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HISTORY OF JOURNALISM in the Philippines

Journal, the root word of journalism, came from the Latin word diurnal, which means daily.
In ancient Rome, brief communiqus were called Acta Diurna, which means Daily Eents.
!thers were called Acta "ublica, which means "ublic Eents.
Journalism the art an! s"ien"e o# $ritin% #or ne$spapers perio!i"als ra!io tele&ision an! online
pu'li"ations en#ol!s timel( an! #a"tual reports o# unusual or une)pe"te! e&ents opinions or
situations that a##e"t man an! his en&ironment* These reports are %athere! e&aluate! an! pu'lishe!
'roa!"ast or poste! on the +e' to in#orm to entertain or to in#luen"e lar%e num'er o# rea!ers*
The histor( o# ,ournalism starte! in an"ient -%(pt $hen heral!s ran to pharaohs $ith oral reports an!
$hen to$n "riers san% important announ"ements in pu'li" pla"es* The #irst printe! ne$spaper
pro!u"e! #rom $oo! 'lo".s appeare! in /ei,in% China in the Se&enth an! in the -i%ht Centuries*
+hen Johan 0utten'er% o# Main1 0erman( in&ente! the mo&a'le printin% press in 2345 $i!er an!
#aster !issemination o# ne$s stories $ere ma!e possi'le* It also #a"ilitate! the e)"han%e o# i!eas
throu%hout -urope an! the sprea! o# the i!eas o# the Renaissan"e #rom 2655 to 2755*
On Septem'er 84 2795 /en,amin Harris an -n%lish re#u%ee pu'lishe! the Pu'li". O""urren"es /oth
Forei%n an! Domesti". the #irst Ameri"an ne$spaper in /oston Massa"husetts* In 2:;6 the Dail(
A!&ertisers an! the Penns(l&ania -&enin% Post the #irst !ail( Ameri"an ne$spapers $ere pu'lishe! in
The 0entleman<s Ma%a1ine pu'lishe! #rom 2:62 to 295: $as the #irst perio!i"al to use the $or!
ma%a1ine that !enotes a &ehi"le o# entertainin% rea!in%* It "ontaine! politi"al essa(s poems stories
an! !e'ates an! $as &er( in#luential ser&in% #or e)ample as the mo!el #or the Ameri"an Ma%a1ine o#
An!re$ /ra!#or! an! the 0eneral Ma%a1ine an! Histori"al Chroni"le o# /en,amin Fran.lin the #irst true
Ameri"an perio!i"als*
T$ent(=#our important notes ne"essar( in un!erstan!in% a histor( o# ,ournalism in the
2* Mar"elo Del Pilar is also the author o# La So'erania Mona"al 2;;;> an! Frailo"ra"ia Fililipa
2;;9* Hilario $as not a"tuall( his mi!!le name 'ut 0atma(tan*
8* The I%lesia Filipina In!epen!iente $as #oun!e! '( Isa'elo !elos Re(es an! Pas"ual Po'lete
2958> an! $as hea!e! '( 0re%orio A%lipa( as its #irst Ponti#e) Ma)imus or O'ispo Ma)imo or
Supreme /ishop*
6* ?i%an 'e#ore Ciu!a! Fernan!ina an! later Herita%e Cit( o# ?i%an is the "apital o# Ilo"os Sur
an! the seat o# the Ar"h!io"ese o# Nue&a Se%o&ia* It is the thir! "it( in the Philippines #oun!e!
'( Juan !e Sal"e!o %ran!son o# Mi%uel Lope1 !e Le%aspi*
3* Jose Prota"io Mer"a!o Ri1al ( Alon1o Realon!a $rote Noli Me Tan%ere 2;;:> an! -l
Fili'usterismo 2;92* He $as e)e"ute! in /a%um'a(an no$ Ri1al Par. on De"em'er 65
4* Fer!inan! /lumentritt the @true 'rotherA an! @lo(al #rien!A o# Jose Ri1al ma!e se&eral stu!ies
a'out the "ountr(* He $as 'orn in PraBue /ohemia no$ C1e"hoslo&a.ia*
7* An!res /oni#a"io is the #ather o# Philippine Re&olution an! Philippine Demo"ra"( an! the
#oun!er o# the Cataastaasan% Ca%alan%=%alan%an% Catipunan n% m%a Ana. n% /a(an in Ton!o
Manila on Jul( : 2;98*
:* -milio A%uinal!o $as the Presi!ent o# the First Philippine Repu'li"* He $as also ele"te! as
Presi!ent o# the Re&olutionar( 0o&ernment an! Presi!ent o# the /ia.=na=/ato Repu'li"* He
pro"laime! Philippine In!epen!en"e in Ca$it Ca&ite on June 28 2;9;*
;* Ra#ael Palma $as ele"te! Senator o# the Common$ealth o# the Philippines 2927> appointe!
Se"retar( o# the Interior 2929> an! appointe! mem'er o# the In!epen!en"e Missions 2929
an! 2988* He $as also the #ourth presi!ent o# the Uni&ersit( o# the Philippines 2984=2966> a
!ele%ate to the Constitutional Con&ention 2963=2964> an! the Chairman o# the National
Coun"il o# -!u"ation> 2967=2969*
9* 0en Dou%las M"Arthur $as the (oun%est Chie# o# Sta## o# the US Arm(* He ser&e! as the
Militar( A!&iser o# the Philippine Common$ealth 2967=2932> Comman!in% 0eneral o# the
Unite! States Arme! For"es in the Far -ast DUSAFF-E 2932> Supreme Allie! Comman!er o#
the South$est Pa"i#i" 2938=2934> an! Supreme Comman!er o# the Allie! Po$ers #or O""upie!
Japan 2934=2942*
25* Ser%io OsmeFa Sr* $as the #irst Filipino national lea!er un!er the Ameri"an re%ime as
o# the Philippine Assem'l( an! the Se"on! Presi!ent o# the Common$ealth o# the Philippines
2933=2937* He $as the ?i"e Presi!ent o# Manuel Gue1on $hen +orl! +ar II 'ro.e out an!
assume! the presi!en"( upon the !eath o# the latter in 2933* His se"ret a%reement $ith US
Presi!ent Harr( Truman on Ma( 23 2934 'e"ame the 'asis o# the 293: RP=US Militar( /ases
22* US Ol(mpia is the #la%ship o# A!miral 0eor%e De$e( the Comman!in% O##i"er o# the US
Asiati" SBua!ron !urin% the Spanish=Ameri"an +ar* For his &i"tor( De$e( rapi!l( rose #rom
the ran. o# Commo!ore to Rear A!miral an! A!miral in the US Na&(*
28* Manuel Luis Gue1on ( Molina $as the Presi!ent o# the Philippine Senate 2927=2967 an! the
First Presi!ent o# the Common$ealth o# the Philippines 2964=2933*
26* Fran"is /urton Harrison $as the Ameri"an 0o&ernor 0eneral o# the Philippines 2926=2929
remem'ere! #or his Filipini1ation poli"( i* e* repla"ement o# Ameri"ans in the Philippine Ci&il
Ser&i"e $ith Buali#ie! Filipinos* His !(in% $ish that he 'e 'urie! in the Philippines $as %rante!
an! that he $as 'urie! in Manila North Cemeter(*
23* Carlos Romulo ( PeFa $as the #irst Filipino presi!ent o# the Unite! Nations 0eneral Assem'l(
2939> an! a mem'er o# the Unite! Nations Se"urit( Coun"il 294;*
24* The /attle o# /ataan starte! on Januar( 9 2938 an! "ontinue! until April 9 2938*
27* The Uni&ersit( o# the Philippines $as esta'lishe! in 295; '( &irtue o# A"t No* 2;:5 $ritten '(
+ Shuster Mor%an Se"retar( o# Pu'li" Instru"tion an! mem'er o# the Philippine Commission*
Formerl( lo"ate! in Pa!re Faura in Manila it trans#erre! to Diliman in Gue1on Cit( in 2939
althou%h the Colle%e o# Me!i"ine an! Allie! Me!i"al Pro#essions remaine! in Manila*
2:* Presi!ent Fer!inan! -!ralin Mar"os rule! the Philippines #rom 2974 to 29;7* First ele"te! in
2974 he $as easil( re=ele"te! in 2979* Fa"in% in"reasin% "i&il unrest #rom the Communist
Part( o# the Philippines hea!e! '( Jose Maria Sison an! the Moro National Li'eration Front
hea!e! '( Hashim Salamat Mar"os suspen!e! the "onstitution !e"lare! martial la$ an!
sei1e! !i"tatorial po$ers in 29:8* A""use! o# massi&e #rau! in the 29;7 Snap -le"tions a%ainst
Cora1on ABuino Mar"os an! his #amil( #le! to Ha$aii* He spent the last three (ears o# his li#e
#i%htin% the la$suits that trie! to re"laim the lar%e #ortune he ha! a""umulate! improperl(
$hile in po$er*
2;* Mala"aFan% Pala"e is the o##i"ial resi!en"e o# the Spanish an! the Ameri"an %o&ernors=%eneral
#rom 2;76 to 2964 an! o# Philippine presi!ents #rom 2964 to the present* The name is sai! to
ha&e "ome #rom the $or!s @Ma( !i(anA literaril( @there are no'lemen resi!in% there*A A
&iolent rall( in #ront o# the pala"e on Januar( 65 29:5 $as !es"ri'e! as the @Sie%e o#
29* Pla1a Miran!a is the pu'li" sBuare in #ront o# the Guaipo Chur"h in Manila* It $as name! a#ter
Jose San!ino ( Miran!a Se"retar( o# the Treasur( o# the Philippines #rom 2;46 to 2;43*
85* The $rit o# ha'eas "orpus is a $ritten or!er issue! '( a "ourt !ire"te! to the person
!etainin% another an! "omman!in% him to pro!u"e the 'o!( o# a prisoner $ith the !ate an!
