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What is the output of the program

void main()
char s[]="oracle is the best";
char t[40];
char ss!tt;
&& '( oracle is the best
&& )( *ore dump
&& c( +rror ,essage
&& -( .oes into infinite loop
'ns/ )( core dump (.arbage value)
2. (&&What is the output of the program
void main()
printf(" 1ello World");
&& '( 1ello World
&& )( 1ello World 1ello World
&& c( +rror ,essage
&& -( 2one of these
'ns/ )
3. What is the output of the program
void main()
int i!3!0;
if(##0 66 ##i8993:: i##)
printf(" $d $d $d"!i!9399!0);
&& '( 4!9;!4
&& )( <!9;!4
&& c( 4!94!4
&& -( <!94!4
'ns/ -
4. public void static main(=tring []args)
=tring s>=ne" =tring("test");
=tring s4=ne" =tring("test");
=?stem(out(println(")oth are e@ual");
)oolean b>=ne" )oolean("true");
)oolean b4=ne" )oolean("false");
=?stem(out(println("some message");
"hat is the value of ?
5.Ehe ratio bet"een the radius and height of a cone is ;/4( What is the curved surface area of the coneA
>) ><p m4
4) >4p m4
;) Bp m4
4) -ata inade@uate
<) 2one of these
6. ' man stands on the top of a pole and ma0es an angle of F0G on the surface of a ground( 1e slides 40 m
do"n and ma0es an angle of ;0Gat the same point( Hf he ta0es >0 seconds to reach the ground from here!
find his speed(
>) F 0m&hr
4) < 0m&hr
;) >0 0m&hr
4) I 0m&hr
<) >0(I0 0m&hr
7.Ehe compound interest for first and second ?ears is 400 and 440 on a certain amount( Jind the sum(
8. ,ar0ed price of a commodit? is ;<$ above the cost price( Hf he gives a discount of ><$! ho" much he
gains on the deal(
9. < mangoes # 4 oranges = D mangoes # > orange( Jind the ratio of mango to orange(
10. Kength of a rectangle is increased b? <0$ and breadth is decreased b? 4<$ "hat is the difference in the
11. ,r L position in a class is >;th from first and >Dth from last! and Ith from the first and >;th from last in
passed candidates list! then ho" man? candidates failed in the eCam
12. E"o successive discounts of 40$ and ><$ is e@ual to a net discount of (((((
13. ' t"o digit number is 4 times to its sum of digits ! "hen B is added to the number! the digits "ill get
reversed( Ehen "hat is that numberA
Ans: 12
14. When do ?ou sa? that a digraph is ac?clic
')if and onl? if its first search does not have bac0 arcs
))a digraph is ac?clic if and onl? if its first search does not have bac0 vertices
*)if and onl? if its first search does not have same dfnumber
-)2one of these
15(' function M@N that accepts a pointer to a character as argument and returns a pointer to an arra? of
integer can be declared as/
')int (@(char)) []
))int @(char) []
*)int(@)(char) []
-)2one of the 'bove
16.stud? the code/
void main()
const int a=>00;
int p;
What is printedA
')>00!>0> ))>00!>00 *)>0>!>0> -)2one of the above
17. in ho" man? "a?s can a loc0 be opened if that loc0 has three digit number loc0 if
i) the last digit is B
ii) and sum of the first t"o digits is less than or e@ual to the last digit( numbers are from 09B
18. ' person sold an item at a profit of >4$ (Hf he sold it at a loss of >4$ then he "ould get Ps(F&9 less( What
is the cost priceA
19. (> Q &((;&494&< )&(4&;#4&<))) ((4 R&((4&;94&< )&(<&;#F&<))) (2umbers different)
20. 'vg age of L number of adults in a class is ;0?rs( Hf >4 ne" adults "ith avg age of ;4 3oined "ith them
then the avg age increases b? one( Jind LA

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