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IRIS Business Warehouse

Legacy Business Warehouse Project

Blueprint Specification
May, 2000
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Table of Contents:
Executive Summary
I. Introduction and Project Goals
II. Project Scoe
III. !ata Content and !esi"n Strate"y
I#. !ata $ccess and %eortin" Strate"y
#. $ut&ori'ation and Security Strate"y
#I. C&an"e (ana"ement and Trainin" Strate"y
#II. Tec&nical Environment
#III. )t&er Issues
$. Glossery of *usiness +are&ouse Terms
*. ,amin" Conventions
C. *usiness +are&ouse Project Team
-. *usiness +are&ouse Tec&nical Suort Team
- . -
Executie Su!!ary
T&e /T I%IS *usiness +are&ouse roject is in reality t0o rojects: t&e establis&ment of a
1e"acy *usiness +are&ouse 21*+3 to reserve and rovide continuin" comuter access to
le"acy master and detail data4 and5 t&e establis&ment of an I%IS *usiness +are&ouse 2I*+3
rovidin" full access to I%IS financial and &uman resources data for 6uery5 reortin" and
decision suort systems5 once /T7s I%IS transaction rocessin" system &as been imlemented.
"his #Blueprint$ a%%resses only the LBW project. $n I*+ *luerint 0ill be
develoed later in t&e I%IS roject. T&e 1*+ 0ill 8"o live9 concurrent 0it& t&e
imlementation of I%IS 2$ril .5 .::13 and 1*+ data 0ill be fro'en at t&at oint in time. ,o
;eyed relations&i is lanned bet0een I%IS data and le"acy data.
+it&in t&e scoe of t&e 1*+ roject is t&e extraction of le"acy data from ten 21:3
mainframe based data sources5 identified by t&e roject team as imortant for reservation and
continued access via comuter. T&ese sources include t&e /niversity7s financial5 "rant and
contract5 urc&asin"5 &uman resources and ayroll data5 datin" bac; as far as 1<=1. T&e
8reverse conversion9 of %>? data5 t&e retroactive adjustment of le"acy data5 and re-defined
reorts beyond temlates and examles are beyond t&e scoe of t&e 1*+ roject.
!ata extracted from t&ese sources 0ill be maniulated outside of t&e *+ frame0or; for
loadin" into t&e 1*+ as InfoCubes. T&e 1*+ 0ill not use any S$P *+ delivered structures4
all Info)bjects 0ill be desi"ned and develoed from scratc& by t&e *+ Tec&nical Suort team.
Secial data &andlin" 0ill be re6uired to accommodate le"acy data stored in non-ositional
arrays5 situations 0&ere t&e interretation of a data element is deendent uon t&e value of a
related data element. @ull normali'ation of transaction data in t&ose situations 0ill not be
T&e *+ Exlorer 6uery5 decision suort and reortin" tool 0ill be t&e data access tool
suorted for t&e imlementation of t&e 1*+. $dditional5 non-S$P )1$P tools 0ill be
evaluated for selection and use 0it& t&e 1*+ and I*+ as t&e I%IS roject matures.
1*+ security 0ill be a 8role based9 security strate"y consistent 0it& I%IS security.
@our end user roles &ave been identified: financial 6uery develoer5 &uman resources 6uery
develoer5 financial reort develoer and &uman resources reort develoer. Auery develoers
are strate"ic users identified 0it&in t&e central administration of eac& business area 0&o 0ill
&ave unrestricted access to all 1*+ data. T&ese 6uery develoers 0ill establis& "eneral 6uery
temlates rovidin" access to financial data t&at 0ill enable a 0ide audience of reort develoers
to develo end user 6ueries and reorts as t&ey see fit.
End user trainin" and c&an"e mana"ement 0ill be rovided in concert 0it& t&e I%IS
C&an"e (ana"ement team. Secific *+ Exlorer trainin" 0ill be rovided to a oulation of
1*+ end users exected to be relatively small. )nly a score or less strate"ic 6uery develoers
are anticiated and no more t&an a t0o &undred reort develoers. /ser trainin" 0ill be"in
0it& t&e *+ roject team 0&o 0ill articiate in t&e testin" and 6uality assurance activities of
t&e roject and continue 0it& t&e business area strate"ic users. %eort develoer end user
- ? -
trainin" is exected to continue 0ell beyond t&e imlementation of t&e I%IS system and
encomass and comliment I*+ trainin".
T&e 1*+ tec&nical environment rovides for develoment5 6uality assurance and
roduction server latforms. T&ese environments are /,IB based and structured for t&e
sta"in" of system modifications and c&an"es by t&e S$P transort system. T&e roduction
system 1*+ is on an indeendent and o0erful5 I*( %S>C::: S=: server5 si'ed to
accommodate many &undreds of users. $t t&is oint a *+ secific S$PG/I client 0ill be
re6uired on eac& des;to comuter needin" access to t&e 1*+ as 0ell as *+ Exlorer.
$t least t0o remainin" issues need to be addressed. $ facility is needed for non-S$P
/niversity systems to &ave referential access to c&art of accounts and ayroll emloyment status
data. T&e strate"y is to rovide t&is facility via t&e I*+5 allo0in" users to extract needed
referential data on demand. T&e second issue is t&e disosition of le"acy data not lanned for
inclusion in t&e 1*+. $t some oint t&is data must be eit&er abandoned or arc&ived.
- - -
I& Intro%uction an% Project 'oals
T&e overall /T I%IS *usiness +are&ouse roject is in reality t0o rojects:
1. t&e establis&ment of a 1e"acy *usiness +are&ouse 21*+3 to rovide continuin"
comuter access to le"acy master and detailed data not lanned for conversion
into /T7s ne0 I%IS )1TP system 2t&e active S$P %>? system34 and
.. t&e establis&ment of an I%IS *usiness +are&ouse 2I*+3 rovidin" full access to
I%IS financial and &uman resources data otimi'ed for 6uery and reortin" 5
decision suort system 2!SS35 and online analytical rocessin" 2)1$P3.
+&ile t&is *luerint Secification 0ill ma;e mention of t&e I*+ t&rou"&out as future
effort5 t&e main subject of t&is *luerint Secification is t&e immediate effort to establis& a
1e"acy *usiness +are&ouse 21*+3. T&ere is no intention at t&is oint to secify t&e full
scoe or c&aracteristics of t&e I*+ effort 0it& t&is secification.
$ searate I*+ *luerint Secification 0ill be issued at t&e aroriate time.
