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Ch 19

Gilded Age period of age of development

solid South politic of U.S. after civil war: South supports Democrat all-hearted
Roscoe Conkling Senator of New York, led Republican party
Stalwarts- conservative faction opposed reconcile of South
(Stalwarts <-> halfbreeds)
Halfbreeds liberal faction of Republican party, supported civil service reform
Mugwumps reform minded Republicans
Rutherford B. Hayes nominated for 1876 election by Republicans due opposition between halfbreeds and stalwart
James Garfield nominated Republican for 1880
Chester A. Arthur chief henchmen for Senetor Roscoe Conkling
Thomas Reid leader of Republican party
James G. Blaine Maine senator, nominated 1884, lost to Democrat
Grover Cleveland won electionof 1884 against James Blane
Rum, Romanism, and
Rebellion- insult made against Irish Americans
Pendleton Act system where federal employees are chosen by competitive exams
Greenback party- organized for expansion of the supply of paper moeny
James B. Weaver nominated by populits for 1892
Crime of 1873 fourth carnage act enacted by US Congress setting menoy standard in gold, which hurt miners
Bland-Allison Act (1878) system that government buys silver every month and mint it into coins
Benjamin Harrison Republican president, introduced McKinley Tariff and increased gov. spending to billion
billion-dollar Congress 51
congress held by Harrison
veterans pensions Cleveland vetoes many bills proposed Congress in favor of veterans
McKinley Tariff (1890) 1890 bill calling for highest tariff
Sherman Silver Purchase Act orders government to buy silver
Populist (Peoples) party- nominated James Weaver 1892, wanted to bring angry workers together
Omaha platform- 1892 election of Populist party, called for coinage of silver/paper money, and others to help farmer
Panic of 1893 extreme depression that led to Pullman Strike, businesses go bankrupt
gold drain decrease of gold reserve due to Billion Dollar Congress and Sherman Silver Purchase Act
William Harvey, Coins wrote influential pieces Silverites, insisted that free coinage of silver would eliminate debt
Financial School pamphlet written that helped popularize free silver and populist movements
William McKinley Republican candidate for 1896 election
Mark Hanna ohio industrialist and organizer of McKinleys victory
Dingley Tariff (1897) established 46.5% tariff.

Ch 20

William Seward purchased Alaska from Russia
Napoleon III treated US with contempt
Mexico -
Alaska purchase (1867) purchase of Alaska
new imperialism age of expansion for Europe, US, and Japan
international Darwinism survival of fittest
Josiah Strong, Our Country:- called for stronger US power overseas
Its Possible Future and Current Crisis- Strong spoke for civilizing and Christianinzg savages
Alfred Thayer Mahan, The Influence of Sea Power Upon History motivates U.S. to strengthen Navy
Pan-American Conference (1889) search for better relationship with Latin America
James Blaine created organization for cooperation with Latin America
Richard Olney- used Monroe Doctrine to pressure Britain in Venezulean boundary crisis
Venezuela boundary dispute dispute between US and Britain: Britain eventually won
Jingoism extreme nationalsim
Valeriano Weyler- Spanish governer in charge of suppressing Cuban rebellion, brutal tactics names him butcher
yellow journalism- journalism that distorts facts to make more appealing
Spanish-American War war between US and Spain for Philliphines
De Lome Letter- Spanish minister, wrote letter concerning McKinley: strains relationship
Teller Amendment legislation that stated that America would not annex Cuba
Philippines- US takes philliphines
George Dewey-
Theodore Roosevelt- US President
Rough Riders- volunteered soldiers led by Roosevelt in Spanish war
Hawaii; Liliuokalani-
Puerto Rico; Guam
Philippine annexation- Philliphine annexed to US
Emilio Aguinaldo- leader of Philliphine independence movement
Anti-Imperialist League- objected to annexation of Philliphines and building of American empire
insular cases- newly annexed Puerto Rico and Philliphines would not get rights
Platt Amendment (1901) gave US right to take over Cuba
John Hay-
spheres of influence
Open Door policy
Boxer Rebellion
big-stick policy
Hay-Pauncefote Treaty (1901)
Panama Canal
George Goethals
William Gorgas
Roosevelt Corollary
Santo Domingo
Russo-Japanese War
Treaty of Portsmouth (1905)
gentlemens agreement
great white fleet
Root-Takahira Agreement
Algeciras Conference (1906)
William Howard Taft
dollar diplomacy
Henry Cabot Lodge
Lodge Corollary
Woodrow Wilson
New Freedom
moral diplomacy
Jones Act (1916)
Mexican civil war
Victoriano Huerta
Tampico incident
ABC (Argentina, Brazil, Chile)
Pancho Villa
Venustiano Carranza
expeditionary force
John J. Pershing

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