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Agenda Item 620-1001

Title: Seismic Ground Motion Consistencies

Date: May 7, 2013
Revision: 0
Handled By: Jack Blanchard
Chicago Bridge and ron Co!"any
1#10$ %& Ro'te $(
)lain*ield, + ,0$##-.(.#
/ele"hone: .1$-#3(-,32#
0a1: .1$-#3(-,$,0
2!ail: JBlanchard3c4i&co!
Purpose: 6lign 6),2$ ,&$&2 7ith 6),20 +&#& and +&3&2&, to allo7 non-8%6 6),2$ tank
designs to 4e !ore consistent 7ith local reg'lations and o7ner risk
Impact: 6++ non-+9: /anks in !oderate to high seis!ic areas: 6llo7 !ore econo!ic
and non-isolated designs 7hich are !ore in line 7ith local reg'lations and
o7ner risk eval'ations&
General discussion:
6),20 6""endi1 + "aragra"h +&3&2&, allo7s ad;'st!ent o* the rec'rrence interval *or
"er*or!ance 4ased designs and +&#&1 recogni<es that the de*ined gro'nd !otions =*or
>+2, C+2 and 6+2? a""lied to deter!ine design res"onse s"ectra are de"endent on
reg'lations and s"eci*ic site locations& Ho7ever, 6),2$ ,&$&2, and 6) ,20 +&#&2 re@'ire
s"eci*ically de*ined seis!ic gro'nd !otions set to s"eci*ic rec'rrence interval criteria&
/he design !agnit'de *or seis!ic events sho'ld 4e consistent 7ith reg'latory doc'!ents
s'ch as 4'ilding codes& Ahen reg'lations do not address the need *or contin'ed
o"era4ility, the )'rchaser sho'ld esta4lish the 4asis *or contin'ed o"era4ility& 6) sho'ld
not take on the res"onsi4ility *or setting these !agnit'des& /here*ore the "rovisions in 6)
,20 + and 6) ,2$ 7hich s"eci*y !agnit'des are "ro"osed to 4e changed
Examples of inconsistency between API provisions:
6) ,20 section +&# contains "rovisions *or tanks re@'iring "er*or!ance level designs&
6) ,2$ section ,&#&10 re@'ires three levels o* seis!ic "er*or!ance design and re*ers to
6),20 + *or seis!ic design o* steel tanks =,&,&1?& Ho7ever, 6) ,2$ section ,&$&2 is not
aligned 7ith the *ollo7ing highlighted re*erences in 6),20 section +&# and does not allo7
*or ad;'st!ent o* the re@'ired gro'nd !otion&
Current API 62 Section !"#:
!"#"$ Ground %otions
/he de*inition o* the gro'nd !otions to 4e 'sed 7ith the >+2, C+2 and 6+2
events !ay vary de"ending on reg'lations *or the s"eci*ic location& Aithin the
8&%& *ederal reg'lations #( CFR 1(3 and 90)6 $(6 are the "ri!ary reg'latory
and standard doc'!ents *or +9: storage tanks& /he 'ser is re*erred to those
doc'!ents or si!ilar reg'latory doc'!ents 7hen the tank is located o'tside the
8&%&, *or gro'nd !otion de*initions to 4e 'sed 7ith this a""endi1&
!"#"2 &peratin' !evel Eart()ua*e +&!E,
620-321 page 1 of 5
>+2 in 6),20+ B
>B2 in 6),2$
and 90)6 $(6
C+2 in 6),20+ B
%%2 in 6),2$
and 90)6 $(6
When API
standards are
applied, other
than NFPA 59A,
no local
define !"#$
8nless other7ise de*ined 4y the governing local reg'lations, the o"erating level
earth@'ake gro'nd !otion shall 4e de*ined as the !otion d'e to an event 7ith a
10 C "ro4a4ility o* e1ceedence 7ithin a $0-year "eriod =a #7$-year rec'rrence
!"#"- Contin'ency !evel Eart()ua*e +C!E,
8nless other7ise de*ined 4y the governing local reg'lations, the contingency level
earth@'ake gro'nd !otion shall 4e de*ined as the !otion d'e to an event 7ith a 2
C "ro4a4ility o* e1ceedence 7ithin a $0-year "eriod =a 2#7$-year rec'rrence
interval? 7hich is the !a1i!'! considered earth@'ake in 6) ,$0, 6""endi1 2
and 6%C2 7&
.esi'n Ground %otions
C+2 =%%2?: 0or all re*rigerated gas storage tanks incl'ding +9: tanks, the de*ined
gro'nd !otion *or %%2 in 6) ,2$ ,&$&2 is consistent 7ith 6%C27 =MC2 red'ced 4y a 2D3