T&e lanned 8"o live9 for t&e 1*+ 0ill corresond to t&e lanned 8"o live9 date for t&e
I%IS active %>? system4 namely5 $ril .5 .::1. $t oint t&e le"acy data content of t&e 1*+ 0ill
be fro'en. $n early5 rototye system for trainin" and end user evaluation is &oed for by t&e
end of .:::.
It is critical to understand t&at t&e 1*+ roject7s success is deendent not only on t&e
delivered effort of t&e *+ Project Team 2bot& functional and tec&nical3 but also on suort and
delivered effort from t&e $*$P Team5 t&e *asis Team5 t&e C&an"e (ana"ement Team and t&e
Security Team. Suort of t&e 1*+ roject must be included in t&e overall lans of eac& of
t&ese teams. T&e active involvement of t&e @I and D% "rous is re6uired as 0ell.
T&e /T *usiness +are&ouse roject &as t0o major "oals desi"ned to suort and
comliment t&e /niversity7s rimary %>? imlementation roject. T&ese are:
1. To extract bot& master and detail le"acy data from mainframe databases and move
it to a /,IB server5 t&ere to be used for bot& imort into a 1e"acy !ata *usiness
+are&ouse and for sta"in" t&e conversion of data into /T7s active %>? System.
- E -
.. To establis& a /T 1e"acy !ata *usiness +are&ouse to accommodate comuter
access to &istorical le"acy detail data not lanned for conversion into /T7s ne05
active %>? system. Selected master le"acy data 0ill also be stored 0it&in t&is
data 0are&ouse to facilitate 6ueries and reortin". T&ese data 0ill be fro'en at a
oint in time corresondin" to /T7s roduction imlementation of t&e %>? system.
It is critically i!portant to note that upon final loa%ing, %etaile% legacy %ata
in the Legacy (ata Business Warehouse )ill no longer hae any *eye%
relationship )ith the actie R+, Syste!& "he R+, Syste! )ill not hae access
to legacy %etail %ata an% ice-ersa&
In ac&ievin" t&e above "oals t&e /T7s *+ roject 0ill accomlis& many
imortant objective alon" t&e 0ay. $mon" t&ese are:
1. T&e sta"in" of extracted le"acy 2bot& master and detail3 data for
subse6uent main" and conversion to %>?4
.. T&e resolution of issues concernin" distributed rintin" from S$P
?. T&e evaluation and selection of aroriate end user 6uery5 !SS and
)1$P tools for addressin" needs t&at may be unmet by t&e rimary *+
Exlorer 0are&ouse access tool 0it& imlementation to be art of t&e I*+
follo0 on roject4
-. T&e en"a"ement of a broad /T audience in deliberatin" t&e data content
2bot& le"acy and %>?3 and tools to 0&ic& t&ey 0ill &ave ready access.
E. T&e early establis&ment of oerational standards5 rocesses and
rocedures in t&e *usiness +are&ouse environment 0&ic& may &ave
carryover into t&e %>? environment.
C. $n oortunity to 0or; out and test net0or; and client distribution issues
0it& camuses and business units state0ide rior to t&e 8"o live9 of t&e
/T %>? system4
F. $n early5 visible deliverable to selected camuses and business units
state0ide5 in 0&ic& t&ey 0ill &ave been involved and 0&ic& 0ill
demonstrate t&e viability of t&e overall infrastructure.
- C -
II& Project Scope
(eliera/les 1onsi%ere% #In Scope$
T&e follo0in" actions and deliverables are considered to 0it&in t&e scoe of t&e 1*+
1. T&e extraction and one time load from /T7s le"acy systems of all relevant detail
and master data from t&e ten identified rimary data sources5 to a &istorical det&
subject to data availability or ot&er roject team defined constraints.
.. T&e desi"n and develoment of 1*+ 8InfoCubes9 t&at 0ill rovide efficient and
effective end users access to /T7s le"acy data identified for inclusion and loaded.
?. T&e identification of a limited number of 86uery develoer9 end users of 1*+
data 0it& unrestricted access to 1*+ data and 0&o 0ill aid in t&e develoment of
6ueries in suort of 8reort develoer9 end users.
-. T&e identification of a limited number of a limited number of 8reort develoer9
end users.
E. T&e deloyment of *+ Exlorer to all identified end users and t&e trainin" of
t&ese end users in its use5 t&e data content of t&e 1*+ and t&eir role in accessin"
t&e 1*+.
C. T&e develoment of a limited number of reort temlates 0it& *+ Exlorer to
serve as examles of reort functionality available from 1*+ InfoCubes via *+
F. T&e establis&ment of a tec&nical environment suortin" *usiness +are&ouse
rocessin"5 includin" t&e client landscae5 transort mana"ement rocesses5
des;to client mana"ement5 namin" conventions5 distributed rintin"5 security
administration and end user and tec&nical standards and rocedures.
=. T&e investi"ation and ac6uisition of alternate or additional 6uery5 reortin"5
decision suort system and online analytical rocessin" tools to comliment t&e
*+ Exlorer access tool5 s&ould t&ey be needed. Imlementation of any suc&
tools to occur as art of t&e I%IS *+ roject.
- F -
(eliera/les 1onsi%ere% #.ut of Scope$
T&e follo0 actions and deliverables are considered to be out of t&e scoe of t&e 1*+
roject5 but may be considered for inclusion in a subse6uent &ase or roject:
1. T&e 8reverse conversion9 of %>? data for $ril5 (ay and Gune of @H .::1 from
t&e active I%IS system to rovide a comlete fiscal year of financial data in t&e
.. T&e rovision of any retroactive adjustment caability to accommodate c&an"es
of social security number or ot&er ayroll or &uman resources data 0it&in t&e
1*+. 1e"acy data loaded as of $ril .5 .::1 0ill be considered fro'en.
?. T&e develoment of re-defined *+ Exlorer 6ueries and reorts ot&er t&an a
very limited number to serve as reort temlates and examles.
-. T&e imlementation and deloyment of any 6uery and reortin" tool ot&er t&an
*+ Exlorer. Suc& tools5 if any5 0ill be imlemented and deloyed as art of t&e
subse6uent I*+ roject.
E. )t&er le"acy data sources not secified in t&is *luerint 2e.". le"acy8t&rift9 and
8insurance9 databases3.
III& (ata 1ontent an% (esign Strategy
(ata 1ontent0
@ollo0in" are t&e 1e"acy System data sources identified for inclusion in t&e I%IS 1e"acy
*usiness +are&ouse 21*+3 and t&e conditions of t&eir conversion.
2& 3inancial Syste!
