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10 Healing Secrets That Most Doctors Will Not Talk About

May 16, 2014
Lets face it, when it comes to medicine, those of us in the west tend to be a little arrogant about our gee-whi
technology and gleaming high-tech medical facilities! "b#iously, there are some things that western doctors do
e$traordinarily well, li%e treating trauma &atients for instance! 'here western medicine tends to fail is in the
treatment of chronic disease! 'e#e got a &ill for (ust about e#erything these days, and although those treatments
may be #ery good when it comes to relie#ing sym&toms, too often the root cause of chronic disease is ignored!
)enturies of wisdom are a#ailable to us which can greatly enhance our ability to treat chronic disease, and not (ust
*manage+ it with drugs! , lot of traditional treatments from disci&lines such as ,yur#edic and )hinese medicine
are finally starting to recei#e some of the recognition they deser#e here in the west! )elebrity doctors li%e -.s
/r! " are hel&ing to s&read the news about age-old treatments that are great alternati#es to our traditional
western treatments which often in#ol#e surgery or &otentially dangerous drugs!
0ere are a few traditional treatments that some &eo&le are using with great success, and #ery little or no ris% to
their health! 1t should be noted that we are not doctors, and this should not be treated as medical ad#ice! 'e are
merely &assing along information that might be interesting and educational!
1 #urcu!in
1mage )redit
,lheimers disease is &robably one of the most feared diseases in the world! 2ot many &eo&le are comfortable
with the idea of losing so much of their cogniti#e ca&abilities, memory loss, forgetting who lo#ed ones are, and
e#entual death! )urcumin also goes by the name turmeric, and is found in foods li%e curry! 1n 1ndia, where curry
is used by a large &ercentage of the &o&ulation, ,lheimers is rare com&ared to western countries! 1nflammation,
which is now being identified as a cause for many chronic illnesses, is reduced in the brain by curcumin, hel&ing
to ward off ,lheimers, and &erha&s other ris%s related to inflammation as well!
$ %o!egranate &uice
1mage )redit
-his one may be beneficial when it comes to &re#enting heart disease! 3esearchers disco#ered that atherosclerosis
in lab animals was reduced by 40 &ercent when they were gi#en &omegranate (uice! "ther research re#ealed that it
also hel&ed to &romote nitric o$ide &roduction in the heart! 2itric o$ide hel&s blood #essels rela$, which &romotes
healthy blood flow!
' (ita!in )
1mage )redit
Medical research has found that #itamin 5 may actually hel& slow the aging &rocess! , study conducted at the
6ni#ersity of 7lorida showed that older &eo&le who too% #itamin 5 su&&lements and e$ercised regularly actually
decreased s&ecific mar%ers &resent in their blood which are %nown to be signs of aging! -he study &artici&ants
also benefited by a significant dro& in their blood &ressure le#els!
* Shallots
1mage )redit
8u&ermar%ets these days are filled with &rocessed foods that are contributing to numerous health &roblems such
as diabetes, high blood &ressure, heart disease and &robably many more! ,n easy way to add some genuinely
beneficial foods to your diet is by buying or increasing your use of onions! 9ust about any ty&e of onion will offer
certain health benefits, but the real cham&ion of the onion family is the shallot! -he shallot has the highest anti-
o$idant content and may also be beneficial in fighting li#er cancer!
+ ,ish -il
1mage )redit
'e#e heard a lot about the benefits of fish oil in recent years, and more disco#eries are being made all the time!
"ne &articularly im&ortant use for fish oil may be to hel& with the treatment of lu&us! Lu&us is an autoimmune
disease that may cause life-threatening com&lications in#ol#ing the lungs, %idneys and circulatory system! 7ish
oil may hel& lu&us sufferers reduce flare-u&s without the use of &otentially harmful steroids!
. (ita!in /
1mage )redit
,mong #itamins, #itamin : certainly a&&ears to be one of the lesser-%nown #itamins of the bunch! 2ew
disco#eries may be starting to change that, howe#er! 3esearch indicates that #itamin : may be hel&ful in
&re#enting heart attac%s! .itamin : can be found in found in leafy green #egetables, and is also a#ailable in
su&&lement form! 6nli%e other #itamins li%e ), which are water soluble, #itamin : is fat soluble, which means
its &robably a good idea to ta%e su&&lements with food that contains some fat!
0 Think 1inc
1mage )redit
Many &eo&le notice that they ha#e white s&ots underneath their fingernails! -his is often thought to be an
indication of a calcium deficiency, but in reality it is far more li%ely to be indicati#e of a inc deficiency! ;inc is
necessary for a great number of bodily functions, and a serious inc deficiency can cause &roblems including
im&aired healing, s%in &roblems, hair loss, night blindness and e#en beha#ioral &roblems to name (ust a few! ;inc
su&&lements are readily a#ailable, ma%ing it easy to address any deficiency and li%ely clear u& any health
&roblems caused by lac% of this essential mineral!
2 3ow Sugar 3ies
1mage )redit
, number of food manufacturers, &articularly those that &roduce brea%fast cereals are always %eenly aware of
how the &ublic &ercei#es their brand! 'ith increased interest in eating healthier and a#oiding sugar, manufacturers
ha#e started introducing *low sugar+ #ersions of some of their most &o&ular &roducts! 3esearchers who tested a
number of these new *healthier+ #ersions disco#ered that most of them contained the same calories, fat and
carbohydrates as the original #ersions! -he conclusions was that the *low sugar+ #ersions offered no nutritional
benefit o#er the original #ersions!
4 Wonder5ul Water
1mage )redit
,lcohol is something thats actually considered to be healthful as long as it is consumed sensibly! 8till, there are
those occasions when things get a little out-of-hand, and the hango#er is often the result that &lagues &eo&le the
day after! , main contributor to this un&leasant condition is &robably dehydration, which alcohol &romotes!
/rin%ing a good amount of water before bedtime may hel& reduce or eliminate the sym&toms of hango#er, and
may eliminate the need for o#er-the-counter &ain %illers which carry their own set of ris%s!
10 Antibiotic Alternati6es

1mage )redit
-he o#eruse of antibiotics has created &roblems with *su&erbugs+ that ha#e gradually de#elo&ed resistance to
drugs we ha#e used to cure infection for decades! 8ome e$&erts worry that we are on the #erge of a new age of
*su&erbugs+ that could claim many li#es due to our inability to combat them! <eyond the dangers of o#eruse,
antibiotics also come with other unintended conse=uences such as their inability to se&arate the good bugs from
the bad bugs, which results in the destruction of beneficial bacteria along with harmful bacteria! 5ssential oils
may be a #iable alternati#e to antibiotics for some infections! 3esearch on lab animals has shown that ear
infections were eliminated >1 &ercent of the time when treated with essential oils!

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