the "ause o# his "apture an! !etention*
82* Senator /eni%no ABuino Jr* $as the (oun%est #orei%n "orrespon!ent !urin% the Corean +ar
the (oun%est a!&iser o# Presi!ent Ramon Ma%sa(sa( an! the (oun%est mem'er o# the
Philippine Senate* His assassination at the Manila International Airport no$ Nino( ABuino
International Airport on Au%ust 82 29;6 %al&ani1e! popular opposition to the Mar"os
a!ministration an! 'rou%ht his $i!o$ Cora1on Co,uan%"o to the #ore#ront !urin% the 29;7
Snap -le"tion*
88* Martial la$ is the temporar( imposition o# a militar( %o&ernment o&er a "i&il %o&ernment* It is
in&o.e! $hen "i&il authorit( is ina!eBuate to en#or"e la$ an! to preser&e or!er a%ainst
re'ellion an! insurre"tion* It $as also pro"laime! in Tai$an 2939> Thailan! 294;> an! South
Corea 29:8*
86* -DSA is an a"ron(m #or -pi#anio !elos Santos A&enue name! a#ter a Filipino historian an!
pro&in"ial %o&ernor o# Nue&a -"i,a* Formerl( .no$n as Hi%h$a( 43 $hi"h starts #rom Cit( to Pasa( Cit( a stret"h o# it in Gue1on Cit( $as the settin% o# the 29;7
Philippine Re&olution hen"e 29;7 -DSA Re&olution*
83* Cora1on ABuino is the First +oman an! -i%hth Presi!ent o# the Repu'li" o# the Philippines
29;7=2998* +ith Sal&a!or Laurel as his runnin% mate she le! the opposition that o&erthre$
Presi!ent Fer!inan! Mar"os $ho $ent into e)ile in Ha$aii a#ter the 29;7 -DSA Re&olution* She
#irst esta'lishe! a re&olutionar( %o&ernment un!er a Free!om Constitution $hi"h $as
repla"e! '( the 29;: Constitution !ra#te! in 29;7 an! rati#ie! in 29;:*
#he "hili$$ine $ress, which is committed to the %reat herita%e of libertarianism, is one of
the freest, lieliest, and stron%est in Asia and in the world. #hrou%hout the a%es, it has
$er$etuated a formidable tradition of serice, which is the fortification of our soerei%n life.
Its sustaina'le %ro$th an! !e&elopment pro&i!es %rati#(in% an! #as"inatin% #ootnotes o# our histori"al
re&olutions* It starte! in 276: $hen Tomas Pinpin the #ather o# Filipino printin% pu'lishe! the
Su""essos Feli"es the #irst Philippine ne$spaper that ante!ate! Pu'li". O""urren"es /oth Forei%n an!
Domesti". #or 46 (ears*
Pinpin $ho learne! the art o# printin% #rom Father Fran"is"o /lan"as !e San Jose the parish priest o#
A'u"a( /ataan an! #oun!er o# the Domini"an=o$ne! printin% press in /inon!o Manila an! in Pila
La%una !e&ote! his 23 H pa%e ne$spaper to the rai!s o# Muslim pirates in the "ountr(*
Ho,as ?olantes $ith the title A&iso Al Pu'li"o $as !istri'ute! #or mass rea!ership in the Philippines
an! a"te! as to$n "riers o# Spain in the "ountr( on Fe'ruar( 8: 2:99* Althou%h it appeare!
intermittentl( in the ne)t 45 (ears it $as onl( on Au%ust ; 2;22 $hen the Spaniar!s put out the Del
Superior 0o&ierno the #irst re%ularl( issue! ne$spaper e!ite! '( 0o&ernor 0eneral Manuel DMarianoIE
Fernan!e1 Del Fol%ueras* It %a&e ne$s a'out the Napoleoni" in&asion in Spain an! $as a potent
$eapon in the #i%ht #or eman"ipation* It "ease! pu'li"ation a#ter 24 issues o&er a si)=month perio!*
Pu'lishe! on Mar"h 84 2;82 -l Ramillete Patrioti"o $as a li'eral an! au!a"ious ne$spaper* It $as
sar"asti" an! sometimes un'ri!le! in its spee"h o# !e%eneratin% personalities* Another ne$spaper -l
Noti"ioso Filipino $as pu'lishe! on Jul( 89 2;82*
La FilantropJa a $ee.l( ne$spaper !ealin% $ith "urrent issues #rom -urope an! the arri&als an!
!epartures o# &essels in Manila $as !e!i"ate! to the @$el#are o# the people in the lan%ua%e that is not
o##ensi&e to the sane moral o# the pu'li"*A Printe! in papel !e arro1 Dri"e paperE it #irst appeare! on
Septem'er 2 2;82 an! "ease! pu'li"ation in 2;88* It $as #ollo$e! '( -l Filantropo a relati&el( small
ne$spaper that laste! a (ear an! the Noti"ias Compila!as !e los Papeles Pu'li"os !e la Peninsula 'oth
in 2;83*
Foun!e! '( the Real So"ie!a! -"onomi"a !e Ami%os !el Pais an! e!ite! '( Luis /arreto Jose
A1"arra%a Manuel A1"arra%a Mar"elo A1"arra%a an! Jose Ni"olas Irastor1a in 2;83 the Re%istro
Mer"antil !e Manila $as a monthl( ne$spaper that $or.e! #or e"onomi" prosperit( an! politi"al
in!epen!en"e 'ut "ease! pu'li"ation in Ma( 2;66 'e"ause o# la". o# #inan"ial support an! re%ular
su's"ri'ers* -l Noti"iero #ollo$e! it in 2;6;*
In 2;36 0re%orio Tarrius the A!ministrator o# Posts #oun!e! the Semanario Filipino that pu'lishe!
'usiness ne$s #rom Asia -urope an! the Ar"hipela%o* It $as rename! -l Ami%o !el Pais in 2;34 'ut
"ease! pu'li"ation in April 2;3:* La -strella a $ee.l( ne$spaper #oun!e! '( A%ustin !e la Ca&a!a (
Men!e1 !e ?i%o on O"to'er 3 2;37 'e"ame a !ail( ne$spaper on Fe'ruar( 2 2;3: 'ut $as
suspen!e! in Januar( 2;39*
La -speran1a the #irst !ail( ne$spaper #ille! $ith lon% !is"ussions a'out reli%ious s"ienti#i" histori"al
an! philosophi"al su',e"ts $as also #oun!e! '( A%ustin !e la Ca&a!a ( Men!e1 !e ?i%o $as e!ite! '(
Felipe !e la Corte ( Ruano Cal!eron an! $as pu'lishe! '( Mi%uel San"he1 on De"em'er 2 2;37* It
also pu'lishe! o##i"ial an! "ommer"ial ne$s an! a!&ertisements*
+hen -l Diario !e Manila $as #oun!e! on Januar( 2 2;3; La -strella an! La -speran1a "ease!
pu'li"ation an! relinBuishe! the monopol( to the /oletin O#i"ial !e Filipinas the !ail( %o&ernment
or%an #rom 2;48 to 2;75* Ho$e&er $hen the latter $as rename! the 0a"eta !e Manila '( a Ro(al
Or!er on Ma( 2; 2;75 -l Diario !e Manila reappeare! in Septem'er 2;75*
-!ite! '( JosK Felipe Del Pan -l Diario !e Manila 'e"ame not onl( the 'est=e!ite! ne$spaper 'ut also
one that ha! lon% prosperous an! "ontinuous "ir"ulation until 2;99* Its e!itorial sta## in"lu!e! JosK
!e la Rosa Manuel 0arri!o Manuel Mar1ano Loren1o Moreno Con!e Fran"is"o Ramos /or%uella
Fran"is"o !e Paula Martine1 an! Antonio ?a1Bue1 !e Al!ana*
-l Instru"tor 2;39> -l Desperta!or 2;39> Diario !e A&isos ( Noti"ias 2;45> -l O'ser&a!or Filipino
2;42> /oletin O#i"ial !e Filipinas 2;48 an! -l Commer"io 2;4; #ollo$e! the Diario* The latter not
an e)ample o# "orre"tness ti!iness o# lan%ua%e an! "i&ilit( in reasonin% $as an a#ternoon ne$spaper
e!ite! '( Soler O&e,ero an arm( o##i"er*
A #ortni%htl( that opene! a ne$ era in the histor( o# Philippine ,ournalism 'e"ause it ha! sustaine! its
re&ie$s"hes 'io%raphies ne$s a'out the "ountr( an! literar( an! s"ienti#i" se"tions
the Ilustra"ion Filipina $as pu'lishe! on Mar"h 2 2;49 an! "ease! pu'li"ation on De"em'er 24 2;75*
Pu'lishe! on Fe'ruar( 87 2;72 the 0a"eta !e Manila a $ee.l( %o&ernment ne$spaper that
pu'lishe! o##i"ial !o"uments an! announ"ements "ease! pu'li"ation on Au%ust ; 2;9;* It $as
#ollo$e! '( the Re&ista !e Noti"ias ( Anun"ios 2;72 La -spaFa Catoli"a 2;78 an! La -spaFa
O"eLni"a 2;78*
+ith the slo%an @Reli%ious Unit(A -l Catoli"o Filipino $as #oun!e! '( Father Pe!ro Pelae1 an! $as
pu'lishe! '( Father Mariano Se&illa on Fe'ruar( 2 2;78* Thou%h it $as the #irst reli%ious ne$spaper
in the "ountr( Fra( A%apito Apari"io "har%e! it as a politi"al ne$spaper masBuera!in% 'eneath the
"loa. o# reli%ion* -l Correo !e Filipinas $as pu'lishe! in 2;76*
In 2;73 -l Pasi% $ith the slo%an @#or the prote"tion o# the in!i%enousA $as a 'ilin%ual #ortni%htl( in
Spanish an! in Ta%alo% or ?isa(an that si%ni#ie! the a!&ent o# a Filipino press* Also in 2;73 the
/oletin !el -,er"ito $as mana%e! '( Jose Rato ( He&ia a mem'er o# the Re%iment o# the Prin"e an!
