist ' of the Foreign
Investment Negative $ist. - ?pon petition by a -hilippine national engage therein, an area of
investment may be recommended by 4/1A for inclusion in 5ist " of the #oreign Investment
4egative 5ist upon determining that it complies with all the following criteria:
a+ The industry is controlled by firms owned at least si!ty percent '.)*+ by #ilipinos$
b+ Industry capacity is ample to meet domestic demand$
c+ Sufficient competition e!ists within the industry$
d+ Industry products comply with -hilippine standards of health and safety or, in the absence
of such, with international standards, and are reasonably competitive in %uality with similar
products in the same price range imported into the country$
e+ Cuantitative restrictions are not applied on imports of directly competing products$
f+ The leading firms of the industry substantially comply with environmental standards$ and
g+ The prices of industry products are reasonable.
The petition shall be sub3ected to a public hearing at which affected parties will have the opportunity
to show whether the petitioner industry ade%uately serves the economy and the consumer, in
general, and meets the above stated criteria in particular. 4/1A may delegate evaluation of the
petition and conduct of the public hearing to any government agency having cogniance of the
petitioner industry. The delegated agency shall make its evaluation report and recommendations to
4/1A which retains the right and sole responsibility to determine whether to recommend to the
-resident to promulgate the area of investment in 5ist " of the 4egative 5ist. An industry or area of
investment included in 5ist " of the 4egative 5ist by -residential -roclamation shall remain in the
said 5ist " for two '@+ years, without pre3udice to re-inclusion upon new petition, and due process.
#ection 10. Strategic In%&stries. - 8ithin eighteen '(2+ months after the effectivity of this Act, the
4/1A 0oard shall formulate and publish a list of industries strategic to the development of the
economy. The list shall specify, as a matter of policy and not as a legal re%uirement, the desired
e%uity participation by 7overnment and&or private #ilipino investors in each strategic industry. Said
list of strategic industries, as well as the corresponding desired e%uity participation of government
and&or private #ilipino investors, may be amended by 4/1A to reflect changes in economic needs
and policy directions of 7overnment. The amended list of strategic industries shall be published
concurrently with publication of the #oreign Investment 4egative 5ist.
The term ,strategic industries, shall mean industries that are characteried by all of the following:
a+ "rucial to the accelerated industrialiation of the country,
b+ :e%uire massive capital investments to achieve economies of scale for efficient
c+ :e%uire highly specialied or advanced technology which necessitates technology transfer
and proven production techni%ues in operations$
d+ "haracteried by strong backward and forward linkages with most industries e!isting in
the country, and
e+ 7enerate substantial foreign e!change savings through import substitution and collateral
foreign e!change earnings through e!port of part of the output that will result with the
establishment, e!pansion or development of the industry.
#ection 11. 'ompliance (ith nvironmental Stan%ar%s. - All industrial enterprises regardless of
nationality of ownership shall comply with e!isting rules and regulations to protect and conserve the
environment and meet applicable environmental standards.
#ection 12. 'onsistent )overnment Action. - 4o agency, instrumentality or political subdivision of
the 7overnment shall take any action on conflict with or which will nullify the provisions of this Act, or
any certificate or authority granted hereunder.
#ection 13. Implementing R&les an% Reg&lations. - 4/1A, in consultation with 0;I, S/" and
other government agencies concerned, shall issue the rules and regulations to implement this Act
within one hundred and twenty '(@)+ days after its effectivity. A copy of such rules and regulations
shall be furnished the "ongress of the :epublic of the -hilippines.
#ection 14. A%ministrative Sanctions. - A person who violates any provision of this Act or of the
terms and conditions of registration or of the rules and regulations issued pursuant thereto, or aids or
abets in any manner any violation shall be sub3ect to a fine not e!ceeding ;ne hundred thousand
pesos '-()),)))+.
If the offense is committed by a 3uridical entity, it shall be sub3ect to a fine in an amount not
e!ceeding D of (* of total paid-in capital but not more than #ive million pesos '->,))),)))+. The
president and&or officials responsible therefor shall also be sub3ect to a fine not e!ceeding Two
hundred thousand pesos '-@)),)))+.