Source 4a!e0 (34LE('R IMS %ata/ase&
T&is database contains /T7s official account attributes and accountin" balances of t&e
/niversity at t&e end of eac& fiscal eriod. $ccount balances are maintained at various levels of
detail5 deendin" on account tye. +it& t&e excetion of balances at t&e 8user object code9
level5 account balances of all tyes 0ill be converted at t&e lo0est level or detail 2e.". 8detail
object code9 for exenditure accounts3 and a""re"ated as aroriate for summary levels.
$ll closed eriod data in t&e !@,1E!G% database 0ill be stored or "enerated 0it&in t&e
1*+ excet for user object code totals for exenditure accounts. Prior fiscal year balance
- = -
se"ments of t&e I(S database 0ill not be stored because of t&e intent to store detail balances on
a fiscal eriod by eriod basis to a &istorical det& of aroximately 1F years 2from 1<=-3.
Distorical mont&ly account balances from t&is database 0ill be converted bac;
aroximately 1F years5 subject to t&e availability and inte"rity of /T7s &istorical files and t&e
verification of referential inte"rity 0it& corresondin" led"er transaction data.
2& 3inancial Syste!
Source 4a!e0 (34561"7 IMS %ata/ase 8(B2 e9uialent:
T&is database contains t&e detailed accountin" transactions suortin" t&e balances found
in t&e !@,1E!G% database. T&e conversion 0ill be made from t&e !*. %!(S e6uivalent of
t&e I(S database.
$ccountin" transaction data 0ill be converted and stored in t&e 1*+ corresond to t&e &istorical
availability of !@,1E!G% balance data 2about 1F years3 subject to t&e establis&ment of
referential inte"rity 0it& !@,1E!G% balances.
,ote t&at balance data 2!@,1E!G%3 and activity data 2!@,H$CT3 0ill be stored
indeendently. ,o attemt 0ill be made to insure activity data a""re"ate or corresond to
stored account balances.
,& 3inancial Syste!
Source 4a!e0 (34'R64" IMS %ata/ase
T&is database rovides additional attributes about /niversity "rants and contracts and
summari'ed exenditure data in suort of "rant and contract invoice and accounts receivable
$ll "rant and contract attribute data 0ill be converted and stored in t&e 1*+.

$ccount balance data from t&is database 0ill be converted and stored at detailed object
code level and rolled u for summary balances as re6uired. Exenditure data at t&e 8user object
code9 level 0ill not be converted.
$ll current data from t&is source 0ill be converted and stored. ,o &istorical data from
!@,G%$,T 0ill be loaded.
;& Purchasing+6ccounts Paya/le Syste!
Source 4a!e0 (34P.R(R IMS %ata/ase
T&is is t&e 8financial9 urc&ase order database used to edit and validate ayments a"ainst
outstandin" urc&ase orders. It does not contain data about urc&ase order line items5 but does
- < -
contain data corresondin" to t&e object code distribution of exenditures a"ainst t&e urc&ase
Currently active and ur"ed urc&ase orders &ave been maintained for 1: years. @ive
years of &istorical data 0ill be loaded to t&e 1*+5 subject to referential inte"rity 0it&
!@,CD$%T5 @1#E,!)% and !@,P$HEE data bases.
<& Purchasing+6ccounts Paya/le Syste!
Source 4a!e0 3L7E4(.R IMS %ata/ase
T&is is t&e #endor database containin" vendor attribute data related to urc&ase orders
and urc&ase order ayments. T&is database base 0ill be ur"ed and loaded into t&e 1*+
corresondin" to urc&ase order data to a &istorical det& of E years5 corresondin" to t&e load
of t&e urc&ase order data from P@,P)%!%.
=& Purchasing+6ccounts Paya/le
Source 4a!e0 (34P65EE IMS %ata/ase
T&is database contains attribute data about ayees - eole 0&o &ave aid a"ainst 0&o
are not vendors5 e.". emloyees5 contractor7s5 etc. !ata from t&is database 0ill be loaded in t&e
1*+ datin" bac; E years5 corresondin" to t&e @1#E,!)% and !@,P)%!% databases.
>& Purchasing+6ccounts Paya/le
Source 4a!e0 '??IS"R5 IMS %ata/ase
T&is database contains basic urc&ase order data for ur"ed urc&ase orders and
additionally rovides a fic&e a"e and frame for &istorical urc&ase order data t&at &as been
moved to microfic&e.
T&is database 0ill be loaded in its entireity5 subject to referential inte"rity considerations.
!ata 0ill be loaded beyond t&e &istorical det& of E years deendin" on its availability 0it&out
re"ard to referential inte"rity 0it& corresondin" urc&ase order data.
@& ?u!an Resources+Payroll Syste!
Source 4a!e0 (?REMPL5 IMS %ata/ase
T&is is t&e rimary le"acy>ayroll &uman resources emloyee demo>bio attribute5 ay
distribution and &ours5 earnin"s and deductions 8balance9 database. !ata is 8oint in time9 data
follo0in" eac& ayroll and>or at t&e end of a mont&. $ll data from t&is database 0ill be
reserved in t&e 1*+ bac; to 1<=1.
- 1: -
(ore secifically5 end of mont& data 0ill be reserved from 1<<F for0ard to t&e end of
(arc&5 .::1. Prior to 1<<F5 end of 6uarter data 0ill be reserved for eac& 6uarter from $ril5
1<=1 t&rou"& 1<<C.
A& ?u!an Resources+Payroll Syste!
Source 4a!e0 Payroll ?istory se9uential file
T&is data file contains detailed ayroll data for eac& ayroll rocessed since $ril5 1<=1.
T&is is essentially a file of 8c&ec; stub9 data corresondin" to eac& ayroll.
$ll available data 0ill loaded from t&is file from 1<=1 for0ard5 subject to availability and
referential inte"rity considerations.
,o attemt 0ill be made to insure t&at t&e detail data of t&is file a""re"ate to t&e balance
data of t&e !D%E(P1H bein" indeendently loaded.
20& Salary Bu%get Syste!
Source 4a!e0 Salary Bu%get Loa% 3ile
T&is se6uential file is t&e final file resultin" from t&e /niversity7s annual salary bud"et
rocess and used to load t&e !D%E(P1H database at t&e be"innin" of eac& fiscal year.
T&e data of t&is file 0ill be loaded to a &istorical det& of ? year5 as available.
