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Read the questioned carefully before you decide to answer them. Select the best or nearer answer
and write the letter only.
1. The arrangement and utilization of persons with common goals and objectives in an
efficient, effective, economical and harmonious manner in the attainment of its objectives.
a. Patrol c. Planning
b. Organization d. Establishing the Objectives
2. It is one or more police officer round in order to guard or inspect property and to protection
lives within the prescribe area.
a. Patrol c. Planning
b. Organization d. Establishing the Objectives
3. The process of developing a method or procedure or an arrangement of parts intended to
facilitate the accomplishment of a definite objective.
a. Patrol c. Planning
b. Organization d. Establishing the Objectives
4. To determining the objectives of order, establishes answer to the questions.
a. Patrol c. Planning
b. Organization d. Establishing the Objectives
5. The step to determine how the order can be carried out in the patrol unit.
a. Analyzing the Facts c. Tactical Plan
b. Procedural Plan d. Determining the Applicability
6. To assist in the evaluation of possible supplementation at the unit level.
a. Analyzing the Facts c. Tactical Plan
b. Procedural Plan d. Determining the Applicability
7. It deals with procedures that have been outlined and adopted by all members the unit
under specified circumstances.
a. Analyzing the Facts c. Tactical Plan
b. Procedural Plan d. Determining the Applicability
8. It defined as plans that concerns methods of action to be taken at a designated location and
under specific circumstances.
a. Analyzing the Facts c. Tactical Plan
b. Procedural Plan d. Determining the Applicability
9. The work programs of the field units?
a. Operational Plan c. Extra Departmental Plan
b. Management Plan d. Staffing Level
10. Those which require actions or assistance from persons or agencies outside of the
a. Operational Plan c. Extra Departmental Plan
b. Management Plan d. Staffing Level

11. It defined as those that relate to staffing, equipping, supplying and organizing?
a. Operational Plan c. Extra Departmental Plan
b. Management Plan d. Staffing Level
12. It involves what is that the patrol force does or expected to do.
a. Operational Plan c. Extra Departmental Plan
b. Management Plan d. Staffing Level
13. It refers to the level of effort of, or time required to successfully performing, a particular
a. Response Time-Distance c. Area Responsibility
b. Performance Standards d. Work Load
14. It is one of the objectives of patrol distribution is to equalize the work load of officer in the
a. Response Time-Distance c. Area Responsibility
b. Performance Standards d. Work Load
15. It is another purpose of patrol distribution is spread the patrol force throughout the
jurisdiction in such manner as equalize, and minimize, response time to radio calls.
a. Response Time-Distance c. Area Responsibility
b. Performance Standards d. Work Load
16. It is the dividing a jurisdiction into patrol districts of approximately the same composition
and crime rate, police officer can be more easily is evaluated on their performance.
a. Response Time-Distance c. Area Responsibility
b. Performance Standards d. Work Load
17. It is the distribution sometimes has as an additional objective the alignment of patrol beats,
or crime reporting districts within a beat.
a. Crime Reporting c. Post Assignment
b. Scheduling d. Geographical Problems
18. The communities present unusual geographical problems that complicate patrol
a. Crime Reporting c. Post Assignment
b. Scheduling d. Geographical Problems
19. It is the process of determining what and how much work will be done at what times and
a. Crime Reporting c. Post Assignment
b. Scheduling d. Geographical Problems
20. In covering patrol posts, two methods of assignment are possible.
a. Crime Reporting c. Post Assignment
b. Scheduling d. Geographical Problems
21. It is the assignments of patrol officer have advantages and disadvantages.
a. Police Hazards c. Job Rotation
b. Shift/Post Rotation Assignment d. Persons
22. It is the personnel administration job rotation is the practice of rotating the hours of work of
subordinates at periodic intervals.