'( Pas"ual San Juan se"retar( o# the Militar( 0o&ernment o# the Pla1a !e Manila*
A#ter importin% a !ou'le e##i"ien"( printin% press in 2;74 -l Por&enir Filipino the #irst ne$spaper that
"ir"ulate! t$o e!itions !ail( one in the mornin% an! the other in the a#ternoon ma!e some
si%ni#i"ant "han%es a!&an"es an! !e&elopments in Philippine ,ournalism in the Nineteenth Centur(*
-!ite! '( Die%o Jimene1 Sr* Die%o Jimene1 Jr* an! Fran"is"o !e -ntrala it $as !e!i"ate! to the
!e#ense o# moral an! material interests $hi"h also ha! a short li#e 'e"ause o# its la". o# unit(* La
O"eania -spaFola su""ee!e! it in 2;:: $hen Del Pan a"Buire! the o$nership a#ter t$o or three
months o# its e)isten"e* At that time La O"eania $as the most appre"iate! an! most
authoritati&e ne$spaper in the islan!s 'e"ause o# its serious arti"les*
Also pu'lishe! t$o e!itions !ail( one in Spanish an! another in -n%lish the Re&ista Mer"antil "ame
o## the press on Jul( 2 2;74* It pu'lishe! ne$s o# "urrent pri"es #our pa%es #rom t$o to #our
"olumns !epen!in% upon the matter printe!* Ho$e&er the ne$spaper $as not $i!el( .no$n 'e"ause
it $as inten!e! #or #orei%n mer"hants an! it !i! not ha&e e)"han%e ser&i"e $ith other ne$spapers*
Another $ee.l( ne$spaper o# the Spanish %o&ernment in the "ountr( the Re&ista !e A!ministration
$as #oun!e! on Januar( 3 2;77 '( Jose !ela Rosa an! Ja&ier !e Tis"ar t$o o##i"ials o# the "i&il
a!ministration* It $as #ollo$e! '( -l Hortera in 2;7; an! the Diario !e A&isos a small a#ternoon
!ail( ne$spaper on Fe'ruar( 2 2;7; 'ut li&e! onl( until O"to'er 22 2;79 to %i&e li#e to -l

-l Commer"io an a#ternoon !ail( ne$spaper o# a!&i"e in!ustr( a%ri"ulture an! "ommer"e $as
#oun!e! '( JoaBuin !e Lo(1a%a an! $as printe! '( Ulpiano Fernan!e1 on Januar( 2 2;79* It $as
!istin%uishe! in its interest in reports rise an! #all o# "ustom re"eipts an! meti"ulous
mo&ements o# "ommer"e*
Pu'lishe! in 2;:3 -l Tro&a!or Filipino $as treate! in @rhetori"al #ero"ities an! $ent a%ainst the
popular "urrent*A It pu'lishe! !ramas a'out Moros an! Christians that la".e! "olor an! proper
atmosphere* Des"ri'in% the ne$spaper Retana $roteM
An(one $ith a #air .no$le!%e o# literature pro!u"e! in the Philippines an! there#ore o# the 'a! taste
$hi"h is the prin"ipal !istin"tion o# the muses o# that re%ion so ri"h in 'ananas as it is poor in i!eas
"an ima%ine the loa! o# %ar'a%e sole"isms an! other rhetori"al #ero"ities 'orne on the shoul!er o# this
ill=a!&ise! Tro&a!or all the more un'eara'le $hen so mu"h o# the "ountr( $as the muse that inspire!
them* -)"lu!e a !o1en -uropean Spaniar!s $ho in three "enturies o# !ominion ha&e pro!u"e! in that
lan! a num'er o# poems $orth( o# the honor o# 'ein% pu'lishe! in an antholo%( o# true Castillan
poets an! N $e "an then retire #rom Parnassus 'e"ause $e ha&e seen all* Not a sin%le son o# the
Ar"hipela%o o# Le%aspi in!io mesti1o or "reole has $ritten an(thin% no'le in &erse $ithout
e)"lu!in% the "ompositions in an( o# the man( !iale"ts o# that "ountr(* Nature in the Philippines
e)traor!inaril( 'eauti#ul O $ith panoramas $hi"h li.e the interior o# the "rater $ithout eBual in the
$orl! o# Taal ?ol"ano animate the spirit $ith a mar&elous ine##a'le e##e"t H has not (et ha! minstrels
in the $a( Ameri"a has ha! them an! "ontinues to ha&e them in the $a( there ha&e 'een an! there
are in the Ol! Continent* That "ountr( $here there are so man( elements #or humorous poetr(
espe"iall( o# the satiri"al t(pe has ne&er 'een tro! upon '( a poet o# the "lass o# those $ho are haile!
as reall( inspire! not e&en a !ramatist o# me!ium stature not e&en one $ho $as eulo%i1e! the
e)ploits o# the ol! Castillians in those islan!sN It shoul! 'e a!!e! that the pu'li" there is the most
'ore! in the planet> it in"lu!es proportionatel( a %reat num'er o# #urious e%oists> a pu'li" in $hi"h it
$ill 'e !i##i"ult to #in! e)ternal s(mptoms o# spiritual li#e inasmu"h as $ith the e)"lusion o# a #e$
hun!re! in!i&i!uals almost all o# them #riars nothin% "an 'e seen there 'ut pure material 'ut
!i##erin% #rom somethin% that is here is la".in% in hi%h i!eas in pro#oun! sentiments o# #ar=rea"hin%
aspirations> an! it $ill 'e per#e"tl( un!erstoo! $h( this Tro&a!or that $e are a'out &er(
Bui".l( $ent @$ith the musi"A to some other pla"e or $ith more pre"ision perishe! soon
a#ter it $as 'orn perhaps out o# hopelessness in the reali1ation that it ha! har!l( an('o!( to hear the
sin%son% o# its pe!estrian rh(me*
Foun!e! e!ite! an! pu'lishe! '( Jose Felipe !el Pan in 2;:4 the Re&ista !e Filipinas represente! the
sprea!in% literar( s"ienti#i" 'otani"al histori"al statisti"al %eolo%i"al an! ethno%raphi" .no$le!%e o#
the Filipinos* The ne$spaper "ease! pu'li"ation a#ter t$o (ears 'e"ause it $as onl( a&aila'le #or the
&er( #e$ intelle"tuals in the "ountr( so la".in% $ith $ell=nourishe! 'rains an! souls an)ious #or
Also #oun!e! '( Jose Felipe !el Pan an! e!ite! '( Antonio ?asBue1 !e Al!ana La Illustra"ion Filipina
the #irst illustrate! perio!i"al an! -l Oriente an illustrate! $ee.l( ma%a1ine that "arrie! the !ra$in%s
o# Jose Lo1ano Feli) Martine1 Manuel Para%o1a Feli) Resure""ion Hi!al%o amon% others $ere
pu'lishe! in 2;:7* -l Correo !e Manila a $ee.l( ne$spaper #oun!e! '( Fran"is"o !e -ntrala $as also
pu'lishe! in 2;:7*
Domini"an Fra( Jose Cueto o# the Uni&ersit( o# Manila #oun!e! the /oletin -"lesiasti"o !el Ar1o'ispa!o
!e Manila in 2;:7 un!er the pro!!in% o# Ar"h'ishop /ernar!ino No1ale!a o# Manila* It $as pu'lishe!
t$i"e a month $ith t$o #i)e! se"tions the o##i"ial an! the !o"trinal* The ne$spaper ta".le! issues
an! arti"les a'out moralit( an! theolo%( #or the e)"lusi&e use o# parish priests* It $as printe! at the
Cole%io !e Santo Tomas !e Manila no$ the Uni&ersit( o# Santo Tomas an! e)iste! until 2;93*

Pu'lishe! as a musi"al re&ie$ to promote musi"al appre"iation La Lira Filipina "ame o## the press in
2;:;* On the other han! the Re&ista !el Li"eo Artisti"o ( Literario !e Manila $as pu'lishe! on Au%ust
25 2;:9* Its prin"ipal $riters in"lu!e! Antonio Opisso Os"ar Camps ( Soler Fran"is"o !e Mar"ai!a
Fran"is"o 0ome1 -rru1 -milio Ramire1 !e Arellano an! Ri"ar!o !e ?ar%as Ma"hu"a* Its pu'li"ation
laste! until Mar"h 2 2;;8*
The Diario !e Filipinas $as pu'lishe! on Januar( 2 2;;5 an! "ease! pu'li"ation si) months a#ter it
$as 'orn> $hile La Linterna -"uestre $as a $ee.l( ne$spaper pu'lishe! e&er( Mon!a( sin"e
Septem'er 2;;2*
An e)"ellent sheet o# ne$s items an! a!&ertisements that "ame out t$i"e a $ee. an! the onl( one o#
its .in! in 2;;2 the /oletin !e A&isos #oun!e! '( /enito Per!i%uero a mem'er o# the Cuerpo !e
/i'liote"arios on No&em'er 65 2;;2 $as e!ite! an! "ir"ulate! #ree o# "har%e '( the Li'reria
-spaFola* Per!i%uero su'seBuentl( #oun!e! the /oletin !e la Li'reria -spaFola in 2;;2*
A reesta'lishment o# the Re&ista Filipina !es Cien"ias ( Artes #oun!e! '( -milio Ramire1 !e Arellano
on June 24 2;;8 the /oletin !e la Real So"ie!a! -"onomi"a Filipina !e Ami%os !el Pais $as #oun!e!
on Ma( 2 2;;3* De Arellano ser&e! as the e!itor an! as se"retar(=a!ministrator*
On Au%ust 85 2;;8 the Diarion% Ta%alo% the #irst !ail( 'ilin%ual ne$spaper in Spanish an! Ta%alo%
$as #oun!e! '( Mar"elo !el Pilar ( Hilario $as mana%e! '( /asilio Teo!oro MorLn an! $as e!ite! '(
Fran"is"o Cal&o ( MuFo1 a peninsular treasur( o##i"ial $ho allie! himsel# $ith Filipino nationalists*
Ho$e&er on O"to'er 62 2;;8 the ne$spaper "ease! pu'li"ation #or la". o# #un!s stru". '( t$in
!isaster o# a "holera epi!emi" an! a !e&astatin% t(phoon*
A monthl( ne$spaper !ealin% $ith le%islation an! ,urispru!en"e -l Faro Juri!i"o $as #oun!e! e!ite!
an! pu'lishe! '( Jose Maria Pere1 Ru'io a peninsular la$(er in 2;;8> $hile -l Re&ista !el -,er"ito (
Arma!a !e Filipinas a monthl( ne$spaper mana%e! '( the 0eneral Su'=inspe"tor o# the Arme!
For"es $as #oun!e! e!ite! an! pu'lishe! '( Lt Col Mi%uel -spina in 2;;3 'ut $as suspen!e!
