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Universal Declaration of Demand for Law Enforcement

on the Child Abuse of Medically Not Warranted Circumcision

Brit Mila
Forced Circumcision on Male Children
__as previously and repeatedly

The Prime Minister and his Government are fully aware of the national yet global systematized perpetration of medically
not warranted circumcision aka routine child circumcision aka forced circumcision perpetrated
throughout Canada.

We and again, as we have done so repeatedly in the past
forced circumcision on humans of any age and gender constitutes the
inflicted absent consent of the person th
his government again of the inarguable fact of law, that any such act is outlawed under democratic rule of law in any true
democratic urisdiction, regardless by who, on whom and

The Act of Forced Circumcision on Humans of Any Age and Gender not only violates the persons right of
psycho- and physiological integrity !ut also the very foundation of human e"istence the #a$ of Creation%
Any such act violates !oth the spirit and lett
#a$ and thus any such act violates the spirit and letter of the
&niversal Human 'ights Declaration all of $hich are !ased on the #a$ of Creation
every true democratic nation $hereas any form of forced circumcision on humans of any age and gender
is outla$ed in every true democratic (urisdiction
$hatever reason and on $hom forced circumcision is
a) Canadian Criminal Code !".#.C., $%&', c. C
!) Canadian Constitution ( )*ual
c) +uman "ights ,eclaration - ./ Convention on the "ights of the Child

Universal Declaration of Demand for Law Enforcement
on the Child Abuse of Medically Not Warranted Circumcision
Brit Mila ! "outine #nfant Circumcision $ %unnat
Circumcision on Male Children & '(M & 'uman (enital Mutilation

Declared to the Government of Canada
based on

addressed to
%te)hen 'ar)er
*rime +inister of Canada

on +arch ,-
and repeatedly addressed to the Canadian Government since .01
- I -

Government are fully aware of the national yet global systematized perpetration of medically
not warranted circumcision aka routine child circumcision aka forced circumcision perpetrated
done so repeatedly in the past 0 specifically point out the inarguable fact that any form of
forced circumcision on humans of any age and gender constitutes the criminal act of 1infliction of non
absent consent of the person this act is perpetrated upon2 and thus inform the Prime Minister of Canada
his government again of the inarguable fact of law, that any such act is outlawed under democratic rule of law in any true
regardless by who, on whom and why inflicted.
The Act of Forced Circumcision on Humans of Any Age and Gender not only violates the persons right of
and physiological integrity !ut also the very foundation of human e"istence the #a$ of Creation%
Any such act violates !oth the spirit and letter of the *rinciple of Democracy and its Concept of the 'ule of
#a$ and thus any such act violates the spirit and letter of the Canadian Constitution 2tatutory #a$ and the
&niversal Human 'ights Declaration all of $hich are !ased on the #a$ of Creation
every true democratic nation $hereas any form of forced circumcision on humans of any age and gender
is outla$ed in every true democratic (urisdiction - thus also in Canada 3 and this regardless !y $ho and for
forced circumcision is inflicted%
!".#.C., $%&', c. C0345 #ection 64' 7 644 7 64& 7 64%
)*ual "ights #ection $'
+uman "ights ,eclaration - ./ Convention on the "ights of the Child

Universal Declaration of Demand for Law Enforcement
on the Child Abuse of Medically Not Warranted Circumcision

'uman (enital Mutilation
addressed to the Canadian Government since .014__
Government are fully aware of the national yet global systematized perpetration of medically
not warranted circumcision aka routine child circumcision aka forced circumcision perpetrated also on male children
specifically point out the inarguable fact that any form of
act of 1infliction of non0accidental inury
Prime Minister of Canada and
his government again of the inarguable fact of law, that any such act is outlawed under democratic rule of law in any true
The Act of Forced Circumcision on Humans of Any Age and Gender not only violates the persons right of
and physiological integrity !ut also the very foundation of human e"istence the #a$ of Creation%
er of the *rinciple of Democracy and its Concept of the 'ule of
Constitution 2tatutory #a$ and the
&niversal Human 'ights Declaration all of $hich are !ased on the #a$ of Creation the very foundation of
every true democratic nation $hereas any form of forced circumcision on humans of any age and gender
this regardless !y $ho and for


5f $e 6no$ !etter $e are a!le to do !etter%
During times of universal deceit telling the truth !ecomes an evolutionary act%
8orced circumcision on humans is an act of blasphemy
8orced circumcision on humans is a subhuman act9 a crime against humanity.
8orced circumcision on humans has no right of e:istence.