a. Police Hazards c. Job Rotation
b. Shift/Post Rotation Assignment d. Persons
23. It is the situations or conditions that may induce incidents calling for some kind of police
a. Police Hazards c. Job Rotation
b. Shift/Post Rotation Assignment d. Persons
24. Some of the Police hazards such as transient, drunks, addicts, insane persons, racist and
problem children.
a. Police Hazards c. Job Rotation
b. Shift/Post Rotation Assignment d. Persons
25. The Police hazards such as warehouse, service stations, banks, pawnshops, liquor stores and
a. Property c. Police Patrol Hazards
b. Situations d. Places
26. The Police hazards such as bars, parks, transportation terminals, schools boardwalk, cheap
boarding and lodging and other areas populated by foreign born persons or minority groups.
a. Property c. Police Patrol Hazards
b. Situations d. Places
27. The Police hazards such as fires, athletic events, public and private dances, conventions,
labor disorders, parades, demonstrations and so forth.
a. Property c. Police Patrol Hazards
b. Situations d. Places
28. It is refers to the physical hazards that threaten the safety of patrol officer on a regular
basis, but also psychological and environmental hazards that can ultimately take toll on the
police officer.
a. Property c. Police Patrol Hazards
b. Situations d. Places
29. It contributed to frustration and job stress that the police officer often feel isolated and
emotionally divorced from the society in which they work.
a. Occupational Stress c. Psychological hazards
b. Critical Incident Stress d. Physical
30. Police work has identified as being one of the most stressful of all occupations.
a. Occupational Stress c. Psychological hazards
b. Critical Incident Stress d. Physical
31. Is qualitatively different from stress that was discussed earlier.
a. Occupational Stress c. Psychological hazards
b. Critical Incident Stress d. Physical
32. Officers may experience fatigue, nausea, rapid heart rate, headaches, thirst, dizziness,
vomiting, weakness and profuse sweating.
a. Occupational Stress c. Psychological hazards
b. Critical Incident Stress d. Physical

33. Officers may experience confusion, memory problems, in ability to make good decisions or
solves problems and disturbed thinking.
a. Emotional c. Stress Debriefing
b. Cognitive d. Behavioural
34. Officers may experience anxiety, denial, fear, guilt and agitation.
a. Emotional c. Stress Debriefing
b. Cognitive d. Behavioural
35. Officers may experience withdrawal, emotional outburst, and suspiciousness, inability to
test or excessive sleeping.
a. Emotional c. Stress Debriefing
b. Cognitive d. Behavioural
36. To accelerate the recovery process so the officer can return to duty as soon as possible.
a. Emotional c. Stress Debriefing
b. Cognitive d. Behavioural
37. Police work entails many hazards unlike those found in other occupations.
a. Role Conflict c. Job related hazards
b. Moral Conflict d. Organizational Frustration
38. Police officers, by virtue of their position of trust, authority and responsibility are expected
to maintain high standards of character and integrity.
a. Role Conflict c. Job related hazards
b. Moral Conflict d. Organizational Frustration
39. One constant source of irritation to many police officers is traditional style of management
still practiced in many police organizations today.
a. Role Conflict c. Job related hazards
b. Moral Conflict d. Organizational Frustration
40. Another source of irritation in police work is the frustration officers suffers from the conflict
that is inherent in police role itself.
a. Role Conflict c. Job related hazards
b. Moral Conflict d. Organizational Frustration
41. Corruption in police work can be even more devastating than other types of hazards since
its effects are likely to be felt throughout the entire organization.
a. Planning originates at patrol unit level c. Deciding on the Action taken
b. Corruptive Influences d. Tactical Plans
42. After careful evaluation the administrator is in the position to decide on the action to be
a. Planning originates at patrol unit level c. Deciding on the Action taken
b. Corruptive Influences d. Tactical Plans
43. It is designed to meet patrol unit problems and objectives.
a. Planning originates at patrol unit level c. Deciding on the Action taken
b. Corruptive Influences d. Tactical Plans
44. Generally emergency type of plans that can be put into effect on the sudden occurrence of a
condition requiring their use.

a. Planning originates at patrol unit level c. Deciding on the Action taken
b. Corruptive Influences d. Tactical Plans
45. The objective of establishing predetermined method of alerting, deployment and action that
will assure coordination of personnel and allied agencies during any emergency not
amounting to a state of extreme emergency.
a. Statistical analysis c. Extra-departmental planning
b. Emergency Planning d. Budget planning
46. Most widely used in operational planning.
a. Statistical analysis c. Extra-departmental planning
b. Emergency Planning d. Budget planning
47. It is important due to the fact that many of the activities, which the patrol force must
perform, require cooperation with other agencies.
a. Statistical analysis c. Extra-departmental planning
b. Emergency Planning d. Budget planning
48. Most important type of management planning at the patrol unit level.
a. Statistical analysis c. Extra-departmental planning
b. Emergency Planning d. Budget planning
49. One of the most important objectives of patrol distribution.
a. Work Load c. Proportional scheduling
b. The swing d. The dog- watch
50. Simple technique assuming accurate activity data are available.
a. Work Load c. Proportional scheduling
b. The swing d. The dog- watch
51. Other term for early morning shift.
a. Work Load c. Proportional scheduling
b. The swing d. The dog- watch
52. Other term for evening shift.
a. Work Load c. Proportional scheduling
b. The swing d. The dog- watch
53. The authority and the environment in which they work make them likely targets of
corruptive influences.
a. The nature of police work c. Police corruption
b. Traditional method of police management d. Collective sign
54. Often heard near the end of group debriefing, signifying that the participants know they will
okay and that the worst of the experience is over.
a. The nature of police work c. Police corruption
b. Traditional method of police management d. Collective sign
55. Concentrate in decision making authority in the hands of the few and fail to recognize the
consequences of organizational policies upon individual.
a. The nature of police work c. Police corruption
b. Traditional method of police management d. Collective sign

