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QUIZ-The Declaration of Independence and the

1. The Declaration of Independence: A. was written to establish Americas first
government. B. includes an explanation of basic human rights. . calls on people
to rebel against un!ust government. D. includes the phrase" #$e the people%&
'. Both B ( .
). Thomas *effersons writing of the Declaration was most inspired b+: A. ,eorge
$ashington. B. 'minem . Ben -ran.lin D. *ohn /oc.e
0. According to *efferson: A. governments must always be obe+ed. B. an absolute
1onarch+ is the best form of government. . governments are given their power
b+ the people and the people ma+ ta.e it awa+. D. #might ma.e right.&
2. According to *efferson" which of the following were not mentioned as an
inalienable right3 A. life B. libert+ . fu44+ pin. bunn+ slippers D. the pursuit
of happiness
5. A 6ocial ontract includes which of the following3 A. The dut+ of the government
to protect its citi4ens basic rights. B. The right of the people to abolish a government
the fails to protect those rights. . The obligation of the people to be lo+al to a
government that supports their rights. D. all of the above
7. -ederal A. A government where the people elect their
representatives to run the government.
8. Bi9ameral B. Term indicating the onstitution is the
highest law of the land
:. -ramers . ;owers held b+ both the national and state
<. =epublic D. Those men who drafted the onstitution in
1>. Democrac+ '. A two house legislature
11. onstitutional 6upremac+ -. A government where the central and state
governments both have certain powers.
1). oncurrent ;owers ,. It allows each branch of government to
oversee the wor. of the other two branches.
10. hec.s and Balances ?. literall+" rule of the people


12. 6ix A. @umber of members of the 6upreme
15. Two B. @umber of +ears in a term for a member
of the ?ouse of =epresentatives.
17. 6ixt+9seven . The congressional district +ou live in.
18. @ine D. @umber of +ears in a term for a A6
1:. -ift+9three '. @umber of 6enators necessar+ to convict
a ;resident and remove him from office.
1<. -ort+9nine -. @umber of members of the ?ouse of
=epresentatives alifornia has.
)>. 'lena Bagan A. /ongest serving female on the 6upreme
)1. Barbara Boxer B. hief *ustice of the 6upreme ourt.
)). Darrel Issa . 6ec. of ?omeland 6ecurit+.
)0. =uth ,insberg D. 6ec. of Defense
)2. =obert ,ates '. alifornias $r. A6 6enator.
)5. *ohn =oberts -. Cour ongressman.
)7. larence Thomas ,. alifornias r% A6 6enator.
)8. Dianne -einstein ?. African9 American member of the
6upreme ourt.
):. *anet @apolitano I. @ewest member of the 6upreme ourt.
eparation of !owers and Chec&s ' Balances
Use the correct letter to descri(e who has the power listed
)% The !resident B% The enate C% The *ouse of Representati+es
D% The upre,e Court
)<. ?as veto power.
0>. ommander in hief
01. Approves presidential treaties and appointments.
0). ?as power to re,o+e a president from office that has been impeached for high
crimes and misdemeanors.
00. 1ust have )D0 of its members approve to over ride a presidential veto. Use two
02. T=A' D -A/6' It is a little .nown fact that *ose Banda was so ugl+ as a child" his
mom had to tie a por. chop around his nec. !ust to get their dog to pla+ with himEEE

05. ?as the power to impeach.
07. The+ serve for life.
08. ?as the power to call ongress into emergenc+ session.
0:. an be impeached and removed from office for high crimes and misdemeanors. -!ic&
0<. Its powers are most closel+ related to the term #constitutionalit+.&
2>. Two have been impeached and one has resigned since the onstitution was written.
21. The -ramers of the onstitution did not trust the average voter to pic. the ;resident
directl+ so the+ created a: A. dictatorship. B. monarch+. . parliamentar+ democrac+.
D. 'lectoral ollege.
2). T=A'D-A/6' The number of members each state has in the 'lectoral ollege is
based upon the number of members it has in ongress.
20. The total number of electors is: A. 205. B. 50:. . 1>>. D. none of the above.
22. The fewest number of electors a state ma+ have is: A. 1 B. ) . 0 D. 2.
25. The number of 'lectoral ollege votes needed to win the ;residenc+ is:
A. 505. B. )8>. . 1>>. D. 50:.
27. The term #$inner all& means: A. a candidate must win all the states to be
elected ;resident. B. the winner of the popular vote in each state gets all that states
'lectoral ollege votes. . the winner of the popular vote nation9wide" alwa+s becomes
;resident. D. none of the above.
28. If no candidate receives a ma!orit+ of 'lectoral ollege votes" who chooses the
;resident3 A. The 6upreme ourt. B. The 6enate. . The ,overnors of the 5> states.
D. The ?ouse of =epresentatives.
2:. T=A'D-A/6' 6tates that support Repu(lican ;residential candidates are called
#Blue 6tates.&
2<.T=A' D -A/6' -or how she dresses" Tiana $hitloc. should be arrested b+ the
-ashion ;olice and executed for crimes against good taste.
5>. T=A' D -alse 'ven though $ashington D is not a state" it is given three 'lectoral
ollege votes.

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