'( 0o&ernor 0eneral ?aleriano +e(ler in 2;;9*
La O"eanJa -spaFola the ne$spaper o# pro%ressi&e Filipinos $ho !e#en!e! their ri%hts #or
representation in the Spanish Cortes $as pu'lishe! in 2;;6* A#ter t$o or three months o# e)isten"e
Jose Felipe !el Pan $ho ma!e it the most ele%ant most relia'le an! most
pleasant ne$spaper a"Buire! it* It $as a$ar!e! the 0ran! Diploma o# Honor in the -)posi"iQn 0eneral
!e Filipinas in Ma!ri! in 2;;:* Its e!itorial sta## in"lu!e! Juan Caro Pe!ro 0roi1ar! Carlos !el ?alle
Antonio Chapuli Fausto Matia1neBue an! Jose Ma* 0ar"ia Colla!o*
+ith the %oal o# populari1in% the %ame "alle! Toro Pe!ro 0roi1ar! an! Manuel Maria Rin"on pu'lishe!
La Pu(a on Ma( 8 2;;4* 0roi1ar!<s prin"ipal "olla'orator $as Al'erto Dia1 !e la Guintano also .no$n
as Rimeneo Rimene1 $ho !i! not ta.e lon% in lea&in% his #rien! an! "ompanion to #oun! -l Tem'lor a
$ee.l( ne$spaper on Jul( 7 2;;7 'ut "ease! pu'li"ation on Septem'er 28 2;;7*
La Re%enera"ion e!ite! '( Arturo !e Mali'ran $as pu'lishe! on O"to'er 2 2;;7 an! "ease!
pu'li"ation on O"to'er 65 2;;7 'e"ause it la".e! a man $ho "oul! "hannel its operations one $ho
"oul! impart "riteria an! to $hom all "olla'orators $ith or $ithout remuneration $oul! 'e
su'or!inate* It $as rename! -l Feni) on No&em'er 2 2;;7 'ut onl( li&e! #or #i&e !a(s*
Foun!e! '( Julian !el Po1o an! Jesus /lan"o e!ite! '( Carlos PeFaran!a an! pu'lishe! on April 2
2;;: La Opinion the #irst !ail( ne$spaper that !e#iantl( atta".e! Spanish #riars that !are! to oppose
reli%ious "ommunities an! that ur%e! the ouster o# Ar"h'ishop Pe!ro Pa(o o# Manila mar.e! the
'e%innin% o# Philippine politi"al ,ournalism* Its prominent $riters in"lu!e! Pa'lo Pe"e! a Spaniar! $ho
$rote un!er the pen name o# GuiaoBuap*
I%na"io ?illar the Manila Ale%re "ari"aturist #oun!e! Manililla a small ne$spaper in 2;;:* It $as
'ou%ht '( Manuel Maria Rin"on in 2;;; an! $as rea"Buire! '( ?illar $hen the #ormer returne! to
Spain in 2;98* Di%ni#ie! an! presenta'le $ithout losin% humor it $as also sane serene sin"ere
a!mira'le !e"entl( literar( an! in!epen!ent o# ,u!%ment*
La -spaFa Oriental #oun!e! '( Manuel S"hei!na%el a "omman!er o# the in#antr( an! se"retar( o# the
militar( %o&ernment $as pu'lishe! on Januar( 25 2;;;* +hen S"hei!na%el returne! to Spain in
Fe'ruar( 2;;9 he $as su""ee!e! '( Jose Maria Pere1 Ru'io as !ire"tor an! a #e$ months a#ter '(
Juan Ata(!e as !ire"tor an! sole proprietor* La -spaFa Oriental !ie! o# inanition in the 2;95s*
On April 2 2;98 the !a( a#ter La ?o1 !e -spaFa e!ite! '( A%ustin Al#onso Maseras "ease!
pu'li"ation La ?o1 -spaFola "ame o## the press* It $as #oun!e! '( Antonio Hi!al%o mana%e! '(
Fran"is"o Hi!al%o an! e!ite! '( Fe!eri"o Hi!al%o* A militant ne$spaper that !e#en!e! primar( s"hool
tea"hers $ho aime! to propa%ate the Spanish lan%ua%e it $as satiri"all( "alle! La Hi!al%uia -spaFola
an! La ?os !e los Hi!al%os an! "ease! pu'li"ation in 2;99 a#ter the Spaniar!s lea&e the "ountr(*

Foun!e! '( Pas"ual Po'lete an! e!ite! '( /al!omero !e Ha1anas the Re&ista Popular !e Filipinas $as
pu'lishe! on Septem'er 2 2;;;* It $as !istri'ute! to%ether $ith the Diario !e Manila 'ut "ease!
pu'li"ation on Januar( 87 2;;9* It $as rename! the Re&ista CatQli"a !e Filipinas a literar( reli%ious
an! s"ienti#i" $ee.l( ne$spaper also #oun!e! '( De Ha1anas on Fe'ruar( 2 2;;9*
De&ote! #or le%al matters the 0a"eta Notarial $as #oun!e! '( -!uar!o !e la Camara a notar( pu'li"
an! $as pu'lishe! '( the Institution o# Pu'li" Trust on Ma( 2 2;;9 an! "ease! pu'li"ation in
Septem'er 2;;9*
Foun!e! '( Jose 0uillermo Autran on Ma( 4 2;;9 La Correspon!en"ia !e Manila $as the #irst !ail(
ne$spaper sol! in the streets* Foun!e! an! !ire"te! '( Pa'lo Cases an! Jose Moreno !e La"alle La
Alham'ra $as a #ortni%htl( ma%a1ine o# the arts the s"ien"es an! so"ial interests* Its #irst issue $as
pu'lishe! on Jul( 6 2;;9 an! its last issue "ame o## the press on June 65 2;95 #or la". o# mass
#ollo$in% an! 'e"ause o# the uninterrupte! series o# #ortni%htl( !iatri'es a%ainst the so"iet(*
The Anales !e A%ri"ultura e In!ustrias Deri&a!os a Buarterl( pu'li"ation !ealin% $ith &arious issues
a'out lan! s"ienti#i" #armin% rural !e&elopment an! in!ustrial pro%ress #irst "ame o## the press on
Au%ust 8: 2;;9* It "ease! pu'li"ation $hen JosK 0uillen its e!itor returne! to Spain in No&em'er
Isa'elo !e los Re(es the #oun!er o# the Union O'rera Demo"rati"a !e Filipinas an! the I%lesia Filipina
In!epen!iente8 #oun!e! an! e!ite! -l Ilo"ano the #irst &erna"ular ne$spaper in Ilo"ano an! in
Spanish in 2;;9* The ne$spaper $hi"h also so$e! see!s o# re'ellion a%ainst Spain thou%h De los
Re(es $as not a mem'er o# the Catipunan $as ma!e ser&i"ea'le to the asso"iation in the propa%ation
o# its !o"trines* It "ease! pu'li"ation in 2;97 $hen the "ountr( e)perien"e! politi"al pan!emonium
'rou%ht '( the re&olution*
In his -l Perio!ismo Filipino 2;22=2;93 Renata $ritesM
El Ilocano is the first news$a$er %enuinely indio that saw the li%ht in the "hili$$ines& founded by an
indio, that same indio, Isabelo de los Reyes, natie of the Ilocos, directs and edits it without any other
collaboration ordinarily, e'ce$t a %ood $air of scissors, %ood when it cuts well, not because what it
cuts is always %ood(
A monthl( perio!i"al !e&ote! to the !e&elopment o# in!ustr( "ommer"e an! na&i%ation the /oletin
!e la Camara !e Comer"io !e Manila $as e!ite! '( Fran"is"o !e Ro!ore!a the #irst mar'le s"ulptor in
the "ountr( in 2;;9* The Anun"ia!or Ilon%o $as "ir"ulate! #ree o# "har%e in Iloilo in 2;;9 $hile -l
Cane"o a $ee.l( humorous ne$spaper pu'lishe! $ith "ari"atures $as #oun!e! '( Cesar Pa"he"o an!
Luis 0ullon !e la -s"osura in Januar( 2;95*
A!ol#o Pu(a ( Rui1 a peninsular tele%raph operator $ho ha! pu'lishe! se&eral 'oo.s an! "olla'orate!
in some Manila ne$spapers #oun!e! -l Papelito in Januar( 2;95* It $as rename! -l Papelito Mer"antil
in Septem'er 2;95 an! -l Mer"antil in June 2;98* Pu(a #oun!e! the latter in partnership $ith ?i"ente
MuFo1 /arre!a* It li&e! onl( #or 22 months an! "ease! pu'li"ation in April 2;96*
The #irst popular ne$spaper in the "ountr( that sponsore! patrioti" sentiments $as #oun!e! '(
Pas"ual Po'lete an! /al!omero !e Ha1anas on Jul( 2 2;95* +ith the name -l Resumen it $as e!ite!
'( Pas"ual Po'lete the #irst multiple ne$spaper pu'lisher an! #oun!er e!itor or "hie# "ontri'utor to at
least 85 ne$spapers* It "ease! pu'li"ation in April 2;98 an! $as su""ee!e! '( Ami%o !el Pue'lo in
-l Domin%o a $ee.l( humorous ne$spaper $ith "ari"atures an! illustrate! a!&ertisements $as
pu'lishe! in Au%ust 2;95* A month later on Septem'er 2 2;95 -l -"o !e Filipinas $as #oun!e! '(
Juan Ata(!e an! e!ite! '( Camilo Millan* It $as a ne$spaper $ithout i!eals an! pro%rams
a ne$spaper $hose e)isten"e e)plaine! the e)isten"e o# its e!itor*
+ith its !istin"ti&e %reen an! (ello$ paper -l ?er!e $as #oun!e! e!ite! an! pu'lishe! on Septem'er
3 2;95 '( ?i"ente 0ar"ia ?al!es a peninsular $ith the pen name -l Pa,ar!o ?er!e* La Semana $as
pu'lishe! on Septem'er 82 2;95 an! "ease! pu'li"ation on April 2; 29;3*
De!i"ate! to the (outh -l Liliputiense $as #irst pu'lishe! on No&em'er 7 2;95 an! last pu'lishe! on
Mar"h 28 2;92 '( (oun% men o# 23 H 2; (ears ol!* On No&em'er 27 2;95 La PeFa $as
pu'lishe! '( the So"ie!a! Hipi"o=Taurina !e&ote! in re&ie$in% 'ull#i%hts* La Le"tura Popular #oun!e!
