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THIS DEED OF TRUST executed on this _______________________ day of

__________________ year 20____, _______________________ BETEE!
__________________________________________ "#arty of the first $art% hereinafter
________________________________________ )!D
_____________________________________ *
+* SHRI* S,O* SHRI , of ____________ -
2* SHRI* S,O* SHRI* , of ____________ -
.* S/T* ,O SHRI* , of ____________
"Hereinafter ca&&ed ' The Trustees' 0hich ex$ression sha&& un&ess re$u1nant to the context
or 2eanin1 thereof 3e dee2ed to inc&ude the sur4i4ors or sur4i4or of the2 and the trustees
or trustee for the ti2e 3ein1 of these $resents and their heirs, executors and ad2inistrators
of the &ast sur4i4in1 trustee, their or his assi1nees% of the other $art5
HERE)S the $arty hereto of the first $art is $ossessed of the su2 of Rs* ___________,6
"Rs* __________ On&y% as his a3so&ute $ro$erty and he is desirous of creatin1 a Re&i1ious,
7harita3&e,Educationa& Trust for the 3enefit of the hu2anity at &ar1e*
)!D HERE)S each of the $arties hereto of the 'Other #art' has indi4idua&&y and 8oint&y has
a1reed to act as Trustees of the Trust, $ro$osed 3y the $arty of the first $art*
)!D HERE)S nothin1 contained in this deed sha&& 3e dee2ed to authori9e the trustees to
do any act 0hich 2ay in any 0ay 3e construed statutory 2odifications thereof and a&&
acti4ities of the trust sha&& 3e carried out 0ith a 4ie0 to 3enefit the $u3&ic at &ar1e, 0ithout
any $rofit 2oti4e and in accordance 0ith the $ro4isions of the Inco2e6tax )ct, +:;+ or any
statutory 2odification thereof*
)!D HERE)S the trust is here3y ex$ress&y dec&ared to 3e a $u3&ic charita3&e trust and a&&
the $ro4isions of this deed are to 3e constituted accordin1&y*
The $arty of the first $art, the sett&or, does here3y sett&e the su2 of Rs*_______ ,6
"Rs* __________ on&y% in Trust, 0ith the na2e and for the o38ects hereinafter
stated, 3y de&i4erin1 the said a2ount in cash 0hich the $arty of the other $art, the
Tustees, ha4e acce$ted the recei$t of 0hich they do here3y ac=no0&ed1e, to ho&d the
sa2e in and to the Trustees 0ith the $o0ers and o3&i1ations as $ro4ided hereinafter*

The na2e of the Trust sha&& 3e '____________________________'*

The $rinci$a& office of the Trust sha&& 3e situated at ______________________ or
such other $&ace as the Trustees 2ay fro2 ti2e to ti2e decide* The Trust 2ay a&so
carry on its 0or= at any other $&ace or $&aces, as decided 3y the Trustees*

a. Educationa& > to run, 2aintain or assist any educationa& or other institution
for coachin1, 1uidance, conse&&in1 or 4ocationa& trainin1 or to 1rant indi4idua&
scho&arshi$s for $oor, deser4in1 and needy students for e&e2entary and
hi1her education*
b. /edica& > to run, 2aintain or assist any 2edica& institution, nursin1 ho2e or
c&inics or to 1rant assistance to needy and indi1ent $ersons for 2eetin1 the
cost of 2edica& treat2ent*
c. Re&ief of the $oor > to 1i4e financia& or other assistance in =ind 3y 0ay of
distri3ution of 3oo=s, note3oo=s, c&oths, unifor2s, or 2ea&s for the $oor and
indi1ent and to the $ersons suffer due to natura& ca&a2ities*
d. Other o38ects of 1enera& $u3&ic uti&ity >
i. to ac?uire $ro$erty for the so&e use for $u3&ic 1ood 3y 2a=in1 it
a4ai&a3&e for $u3&ic $ur$oses as for exa2$&e, housin1 a &i3rary c&inic,
cr@che and,or as a co22unity 3a&& to 3e a4ai&a3&e for $u3&ic use as
trainin1 c&asses, se2inars, discourses and other $u3&ic functions for
3enefit of the co22unity in 1enera&*
ii. to underta=e any other acti4ity incidenta& to the a3o4e acti4ities 3ut
0hich are not inconsistent 0ith the a3o4e o38ects*
#ROAIDED the Trust 2ay assist,donate the other TRUST to carry out the 4arious
o38ects 2entioned in the o38ects c&ause in such 2anner and to the extent the
Trustees 2ay decide u$on fro2 ti2e to ti2e*

