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A mattei has come to the Befenuant's attention that he feels shoulu be maue
known to the Couit as it pioceeus with this case.
In ieviewing Plaintiff's claim that he has applieu to the 0.S. Copyiight 0ffice
foi copyiight piotection of his "Bogewash" blog !" $%$% foi the months of Naich,
Apiil anu Nay 2u14, the Befenuant has become awaie of a potential ciiminal
violation of 17 0SC Su6(c)(e) by the Plaintiff.
Seventy of the blog posts Plaintiff seeks to copyiight aie, in fact, alieauy
copyiighteu by the 0niteu States uoveinment. Plaintiff makes no exception in his
Copyiight Application foi these 7u posts incoipoiating images, viueos anu text fiom
the National Aeionautics anu Space Auministiation (NASA) wheie he woiks as a
pait-time contiactoi employee at the uouuaiu }et Piopulsion Lab in uieenbelt,
Naiylanu, foi the contiactoi NEI Technologies.
0n the NASA website, on theii Neuia Infoimation page, they cleaily state:
"It is unlawful to falsely claim copyiight oi any othei iights in NASA
The applicable law is 17 0SC Su6(c)(e) which ieaus:
3M= +5CFRFB896 )4XW5:Y76 246:M8"Z /9W X85<49 [74E [:67 D5CFRFB896
:96896E XBCM8< 49 C9W C56:MB8 C 946:M8 4D M4XW5:Y76 45 [45R< 4D 678 <CG8
XF5X456 67C6 <FM7 X85<49 \94[< 64 H8 DCB<8E 45 [74E [:67 D5CFRFB896
:96896E XFHB:MBW R:<65:HF68< 45 :GX456< D45 XFHB:M R:<65:HF6:49 C9W C56:MB8
H8C5:9Y <FM7 946:M8 45 [45R< 67C6 <FM7 X85<49 \94[< 64 H8 DCB<8E <7CBB
H8 D:98R 946 G458 67C9 ]^EVNN"

38= +CB<8 (8X58<896C6:49"Z /9W X85<49 [74 \94[:9YBW GC\8< C DCB<8
58X58<896C6:49 4D C GC685:CB DCM6 :9 678 CXXB:MC6:49 D45 M4XW5:Y76
58Y:<65C6:49 X54;:R8R D45 HW <8M6:49 KN_E 45 :9 C9W [5:6689 <6C68G896
D:B8R :9 M4998M6:49 [:67 678 CXXB:MC6:49E <7CBB H8 D:98R 946 G458 67C9

The poition of 0S Copyiight Law coveiing the copyiight of goveinment-
piouuceu mateiial is 17 0SC 4uS which ieaus:
#8M6:49< KNI 3R= C9R KN^ 3R= <7CBB 946 CXXBW 64 C [45\ XFHB:<78R :9
M4X:8< 45 X749458M45R< M49<:<6:9Y X58R4G:9C96BW 4D 498 45 G458 [45\<
4D 678 !9:68R #6C68< A4;859G896 F9B8<< 678 946:M8 4D M4XW5:Y76
CXX8C5:9Y 49 678 XFHB:<78R M4X:8< 45 X749458M45R< 64 [7:M7 C
R8D89RC96 :9 678 M4XW5:Y76 :9D5:9Y8G896 <F:6 7CR CMM8<< :9MBFR8< C
<6C68G896 :R896:DW:9YE 8:6785 CDD:5GC6:;8BW 45 98YC6:;8BWE 674<8 X456:49<
4D 678 M4X:8< 45 X749458M45R< 8GH4RW:9Y C9W [45\ 45 [45\< X5468M68R
F9R85 67:< 6:6B8"

Plaintiff cleaily is in violation of 17 0SC Su6 (c)(e) when he claims copyiight
in toto of all blog posts beginning Naich 1, 2u14, thiough Nay S1, 2u14.
Befenuant has notifieu the Feueial Buieau of Investigations thiough theii website of the Plaintiff's allegeu violation of the law, anu biings
these conceins to the attention of the couit.
Rathei than kill off anothei iain foiest by piinting out all 7u potential
violations of 0SC Su6 (c)(e), Befenuant will incluue a list of the website 0RLs wheie
each allegeu infiaction can be seen. If neeu be, Befenuant can piouuce haiu copies if
so uesiieu by the Couit. The Couit will notice that each blog post incluues the
copyiight maik, " W.}.}. Boge" with no iefeience, othei than an image cieuit, of the
uoveinment's copyiight in the mateiial.
Befenuant submits this infoimation with the hopes that the Couit will give
uue consiueiation to this potential violation of the law along with othei weaknesses
in the Plaintiff's case against this Befenuant when the Couit consiueis Befenuant's
Notion to Bismiss anu to Pioceeu with the Counteiclaim.

BATEB: }0LY 8, 2u14 Respectfully submitteu,

William N. Schmalfelut, &'( )*
66S6 Washington Blvu. Lot 71
Elkiiuge, NB 21u7S


I ceitify unuei penalty of peijuiy that the foiegoing is tiue anu coiiect to the
best of my knowleuge anu belief anu all copies aie tiue anu coiiect iepiesentations
of the oiiginal uocuments.

