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Chapter 10 is included:/

genral prevalnce rates should be known for the disordes

the 2 disoders stand ou from the rest are borderline personlaity disoders N anti
social disorder
reflects behaviors that been very cnsistent by adolences, personality disorders
are primary features are we see
a patternof interpersonla deficit, problems in relationships, individials way od
being, traits that htey have, which
creates a type diffulcut relationship
-problem of having a strong idently
-borderline personality disorder-u dont have good sense of self, u are defined b
y others
-its not time limited, by their very nature they are stable and enduring n are n
ot diagnised until after adolences,
this way being will be persistn n it is problematic for them, a key feature is t
hat their a type of imperemtn n distress
-people sometimes dont know they have a personality stress disoder, the ocd pers
on does not realize they are ridgid,
people who interact with them n type of characrteriscs cause problems and distre
-usually late teen and after 18 years old
-limited job opprtunities n loss of jobs, marraiges n frienfships loss,
-an individual is not always aware of hteir problem, problem must occur in diffe
ren domain(ablity to control their bahviors
the way they think, their relationship), personality disorders are longer to tre
-the experience other people expereince when dealing with a person with a person
aluty disoder (slide 4)
-its hard for the person to form a bond, more difficult to treat
-cluster A- personalities, have odd expereinces , suspicious behabiors (paranid,
schizoid, schitzotypal)
B) overly dramitic, inhibit behaviors, reactiv presentations (Histrionic,Narcass
itic, antisocial, borfdelines )
C) fearful and anxious, avoidant perosnality patterns (Avoidant, Depended, obsse
sive conpulsive)
*this is how DSM 4 pairs up personality disoders
DSM 4- used to have axis 1(primary clinicall disoder (schetzophrina, bipolar)
axis 2 -ersonality disorders n inhibition
axis 3-medical conditions,
5: 0-100 fucntion
DSM 5 personality disoders will be codded seperalty to find effetive treatmnt (a
clinical disoders with personality
diorders is hard to treat)
-75% people with personality disorders have axis 1 disoders
-10-13% have personality disorders that are listed
-the crtieria is hard to define, personality disoders are more subjective (hard
to diagnose personality diordr) much
more subjectivity,
-their is a lot of overlap, some of the symptoms overlap p, the criteria creates
increase rates of commorbitidy,
u think ur measureing one disoders, there might be another personality disoders
on top of it,
-personality- is demisntsion n we dont fall into categories, n people who have p
rsonality disoders do not fall meatly
into one category, in DSM 5 moving more towards dimension, which is similar to t
he 5 model (extrover, opeennes)
n see if personality is adaptive or nonadaptive
-what has been decided is that nothing will be changed in DSM 5: what the right
system might be n we should study personality
disoders according to dimensional way n then decide if dimensial, we still have
categoes the way they are being defined
-its anew area of study (3 decades old) lost of comorbidity, a lot of studes are
based on retrospective approaches,
go back in theri lives if they had relatioship people , diffuculty because they
are collatreal reposrts, inaccurate,
n biased
Paronoaid personaluty disoders (have ways of interacting they are on the lok out
for people o harm them,
dont trust other people, dont take the blame for anything, dont sed themselves a
s responsible, more on gurar,
secretive, they are grounded on reality, are not delusional, they are still able
to speak n know this is
reality n dnt have illusions, they are able to stay in touch with reality, think
ing other have an ulterior motive
which can create problem sin realionships, isolation n loneliness,
schoid personality disoder-individual does nto have a lot of relationship, they
dont want relatiosnhips,
more of the loner type, dont take pleasure or want to be connect to other, dista
nt, dont want sex, fine with solitory
interest, job where they dont have to interact with other, dont desire contact w
ith other peopel, n flat affect,
not alot of expression
u see odd perceptual ecxpereinces, strange ways of speaking in metaphors n symbo
ls, odd beliefs, they believe they
can read others peoples life, magic to predict to know what hoerse will win in t
he race, have a six sense,
odd beliefs that are charactresist of people with shitzophreania, n we see that
it shares causal factors with schitszophrenia
they might be more interverted, they can be fnctional, have a job, but way of in
teacting makes people keep their distance
-custer B: dramitoc, acting out, emotinal behaviors
historianic perosnality disoder: they want a lot of attention, they like bing th
e cinter of attention alot of acting out begavior