56. An act (failure to act) by the police officer designed to place the interests of officer, or other
persons, over the law or common good.
a. The nature of police work c. Police corruption
b. Traditional method of police management d. Collective sign
57. The police officer comes into the contact with many unsavoury people who will do anything
they can protect themselves from the consequences of their own misdeeds.
a. Public attitudes c. Police officers clientele
b. Leaderships d. Physical Hazards
58. Police officers often believe, sometimes for good reason, that the general public is apathetic
about them and their job.
a. Public attitudes c. Police officers clientele
b. Leaderships d. Physical Hazards
59. The professional climate in a police organization is determined by the examples set by the
police executive and the command staff.
a. Public attitudes c. Police officers clientele
b. Leaderships d. Physical Hazards
60. There are a great many physical hazards associated with police work and they should not be
a. Public attitudes c. Police officers clientele
b. Leaderships d. Physical Hazards
61. One of the contradictions of police work is that, while police officer must always stay in top
physical condition, most police work requires limited physical exertion.
a. Physical Conditioning c. Physical Strain from Shift Rotation
b. Fatigue d. Physical Fitness
62. Program is design for all members of the police force in the country as means to develop
members physically fit for duty.
a. Physical Conditioning c. Physical Strain from Shift Rotation
b. Fatigue d. Physical Fitness
63. It is effect on police performance is profound.
a. Physical Conditioning c. Physical Strain from Shift Rotation
b. Fatigue d. Physical Fitness
64. The subject of shift rotation is a controversial one.
a. Physical Conditioning c. Physical Strain from Shift Rotation
b. Fatigue d. Physical Fitness
65. This involves consideration of the nature and causes of crime.
a. Walking Beats c. Geographical Distribution
b. Chronological Distribution d. General Preparation
66. Using the weigh categories of incidents and accounting four the number of identifiable
police hazards and the street mileage within the geographical area of each small arbitrary
a. Walking Beats c. Geographical Distribution
b. Chronological Distribution d. Computer

67. It analyzes current data and prescribes the size of patrol beats as a function of crime and
other demands on the police.
a. Walking Beats c. Geographical Distribution
b. Chronological Distribution d. Computer
68. Would be timely to review the possible need for foot patrols in those areas where
conditions may warrant such average.
a. Walking Beats c. Geographical Distribution
b. Chronological Distribution d. Computer
69. The policemens value system must be in harmony with the objectives of law enforcement
and sense of fair play.
a. General Preparation c. Pre-patrol Preparation
b. In Field Preparation d. Vehicle Inspection
70. Prior to going out on patrol, the policemen should be armed with knowledge and
a. General Preparation c. Pre-patrol Preparation
b. In Field Preparation d. Vehicle Inspection
71. Whenever possible, the police officer that is to go out on patrol should have debriefing
conference with the officer who is relieved.
a. General Preparation c. Pre-patrol Preparation
b. In Field Preparation d. Vehicle Inspection
72. At any time the patrol officer assumes control of the assigned vehicle for his tour of duty.
a. General Preparation c. Pre-patrol Preparation
b. In Field Preparation d. Vehicle Inspection
73. Take a general familiarization and inspection tour of your assigned district to orient yourself.
a. District Orientation Tour c. Pre-patrol Preparation
b. In Field Preparation d. Vehicle Inspection

1. Give the primary objectives of patrol organization.
2. Give the preliminary steps in patrol planning.
3. Four kinds of Police Hazards.


II. Explain the following questions. (Within 50 words).
1. What is Patrol Organization?
2. What is Staffing?
3. What is Personnel Distribution?



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