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Alice und Mad. Mad Hatter laufen dem Ariadnefaden nach...

useful concepts:
phase space: (Williard Gibbs 1901) space in which all possible states of a system
are represented with each possible state correspondin! to one uni"ue point of the phase
space (phase space usuall# consists of all possibe $alues of position and momentum
%&here is no lon!er an# tendenc# to spea' of electricit# as (contained) in an#thin!. *ainters
ha$e lon! 'nown that ob+ects are not contained in space but that the# !enerate their own
spaces. ,t was the dawnin! awareness of this in the mathematical world a centur# a!o that
enabled -ewis .arroll the /0ford mathematician to contri$e Alice in Wonderland in
which times and spaces are neither uniform nor continuous as the# had seemed to
be since the arri$al of 1enaissance perspecti$e.2 (Mc-uhan Understanding Media
McGraw Hill boo' compan# 3ew 4or' 1956 p.768)
body without organs:
9or :eleu;e and Guattari e$er# <actual< bod# has (or e0presses) a set of traits habits mo$ements affects etc. =ut e$er# <actual< bod#
also has a <$irtual< dimension a $ast reser$oir of potential traits connections affects mo$ements etc. (a phase space). &his collection
of potentials is what :eleu;e calls the =w/. &o <ma'e oneself a bod# without or!ans< then is to acti$el# e0periment with oneself to
draw out and acti$ate these $irtual potentials. &hese potentials are mostl# acti$ated (or <actuali;ed<) throu!h con+unctions with other
bodies (or =w/s) that :eleu;e calls <becomin!s.<
:eleu;e and Guattari use the term =w/ in an e0tended sense to refer to the $irtual dimension of realit# in !eneral (which the# more
often call <plane of consistenc#< or <plane of immanence<). ,n this sense the# spea' of a =w/ of <the earth.< <&he >arth< the# write <is
a bod# without or!ans. &his bod# without or!ans is permeated b# unformed unstable matters b# flows in all directions b# free
intensities or nomadic sin!ularities b# mad or transitor# particles< (A Thousand Plateaus p. 60). &hat is we usuall# thin' of the world as
composed of relati$el# stable entities (<bodies< bein!s). =ut these bodies are reall# composed of sets of flows mo$in! at $arious
speeds (roc's and mountains as $er# slow?mo$in! flows@ li$in! thin!s as flows of biolo!ical material throu!h de$elopmental s#stems@
lan!ua!e as flows of information words etc.). &his fluid substratum is what :eleu;e calls the =w/ in a !eneral sense.
,n A Thousand Plateaus :eleu;e and Guattari e$entuall# differentiate between three 'inds of BwO: cancerous, empty, and full.
the empty BwO is the BwO of Anti-Oedipus. &his BwO is also described as <catatonic< because it is completel# de?or!an?i;ed@ all flows
pass throu!h it freel# with no stoppin! and no directin!. >$en thou!h an# form of desire can be produced on it the empt# BwO is non?
The full BwO is the health# BwO@ it is producti$e but not petrified in its or!an?i;ation.
The cancerous BwO is cau!ht in a pattern of endless reproduction of the self?same pattern.
1000pplateaus:$ember 196B
%ihr 'Cnnt nicht be!ehren ohne einen ;u schaffen2 (oD)
%>r ist sowohl 3icht?=e!ehren als auch =e!ehren. Eor allem ist er 'ein =e!riff er ist $ielmehr eine *ra'ti' ein !an;er Domple0 $on
0: Null: remissio (das Nachlassen, Abnahme, rlass, !ergebung): Null-Intensitt: Intensitt = 0 : Stufe 0 als rodu!tionsprin"ip
creatin! disco$erin! disco$erin! creatin!... and connectin!... we ha$e se$eral =w/s and we want: the place of consistenc#.
How to controll a cancerous powerful =w/F (how to redirect the missdirected intensities repopulate and chan!e the habbits without
destro#in! the =w/F)
.reate a counter dra!onF =e more cle$er than beforeG .hoose
wir m#ssen hinter $oder besser: in% die ec!en des indi&iduum schauen, um das multiple di&iduum "u er!ennen
*aul Eirilio:
... bis hin ;u +enem blac" whole,
start buildin! machines unconsciousl# pla#in! child machines of mo$ement with inherent $elocities #ou can release. =uild bra'es #ou
will notice that #ou need them the moment #ou need them. (And still the# are alwa#s insufficient) =uild upper and lower beams watch
where #ou are !oin!.
=uild ele$ators between the le$els as help for the trapdoors. &reasure the compass and #our star. -earn to lea$e #oursel$es and others
when necessar#.
As mess dimensions times and action increase in$ent a 'osmos li'e with #our notes on #our des'top or if not.... li'e with #our notes...
amor fati H der wIrfelwurf das schic'sal dass den ;ufall be+aht
difference J differance J !ap J distance

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