LBW (esign Strategy
T&e /niversity of Tennessee S$P *+ le"acy data 0are&ouse 0ill serve as bot& a data
arc&ivin" solution and an ad &oc decision suort tool. @ull loads of mainframe data 0ill be
loaded directly into t&e S$P *+. T&e data available for 6ueries and reorts 0ill reside in an
InfoCube. Subject to desi"n c&an"es5 eac& InfoCube 0ill reresent a secific mainframe system.
Iey desi"n considerations of t&e data content and desi"n strate"y include:
J C&an"in" master data 2code suort3 0ill be converted to Ktime deendent7 master data
in t&e le"acy *+.
J $ll data transformations 0ill ta;e lace outside of t&e S$P *+ environment
J S$P tools 0ill be utili'ed to otimi'e data loadin" and 6uery rocessin".
J T&e data 0ill be relatively static4 ost $ril .5 .::1 c&an"es 0ill be carefully
- 11 -
J @ull normali'ation of transaction data 2indeendent definitions of eac& field of
transaction data3 0ill not be ensured.
J @ull de-normali'ation of master data 2deendent definitions of eac& field of master data
attributes3 0ill not be ensured.
T&e /niversity of Tennessee le"acy *+ 0ill not utili'e any of t&e standard delivered
S$P business content and data desi"ns. $ll of t&e individual fields5 data models5 and
2Info)bjects3 0ill &ave to be created. It is aroriate to se"ment t&e le"acy data into t&ree
J Transaction data - Transaction is associated 0it& a secific InfoCube.
J (aster data L (aster data can be referenced by all InfoCubes. 1e"acy data code
suort tables &ave been determined as a source for le"acy master data in t&e *+.
J Secial situations for transformation into transaction data L ,on-ositional arrays must
be made ositional. If one field refers to anot&er5 bot& fields must be made ositional.
Special (ata ?an%ling0
T&e most revalent Ksecial situation7 of t&e le"acy data layout is t&e case of non-
ositional arrays. In t&is case5 one field refers to anot&er. T&is situation cannot be modeled in a
dimensional database format and t&erefore cannot be imlemented into t&e *+. Eac& K&ours
code7 0ould &ave to be created as its o0n Info)bject in *+. T&erefore5 it could be ossible to
&ave ?: Info)bjects for K&ours code7.
,on-ositional arrays cannot be 6ueried for t&e follo0in" reasons:
J Since t&e field contents are not ositional5 end users 0ould &ave to select every
c&aracteristic and ;ey fi"ure in t&e 6uery data definition. @or examle5 vacation &ours
can occur in u to .F fields4 t&erefore5 .F M .F N E- fields 0ould &ave to be set in
t&e 6uery data definition 2K&ours tye7 is t&e c&aracteristic and K&ours7 is t&e ;ey fi"ure3.
J Since t&e field contents are not ositional5 filters 0ould &ave to be establis&ed for eac&
array in eac& column. T&erefore5 if t&ere 0ere .F occurrences of an array5 .F filters at t&e
c&aracteristic level 0ould &ave to be set.
J T&e 6uery results 0ould &ave to be furt&er maniulated once t&e ans0er set is returned
in t&e *usiness Exlorer 6uery or reort.
J T&e descrition of t&e ;ey fi"ure ODours 1O is not descritive.
- 1. -
Transaction Data: Raw Legacy Data Format:
Issue: One field related to another field ('hours code' and 'hours') and the two fields are not positional
Employee ID Pay Date Hours Code 1 Hours Hours Code 2 Hours Hours Code Hours
010 01/01/2000 01 3 03 2
020 01/01/2000 02 1 03 4 04 5
030 01/01/2000 04 6
!aster Data
01 Vacation
02 Sick Leave
03 Personal Leave
04 Comp Time
Scenario 1 corrects t&e ositional issues. T&e mainframe files must be maniulated into
t&e format described belo0. Scenario 1 0ill be t&e c&osen scenario.
Scenario . corrects t&e ositional issues $,! imlements a descrition to t&e ;ey fi"ure.
T&e fields available for 6ueries and reorts are more descritive and t&e fe0er Info)bjects need
to be selected in t&e data access environment. $dditionally5 t&ese descritive ;ey fi"ures are
more conducive to data maniulation 0it&in t&e )1$P tool. T&e issue 0it& t&is solution is t&at a
si"nificant amount of analysis 0ould need to ta;e lace in order to transform t&e deendent field
relations&is 2one field relatin" to anot&er3 into a combined and more descritive Info)bject.
- 1? -
"cenario 1:
Table View: Query View:
One record for each distinct incidence of employee, pay date, 2 C#aracteristics $%employee% and %#ours code%& and
(pay cycle, and sequence code not shown) of the array ! "ey fi#ure ('hours') must be selected for the query
Employee ID Pay Date Hours code Hours Hours
010 01/01/00 01 3 Employee/010
010 01/01/00 03 2 Vacation 3
020 01/01/00 02 1 Sick Leave
020 01/01/00 03 4 Personal Leave 2
020 01/01/00 04 5 Comp Time
030 01/01/00 04 6
Sick Leave 1
Personal Leave 4
Comp Time 5
Sick Leave
Personal Leave
Comp Time 6
Total leave 21
"cenario 2:
Table $%& Query View: The characteristic (hours type') and "ey fi#ure ('hours') are combined
Employee ID Pay Date 'acation "ic( Lea)e
Lea)e Comp Time
010 01/01/2000 3 2
020 01/01/2000 1 4 5
030 01/01/2000 6
!ata (odelin"5 !ata #alidation and !ata 1oadin" Process
T&e rocess of transformin" t&e /niversity of Tennessee7s le"acy data into t&e le"acy
S$P *usiness +are&ouse 2*+3 0ill include t&e follo0in" tas;s:
Entity relations&i dia"rammin" 2E%!3
Ensurin" t&at t&e mainframe data extraction is modeled in a dimensional format
1oadin" a subset of data from t&e follo0in" systems:
- (ainframe 2source3
- (icrosoft $ccess 2tec&nical validation5 secification develoment3
- *+ develoment client 2end-user validation3
Secification develoment to suort t&e full data loads
1oadin" t&e full set of data into t&e *+ A>$ and *+ roduction environments
Auery and reort develoment
1. T&e first level of analysis determined databases in scoe for t&e le"acy data extraction into
t&e *+. T&e follo0in" eleven database sources 0ere identified. Eac& source may &ave
multile files.