*actor and increased 4y B 1&$?& Ho7ever, *or tanks 4'ilt in other locations s'ch as
7estern %o'th 6!erica, the local reg'lations !ay 4e 4ased on a shorter rec'rrence "eriod
='s'ally #7$ years?& 6 gro'nd !otion 4ased on the shorter interval =and increased 4y an
*actor *or re*rigerated gas storage? !ay 4e !ore a""ro"riate 7here the *re@'ency o*
seis!ic activity e1ceeds that o* the 8%6& 6""lying criteria, consistent 7ith local
reg'lations, is !ore a""ro"riate than setting criteria 4ased on the 8%6&
>+2 =>B2?: Ahen 6) ,20 D ,2$ are a""lied, there are no reg'lations 7orld7ide, e1ce"t
90)6 $(6, that re@'ire an >B2 design& 6) ,20 +&#&2 7o'ld there*ore al7ays re@'ire a
#7$ year rec'rrence interval, even 7hen the local reg'lations set #7$ years *or C+2& 0or
tanks other than those covered 4y reg'lations, the de*ined gro'nd !otion *or the >+2
sho'ld 4e 4ased on "lant sa*ety and the need *or contin'ed o"era4ility& /his is related to
risk o* "ro"erty da!age rather than risk to li*e& /here*ore, the 4asis *or >B2 gro'nd
!otion sho'ld 4e deter!ined 4y the "'rchaserEs "lant risk assess!ent&
Summary of Proposed C(an'es:
/his agenda ite! sets the %%2 gro'nd !otion to that re@'ired 4y the governing local
reg'lations as a !ini!'!& /he >B2 gro'nd !otion is esta4lished 4ased on the o7nerEs
risk eval'ation or governing reg'lation& 6+2 re!ains 'nchanged as F o* %%2&
C(an'es to API62/:
Changes are li!ited to section ,&$&2 to tie the design !agnit'de to reg'lations *or
%%2 and risk assess!ent *or >B2&
C(an'es to API62 Appendix !:
6),20 +,# 7as 7ritten ="rior to 6),2$? to "rovide direction *or a""lication o*
6),20 6""1 + to +9: tanks designed to 90)6 $(6& /h's so!e o* the "rovisions
do not have *le1i4ility *or designs not re@'ired to !eet 90)6 $(6&
/he re@'ire!ents in 6),20 +&#&2 are !ore restrictive than +&#&1& Changes are
"ro"osed to !ake >+2 =>B2? a "'rchaser de*ined val'e&
/he re@'ire!ents o* 6),20 +&#&3 set s"eci*ic criteria *or the 8% 7hich !ay 4e
inconsistent 7ith 6%C27& /here*ore, the de*inition sho'ld 4e changed to re*lect
the de*ined MC2 D MC2R in 6%C2 7 Cha"ter 21& /his is consistent 7ith 90)6$(6:
2013& /hese changes re*erence 6%C2 7&
6),20 +&# incl'des r'les *or a""lying , G, and da!"ing to >+2 and C+2 designs
7hich are consistent 7ith 90)6 $(6 and aligned 7ith 6%C2 7 design !ethods&
Ahen other criteria is 'sed to de*ine >+2 and C+2, so!e r'les need to 4e
ad;'sted *or the ne7 4asis&
620-321 page 2 of 5
Note% se&eral 'ears
ago, the () changed
fro* a +ase ,-5 'ear
recrrence period to a
2,-5 'ear period$
.his /as done to
captre infre0ent
e&ents in locations
sch as Ne/ 1adrid$
.he *agnitde /as
then redced +'
introdcing a 2
A)3# -% 2010
adopted 13#4
/hich is the ris5-
ad6sted 13#$
The following text is for reference. It
is agenda item 625-1001:
API 625
6"/"2 Seismic !oads
)ro4a4ilistic seis!ic ha<ard st'dies are re@'ired to deter!ine the seis!ic gro'nd !otions
*or design o* tank-*l'id-*o'ndation syste!s& /he three levels o* the %eis!ic gro'nd
!otions that shall 4e a""lied considered *or the three "er*or!ance levels de*ined in ,&#&10
a? >"erating 4asis earth@'ake =>B2?:
8nless other7ise de*ined 4y governing local reg'lations, the gro'nd !otion to 4e
a""lied to !eet the >B2 "er*or!ance criteria in ,&#&10 shall 4e deter!ined as
"art o* a )'rchaser de*ined "lant risk assess!ent considering "lant sa*ety and
loss o* o"era4ility&
/he >B2 is de*ined as the seis!ic gro'nd !otion having 10 C "ro4a4ility o*
