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Towards a New Model of Medicine

by Irucka Embry

Honor your body, which is your representative in this universe. Its magnificence is no
accident. It is the framework through which your works must come; through which the
spirit and the spirit within the spirit speaks. The flesh and the spirit are two phases of
your actuality in space and time. Who ignores one, falls apart in shambles. o it is
#$rom the umari te%t, The Sacred Script of the Covenant &'(
)re you a diseased biochemphysical machine with interchangeable, segmented parts* &+( Is your brain
separate from the rest of your material body* )re you a particular disease or a collection of diseases* If
you have answered ,- to the . previous /uestions, then why do the practitioners of modern
scientific" medicine treat you in that manner* 0ore importantly, why do you allow yourself to be
treated as a diseased mechanical device with a brain disconnected from other divided, body parts* In
order to better understand this model of medicine we must look at its source.
Questioning Modern Scientific Medicine (the Old Model)
What is the true state of human health in the world* What are the laws and principles of disease and
health that the -ld 0odel health professionals use as their foundation in treating the diseases in their
patients* 1o these practitioners simply treat your disease2s3 collectively, or separately, or do they
attempt to restore your health by promoting your natural curative abilities* How does the -ld 0odel
view disease and health* How does that 0odel view human beings* Why are there numerous medical
specialties for the singular human organism* Why are we all treated the same even though we are all
uni/ue in our ways of e%pressing both health and disease* 4an the whole, comple% human being only
respond to one causative stimuli at a time thus resulting in a single effect, i.e. the linear cause and effect
view* ince 5ouis 6asteur and other people have refuted the germ theory of disease," then why is this
disease model still in e%istence* Is it because the -ld 0odel has yet to answer the first /uestion in this
section* Is the profit motive the driving force behind the increasing number of new diseases and
disorders and, of course, drugs and other costly suppressive therapies to mitigate those symptoms*
These /uestions help us to break free of the authoritative chains of the -ld 0odel so that we can begin
the foundation for a ,ew 0odel of 0edicine.
The New Model of Medicine
This foundation affirms that we are piritual beings as the umari have written. This new model must
conceive the wholeness of the 7niversal 8eality and its relationship to our individual" health as
depicted in Figure 1). This 8eality, i.e., the Web of 5ife, contains all the known and unknown
multi9dimensional 7niverses and consists of vibrating energy fields that are constantly fluctuating and
that only respond positively or negatively to a stimulus when the energy fields share a resonant
fre/uency. &.( In the process each energy field effects other energy fields in the surrounding
environment and this carries on throughout all of 8eality. Indeed, we are all intimately related to each
other striving for creative freedom on each of our levels of e%istence. These ideas form the basis of the
,ew 0odel of 0edicine.
:uoted in ;ithoulkas, <. 2'=>?3. The Science of Homeopathy. <rove 6ress, Inc., ,ew @ork.
biological A chemical A physical B biochemphysical, essentially we are considered to be biochemical
bodies e%isting in the physical world. The rational, mechanistic view of the world separated pirit from
matter and divided all physical substances 2including living organisms3 further into their constituent
parts. Therefore, all life was seen as simple machinery with interchangeable parts which could be taken
apart and put back together with separate pieces as needed. This linear, flat9earth reality is still held by
many today and it is the root of the -ld 0edical 0odel.
) dimension is a level of e%istence. Cnergy is pirit. $re/uency refers to the rate of vibration, the
motion of energy, in linear time. The resonant fre/uency is the most harmonious motion of the energy
field at that time.
Irucka Embry is the rincipa! of EcoC
S #EcoCs$uaredS) %hich is a &ashvi!!e' Tennessee (o%ned and
operated) sma!! business offering diverse services inc!uding* Edib!e' Eco!ogica! +andscaping
#gardening) design and !ayout, promoting Hea!thy +iving through the -ead the +abe!s Campaign,
encouraging the insta!!ation and use of Free.+ibre and /pen Source Soft%are #F+/SS) as opposed to
proprietary' c!osed source soft%are, and Chemistry and 0ath Tutoring. 0ore hea!th resources can be
found on!ine 1
4opyright D +?'?9+?'. by Irucka Cmbry
ome 8ights 8eserved. The article and figure are licensed under the 4reative 4ommons
)ttribution9,on4ommercial9,o1erivs ..? 7nported 5icense. To view a copy of this license, visit
httpsEFFcreativecommons.orgFlicensesFby9nc9ndF..?F or send a letter to 4reative 4ommons, 'G' econd
treet, uite .??, an $rancisco, 4alifornia, =H'?I.

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