!@,1E!G% 2I(S3
!@,CD$%T 2I(S3
!@,H$CT# 2I(S3
!@,G%$,T 2I(S3
!@,P)%!E% 2I(S3
- 1- -
Illustration o* Data !odeling+ ,ser -cceptance+ and Data Loads o* Legacy Data into t#e "-P .usiness /are#ouse
1 Initial "coping
and Data Design
!enti"ication o"
so#rce systems
$en! #sers an! %& team'
E(planations o" key
!ata "iel!s
$en! #sers an! %& team'
Entity relations)ip
$%& team'
2 Initial Data Load into
t#e ./ .usiness
E0plorer and End
,ser -cceptance
Loa! s#+set o" !ata $1
year' into ,icroso"t -ccess
"or internal %& team
revie./ scenarios o" t)e
!i""erent !ata mo!els may
+e !evelope!
Loa! s#+set o" !ata into
t)e %&
0+tain si*no"" "rom
le*acy !ata o.ners/
veri"ication o" !ata
content an! !ata access
Speci"ications !evelope!
"or main"rame e(traction
1 Full Load o* ./ 23-
1ata is loa!e! !irectly
"rom t)e main"rame to t)e
%& 2/- environment
4 Full Load o* ./
1ata is loa!e! !irectly
"rom t)e main"rame to t)e
%& Pro!#ction
!@,#E,!)% 2I(S3
!@,P$HEE 2I(S3
!D%E(P1H 2I(S3
P$H%)11 DIST)%H 2SEA/E,TI$1 @I1E3
S$1$%H */!GET 2SEA/E,TI$1 @I1E3
.. Identify relevant code suort in t&e mainframe environment. T&ese le"acy data code
suort tables 0ill be utili'ed as Kmaster data7 in t&e S$P *usiness +are&ouse. Since code
suort relicates secific descritions as attributes of master data5 t&ese descritions may be
removed from t&e transaction 2fact3 tables. Some master data 0ill be date relevant. If master
data c&an"es5 t&is can be reflected in t&e *+ by a master data versionin" rocess.
?. Conduct introductory meetin"s 0it& le"acy data o0ners and mainframe data extractors to
discuss t&e data definitions and data formats. $n initial attemt 0ill be made to reare t&e
mainframe load files.
Ensure t&at t&e le"acy data can be modeled and formatted into a dimensional Kstar
sc&ema7 format
Ensure t&at t&e master data 2code suort3 is roerly date stamed
Ensure t&at t&e aroriate level of detail is modeled 0it&in t&e &ierarc&ical databases
2I(S5 !*.3
Identify ositive and ne"ative number interretation issues
Identify array situations
Identify cases of master data derivations 0it&in t&e le"acy data files
Identify calculated ;ey fields
Identify descrition fields t&at may be removed as a result of t&e utili'ation of code
suort for master data
Identify cases of master data and transaction data redundancy
Identify cases 0&ere a null vale is associated 0it& anot&er value 2&ence5 oulate t&e
field 0it& a K:73
-. Create subset 2e.". 1 year3 of transaction 2fact3 table files and all suortin" master data
2dimension3 files and load t&e subset into (icrosoft $ccess for E%!. !evelo data models
for eac& of t&e scenarios.
E. #alidate referential inte"rity bet0een tables and ensure t&e inte"rity of t&e transaction 2fact3
and master data 2dimension3 data in (icrosoft $ccess.
C. 1oad t&e test subset of data for eac& of t&e scenarios into t&e *+ develoment system.
Estimate t&e time to load t&e subset of data into *+ and si'e t&is load for t&e entire data file.
Estimate t&e si'e of t&e entire data file based on t&e subset loaded.
F. 1e"acy data o0ners5 o0er users5 and auditors to erform A>$ on t&e desi"n and 6uery
caabilities of t&e rototyed InfoCube 0it&in t&e *+. $dditional evaluation must ta;e
- 1E -
lace to determine if c&aracteristics or ;ey fi"ures exist 0it&in files t&at reside outside of t&e
secific InfoCubes.
Identify ;ey end users
Establis& ;ey reorts
Establis& most used data fields to facilitate t&e tec&nical utili'ation of navi"ation
Identify otential missin" data
Identify data cleansin" issues
- #iolation of business rules
- (ultile formats for t&e same data elements
- !ifferent meanin"s for t&e same code value
- @ield used for unintended data
- (issin" data5 null values
- Invalid data
- !ata outside t&e le"al domain
- Illo"ical combinations of data
- /nreasonable data
#alidate referential and record ;ey inte"rity
$udit t&e data loads
Identify inte"ration 0it&in ot&er data and evaluate t&e feasibility of mer"in" t&e data
Ensure t&at t&e Kto7 and Kfrom7 dates are alied to time sensitive master data
!efine a""re"ation re6uirements
!efine &ierarc&y re6uirements
!efine calculated ;ey fi"ure re6uirements
!efine formula re6uirements
!efine filterin" re6uirements
=. Create data main" document. T&e rimary objectives of t&e data main" document are:
Identify t&e source elements t&at ma;e u eac& transaction 2fact3 and master data
2dimension3 field
@inali'e t&e source and tar"et data formats and data tyes
Identify code conversions
<. )nce end user validation is comleted5 load t&e subset of t&e data into t&e *+ develoment
1:. #alidate referential inte"rity bet0een tables5 evaluate redundancy5 and ensure t&e inte"rity of
t&e transaction 2fact3 and master data 2dimension3 data.
11. Evaluate oortunities to create additional master data tables once all of t&e data &as been
loaded into t&e relational database model. T&is rocess 0ill be t&e final oortunity to drive
redundancy out of t&e transaction 2fact3 table.
- 1C -
Create t&e secifications for t&e full load of data into t&e *+ A>$ and *+ roduction
I7& (ata 6ccess an% Reporting Strategy
T&e data access comonent of t&e *+ roject 0ill be"in 0it& a t&orou"& understandin"
of t&e le"acy data and I(S database se"ments. )nce t&e initial information source identification
and data desi"n &as been comleted5 t&e le"acy data o0ners 0ill verify data content and
information access. /on comletion of t&e core set of reortin"5 strate"ic users 0ill be
identified and "ranted aut&ori'ation to create 6ueries. T&ese basic 6ueries 0ill t&en be rolled-out
to t&e end users as reort temlates.