William N. Schmalfelut
)856:D:MC68 4D #85;:M8

I ceitify that on the 8th uay of }uly, 2u14, I seiveu a copy of the foiegoing
Reply to Plaintiff's Notion foi Pieliminaiy Injunction anu Nemoianuum in Suppoit
of Befenuants Notion to Bismiss by Fiist Class Nail to W.}.}.Boge, 2u Riuge Roau,
Westminstei, NB 211S7 by Fiist Class Nain, Ceitifieu, Retuin Receipt Requesteu.

William N. Schmalfelut
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1. http:hogewash.com2u14uSS1oiion-in-Su
2. http:hogewash.com2u14uSSuseipens-clouu-coie
S. http:hogewash.com2u14uS29astio-pioam
4. http:hogewash.com2u14uS28galactic-magnetism
S. http:hogewash.com2u14uS26in-the-eagle-nebula
7. http:hogewash.com2u14uS2Sa-new-ciatei-on-mais
8. http:hogewash.com2u14uS21m6u-ucu1
9. http:hogewash.com2u14uS2ucygnus-ob2-9
1u. http:hogewash.com2u14uS19the-giant-ieu-spot
11. http:hogewash.com2u14uS18the-not-so-giant-ieu-spot
12. http:hogewash.com2u14uS16neptune-tiiton-iings-anu-stais
1S. http:hogewash.com2u14uS1Sinsiue-the-flame-nebula-2
14. http:hogewash.com2u14uS14pan-anu-zoom
1S. http:hogewash.com2u14uS1Sa-stellai-suivivoi
16. http:hogewash.com2u14uS12the-gianu-canyon-of-mais
17. http:hogewash.com2u14uS11infiaieu-anuiomeua
18. http:hogewash.com2u14uS1ucoional-hole-squaieu
19. http:hogewash.com2u14uSu9b-anu-c-in-uv
2u. http:hogewash.com2u14uSu8insiue-the-flame-nebula
21. http:hogewash.com2u14uSu7outbounu
22. http:hogewash.com2u14uSu6SS-yeais-ago-yesteiuay
2S. http:hogewash.com2u14uSuSthats-no-moon-its-a-space-station
24. http:hogewash.com2u14uSu4whats-up-foi-may
2S. http:hogewash.com2u14uSuSm61-2
26. http:hogewash.com2u14uSu226749
27. http:hogewash.com2u14uSu1the-pleiaues-2
28. http:hogewash.com2u14u4Suiings-anu-shauows
29. http:hogewash.com2u14u429misseu-it-by-that-much-2
Su. http:hogewash.com2u14u427asteioius-S
S1. http:hogewash.com2u14u426biown-uwaif
S2. http:hogewash.com2u14u42SmS
SS. http:hogewash.com2u14u424aip-81
S4. http:hogewash.com2u14u42Sm1u1-in-ii
SS. http:hogewash.com2u14u421just-a-bit-bluiiy
S6. http:hogewash.com2u14u42umaiinei-4-anu-mais
S7. http:hogewash.com2u14u419the-taupole
S8, http:hogewash.com2u14u418suiveyoi-S-anu-apollo-12
S9. http:hogewash.com2u14u416new-moon-2
4u. http:hogewash.com2u14u41Sa-hoiseheau-of-a-uiffeient-coloi-2
41. http:hogewash.com2u14u412meigeis-anu-acquisitions-2
42. http:hogewash.com2u14u411el-goiuo-2
4S. http:hogewash.com2u14u4u9get-ieauy-foi-the-eclipse
44. http:hogewash.com2u14u4uSa-solai-flaie-2
4S. http:hogewash.com2u14u4u4themis
46. http:hogewash.com2u14u4uSmais-in-opposition
47. http:hogewash.com2u14u4u1encounteiing-hypeiion
48. http:hogewash.com2u14uSS1ios-tiue-colois
49. http:hogewash.com2u14uSSuhollows-on-meicuiy
Su. http:hogewash.com2u14uS291uuu-km-closei-to-mais
S1. http:hogewash.com2u14uS27you-cant-see-it-fiom-heie
S2. http:hogewash.com2u14uS2Sbieaking-up-is-haiu-to-uo
SS. http:hogewash.com2u14uS24confuseu-hubble
S4. http:hogewash.com2u14uS22a-seyfeit-galaxy
SS. http:hogewash.com2u14uS21coming-attiactions-lunai-eclipses
S6. http:hogewash.com2u14uS2umeasuiing-a-black-holes-spin
S7. http:hogewash.com2u14uS19the-moons-noith-pole
S8. http:hogewash.com2u14uS18the-monkey-heau-nebula
S9. http:hogewash.com2u14uS17hubble-nets-a-butteifly
6u. http:hogewash.com2u14uS16misseu-it-by-that-much
61. http:hogewash.com2u14uS1Spieview-of-coming-attiactions-S
62. http:hogewash.com2u14uS12the-sun-in-januaiy
6S. http:hogewash.com2u14uS11a-swift-toui-of-anuiomeua
64. http:hogewash.com2u14uS1uwimpy-x-iays
6S. http:hogewash.com2u14uSu9exoplanets-anu-exocomets
66. http:hogewash.com2u14uSu8a-telescope-laigei-than-a-galaxy
67. http:hogewash.com2u14uSu7the-sanu-uunes-of-mais
68. http:hogewash.com2u14uSu6a-uay-on-meicuiy
69. http:hogewash.com2u14uSuSmaitian-sunset
7u. http:hogewash.com2u14uSu2suiveyoi-1

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