7 ;he prime cause of systematized perpetration of forced circumcision is sy
7 <nly because of this systemic indoctrination of deceitful arguments people
7 ;he only way to free humanity from forced circumcision is to eliminate the prime cause( this universal

;elling the ;ruth, 8ull #pectrum =nformation,
is the Predominant )ducational 8actor, the >ey #olution
systematized perpetration of forced circumcision on humans altogether.

?es, in order to free humanity from suffering and from perpetrating this subhuman act, it is absolutely essential
public that this #ystematized Child @buse of "emovi
Psychological =nury on the Child - is primarily caused by #ystematized =ndoctrination from Childhood on
caused by circulation of false, misleading information, fall

@s a result of this continuous systematized brainwash, billions of humans
Male Children were Anormal behaviourB Asocially ade*u
have a legal right to make their informed decision
were a religious, traditional right yet even duty to d
accorded no such legislative protectionB9 Aas if the 8GM
+=C0preventionB9 Aas if cutting the healthy prepuce were to have any form of health benefitB

Dhereas a certain part of humanity even claims
the male childBs healthy genital were in the be
humanity that even claims Ato have to genitally mutilate male children because god commanded itB
less blasphemy, perverse, all in all subhuman,

;he only way to end and prevent this systematized child abuse is to eliminate
systematized brainwash from childhood on ... ... a
the truth9 and the truth must be told regardless of the psycho
hearts refuse to hear the truth.

5f $e 6no$ !etter $e are a!le to do !etter%
During times of universal deceit telling the truth !ecomes an evolutionary act%
blasphemy9 an act against Creator and Creation.
8orced circumcision on humans is a subhuman act9 a crime against humanity.
8orced circumcision on humans has no right of e:istence.
;he prime cause of systematized perpetration of forced circumcision is systemic indoctrination from childhood on.
systemic indoctrination of deceitful arguments people are able to do this subhuman act.
;he only way to free humanity from forced circumcision is to eliminate the prime cause( this universal
)nforcement of Eaw by =mplementation of the .niversal ,eclarationBs @FC
the >ey #olution, to end this systematized brainwash and thus to end
systematized perpetration of forced circumcision on humans altogether.
om suffering and from perpetrating this subhuman act, it is absolutely essential
that this #ystematized Child @buse of "emoving the +ealthy 8oreskin - this =nfliction of Preventable Physical and
is primarily caused by #ystematized =ndoctrination from Childhood on
caused by circulation of false, misleading information, fallacious arguments, lies, deception indoctrinated in various disguise
result of this continuous systematized brainwash, billions of humans still think, speak and act as if 8orced Circumcision of
Asocially ade*uateB AhumaneB Aa parental right to decideB
have a legal right to make their informed decision on whether or not they wish to have their child genitally mutilatedB
traditional right yet even duty to doB9 Bas if MGM were legalB9 Bas if only 8GM were outlawed, but boys
Aas if the 8GM0Eaw were constitutionalB9 Aas if removing the foreskin were relative to
Aas if cutting the healthy prepuce were to have any form of health benefitB.
hereas a certain part of humanity even claims that Ato modify the childBs healthy penis thus to inflict non
the best interest of the childBs wellbeing ... ... and there is another
genitally mutilate male children because god commanded itB
blasphemy, perverse, all in all subhuman, than the act of forced circumcision and the sucking of the infantBs penis.
he only way to end and prevent this systematized child abuse is to eliminate its prime cause, namely to eliminate
from childhood on ... ... and the only way to do that is to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but
the truth9 and the truth must be told regardless of the psycho0symptomatic fact that from childhood on indoctrinated mind
- II -
During times of universal deceit telling the truth !ecomes an evolutionary act%
stemic indoctrination from childhood on.
able to do this subhuman act.
;he only way to free humanity from forced circumcision is to eliminate the prime cause( this universal deceit.
)nforcement of Eaw by =mplementation of the .niversal ,eclarationBs @FC #olution
to end this systematized brainwash and thus to end and prevent the
om suffering and from perpetrating this subhuman act, it is absolutely essential to inform the
ng the +ealthy 8oreskin - this =nfliction of Preventable Physical and
is primarily caused by #ystematized =ndoctrination from Childhood on9 and is continuously
acious arguments, lies, deception indoctrinated in various disguise.
till think, speak and act as if 8orced Circumcision of
Aa parental right to decideB9 Aas if parents were to
child genitally mutilatedB9 Aas if it
Bas if only 8GM were outlawed, but boys were
Aas if removing the foreskin were relative to
inflict non0accidental inury on
... ... and there is another certain part of
genitally mutilate male children because god commanded itB9 a claim that of course is no
the sucking of the infantBs penis.
its prime cause, namely to eliminate this
ly way to do that is to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but
symptomatic fact that from childhood on indoctrinated minds and