S$P7s )1$P tool is called t&e *usiness Exlorer. T&e *usiness Exlorer 0ill be utili'ed
to enable t&e strate"ic user to create 6ueries and t&e end users to modify existin" reorts 2derived
from 6ueries3 and "enerate t&e outut to (icrosoft Excel. )nce t&e outut is "enerated in t&e
secial Excel 0or;s&eet5 t&e end user may erform additional )1$P functions 2drilldo0n5
drillacross5 add fields5 etcP3. ,on-S$P reort tools also exist. It is t&e osition of t&e *+ team
to utili'e t&e standard delivered *usiness Exlorer. )ver time5 as t&e core and extended team
"ain exerience 0it& t&e S$P *+ )1$P tool5 t&e /niversity 0ill be able to ma;e a more
informed decision about t&e ossibility of evaluatin" non-S$P )1$P solutions. $t t&at time t&e
issues of cost5 functionality tradeoffs5 and re6uired trainin" 0ill be assessed.
T&e format of secific le"acy reorts 0ill not be relicated in t&e exact le"acy format.
T&e "oal of t&e *+ and t&e *usiness Exlorer )1$P tool is to facilitate ad-&oc reortin" and
access to le"acy data.
- 1F -
Illustration o* Data !odeling+ ,ser -cceptance+ and 2uery De)elopment *or t#e Legacy "-P Data /are#ouse
1 Initial "coping
and Data Design
!enti"ication o"
so#rce systems
$en! #sers an! %& team'
E(planations o" key
!ata "iel!s
$en! #sers an! %& team'
Entity relations)ip
$%& team'
2 Initial Data Load into
t#e ./ .usiness
E0plorer and End
,ser -cceptance
Loa! s#+set o" !ata $1
year' into ,icroso"t -ccess
"or internal %& team
revie./ scenarios o" t)e
!i""erent !ata mo!els may
+e !evelope!
Loa! s#+set o" !ata into
t)e %&
0+tain si*no"" "rom
le*acy !ata o.ners/
veri"ication o" !ata
content an! !ata access
De)elopment o* 5ey
2ueries in ./ #sers to !evelop
initial 34 an! 5inancial
6#eries "or en! #ser
1 De)elopment o* End
,ser Training
nitial 6#eries an! en! #ser
reports to +e inte*rate!
into t)e trainin* plan
4 Rollout o* 5ey
2ueries as 6Report
Templates6 in ./
En! #ser access to
reportin* in t)e pro!#ction
%& +ase! on !e"ine!
I!ple!entation an% Rollout0
Strate"ic users 0ill develo broad-based 6ueries for t&e end users. T&e end users 0ill be able
to dynamically maniulate t&e reort temlates created from t&e 6ueries. !ue to t&e relatively
small number of D% reort users5 all D% reortin" 0ill be controlled at t&e level of InfoCube.
Since t&e user base for financial data is muc& lar"er5 t&e strate"ic user 0ill aut&or 6ueries and
rollout t&ose 6ueries to t&e reort 0riters. T&e strate"ic users 0ill aut&or 6ueries t&at exclude
sensitive fields and include relevant data for t&e reortin" audience.
Secific resonsibilities of t&e 6uery develoer 0ill include:
Imlementin" 6uery temlates
Imlementin" formulas
Imlementin" filters on c&aracteristics and ;ey fi"ures
Imlementin" calculated ;ey fi"ures 2subtotals5 rollus. etcP3
Establis&in" t&e aearance and layout of t&e reorts
#erifyin" t&e correlation bet0een security and data access desi"n
Confi"urin" 0or;boo; defaults 2end user reortin" of one or more 6ueries3
T&is &ase of t&e *+ roject 0ill establis& t&e data access and reortin" environment for
le"acy data only. T&e next &ase 0ill inte"rate t&e %>? comonent into t&e data 0are&ouse. In
t&e interim5 t&e %>? team7s secific reortin" re6uirements 0ill be"in to mi"rate to t&e *+ team.

#. $ut&ori'ation and Security Strate"y
Executie Su!!ary
Security Philosophy
T&e &iloso&y of security for t&e I%?IS system is to rovide ade6uate system controls 0&ile
allo0in" users access to t&e data t&ey need to do t&eir jobs. $ut&ori'ations are t&e rimary focus
of t&e security lan5 but necessary safe"uards must also be imlemented 0it& user I! and
ass0ord olicies.
Scope of 6reas 1oere%
*usiness +are&ouse 1e"acy 21*+3
6ctie LBW Syste!
$ut&ori'ations must be establis&ed 0it&in t&e $ctive *+ system to rovide access to all Duman
%esources and @inancial Cubes t&at are in scoe as determined by t&e $lication Teams.
T&e aut&ori'ations for t&e active 1*+ system 0ill be role-based.
- 1= -
In addition to t&e alication roles5 certain tec&nical roles must also be created:
%>? $dministrator
!ata *ase $dministrator
Security $dministrator
Del !es;
Production Suort
Business Warehouse 8BW:
T&e *usiness +are&ouse is divided into t0o &ases: 1e"acy *+ and I%?IS *+. Security for
t&e 1e"acy *+ is covered by t&is *luerint document5 and t&e I%?IS 0ill be defined at a later
T&e I%?IS *+ 0ill be defined in more detail at a later oint5 and aut&ori'ations 0ill be
determined at t&at time. @or no05 t&e aut&ori'ation &iloso&y for t&e I%?IS *+ is to follo0
closely t&e &iloso&y imlemented for t&e active I%?IS system.