In addition to the foregoing, any person, firm or 3uridical entity involved shall be sub3ect to forfeiture
of all benefits granted under this Act.
S/" shall have the power to impose administrative sanctions as provided herein for any violation of
this Act or its implementing rules and regulations.
#ection 1*. Transitory Provisions. - -rior to effectivity of the implementing rules and regulations of
this Act, the provisions of 0ook II of /!ecutive ;rder @@. and its implementing rules and regulations
shall remain in force.
1uring the initial transitory period of thirty-si! '9.+ months after issuance of the :ules and
:egulations to implement this Act, the Transitory #oreign Investment 4egative 5ist shall consist of
the following:
A. 5ist A:
(. All areas of investment in which foreign ownership is limited by mandate of
"onstitution and specific laws.
0. 5ist 0:
(. Eanufacture, repair, storage and&or distribution of firearms, ammunitions, lethal
weapons, military ordinance, e!plosives, pyrotechnics and similar materials re%uired
by law to be licensed by and under the continuing regulation of the 1epartment of
4ational 1efense$ unless such manufacturing or repair activity is specifically
authoried with a substantial e!port component, to a non--hilippine national by the
Secretary of 4ational 1efense$
@. Eanufacture and distribution of dangerous drugs$ all forms of gambling$
nightclubs, bars, beerhouses, dance halls$ sauna and steam bathhouses, massage
clinic and other like activities regulated by law because of risks they may pose to
public health and morals$
9. Small and medium-sie domestic market enterprises with paid-in e%uity capital or
less than the e%uivalent of ?SA>)),))), unless they involve advanced technology as
determined by the 1epartment of Science and Technology, and
6. /!port enterprises which utilie raw materials from depleting natural resources,
and with paid-in e%uity capital of less than the e%uivalent ?SA>)),))).
". 5ist ":
(. Import and wholesale activities not integrated with production or manufacture of
@. Services re%uiring a license or specific authoriation, and sub3ect to continuing
regulations by national government agencies other than 0;I and S/" which at the
time of effectivity of this Act are restricted to -hilippine nationals by e!isting
administrative regulations and practice of the regulatory agencies concerned:
-rovided, That after effectivity of this Act, no other services shall be additionally
sub3ected to such restrictions on nationality of ownership by the corresponding
regulatory agencies, and such restrictions once removed shall not be reimposed$ and
9. /nterprises owned in the ma3ority by a foreign licensor and&or its affiliates for the
assembly, processing or manufacture of goods for the domestic market which are
being produced by a -hilippine national as of the date of effectivity of this Act under a
technology, know-how and&or brand name license from such licensor during the term
of the license agreement: -rovided, That, the license is duly registered with the
"entral 0ank and&or the Technology Transfer 0oard and is operatively in force as of
the date of effectivity of this Act.
4/1A shall make the enumeration as appropriate of the areas of the investment covered in this
Transitory #oreign Investment 4egative 5ist and publish the 4egative 5ist in full at the same time as,
or prior to, the publication of the rules and regulations to implement this Act.
The areas of investment contained in 5ist " above shall be reserved to -hilippine nationals only
during the transitory period. The inclusion of any of them in the regular 4egative 5ist will re%uire
determination by 4/1A after due public hearings that such inclusion is warranted under the criteria
set forth in Section 2 and < hereof.
#ection 1+. Repealing 'la&se. - Articles forty-four '66+ to fifty-si! '>.+ of 0ook II of /!ecutive ;rder
4o. @@. are hereby repealed.
All other laws or parts of laws inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed or
modified accordingly.
#ection 17. Separa*ility. - If any part or section of this Act is declared unconstitutional for any
reason whatsoever, such declaration shall not in any way affect the other parts or sections of this
#ection 1,. ffectivity. - This Act shall take effect fifteen '(>+ days after approval and publication in
two '@+ newspaper of general circulation in the -hilippines.
Approved: Fune (9, (<<(

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