'( Jose !e Jesus an! !ire"te! '( Isa'elo !elos Re(es aime! to e!u"ate the masses an! to propa%ate
@use#ul .no$le!%e*A It $as a $ee.l( ne$spaper pu'lishe! in Spanish an! Ta%alo% that e)iste! until
Mar"h 2;98*
-l /ello Se)o $as an illustrate! $ee.l( ne$spaper a'out #ashion histor( moralit( literature an!
other mis"ellaneous arti"les that interest $omen* It $as #irst pu'lishe! in Januar( 2;92 an! last
pu'lishe! in No&em'er 2;98*
A rein"arnation o# -l Resumen an! the $ee.l( ne$spaper o# pro%ressi&e Filipinos La Ilustra"iQn
Filipina $as #oun!e! '( JosK !e Para%o1a on No&em'er : 2;92* -milio !e ?al #oun!e! Ma!ri!=Manila
on Fe'ruar( 25 2;98*
-l -,er"ito !e Filipinas pu'lishe! in 2;98 $as rename! -l Heral!o Militar on Januar( 8 2;93* For
some reasons it $as !is"ontinue! an! its !is%runtle! sta## esta'lishe! -l -spaFol $hose #irst issue
"ame o## the press on De"em'er 8; 2;93* It $as #ollo$e! '( La Pa&era La ?o1 -spaFola -l Faro
A!ministrati&o an! -l Consultor !el Pro#esora!o in 2;98*
Containin% s"ram'le! me!le( o# arti"les spi"( stories an! a!&ertisements La Pu(a a resurre"te!
title !e!i"ate! to Philippine a##airs $as pu'lishe! on Au%ust ; 2;98 an! "ease! pu'li"ation on
Fe'ruar( 2 2;96*
A $ee.l( ne$spaper o# #inan"ial a%ri"ultural an! "ommer"ial interests the Re&ista Mer"antil !e
Filipinas $as pu'lishe! as an anne) o# -l -"o !e Filipinas* It $as e!ite! '( Juan Ata(!e an! 'e"ame an
in!epen!ent pu'li"ation in O"to'er 2;98* It $as #ollo$e! '( the Poli"hinela No&em'er 2;98> the
/oletin !e la Compania !e -)plota"ion ( Colini1ation !e la Isla !e la Para%ua De"em'er 2;98> an! -l
Anun"ia!or Filipino Januar( 2;96*
Foun!e! on Januar( 2 2;96 the Re&ista Farma"euti"a !e Filipinas $as a monthl( ne$spaper e!ite!
'( Tomas Torres Perona Dean o# the Fa"ult( o# Pharma"( o# the ol! Uni&ersit( o# Manila* Amon% its
$riters $ere JoaBuin 0arri!o Juan Caro ( Mora an! Ana"leto !el Rosario ( Sales*
-l Ho%ar $as a $ee.l( ne$spaper a'out the arts an! the s"ien"es* Pu'lishe! '( Amparo*
/oletin O#i"ial A%ri"ola !e Filipinas $as a monthl( ne$spaper pu'lishe! on Januar( 62 2;93* Amon%
its $riters $as Manuel !el /usto a &er( "ompetent in!i&i!ual a'out a%ri"ulture* Foun!e! e!ite! an!
pu'lishe! '( Manuel Arti%as in Fe'ruar( 2;93 -l Consultor !e los Muni"ipios $as a #ortni%htl(
perio!i"al !e!i"ate! to the prote"tion o# muni"ipal interests*
On Jul( 25 2;93 Isa'elo !e los Re(es #oun!e! -l Muni"ipio Filipino a pu'li"ation in Spanish an! in
Spanish an! Ta%alo% !ealin% $ith le%islation an! ,urispru!en"e* A!ol#o ?allespinosa lieutenant au!itor
o# the $ar an! Fran"is"o I1nart "hie# o##i"ial o# the a!ministration also esta'lishe! La Le%isla"iQn
!ealin% $ith la$ en#or"ements an! ,u!i"ial pro"e!ures*
Mariano !e Ciria #oun!e! -l Al'um Militar on O"to'er 4 2;93> $hile Pe!ro Paterno #oun!e! the /oletJn
!el Museo H /i'liote"a !e Filipinas on O"to'er 28 2;93* Pu'lishe! $ith permission #rom "i&il
authorities its #irst issue "ame o## the press on Januar( 24 2;94*
UniBue amon% the $ee.l( ne$spapers an! perio!i"als $ere satiri"al pu'li"ations issue! !urin% the last
t$o !e"a!es o# the Nineteenth Centur(* These pu'li"ations in"lu!e! La Semana -le%ante Mar"h 2
2;;3> Manila Ale%re De"em'er 7 2;;4> an! -l Cini#e O"to'er 2; 2;93* All o# $hi"h $ere #oun!e!
e!ite! an! pu'lishe! '( Pe!ro 0roi1ar!*
Juan Ata(!e pu'lishe! Plie%on% Ta%alo% the #irst ne$spaper o# politi"s "ommer"e an! entertainment
on Ma( 6 2;97* Capati! n% /a(an the ne$spaper that "onsiste! o# #our pa%es o# lo"al re%ional an!
national issues $as pu'lishe! in 2;99*
The #irst pro&in"ial ne$spaper $as -l -"o !e ?i%an #oun!e! an! !ire"te! anon(mousl( #or reasons
an(one "an un!erstan! '( Al"al!e Ma(or JosK FernLn!e1 0i&er in ?i%an6 on Januar( 7 2;;3* Ra#ael
Monserrat an! Ra#ael Pere1 !e ?al!elomar su'seBuentl( e!ite! it*
Other pro&in"ial ne$spapers $ere -l Por&enir !e ?isa(as #oun!e! an! !ire"te! '( Die%o Jimene1
Fra!es in Iloilo 2;;4> -l /oletin !e Ce'u #oun!e! an! !ire"te! '( a 'rother o# Die%o Jimene1 Fra!es
in Ce'u 2;;7> -l -"o !e Pana( #oun!e! an! e!ite! '( Fran"is"o 0utierre1 Creps then supernumerar(
a!,utant in the Cuerpo !e Montes in Iloilo 2;;: an! -l -"o !el Sur #oun!e! an! e!ite! '( Arturo
0ar"ia in /i"ol June 84 2;96*
Re& Fr Mariano 0il e!ite! Patnu'a( nan% CatQli"o the #irst ne$spaper pu'lishe! in Ta%alo% in April
2;95* It "ontains arti"les on tales moralit( li&es o# saints an! other mis"ellaneous arti"les*
Other Ta%alo% ne$spapers in"lu!e! Dimasalan% 2955> Plie%on% Pilipino 2955> Mulin% Pa%silan%
2956> Catu'usan 2954> an! An% Mithi 2925*
#he su$reme quest for freedom and inde$endence started in )arcelona, *$ain when La
*olidaridad, a fortni%htly edited by +raciano Lo$e,-Jaena, financed by Dr "ablo Rian,ares,
and su$$orted by the .omit de "ro$a%anda, was $ublished on /ebruary 01, 0223. 4ith the
$olicy to cham$ion democracy and liberalism, to e'$ose the real $li%ht of the country, and
to wor5 $eacefully for economic and social reforms, the news$a$er $ublished not only news,
but also articles and essays about the "hili$$ines and its $eo$le.
As e!itor o# the ne$spaper Lope1=Jaena !i! not re"ei&e an( monetar( "ompensation 'ut $as %i&en
#ree meals lo!%in% "lothin% an! mo!est po".et mone(* In 2;92 he "olle"te! his arti"les an!
spee"hes an! in"orporate! them in his 'oo. entitle! Dis"ursos ( Arti"ulos ?arios*
In $ritin% #or the ne$spaper Filipino re#ormists use! pen namesM Antonio Luna Ta%a=Ilo%> Jose Ma*
Pan%ani'an Jomapa> Domin%o 0ome1 Romero Fran"o> Clemente Jose Pulueta Juan TotoQ> Jose
Ri1al3 Laon% Laan an! Dimas Alan%> Mar"elo !el Pilar Cupan% Plari!el an! Maitala%a> Mariano
Pon"e Nanin% Ti.'alan% an! Calipula.o -!uar!o Lete Pe!ro Paterno Jose Ale,an!rino Isa'elo
!elos Re(es Antonio Ma Re%i!or amon% others* Fer!inan! /lumentritt4 a /ohemian s"holar an!
Mi%uel Mora(ta a Spanish historian also $or.e! #or the ne$spaper*
On O"to'er 62 2;;9 Lope1=Jaena passe! the e!itorship to Mar"elo !el Pilar $ho le#t his #amil( in the
Philippines $ent to Spain an! literall( %a&e his li#e #or the ne$spaper* Del Pilar 'e"ame the mo&in%
spirit o# the re#orm mo&ement an! "onta"te! pro%ressi&e -uropeans $ho $oul! #i%ht si!e '( si!e $ith
Filipino re#ormists*
In the ne)t #i&e (ears Del Pilar put out the ne$spaper !espite o# a##li"tion !epri&ation an!
star&ation* The ne$spaper "ease! pu'li"ation in Ma!ri! Spain on No&em'er 24 2;94* Apolinario
Ma'ini ha! $ritten Del Pilar a'out the !i##i"ult( o# raisin% #un!s an! the a!!e! o'sta"les o# %ettin%
"opies into the Philippines*
T$o months an! three !a(s later that $as on Januar( 2; 2;97 An% Cala(aan the o##i"ial
re&olutionar( ne$spaper o# the Cataastaasan% Ca%alan%=%alan%an% Catipunan n% m%a Ana. n% /a(an
DHi%hest an! Most Respe"ta'le So"iet( o# the Sons o# the PeopleE #oun!e! '( An!res /oni#a"io an!
-milio Ja"into $as pu'lishe! un!er the e!itorship o# Pio ?alen1uela* Printe! $ith 8 555 "opies it
e)pose! the inhumane an! in!i%nities o# "i&il %uar!s an! Spanish #riars an! "alle! #or a 'loo!(
re&olution a%ainst Spain* To !e"ei&e the Spaniar!s the #oun!ers an! the e!itor ma!e it appeare! that
the ne$spaper $as printe! in Yo.ohoma Japan that the Japanese $ere in s(mpath( $ith the Filipino
people an! that the e!itor $as Mar"elo !el Pilar $ho at that time $as in Ma!ri! an! at the e&e o# his
The #irst issue o# the ne$spaper "ontaine! a suppose! e!itorial o# Del Pilar $hi"h Ja"into a"tuall(
$rote* It %reete! the people an! $ishe! them soli!arit( an! in!epen!en"e an! o##ere! them his li#e
an! all he ha&e #or the %oo! o# the Filipino people* There $as also an arti"le '( Ja"into an!