Security for &ard0are5 )racle5 and /nix 0ill be suorted by t&e *asis team. T&e security team
0ill cover t&e %>? aut&ori'ations5 but some overla 0ill exist on aut&ori'ations for t&e %>? suer
users : S$PQ and !!IC. T&e *asis team 0ill be resonsible for securin" t&ese I!7s for any
system not related to roduction suort. T&e security administrator 0ill be resonsible for
securin" t&ese I!7s for t&e roduction system and clients>systems t&at exist for roduction
Policies an% Proce%ures
T&e Security Team &as5 as an on-"oin" tas;5 t&e develoment of a Security Policies and
Procedures document. Preliminary 0or; &as be"un on t&is document5 and 0or; is on "oin" to
"at&er t&e information for t&is document. T&e information t&at is rimarily available no0
includes t&e use of t&e ,etI!5 lo""in" rocedures for t&e %>? suer user accounts5 and ass0ord
standard.RR/t;Sa&t.RdetsR/tSaRSa$dminR*usiness +are&ouseR*usiness *luerintRTec&nical
EnvironmentRPass0ord Standards.doc
1*+ $ut&ori'ation Strate"y
*+ &as four basic areas t&at re6uire aut&ori'ation strate"y
- 1< -
1. $ut&ori'ation 0it&in t&e $dministrator +or;benc&
$ut&ori'ations in t&e admin 0or;benc& for A$ and Production 0ill be determined by t&e si'e
and roles of t&e on"oin" suort team. Initial aut&ori'ations 0ill be restricted to t&e core team
and t&e core team members 0ill receive t&e rofile SS%SS$11 for 0or;in" in t&e develoment
box. +&en t&e roject is comlete5 t&e !eveloment rofiles 0ill be adjusted to fit t&e role
assi"ned for on "oin" Production suort. %oles for t&e core team in roduction and A$ 0ill be
t&e roles t&ey 0ill be assi"ned for on-"oin" suort. Please see !ocument $ for su""ested team
.. %eortin" aut&ori'ations
%eortin" aut&ori'ations 0ill initially be divided by data source and t&erefore by cube. T&e
initial strate"y is to restrict strate"ic users to cubes in D% or cubes in @I . T&e strate"ic users in
D%5 for examle5 0ill only be able to aut&or 6ueries ori"inatin" from D% cubes. T&e strate"ic
user 0ill aut&or 6ueries t&at 0ill rovide many c&aracteristics and ;ey fi"ures and ma;e t&ose
available to t&e reort 0riters. T&e 6ueries 0ill be restricted in @I by user but in D% all users able
to execute a 6uery a"ainst a cube 0ill &ave access to all data in t&at cube. %eort 0riters 0ill
&ave t&e ability to alter t&e reort but not t&e ability to add ne0 c&aracteristics or ;ey fi"ures to
t&e reort. T&e exected result is t&at t&e strate"ic users 0ill aut&or 6ueries t&at exclude
sensitive fields and include relevant data for t&e reortin" audience. *alance level data 0ill be
available to all users and rovided by t&e strate"ic users to t&e reort 0riters. T&is 0ill serve to
secure sensitive data from t&e reort 0riters 0&ile rovidin" an oen and more maintainable
security strate"y.
?. $dministrative 2*asis 3 aut&ori'ations to maintain t&e *+ instance
$dministrative aut&ori'ations 0ill be t&e resonsibility of t&e basis team.
-. $ut&ori'ations on t&e %>? system re6uired to confi"ure *+ on t&e %>? latform
T&e first &ase of t&is roject 0ill be t&e loadin" of le"acy data to *+. Since t&is data 0ill not
be comin" from %>?5 no aut&ori'ation strate"y 0ill be re6uired for %>? at t&is time.
LBW Bser "e!plates 8Both (eeloper an% En% Bser:
T&e temlates for *+ user roles start 0it& SS%SS%5 t&e temlates for *+ user tas;s start 0it&
In *+ t&e follo0in" user roles are re-set and can be used as temlates for "eneratin" rofiles:
1. SS%SS%!E$! *+ role: *+ $dministrator 2develoment system3
- .: -
T&e tas; area of t&e *+ $dministrator in t&e develoment system covers5 amon" ot&er
t&in"s5 maintainin" t&e source system5 uloadin" (etadata5 executin" 6ueries for t&e
statistics InfoCube and maintainin" a""re"ates.

.. SS%SS%)P$! *+ role: *+ $dministrator 2roductive system3
T&e *+ $dministrator in t&e roductive system is mainly resonsible for maintainin" t&e
connection to t&e source system and executin" 6ueries for t&e statistics InfoCube.

?. SS%SS%!E() *+ role: (odeler 2develoment system3
T&e *+ (odeler in t&e develoment system 0or;s on t&e data model. It is resonsible
for desi"nin" t&e InfoCubes5 Info)bjects5 InfoSources and t&e data flo05 as 0ell as
definin" communication structures and transfer and udate rules.

-. SS%SS%)P)P *+ role: )erator 2roductive system3
T&e main tas; of t&e *+ )erator in t&e roductive system is to uload data from t&e
source system and monitor t&e results.

E. SS%SS%%E!E *+ role: %eortin" !eveloer 2develoment system3
T&e main tas; of t&e %eortin" !eveloer is to desi"n t&e 6ueries for t&e reorts you
0ant. It creates aut&ori'ation objects for t&ese reorts. It also creates c&annels for t&e
InfoCatalo" and assi"ns users to t&e c&annels.
C. SS%SS%%EP/ *+ role: %eortin" /ser
T&e %eortin" /ser executes 6ueries usin" t&e *Ex $naly'er and *Ex Exlorer.
Security for 1e"acy *+
T&e initial imlementation of t&e *usiness +are&ouse 0ill rovide access to t&e le"acy @inancial
and Duman %esources includin" t&e follo0in":
1ed"er 2account attributes and balances3
C&art 2account relations&is3
Purc&ase )rder
Purc&ase )rder Distory
#endors T Payees
Grant 2invoicin"3
Duman %esources
Emloyee !ata
- .1 -
Payroll Distory
Salary *ud"et Distory
Some of t&ese data sources are currently available for 6uery>reortin" to a small "rou of 8suer
users9 2.: L?:3 0&o access t&e data t&rou"& a number of different mec&anisms. (uc& of t&e
data is also available for in6uiry via t&e on-line I(S screens. T&e I(S screens rovide access to
aroximately 1C:: users.
(a;in" t&e le"acy data available in a standard format t&rou"& t&e 1e"acy *+ s&ould allo0 us to
rovide 6uery access to a lar"er "rou t&an t&e 8suer users.9 Do0ever5 0e anticiate t&e
number of users to be si"nificantly less t&an t&e number of I(S on-line users of t&e @inancial
and D% users. T&e number of users of t&e 1e"acy *+ is anticiated at .::-?:: users.
!ata-1evel Security
$n issue exists as &o0 best to enforce security a"ainst t&e 1e"acy *+. Currently5 a user must be
secifically attac&ed to t&e database in order to erform 6ueries a"ainst t&e le"acy data. T&ere is
no data-level security imosed uon t&is tye of access.
In order to imlement data-level security on t&e 1e"acy *+5 0e 0ould need to 0rite rocesses
t&at mimic our current le"acy security system. It 0ould be a si"nificant effort to 0rite t&ese
rocesses and 0ould "reatly increase t&e scoe of t&e 1e"acy *+ imlementation. In addition5
t&e le"acy security system re6uires at least 1.E @TE for maintenance. Even t&ou"& 0e 0ould be
dealin" 0it& a smaller number of users5 t&e effort to maintain aut&ori'ations to t&e 1e"acy *+
0ould be substantially increased 0it& t&e addition of data-level security.