The Trustees 2ay acce$t donations, 1rants, su3scri$tions, aids or contri3utions fro2
any $erson, Bo4ern2ent, (oca& authorities or any other charita3&e institutions, in
cash or in =ind inc&udin1 i22o4a3&e $ro$erty 0ithout any incu23rance, 3ut the
Trustees sha&& not acce$t any recei$t 0ith any condition or ter2s inconsistent 0ith
the o38ects of the Trusts* hi&e a$$&yin1 such recei$ts to the o38ects, the Trustees
sha&& res$ect the directions, if any, 3y the 1ranter* )ny recei$t 0ith s$ecific direction
to treat the sa2e as $art of the cor$us of the Trust or se$arate fund sha&& 3e funded

i. )&& 2onies, 0hich sha&& not i22ediate&y re?uired for current needs sha&& 3e
in4ested 3y the Trustees in e&i1i3&e securities and in4est2ents, or in 3an=s*
Such in4est2ents sha&& 3e in the na2e of Trust or Trustees*
ii. That the trustees sha&& in4est the trust fund, carry on any 3usiness 0ith the
trust fund and,or enter into $artnershi$ on 3eha&f of the trust, as they 2ay
dee2 fit*
iii. That the trustees sha&& 2ana1e the trust fund and in4est2ents thereof as a
$rudent 2an 0ou&d do the sa2e* They sha&& reco4er a&& outstandin1s and
2eet a&& recurrin1 and other ex$enses incurred in the u$=ee$ or 2ana1e2ent
iv. That the trustees sha&& recei4e and ho&d the inco2e of the trust on 3eha&f
and for the 3enefit of the 3eneficiaries under the trust*

That the trustees sha&& ha4e the fo&&o0in1 $o0ers <
. to 2ana1e a&& the assets and,or $ro$erties of the trust inc&udin1 the conduct
of 3usiness5
i. to a$$oint e2$&oyees and to sett&e the ter2s of their ser4ice, re2uneration
and ter2ination5
ii. to &oo= into the 2ana1e2ent of the trust5
iii. to in4est the funds of the trust, in 3an= or in the $urchase of co2$any
shares or securities or other 2o4a3&e and 2o4a3&e and i22o4a3&e $ro$erties5
iv. to se&&, a&ter, 4ary, trans$ose or other0ise dis$ose or a&ienate the trust
$ro$erties or any in4est2ent re$resentin1 the sa2e for consideration and to
rein4est the sa2e5
v. to $&ed1e or 2ort1a1e the trust $ro$erties for raisin1 &oans5
vi. to o$en the 3an= accounts in the na2e and on 3eha&f of the trust and to
o$erate the sa2e5
vii. To enter into a $artnershi$ on 3eha&f of the trust 0ith any other $arty or
viii. To $ay a&& char1es, i2$ositions and other out1oin1s $aya3&e in res$ect of the
trust $ro$erties and a&so to $ay a&& cost of the incidenta& to the ad2inistration
and 2ana1e2ent of the trust $ro$erties5
ix. To fi&e suit on 3eha&f of the trust and to refer to ar3itration a&& actions
$roceedin1s and dis$utes touchin1 the trust $ro$erties and to co2$ro2ise
and co2$ound the suits fi&ed5
x. To acce$t any 1ift, donation or contri3ution in cash or in =ind fro2 anyone
for the o38ects of the trust5
xi. To see= &e1a& o$inion of &a0yers and,or 7hartered )ccountants as and 0hen
xii. To no2inate their re$resentati4es for any of the aforesaid $ur$oses*