?alen1uela<s Catuiran $hi"h !es"ri'e! the "ruelties o# the Spanish #riars an! "i&il %uar!s o# San
Fran"is"o !el Monte on a helpless &illa%e lieutenant* It also "ontaine! /oni#a"io<s Pa%=i'i% sa
Tinu'uan% Lupa that e)presse! the oppression o# Spain an! en"oura%e the Filipino people to li'erate
their "ountr(> an! Ja"into<s Mani#esto that ur%e! the Filipino people to re&olt a%ainst Spain an! to
se"ure their li'ert(*
The DMHM "hain o# ne$spapers o$ne! '( Senator ?i"ente Ma!ri%al $as the #irst "asualt( in the #iel!
o# ,ournalism* It $as !estro(e! $hen a "ouple o# 'om's atta".e! its e!itorial o##i"es in Port Area
Manila on De"em'er ; 2932 the Feast o# Imma"ulate Con"eption*
+ithin t$o $ee.s o# Japanese o""upation all pu'li"ations e)"ept the T?T "hain o# ne$spapers o#
Ale,an!ro Ro"es Sr* an! one o# the "hain o# ma%a1ines o# Ramon Ro"es $ere "lose! an! their e!itorial
o##i"es $ere seale! $ith @/( Or!er o# the Japanese Imperial 0o&ernment*A
On O"to'er 28 2938 Tali'a La ?an%uar!ia Tri'une an! Li$a($a( $ere pla"e! un!er Osa.a
Maini"hi Pu'lishin% Compan( a %roup that esta'lishe! the Manila Sin'un=s(a Corporation an!
"ontrolle! Shin=Sei.i /i"ol Heral! Manila Shim'un an! Da&ao Ni"hi=Ni"hi*
Durin% this perio! an(one $ho $ante! to pu'lish ne$spapers an! perio!i"als must se"ure a militar(
permit an! must su'mit to militar( "ensorship $hi"h $hen &iolate! meant se&ere punishment i# not
In a stu!( "on!u"te! '( Ja"Bueline Co Annie Dematera Rosanna Carreon Rolan!o !ela Cru1 an!
A!ora"ion !e 0u1man 8: pu'li"ations $ere %i&en permission to operateM The /i"ol Heral! a #our=
pa%e ta'loi! in -n%lish an! /i.olano pu'lishe! in /i"ol #rom Au%ust 2938 to Mar"h 2933> the Pana(
Times a t$i"e a $ee. ne$spaper in -n%lish an! Ilon%%o pu'lishe! in Iloilo #rom Januar( 2936 to
De"em'er 2933> the Ce'u Times a #our=pa%e !ail( e)"ept Mon!a( ne$spaper in -n%lish an!
Ce'uano pu'lishe! in Ce'u #rom Mar"h 2933 to Mar"h 2934> an! the Da&ao Times a ne$spaper in
-n%lish an! Ce'uano pu'lishe! in Da&ao #rom Mar"h 2933 to April 2934*

Other ne$spapers $ere Da&ao Manila> Filipina Manila> Le(te=Samar /ulletin Ta"lo'an> Le(te
Shim'un Ta"lo'an> Li$ana% Manila> Ne$ Ne%ros +ee.l( /a"olo!> Philippine Re&ie$ Ne$sette
Da&ao>Pillars Ca&ite> Repu'li" Manila> Shin=Sei.i Manila> Ta%apa%turo Manila>
an! %o&ernment 'ulletins an! 'i'lio%raphies*
On the other han! %uerilla ne$spapers an! perio!i"als $ere pu'lishe! to 'oost people<s morale to
$arn a%ainst "olla'oration an! to #i%ht a%ainst the Japanese Militar( 0o&ernment* 0uerilla
pu'li"ations e!ite! '( ,ournalist=%uerillas $ere usuall( t(pe$ritten or mimeo%raphe! on ;*4 R 22=
in"h 'on! papers*
In 2938 the HUC/ALAHAP DHu.'on% /a(an La'an sa HaponE pu'lishe! In% Masala the most po$er#ul
%uerilla pu'li"ation in Tarla" an! in Pampan%a* Pe!ro !e la Llana e!ite! The Flash the ne$spaper in
Ta%alo% -n%lish an! Spanish in Iloilo* The latter pu'lishe! ne$s stories a'out the $ar an!
e!itorial arti"les !enoun"in% the Japanese Militar( 0o&ernment* Ironi"all( its e!itor $as liBuate! '(
unin#orme! %uerillas 'e"ause he $as mista.en as a "olla'orator*
The Thur!er"lap the o##i"ial pu'li"ation o# the Hunter ROTC DReser&e! O##i"ers Trainin% CorpsE also
"ame out in 2936* ?er( o#ten it "han%e! its pla"e o# pu'li"ation to "on#use the Japanese as to its
ori%in* On Fe'ruar( 8 2934 a !a( 'e#ore the Ameri"ans entere! in Manila it $as rename! the
Foun!e! an! e!ite! '( Leon T( o# the Philippine Free Press The Li'erator $as one o# the most $i!el(
rea! %uerilla ne$spapers in Ri1al Ca&ite Manila an! /* Some o# its $riters $ere e)e"ute!
'e"ause the( $ere "au%ht "ir"ulatin% it* Lu".il( T( an! a #e$ others es"ape! an! $ere sa&e! #rom the
enem( !ra%net*
In Nue&a ?i1"a(a Col 0uillermo pu'lishe! the Matan% La$in $hi"h reporte! ne$s stories a'out
the /attle o# /ataan*24 It also in#orme! the Filipino people that li.e the Ha$. the %uerillas $at"h o&er
an! loo. a#ter their $el#are an! at the same time ta.e "o%ni1an"e o# the a"ti&it( o# the spies*
In Pana( Tomas Con#essor Free Pana( %o&ernor pu'lishe! An% Ti%'atas a Hili%a(non=-n%lish
ne$spaper that sur&i&e! the $ar an! later 'e"ame the prin"ipal rea!in% matter o# the pro&in"e* Other
ne$spapers in Pana( $ere the Chroni"le Coor!inator Har'in%er Cali'o +ar /ulletin an! the$n Sol!iers*
Juan Fri&al!o pu'lishe! The Commentator in Sorso%on $hile +en"eslao ?in1ons populari1e! The Sa'er
in /i"ol an! in La%una* Other %uerilla ne$spapers $ere The /u%le o# Le(te the Palaso o# Manila an!
the Cala(aan o# /*
Also 'ase! #rom the stu!( "on!u"te! '( Co Carreon Dematera Dela Cru1 an! De 0u1man 6:
%uerilla ne$spapers $hi"h $hen e&aluate! "are#ull( re#le"te! the sentiments o# the "ountr(* Amon%
these ne$spapers $ere /olos an! /ullets Manila> /om'shells Manila> Forni%htl( Pu'li"ation Pana(>
Free Philippines Manila> Free Sulu Ne$s Sulu> Free!om Pana(> Li'erator Ne%ros O""i!ental>
Patnu'a( Manila> Patriot No O##i"ial A!!ress> Press o# Free!om No O##i"ial A!!ress> Re! +hite an!
/lue Manila> Tanauan Le(te> 63th Anni&ersar( o# the Chinese Repu'li" No O##i"ial A!!ress>
Thur!er'olt Manila> Ti%'atas Pana(> Tin%u% san% Cal$asan Ce'u or Iloilo> Tor"h Ce'u>$n
Sol!ier Pana(> USAFIP NL Ne$sletter No O##i"ial A!!ress> ?i"tor( Ne$s Ne%ros> ?i"tor( Ne$s No
O##i"ial A!!ress> ?i"tor( Ne$s Pana(> ?i%il o# Free!om ?isa(as> ?oi"e No O##i"ial A!!ress> ?oi"e o#
Free Samar Samar> ?oi"e o# Free People Le(te> ?oi"e o# ?i"tor( Ta"lo'an> an! +ee.l( Ne$s /ulletin*
+hen Manila $as #ree! on Fe'ruar( 6 2934 the press $as also li'erate! not onl( #rom "ensorship
'ut also #rom the notion that ne$spapers must 'e a million peso "orporations* ?i"ente Al'ano Pa"is
remem'ere! that appro)imatel( 845 ne$spapers an! perio!i"als $ere pu'lishe! ri%ht a#ter the
Japanese o""upation*
Pu'lishers !urin% this perio! $ere the Ro)as s(n!i"ate H Li%ht /alita an! Dail( Ne$s> the Stan!ar!
Pu'lishin% House H An% Pilipino an! Dail( Stan!ar!> the PSP Pu'lishin% H /a%on% /uha( Li'ert( Ne$s
an! ?o1 !e Manila> an! the Ro"es "hain o# ne$spapers H Li$a($a( -&enin% Post an! Manila Times*
Other post $ar ne$spapers $ere the Chua<s Courier the Co,uan%"o<s Manila Tri'une the Del Fierro<s
Star Reporter the Men!e1<s Mornin% Sun an! the Su'i!o<s Manila Post* The US Arme! For"es also
pu'lishe! the Yan. the Dail( Pa"i#i"an an! the Star an! Stripes an! !istri'ute! "on!ense! e!itions o#
the Times an! the Ne$s$ee.
The US Arm( O##i"e o# +ar In#ormation in Le(te pu'lishe! the Manila Free Philippines the #irst post=
li'eration ne$spaper on Fe'ruar( 9 2934* It $as e!ite! '( Frits MarBuar!t Philippine Free Press
#ormer e!itor an! $as !istri'ute! #ree until Mar"h 28 2934* It "ease! pu'li"ation on Septem'er 6
2934 $hen pri&atel( o$ne! ne$spapers $ere pu'lishe!*
On April 86 2934 Ramon Ro"es resume! the pu'li"ation o# the Li$a($a( an! its sister pu'li"ationsM
/anna$a% #or the Ilo"ano pro&in"es o# Lu1on /i"olonian #or the /i"ol pro&in"es o#
the /i"ol re%ion /isa(a #or the Ce'uano pro&in"es o# the ?isa(as an! Min!anao an!