e1ceedance 7ithin $0 year "eriod, i&e& #7$ year rec'rrence interval&
/he >B2 is also re*erred to as o"erating level earth@'ake =>+2? in 6) ,20,
6""endi1 +
4? %a*e sh'tdo7n earth@'ake =%%2?:
/he gro'nd !otion to 4e a""lied to !eet the %%2 "er*or!ance criteria in ,&#&10
shall 4e 4ased on the governing local reg'lations&
Ahen 90)6 $(6 is re@'ired and *or all tanks in the 8% /he %%2 is de*ined as the
seis!ic gro'nd !otion to 4e a""lied to !eet the %%2 "er*or!ance criteria in
,&#&10 shall 4e de*ined as the !a1i!'! considered earth@'ake =MC2R? having 2
C "ro4a4ility o* e1ceedance 7ithin $0 year "eriod, i&e& 2,#7$ year rec'rrence
interval ad;'sted 4y the re@'ire!ents o* as de*ined 4y 6%C2 7-10 Cha"ter 21&
0or non-'s locations and 7hen 90)6 $(6 does not a""ly, the s"ectra develo"ed
*ro! gro'nd !otions co!"lying 7ith local reg'lations shall 4e ad;'sted *or $C and
0&$C da!"ing, the a""ro"riate *actor, and soil e**ects&
/he %%2 is also re*erred to as contingency level earth@'ake =C+2? in 6) ,20,
6""endi1 +&
c? 6*tershock level earth@'ake =6+2?
/he gro'nd !otion to 4e a""lied to !eet the 6+2 "er*or!ance criteria in ,&#&10
shall 4e /he 6+2 is de*ined as hal* o* the %%2&
620-321 page 3 of 5
!7#, ))#, 8 A"#
are perfor*ance
le&els, not grond
*otion le&els$
Wording sch as the
crrent /ording in
API625 6$5$2
confses this isse$
.hs the proposed
/ording /as
Agenda Item 620-1001: Proosed
!hanges to API620 ":
9e7 te1t is in 4l'e 'nderline&
Deleted te1t is in red strikethro'gh&
!"#"$ Ground %otions
/he de*inition o* the gro'nd !otions to 4e 'sed 7ith the >+2, C+2 and 6+2
events !ay vary de"ending on reg'lations *or the s"eci*ic location& Aithin the
8&%& 6%C2 7 is re@'ired 4y !ost state 4'ilding codes and *ederal reg'lations #(
CFR 1(3 and 90)6 $(6 are the "ri!ary reg'latory and standard doc'!ents *or
+9: storage tanks& /he 'ser is re*erred to those doc'!ents or si!ilar reg'latory
doc'!ents 7hen the tank is located o'tside the 8&%&, *or gro'nd !otion de*initions
to 4e 'sed 7ith this a""endi1&
0or 6""endi1 G and R tanks, the seis!ic design li@'id level to 4e a""lied shall 4e
as de*ined in 6) ,2$&
!"#"2 &peratin' !evel Eart()ua*e +&!E,
8nless other7ise de*ined 4y the governing local reg'lations, the gro'nd !otion to
4e a""lied to !eet the >+2 "er*or!ance criteria in +&# shall 4e deter!ined as
"art o* a )'rchaser de*ined "lant risk assess!ent considering "lant sa*ety and
loss o* o"era4ility& the o"erating level earth@'ake gro'nd !otion shall 4e de*ined
as the !otion d'e to an event 7ith a 10 C "ro4a4ility o* e1ceedence 7ithin a $0-
year "eriod =a #7$-year rec'rrence interval?& /he >+2 design li@'id level
coincident 7ith the de*ined gro'nd !otion !ay 4e de*ined as less than the
Ma1i!'! 9>+&
!"#"2"$ Slidin' 0esistance
/he calc'lated sliding *orce at the 4ase o* the tank shall not e1ceed Hs&
/he !a1i!'! coe**icient o* *riction, , shall 4e =tan 30
D1&$? 7here 1&$ is
the *actor o* sa*ety against sliding& /he coe**icient o* *riction selected shall
consider the !aterials 'nderlying the tank 4otto!& 6nchorage !ay not 4e
'sed to resist sliding& * the sliding *orce e1ceeds the allo7a4le, the tank
shall 4e re-con*ig'red&
Ahen the >+2 gro'nd !otion is de*ined 4y the )'rchaser "lant risk assess!ent,
and 7 hen a red'ced level o* sa*ety against o"era4ility is consistent 7ith the "lant
risk assess!ent, the *riction sa*ety *actor !ay 4e red'ced to 1&2$& /he sa*ety
*actor !ay 4e red'ced to 1&0 7hen the tank 4otto! is coned '" 7ith a !ini!'!