8. The nu23er of the trustees sha&& not 3e &ess than t0o 3ut not 2ore than fi4e*

9. In case of any difference 3et0een the trustees, the o$inion of the 2inority sha&&

10. E4ery trustee 0i&& 3e at &i3erty to no2inate or a$$oint attorneys or a1ents and to
de&e1ate a&& or any of the duties and $o0ers 4ested in hi2 to such attorney or a1ent,
and to re2o4e such attorney or a1ent and rea$$oint other or others in his $&ace*

11. !o trustee sha&& 3e res$onsi3&e or &ia3&e for any &oss or any act of o2ission or
co22ission 3y his constituted attorney or a1ent or e2$&oyees or other trustees
un&ess occasioned 3y his 0i&fu& ne1&ect or defau&t*

12. )ny of the trustees 2ay retire on 1i4in1 one 2onthCs notice in 0ritin1 to the other

13. If any trustee dies or retires or 3eco2es inca$a3&e or unfit to act, the continuin1 or
sur4i4in1 trustee or trustees sha&& a$$oint a successor in the $&ace of such trustee*

14. If at any ti2e the nu23er of the trustees is &ess than t0o, the existin1 trustee sha&&
a$$oint one or 2ore trustees*

15. U$on the a$$oint2ent of a ne0 trustee the trust $ro$erties sha&& 4est in the ne0
trustee 8oint&y 0ith the continuin1 or sur4i4in1 trustees, 0ith the duties and $o0er of
the trustees set out hereina3o4e in this deed*

16. If the trust is deter2ined 3y eff&ux of ti2e, the cor$us of the trust sha&& 3e di4ided
a2on1st the 3eneficiaries in the shares as fixed 3y the trusees*

)&& inco2e, su3scri$tion and $ecuniary donations for the 1enera& $ur$oses of the
Trust and the inco2e, in4est2ents and a&& other 2oneys fro2 ti2e to ti2e for2in1
$art of the 1enera& re4enue of the Trust sha&& on the sa2e 3ein1 recei4ed 3e $aid into
a 3an=in1 account 0ith any schedu&ed 3an= for the $ur$ose of the Trust* The 3an=
accounts sha&& 3e o$erated 3y the /ana1in1 Trustee a&on1 0ith any one of the
re2ainin1 Trustees*

. The Trustee sha&& =ee$ $ro$er 3oo=s of account of a&& the assets, &ia3i&ities
and inco2e and ex$enditure of the Trust and sha&& $re$are an Inco2e and
Ex$enditure )ccount and Ba&ance Sheet for e4ery year as on the &ast day of
i. The accounts of e4ery year sha&& 3e audited 3y a 7hartered )ccountant or a
fir2 of 7hartered )ccountants 0ho sha&& 3e a$$ointed for that $ur$ose 3y the
Trustees and the audited accounts sha&& 3e $&aced at a 2eetin1 of the
Trustees, 0hich sha&& 3e he&d 3efore the end of the succeedin1 year*

This Trust is irre4oca3&e*

The trustees 2ay a2a&1a2ate the trust 0ith another 7harita3&e Trust or Institution
ha4in1 si2i&ar o38ects 0ith $rior $er2ission of the 7harity 7o22issioner,7ourt,any
other &a0 as 2ay 3e a$$&ica3&e for the ti2e 3ein1*

In the e4ent of disso&ution or 0indin1 u$ of the Trust the assets re2ainin1 as on the
date of disso&ution sha&& under no circu2stances 3e distri3uted a2on1st the Trustees
3ut the sa2e sha&& 3e transferred to so2e other si2i&ar Trust,Or1anisation 0hose
o38ects are si2i&ar to those of this Trust 0ith the $er2ission of the 7harity
7o22issioner , 7ourt , any other &a0 as 2ay 3e a$$&ica3&e for the ti2e 3ein1*
The Trustees sha&& 3e inde2nified a1ainst a&& &osses and &ia3i&ities incurred 3y the2 in the
execution of the Trust and sha&& ha4e a &ien o4er the funds and $ro$erties of the Trust for
such inde2nity*
I! IT!ESS HEREOF, The #arties hereunto ha4e si1ned and de&i4ered the $resents on the
day and year first hereina3o4e 0ritten*
IT!ESS < +* TRUSTEE ____________
+* 2* TRUSTEE ____________
2* .* TRUSTEE ____________

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