Hili%a(non #or the Ilon%%o pro&in"es o# Pana( an! Ne%ros* This %roup o# $ee.l( &erna"ular
ma%a1ines #orme! the Ramon Ro"es Pu'li"ation In"*
+ith a "apital o# PhP7 555 #rom the Manila Post an! the Philippine Tri'une re'el sta## mem'ers the
Manila Chroni"le a har! hittin% an! politi"all( "ons"ious ne$spaper pu'lishe! '( Manuel ?illanue&a
an! e!ite! '( Ana"leto /ena&i!es an! -rnesto !el Rosario starte! as the People<s Ne$spaper in April
2934* Later -u%enio Lope1 Sr* a"Buire! the ne$spaper $hen he sou%ht "on%ressional support #or the
su%ar in!ustr(*
Follo$in% the Lope1 ta.eo&er the Manila Chroni"le a"Buire! a ne$ o##set printin% press an! a #leet o#
!eli&er( &ehi"les that in"rease! national "ir"ulation '( 255 per"ent* The ne$spaper "ame out !ail(
$ith at least 85 pa%es that in"lu!e! 'usiness se"tion an! pro&in"ial supplements* Del Rosario
"ontinue! as asso"iate e!itor thou%h Pe!ro Ama%uin an! Ana"leto /ena&i!es $ere re"ruite! to ser&e
the same position* /e#ore martial la$ it ha! ma!e itsel# as a ne$spaper o# hi%h Bualit(*
At least 35 ne$spapermen $ho met at the Manila Jo".e( Clu' #oun!e! the Philippine Ne$spaper 0uil!
on Ma( 3 2934* Its "ommittee mem'ers $ere Cipriano Ci! "hairperson> Renato Constantino
se"retar(> an! Jose Lansan% ?i"ente Na&arro Ama!o Hernan!e1 Ro'erto ?illanue&a an!
Hermene%il!o Atien1a mem'ers* Its o##i"ers $ere Cipriano Ci! presi!ent> Jose Lansan% e)e"uti&e
&i"e presi!ent> Ama!o Hernan!e1 #irst &i"e presi!ent> Ralph Ha$.ins se"on! &i"e presi!ent> -u%enio
Santos thir! &i"e presi!ent> an! Ro'erto Anselmo se"retar(=treasurer*
Durin% this perio! ,ournalism mo&e! the "ountr( to$ar! nationalism an! in!epen!en"e* It is the
perio! $hen the "ountr( e)perien"e! e"onomi" turmoil an! ha! a har! time in pa(in% its in"reasin%
#orei%n !e'ts* The Philippine peso #lun.e! a%ainst the US !ollar an! Ameri"a me!!le! in the state o#
e"onom( o# the "ountr(* As a result the people #elt har!ships in li#e an! the press reporte! the
"ontinuin% !estru"tion o# 'ureau"ra"( that shape! the neo"olonial outline o# our histor(*
In 2976 /ertran! Russel Foun!ation pu'lishe! the Pro%ressi&e Re&ie$ $hose prominent $riters
in"lu!e! Luis Teo!oro Jose Maria Sison an! Fran"is"o Nemen1o Jr* The Philippine Colle%ian the
o##i"ial stu!ent pu'li"ation o# the Uni&ersit( o# the Philippines27 pu'lishe! essa(s that mirrore!
pro%ressi&e an! re&olutionar( i!eas o# its e!itorial sta##*
At the Uni&ersit( o# the Philippines Jose Maria Sison also .no$n as Ama!o 0uerrero #oun!e! the
Ca'ataan% Ma.a'a(an on No&em'er 65 2973* A militant stu!ent or%ani1ation it remo&e! the
uns"rupulous mas.s o# #eu!alism "apitalism imperialism an! neo"olonialism $hi"h a""or!in% to
Sison are @the 'arriers to$ar! the attainment o# #ree!om an! in!epen!en"e*A
In No&em'er 2974 the then Senate Presi!ent Fer!inan! Mar"os2: Na"ionalista Part( presi!ential
"an!i!ate $ho ran a%ainst Presi!ent Dios!a!o Ma"apa%al Li'eral Part( presi!ential "an!i!ate $as
ele"te! Si)th Presi!ent o# the Repu'li" o# the Philippines !e#eatin% the latter '( 7: 555 &otes* In
Januar( 2977 Mar"os &o$e! to 'e the @lea!er o# the peopleA an! @to ma.e this nation %reat a%ain*A
A#ter one (ear US Presi!ent L(n!on Johnson sou%ht support #or the Ameri"an in&ol&ement in South
?ietnam an! "alle! #or a summit amon% his allies in the Asia an! the Pa"i#i"* As a response Mar"os
sent an en%ineerin% 'attalion !espite popular "lamor #or non=in&ol&ement*
In De"em'er 297; Jose Maria Sison #oun!e! the Communist Part( o# the Philippines DCPPE an!
"ontinue! the arme! stru%%le a%ainst the %o&ernment an! its #orei%n tenta"les* +hen Mar"os $as re=
ele"te! #or another #our=(ear term in No&em'er 2979 CPP #orme! an allian"e $ith the Hu.'on%
Mapa%pala(a n% /a(an #ormerl( the militar( arm o# the Parti!o n% Comunista n% Pilipinas an! later
the Ne$ People<s Arm( le! '( /erna'e /us"a(no also .no$n as Cuman!er Dante*
In Januar( 29:5 series o# rallies $ere laun"he! '( ra!i"al an! mo!erate stu!ent or%ani1ations
protestin% the in"lusion o# politi"ians in the 29:2 Constitutional Con&ention an! the "onstitutional
pro&ision that $oul! allo$ Mar"os to run #or a thir! term* +hen militant stu!ents o&errun the militar(
lines an! ram "omman!eere! #ire tru".s at the %ates o# the Mala"aFan% Pala"e 'loo!( &iolen"e
erupte!*2; This 'loo!( episo!e 'e%an a $a&e o# protest .no$n as the First Guarter Storm*
On Au%ust 82 29:2 t$o han! %rena!es $ere thro$n at the Pla1a Miran!a29 .illin% ; an! in,urin% 285
persons in"lu!in% Senators 0erar!o Ro)as Jo&ito Salon%a an! Ser%io OsmeFa Jr* $ho atten!e! the
Li'eral Part( pro"lamation rall(* As a result Mar"os suspen!e! the pri&ile%e o# $rit o# ha'eas
In a stu!( "on!u"te! '( John Lent there $ere 87 ne$spapers an! 27 perio!i"als pu'lishe! !urin% this
perio!* The prin"ipal ne$spapers $ere the Tali'a Dail( Mirror -&enin% Ne$s Manila Times Manila
Chroni"le Philippine Heral! an! the Manila Dail( /ulletin* The prin"ipal ma%a1ines $ere the Li$a($a(
Ta%umpa( +ee.l( Nation +ee.l( 0raphi" Repu'li" +ee.l( Philippine Free Press Asia Philippines
Lea!er an! the Philippine Free Press sa Filipino
Militant ne$spapers !urin% this perio! in"lu!e! An% Pasa!a Samahan n% m%a Ma.a'a(an% Tsuper>
Pa%.a.aisa Philippine Pea"e an! Soli!arit( Coun"il> /an!ilan% Pula Samahan% Demo.rati.o n%
Ca'ataan> An% Cala(aan an! An% A.ti'ista Ca'ataan% Ma.a'a(an> Tali'a n% /a(an an! The
Li'eration National Demo"rati" Front> an! the Sulon% An% /a(an an! An% Comunista Communist
Part( o# the Philippines*
In earl( Septem'er 29:8 Senator /eni%no ABuino Jr*82 re#ute! @Oplan Sa%itarriusA the plan to pla"e
some parts o# the "ountr( un!er martial la$*
On the &er( ni%ht 'e#ore martial la$ $as !e"lare! the "on&o( o# De#ense Se"retar( Juan Pon"e -nrile
$as am'ushe!* Fourteen (ears later $hile #a"in% un"ertain #ate at the Camp -milio A%uinal!o in
Gue1on Cit( a#ter he 'ro.e a$a( #rom Mar"os -nrile "on#esse! that the @am'ushA $as sta%e! to help
,usti#( the imposition o# the emer%en"( rule*
Three (ears 'e#ore the 29;7 -DSA Re&olution Mr S Ms an ine)pensi&e $ee.l( ma%a1ine
sensationali1e! the assassination o# Senator /eni%no ABuino Jr* paramount politi"al ri&al o# Mar"os at
the Manila International Airport on Au%ust 82 29;6* ABuino<s assassination i%nite! a #ire o# protests
parti"ularl( in U%arte Fiel! in Ma.ati an! in Li$asan% /oni#a"io in Manila $here the upper an! the
mi!!le "lasses mar"he! $ith the poor the $or.ers the unemplo(e! an! the pro#essionals*
The "ontinue! pu'li"ation an! "ir"ulation o# Mr S Ms en"oura%e! -u%enia Apostol an! Leti"ia Jimene1=
Ma%sano" to pu'lish the Philippine Dail( InBuirer an opposition ne$spaper e!ite! '( Luis /eltran on
De"em'er 8 29;4* +ith the slo%an @/alan"e! Ne$s Fearless ?ie$sA 35 e!itors reporters
photo%raphers "orrespon!ents an! other e!itorial emplo(ees put out the ne$spaper on De"em'er 9
29;4* It $as one o# the t$o alternati&e ne$spapers that "hroni"le! the #li%ht o# the Mar"oses on
Fe'ruar( 84 29;7*
-arlier +e Forum $ith Jose /ur%os Jr* as the e!itor an! pu'lisher an! /oni#a"io 0ille%o as the $riter
ran series o# e)posK on the alle%e! Mar"os #a.e me!als* /e"ause o# this Mar"os or!ere! the "losure o#
the ne$spaper an! the arrest o# its e!itor an! pu'lisher* Ho$e&er on De"em'er 3 29;2
thene$spaper metamorphose! into Mala(a $hi"h "ease! on De"em'er : 29;8 an! reopene! on
Januar( 2: 29;6*
The rampa%e o# the ne$ elite an! the a'use o# human ri%hts !i! not onl( 'lee! the e"onom( !r( 'ut
also #uele! rallies an! !emonstrations* The -DSA Re&olution that pre&aile! on Fe'ruar( 88=84 29;7
$as a pea"e#ul "r( #or #ree!om an! in!epen!en"e $hi"h a""or!in% to Senator Fran"is"o Tata! $as
@a 'eauti#ul re&olution $hose "om'atants in"lu!e men $omen an! "hil!ren $ho ha! #un rather than
#ear an! $ho thou%ht that $hat the( $ent throu%h $as a reli%ious rather than a politi"al e)perien"e*A
On Fe'ruar( 84 29;7 Cora1on ABuino83 $as inau%urate! as Presi!ent o# the Repu'li" o#
the Philippines at the Clu' Filipino in 0reenhills San Juan 'e#ore Supreme Court Senior Justi"e Clau!io* An hour later Mar"os "on!u"te! his o$n inau%uration at the Mala"aFan% Pala"e* Channels
8 9 an! 26 "o&ere! the "eremon( 'ut the( $ere "ut o## su!!enl( 'e"ause their transmitters $ere
ta.en '( re#ormist troops* +ithout tele&ision Mar"os #inall( loses "ontrol* Mar"os "alle! Juan Pon"e
-nrile to o##er him po$er in a pro&isional %o&ernment 'ut the latter turne! him !o$n* Mar"os "alle!