1C slo"e to increase sliding resistance&
!"#"- Contin'ency !evel Eart()ua*e +C!E,
/he gro'nd !otion to 4e a""lied to !eet the C+2 "er*or!ance criteria in +&# shall
4e 4ased on the governing local reg'lations&
8nless other7ise de*ined 4y the governing local reg'lations Ahen 90)6 $(6 is
re@'ired and *or all tanks in the 8%, the contingency level earth@'ake gro'nd
!otion shall 4e de*ined as the !otion d'e to an event 7ith a 2 C "ro4a4ility o*
e1ceedence 7ithin a $0-year "eriod =a 2#7$-year rec'rrence interval? 7hich is the
620-321 page , of 5
API 620 9 31:
!a1i!'! considered earth@'ake in 6) ,$0, 6""endi1 2 and 6%C2 7 =MC2R?
as de*ined 4y 6%C2 7-10 Cha"ter 21&
0or non-'s locations and 7hen 90)6 $(6 does not a""ly, the s"ectra develo"ed
*ro! gro'nd !otions co!"lying 7ith local reg'lations shall 4e ad;'sted *or $C and
0&$C da!"ing, the a""ro"riate *actor, and soil e**ects&
!"#"# Afters(oc* !evel Eart()ua*e +A!E,
/his design case shall 4e a""lica4le only 7hen reg'lations or "ro;ect doc'!ents
s"eci*ically re@'ire the tank syste! to 4e designed or eval'ated *or a*tershocks&
8nless other7ise de*ined 4y the governing local reg'lations, the a*tershock level
earth@'ake =6+2? gro'nd !otion shall 4e de*ined as the !otion d'e to an event
7ith a 2C "ro4a4ility o* e1ceedance 7ithin a $0-year "eriod =1 2#7$ year
rec'rrence interval? 7hich is the !a1i!'! considered earth@'ake in 6),$0,
6""endi1 2 and 6%C2 7, 7ith the C+2 s"ectral val'es red'ced 4y $0C&
* the o'ter tank is not designed as a secondary contain!ent =i&e& it serves as
va"or 4arrier and "ress're 4o'ndary only and is not constr'cted o* 6) ,20
!aterial s'ita4le *or the inner tank? then no design or eval'ation *or 6+2 is
re@'ired 4y these "rovisions *or the inner or o'ter tank&
+C&#&2 Deter!ination o* >B2 gro'nd !otion *ro! a "lant sa*ety I loss o*
o"era4ility risk assess!ent !ay consider the *ollo7ing related to the e1"ected li*e
o* the str'ct're:
0is* !evel 0ecurrence
Probability of exceedance in
life of t(e tan*
- years life / years life
!ow 100 years 27C #0C
%edium 2$0 years 12C 1.C
1i'( #7$ years 7C 10C
6s an alternate to a site s"eci*ic res"onse s"ectra *or >B2, the "'rchaser !ay
s"eci*y >B2 in ter!s o* a *actor ti!es a #7$ rec'rrence interval s"ectra& 0or
e1a!"le, 0&$ ti!es the #7$ year s"ectra& 9ote: /he val'e o* 0&$ ti!es the #7$
year s"ectra in ter!s o* rec'rrence interval and "ro4a4ility o* e1ceedance varies
7ith location&
Ahen the risk assess!ent targets the li!its o* elastic tank res"onse and can
tolerate li!ited "er!anent distortion 7hich does not a**ect the o"era4ility o* the o*
the tank syste!, an >B2 design li@'id level consistent 7ith tank o"erations !ay
4e selected& 0or e1a!"le, a design li@'id level o* .0C o* the !a1i!'! nor!al
o"erating level !ay 4e selected i* the tank o"erates a4ove the .0C level *or a
s!all "ercent o* ti!e&
+C&#&2&10 Ahen the risk assess!ent targets the li!its o* elastic res"onse, a
red'ction in the sa*ety *actor against sliding is consistent 7ith the assess!ent
target& 6 !ini!'! %0 B 1&2$ is !aintained d'e to the acc'racy o* this calc'lation&
6lso, 7hen sliding resistance is increased 4y "roviding a coned '" 4otto!,
=!ini!'! o* 1C? a *'rther red'ced *riction sa*ety *actor is consistent 7ith this
620-321 page 5 of 5

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