sexual provakness, dancing on tablaes, want to be considered sexuall attractive,
affectiation or charasmatic
in the way they speak that makes them stand out formt the rest, irralibity n out
busrt if they dont get intesion they
want, very thratical n very seductivein the way of acting, problems with signifi
cant others, problems with their friends
or flirting with friends boyfrinds, they may be exhausitng for friends
-Narcissitc personality disoders- they want admirations, believes they deserve i
t n their accomplishments are very
special, the fact that they've done it, self-prmoting bragging, referances to th
eir accomplisment n overstaing their
accomplishments, n they dont have empahty of other n they put themsleves in othe
r people shows n whats impoertant in
their persective, their spaical, thy are important, a aperson with narcisismt lo
w in agrableness n high in antagonism
-antisocial personality disoders:
more of a lack of morals n ethics, disarager for safety n care of others, decitf
ulness n manipulation of other, agrreassive
crimninal behaviors, states their shuld be a sign of problems prior to age 15, h
isotry of conduct problems as a child(very important)
-*must have problems during childhood
-if there are enough expereinces n enough of those combined then we will see per
sonality disoders,
borderline personaity diosder: people dont have capacity to regulate emotions, a
ngry outbusrts, fear abondoments,
they have begging n pleading n some manupulation, manipulative component n unsta
ble self-image, not knowng who they are
identyti confusion, lost of all of nothing, instability in relationships, n suic
idality n with that they might
think they want ot be dead, cutting behaviors, burining behaviors, scratching be
havirs, to realive anxiety
n might be a cry for help to let others thay are in distress, (8-10% completed s
uidice) they are not fake it, some actuall
y do comllete n affective irregulation n suicidality, full of emotiaon they cant
-comorbityd (half have comorbidity) slide 19,
biological causes: in bordline, there is a genetic ompronetn, seretinin trnaport
er gene(s/S) lower levels of serelonin,
substance abuse, over eating , more vigilant more on edge, some biological faxto
rs that are contributory causes to boardeline disoder
chilhood enviroment of brderline are more chaotics, n traumatic expereince : phy
sical n emotional abuse, patterns of loss
of others n them bein rejected, bordernilien have an invalidating environment le
ads to sadness, impulsive acting out
n resulsts in disturbances knwn as boardline personality disoders, 90% repost ab
Cluster C-fealful, anxious n avoidance
avoidan personality disoder- relunctant to try new things, see urself as inept,
dont get involved in activityes that migh t
embaress them, may nit event want to have friends, n avoidance of situatuion bec
ause fear of critism, rejection n ebressmuent
-they want relationships, but so afraid of rejectiont that u dont want to try so
u avoid it, more prevesive pattern n impar
relationships n have smaller social networks,
-depent personlity disoder-depended on toher people, seekign ressuarance, cant m
ake decissons, dont rely on their own advice,
disconfromt being left alone, rather do what other are doing because they dont w
ant other to leave them, more common
in wommen (in abusive realtiosnhip) n not being able to take of themsleves, n pe
ople with agorophobia n they will
attach to a specific person, because they dont think they wont be able to make i
t by themselves(if im alone I will fall apart)
-Obesseove compulsive personality disoder: follwing rules to the letter, not wan
ting to deviate, excessive value placed in
morality, their perfectionsm interferes with task comleation, but dont get it do
ne because they focus on the details,
we dont see true obsseiosn n compulseion, we look for pattern of behavior 4-7 cr
iteria, not true obssions n compulsions
difficulties they are pervasive, not easy to change, goals vary (cleints resista
nt may change) n hard to form raltionships
for bordaline disoders includes SSRI's n we have dialectial behavior theraphy: c
ognitive, n behavioral strategies to help
address a persons behaviors, reduces self-harm behaviors n urgers, n decreassed
feeligns of depression ,
*we try to get a person to tolarante distressn brign on easter philipsophy, make
them aware of theri emotion n
be able to see when its being trggeres, tolerating hte momenr to help reduce sel
anti personality disoder: we want 3 behaviors (slide 29), conartist n sociopaht
this is their way of intearitng with other
psychopahty involves (sociopathics) behavior deminesion is need for stimulation
(30) affective/interpersonal core,
our current psychopathy involves this affective behaviors, rates of psychopathy
are lower than anti-social personality
disoder, *main difference affective companetn(way of responsing, lack remorse, h
ave additudinal favctoes) -slide 30

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