5t is paramount that government informs the pu!lic a!solutely correct%
Forced Circumcision is countered !y first e"posing the falseness of its supposed connection to

Where this systemati8ed !rain$ash from childhood on has many
people are deceived to thin6
TH52 52 WH9 TH: T'&TH +&2T ;: T<#D
Forced circumcision on humans of
thus infringes upon the guarantees of constitutional
(ust as these rights are of course
5f perpetrated on adults
under Canadian Criminal Code

!.5 ;he act of infliction of non0accidental inury by way
infibulations is being systematically perpetrated

!,5 ;he government is fully aware of who the perpetrators
perpetration9 of the perpetrators motivation
fully aware of the >ey0#olution - the @FC0#olution to end this systematized perpetration.

!=5 ;he act of 8orced Circumcision as is the perverse nature of infliction of preventable inury
physical and in numerous known cases results in psychological inury and also in numerous known cases results in the death
of the victim. ;he Government is fully aware of these inarguable facts.

!/5 @ny such act infringes upon the guarantees of rights secured by
secured by the +uman "ights ,eclaration.

!>5 @ny form of +uman Genital Mutilation is prohibited within
of any rights guaranteed under #ection 6 of

!45 ;he uni*ue circumstances surrounding the act of 8orced Circumcision on +umans of @ny @ge and Gender place it beyond
the authority of any single #tate or local urisdiction to decide to whether or not enforce the law on

!?5 ;he fact that 8orced Circumcision of +umans of any age and gender
a5 @ parental right of giving consent on
b5 @ religious 7 cultural 7 traditional right of perpetra

!15 ;he Canadian Constitution in its #ection $

!05 ;he ):ecutive Franch of Government has the constitutional obligation to enforce the law on any form of
Genital Mutilation, regardless of by who and why and on whom inflicted.

)very one commits an aggravated assault who wounds, maims, disfigures or endangers the life of the complainant.
Canada is a party to the &nited @ations Convention on the 'ights of the Child
and that young persons have rights and freedoms,
including those set out in the Canadian Charter of "ights and 8reedoms
and have Aspecial guarantees of their rights and freedomsB
The Declaration of *rinciple then contains the follo$ing statementsC
;he criminal ustice system for young persons must
to ensure that young persons are treated fairly and that their rights, including their rights to privacy, are protected.

- III -

5t is paramount that government informs the pu!lic a!solutely correct%
Forced Circumcision is countered !y first e"posing the falseness of its supposed connection to
Where this systemati8ed !rain$ash from childhood on has many different faces
to thin6 spea6 and act so as if this o!vious $rong $ere a legal act to do
TH52 52 WH9 TH: T'&TH +&2T ;: T<#D
Forced Circumcision is <utla$ed

umans of any age and gender is principally outla$ed under
thus infringes upon the guarantees of constitutional and statutory rights secured in any true
(ust as these rights are of course naturally secured !y the human rights declaration%

on adults or children this act constitutes the criminal act of assault
Canadian Criminal Code D'%2%C% .01> c% C-/4) 2ection ,4> E ,44 E ,41 E ,40

accidental inury by way of medically not warranted genital alteration
perpetrated on male and female children in Canada.
;he government is fully aware of who the perpetrators of this systematized child abuse are9 of time and place of
of the perpetrators motivation, and of the prime cause that causes this motivation9 and the government is also
#olution to end this systematized perpetration.
as is the perverse nature of infliction of preventable inury 0
physical and in numerous known cases results in psychological inury and also in numerous known cases results in the death
;he Government is fully aware of these inarguable facts.
5 @ny such act infringes upon the guarantees of rights secured by Canadian Eaw, both statutory and constitutional, and