US Senator Paul La)alt to as. #or a!&i"e an! he $as tol!M @Mr* Presi!ent I thin. (ou shoul! "ut an!
"ut "leanl(*A Mar"os ma!e a #inal "all to -nrile #or a sa#e "on!u"t #or his #amil(* The Mar"oses
then pa".e! hurrie!l(* At 9 p* m* #our Ameri"an heli"opters #l( the Mar"oses #rom the Mala"aFan%
Pala"e in Manila to the Clar. Air /ase in Pampan%a* The ne)t !a( the( stop o&er at 0uam then #l( to
Prominent ne$spapers !urin% this perio! $ere the /usiness Da( the most respe"te!
'usiness ne$spaper> the Mala(a the ne$spaper that stron%l( oppose! martial la$> the /ulletin To!a(
the ne$spaper that e)ists throu%h 'a! an! %oo! times> theManila Times the ne$spaper that "ame
'a". 'e#ore the snap ele"tions> an! the Philippine Dail( InBuirer the most rea! ne$spaper e&en a#ter
a #e$ months o# "ir"ulation*
In"lu!e! $ere their Sun!a( ma%a1inesM Panorama InBuirer -)tra Mi!!a( Mala(a Sun!a( Times
Ma%a1ine an! Sun!a( InBuirer Ma%a1ine* The $ee.l( ne$sma%a1ines $ere ?eritas +e Forum ?eritas
Spe"ial an! Mr S Ms Spe"ial -!ition* Also in"lu!e! $ere Ne$s Heral! Manila Chroni"le An% Pilipino
N%a(on Pilipino Dail( Mirror an! the Philippine Tri'une*
After the 0326 ED*A Reolution, the $ress, which $lays a $otent role in the $romotion of
truth, justice, and democracy, and of $eace, $ro%ress, and $ros$erity, was liberated from
dictatorshi$. Durin% this $eriod, crony news$a$ers were closed and the 7ational "ress .lub
and the "hili$$ine "ress Institute were reied to $rofessionali,e mass media in the
Durin% this perio! si%ni#i"ant "han%es a!&an"es an! !e&elopments ha&e ta.en pla"e in Philippine
,ournalism* Ne$spapers an! perio!i"als ha&e e)pan!e! in pa%es se"tions "o&era%es an!
"ir"ulations* The( ha&e 'e"ome &enues o# sensiti&e issues li.e !eath penalt( "harter "han%e
,ueten%ate s"an!al an! &isitin% #or"es a%reement an! o# !i&erse issues a'out the "i&il so"iet( lan!
re#orm human ri%hts %en!ers issues an! other areas that 'e#ore the 29;7 -DSA Re&olution $ere
pre&iousl( i%nore! or minimall( "o&ere!* Some in&esti%ati&e reports ha&e le! to #urther in&esti%ations
ha&e enhan"e! transparen"( an! ha&e re!u"e! "orruption in the ,u!i"iar( e)e"uti&e an! le%islati&e
'ran"hes o# the %o&ernment*
These !e&elopments are attri'ute! to the "ontinuin% e##orts o# the ne$spaper an! the perio!i"al
in!ustr( an! their resear"h an! a"a!emi" or%ani1ationsM the Philippine Center #or In&esti%ati&e
Journalism $hi"h "on!u"ts ri%orous resear"h in the a##airs o# the state> the Center #or Me!ia Free!om
an! Responsi'ilit( $hi"h up%ra!es pro#essionalism an! responsi'ilit( o# me!ia pra"titioners throu%h
seminars $or.shops an! pu'li"ations> the Philippine Press Institute $hi"h "on!u"ts trainin%s an!
sponsors the Annual Communit( Press A$ar!s that re"o%ni1es e)"ellen"e amon% pro&in"ial
ne$spapers an! perio!i"als> an! the Asian Institute o# Journalism an! Communi"ation $hi"h o##ers
%ra!uate stu!ies in ,ournalism an! in "ommuni"ation mana%ement an! "on!u"ts me!ia resear"h
interim trainin% an! poli"( a!&o"a"(*
In 299; there are 23 !ail( 'roa!sheets an! 29 ta'loi!s pu'lishe! in Metro Manila* Amon% the
'roa!sheets $ith the 'i%%est "ir"ulations in"lu!e the Manila /ulletin $ith a "laime! "ir"ulation o# 8;5
555 on $ee.!a(s an! 655 555 on $ee.en!s an! the Philippine Dail( InBuirer $ith a "laime!
"ir"ulation o# 875 555 on $ee.!a(s an! 8;5 555 on $ee.en!s* Amon% the ta'loi!s $ith the 'i%%est
"ir"ulations in"lu!e the A'ante $ith a "laime! "ir"ulation o# 32: 755 an! the People<s Journal $ith a
"laime! "ir"ulation o# 6;8 555* Out o# the 35; pro&in"ial ne$spapers an! perio!i"als 65 are printe!
!ail( 898 are pu'lishe! $ee.l( an! the rest are "ir"ulate! either monthl( or Buarterl(*
To!a( 'ase! #rom the 8555 Philippine Me!ia Fa"t /oo. there are 449 print pu'li"ations 3:4
'roa!sheets 34 ma%a1ines an! 69 ta'loi!s an! "omi"s> 88 per"ent are pu'lishe! in the National
Capital Re%ion 28 'roa!sheets 2: ta'loi!s 68 ma%a1ines 69 "omi"s an! 4 Chinese ne$spapers*
Amon% the 'roa!sheets $ith the 'i%%est "ir"ulations in"lu!e the Philippine Dail( InBuirer $ith a !ail(
"ir"ulation o# 84: 327 #ollo$e! '( the Philippine Star 842 555 an! the Manila /ulletin 835 555*
Other 'roa!sheets $ith their !ail( "ir"ulation are as #ollo$sM To!a( 248 87;> Ca'a(an 245 555>
Mala(a 264 296> Manila Stan!ar! 97 625> Sun Star Manila ;: 555> Philippine Post :; 82;> The
Manila Times :4 555> /usiness +orl! 72 8;6> an! The Dail( Tri'une 45 555*
Amon% the ta'loi!s $ith the 'i%%est "ir"ulations in"lu!e /ul%ar $ith a !ail( "ir"ulation o# 33; 345
#ollo$e! '( the People<s Journal 6;8 855 an! the People<s Toni%ht 674 ;22* Other ta'loi!s $ith their
!ail( "ir"ulation are as #ollo$sM Remate 625 555> A'ante 875 555> /an!era 846 486> Pilipino Star
N%a(on 845 855 People<s /a%on% Tali'a 825 555> /alita 2:4 :84> Tempo 275 555> A'ante Toni%ht
245 555> Is(u 287 ;64> N%a(on 255 555> Remate Toni%ht 95 555> /alita sa Hapon 64 555>
an! Sun Star /ulilit 65 555*
Amon% the Sun!a( supplements o# !ail( ne$spapers Panorama o# the Manila /ulletin has the hi%hest
num'er o# "ir"ulation 655 555 #ollo$e! '( the Sun!a( InBuirer Ma%a1ine o# the Philippine !ail(
InBuirer 87; 4:4 an! the Star$ee. Ma%a1ine o# the Philippine Star 87; 555* Amon% the
entertainment ma%a1ines 0litter has the hi%hest num'er o# "ir"ulation $ith 655 555 #ollo$e! '( the
Pilipino Reporter Ne$s Ma%a1ine 2;; 298 an! the +oman To!a( 2;3 955*
Other ma%a1ines $ith their $ee.l( "ir"ulation are as #ollo$sM Cislap Ma%a1ine 2;8 24;> Sports Li#e
Ma%a1ine 2:9 99:> Mo&ie Flash Ma%a1ine 2:: ;45> MOD 2:7 ;85> Star Tal. Ma%a1ine 276 474>
Mo&iestar 246 ;89> +omen<s Journal 248=;84> +oman<s Home Companion 237 979> Mr an! Ms
Ma%a1ine 235 774> Philippine Free Press 26; :49> SuperHoros"ope 264 966> Chi" Ma%a1ine 264
966> Teen Mo&ie Ma%a1ine 266 ::9> Mis"ellaneous 266 555> Me%a Star 265 938> Li$a($a( 28;
7;5> Sports +ee.l( 287 8;7> S"ore'oar! 258 555> Sports Flash Ma%a1ine 252 273> Hot Cop(
Ma%a1ine 9: 837> +oman 45 555> Chi"a=Chi"a Ma%a1ine 85 555> Super Teen Mo&ie Ma%a1ine 2:
555> an! Intri%ue 28 555* China Times Ma%a1ine $hi"h "omes out monthl( has a "ir"ulation o# 25
Amon% the pro&in"ial press there are 36 !ailies> 6 in Lu1on 29 in the ?isa(as an! 82 in Min!anao*
There are also 624 $ee.lies 859 in Lu1on 65 in the ?isa(as an! :7 in Min!anao*

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