is prohibited within Canadian Gurisdiction, and this without abridging the e:ercise
#ection 6 of the Canadian Constitution or under any other law.
5 ;he uni*ue circumstances surrounding the act of 8orced Circumcision on +umans of @ny @ge and Gender place it beyond
the authority of any single #tate or local urisdiction to decide to whether or not enforce the law on
Circumcision of +umans of any age and gender is outlawed makes it clear that(
a5 @ parental right of giving consent on medically not warranted circumcision on children does not e:ist.
b5 @ religious 7 cultural 7 traditional right of perpetrating forced circumcision does not e:ist.
#ection $' )*ual "ights 0 guarantees every citizen of any age and gender e*ual
5 ;he ):ecutive Franch of Government has the constitutional obligation to enforce the law on any form of
o and why and on whom inflicted.
F ,41% D.)
assault who wounds, maims, disfigures or endangers the life of the complainant.

Canada is a party to the &nited @ations Convention on the 'ights of the Child
and that young persons have rights and freedoms,
including those set out in the Canadian Charter of "ights and 8reedoms
Aspecial guarantees of their rights and freedomsB.

The Declaration of *rinciple then contains the follo$ing statementsC
;he criminal ustice system for young persons must be separate and apart from that of adults and emphasize(
=) enhanced personal protection
to ensure that young persons are treated fairly and that their rights, including their rights to privacy, are protected.
5t is paramount that government informs the pu!lic a!solutely correct%
Forced Circumcision is countered !y first e"posing the falseness of its supposed connection to legality.
different faces
so as if this o!vious $rong $ere a legal act to do%
utla$ed under the la$ of creation
rue democratic (urisdiction
this act constitutes the criminal act of assault
/4) 2ection ,4> E ,44 E ,41 E ,40
medically not warranted genital alteration circumcision e:cision
9 of time and place of
, and of the prime cause that causes this motivation9 and the government is also
0 always results in preventable
physical and in numerous known cases results in psychological inury and also in numerous known cases results in the death
Eaw, both statutory and constitutional, and
without abridging the e:ercise

5 ;he uni*ue circumstances surrounding the act of 8orced Circumcision on +umans of @ny @ge and Gender place it beyond
the authority of any single #tate or local urisdiction to decide to whether or not enforce the law on such act.
makes it clear that(
does not e:ist.

guarantees every citizen of any age and gender e*ual
5 ;he ):ecutive Franch of Government has the constitutional obligation to enforce the law on any form of 8orced +uman
assault who wounds, maims, disfigures or endangers the life of the complainant.
Canada is a party to the &nited @ations Convention on the 'ights of the Child,
including those set out in the Canadian Charter of "ights and 8reedoms,
The Declaration of *rinciple then contains the follo$ing statementsC
be separate and apart from that of adults and emphasize( H III J
to ensure that young persons are treated fairly and that their rights, including their rights to privacy, are protected.

on this day +arch ,-

W: TH: &@D:'25G@:D
=n knowledge and fulfillment of our human right and duty to end and prevent human genital mutilation9
in agreement with the .niversal ,eclaration and its @FC0#olution 0 in order to ensure compliance with the Principle of
,emocracy, its Concept of the "ule of Eaw and +uman "ights ,eclaration9
which also is the foundation of the #tate of Canada
%te)hen 'ar)er
*rime +inister of Canada
to govern $ithin democracys principals and concept of the rule of la$
To have the la$ enforced on the very act that constitutes the criminal act of medically not $arranted male child
circumcision a6a Forced Circumcision a6a '5C 3 ;rit +ila 3 2unnat - +G+G the very act that constitutes the Crime of
Assault and thus is outla$ed under Canadian Criminal Code D'%2%C% .01> c% C-/4) 2ection ,4> E ,44 E ,41 E ,40
regardless !y $hom and regardless for $hatever reason this act is !eing perpetratedG and so to fulfill the governments
constitutional duty to protect all children eHually as guaranteed to every child of any age and gender in 2ection .> of the
Canadian Constitution%
To do so !y $ay of implementation of the &niversal Declarations A;C 2olutionC

A) To inform the pu!licC Any form of forced human circumcision is outla$ed
;) To inform the pu!lic a!out AmnestyC The la$ $ill not !e enforced on any past such acts
C) To inform the pu!licC The la$ $ill !e enforced on any forced human circumcision from no$ on

0rue 'umanism and thus the 0rue %)irit and Letter of the 1rinci)le of Democracy and its Conce)t of the "ule of Law
has no room for any form of Anti Creation Activity and thus also certainly not for the subhuman act of forced circumcision2

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