Role-Base% Security
T&e roles for 1e"acy *+ security can be divided into t&ose 0&o need to access @inancial !ata
and t&ose 0&o need to access Duman %esources data. $lso5 roles s&ould be defined as eit&er
Auery !eveloers or %eort !eveloers. T&e Auery !eveloer 0ould be a 8suer user9 0&o
0ould be t&e ersons 0&o 0ould develo t&e actual 6ueries a"ainst t&e *+. T&ere s&ould be 1-.
Auery !eveloers er camus. T&e %eort !eveloers 0ould be t&e end-users 0&o 0ould
develo reorts a"ainst t&e data "enerated from t&e 6ueries. T&ere are .::-?:: users anticiated
for t&e 1e"acy *+.
+e anticiate four roles:
1. @inancial Auery !eveloer
.. Duman %esources Auery !eveloer
?. @inancial %eort !eveloer
-. Duman %esources %eort !eveloer
Sensitive !ata
(ost information ;et 0it&in t&e Duman %esources data sources is sensitive information. $lso5
t&ere are certain sensitive data items stored 0it&in t&e @inancial data. Examles include t&e
social security numbers of t&e resonsible erson and rincial investi"ator 0&ic& are
- .. -
maintained as art of account attributes. $not&er examle is t&e emloyee social security
number 0&ic& is used as a vendor number on emloyee travel reimbursements.
T&e /niversity t&en 0ill imlement security on t&e le"acy *+ solely via role-based security.
Imlementin" data-level security 0ould si"nificantly increase t&e scoe of t&e 1e"acy *+ and
t&e effort to maintain aut&ori'ations.
/sin" role-based security5 t&e @inancial 1e"acy data can be made available to colle"es and
deartments. T&e Duman %esources data must be made available on a limited basis to central
offices and desi"nated strate"ic users.
Since @inancial data 0ill be made available to a lar"er oulation t&an t&e Duman %esources
data5 t&ose sensitive data items 2suc& as t&ose listed above3 must be excluded by t&e Auery
!eveloers so as not to be available to t&e "eneral 1e"acy *+ user.
7I& 1hange Manage!ent an% "raining Strategy
T&e urose of t&e or"ani'ational c&an"e mana"ement comonent is to address t&e
or"ani'ational and &uman resource factors t&at imact t&e *+ imlementation5 t&ereby ensurin"
t&e timely success of t&e imlementation. )r"ani'ational c&an"e mana"ement includes a series
of c&an"e rocesses t&at allo0 t&e c&an"e team to mana"e or"ani'ational ris;5 accelerate t&e
imlementation5 and otimi'e or"ani'ational rocesses. T&ese or"ani'ational c&an"e
mana"ement rocesses ensure t&at t&e c&an"e team understands and mana"es t&e or"ani'ation7s
ercetions of and resonses to t&e c&an"es t&at 0ill occur as a result of *+ imlementation.
Secific issues include:
J Communicatin" t&e aut&ori'ations strate"y
J Communicatin" t&e reverse maer develoment of %>? to t&e le"acy *+ 2to be
assumed by t&e @inancials team3
J !etailin" t&e strate"y for loadin" balances into t&e le"acy *+
J Communicatin" t&e /niversity7s lon"-term reortin" strate"y for %>? and *+4 reort
coordination bet0een t&e *+ team and t&e %>? team
J Communicatin" t&e strate"y for end-user accetance testin"
J Process for ac6uirin" access
J $ccountin" for t&e modification of %>? structures in *+ 2&ase .3
T&e formal communications frame0or; in suort of t&e S$P imlementation 0ill be
assumed by t&e S$P %>? C&an"e (ana"ement team. T&is team 0ill be resonsible for
determinin" messa"e content5 definin" audiences5 levera"in" existin" communication met&ods
and mec&anisms5 and develoin" ne0 c&annels of communication across t&e or"ani'ation 0&ere
re6uired. Go&n Garrard 0ill be t&e *+ roject team liaison to t&e C&an"e (ana"ement.
- .? -
$ core ;no0led"e transfer team 0ill develo t&e ;no0led"e transfer rocesses.
Ino0led"e transfer identifies5 catures5 and levera"es information and exerience across
t&e or"ani'ation to form a continuous and cumulative learnin" rocess t&rou"&out t&e
S$P imlementation. T&e ;no0led"e transfer team 0ill serve as a centrali'ed resource
for roject learnin"5 ma;in" t&is ;no0led"e available to all t&ose involved in t&e
or"ani'ational c&an"e mana"ement effort t&rou"& a common set of tools and
alications. T&e ;no0led"e transfer rocess ensures t&at valuable exerience from bot&
internal and external sources is s&ared and efforts are not dulicated. T&e ;no0led"e
transfer comonent 0ill be led by Ed Go&nson.
)nce t&e c&an"e mana"ement frame0or; &as been establis&ed5 roject team trainin" 0ill
be develoed. $dditionally5 t&e end user trainin"5 documentation5 and trainin" rototye
strate"ies 0ill be formulated. T&e trainin" rototye 0ill be concetuali'ed in arallel 0it& t&e
develoment of t&e initial InfoCubes.
Trainin" for t&e *+ *usiness Exlorer reortin" tool 0ill be erformed internally by Ed
Go&nson. T&e C&an"e (ana"ement and Trainin" team 0ill investi"ate t&e otential to utili'e t&e
S$P Ino0led"e +are&ouse for end user trainin".
7II& "echnical Eniron!ent
1andscae and Client Strate"y
To define a detailed tec&nical infrastructure aroriate for a "iven S$P imlementation5 certain
S$P7s concets and rocedures for customi'in"5 testin"5 and C&an"e (ana"ement need to be
defined. +&ile t&e tec&nical infrastructure is bein" defined5 a fundamental 6uestion about t&e
number of %>? Systems to be used durin" t&e imlementation 0ill arise.
Prior to determinin" t&e %>? System deloyment5 client deloyment5 and C&an"e (ana"ement
strate"ies5 t&e follo0in" terminolo"y s&ould be defined:
System Landscape
T&e 1andscae consists of all %>? Systems 2Instances3 involved in t&e imlementation roject
and client arc&itectures t&at access 2or s&are3 a common transort directory.
R/3 System
$n %>? System consists of a central database server and t&e alication servers attac&ed to t&is
central server.
SAP System Identification
T&e S$P System Identification5 often referred to as t&e SAPSID, or SID5 is a uni6ue t&ree-
c&aracter code 28!E#95 8A$S95 and 8P%!93 t&at identifies t&e %>? System.
- .- -
$ client is a le"al and or"ani'ational entity in t&e %>? System 0&ose business mana"ement data
is rotected a"ainst unla0ful access. In addition5 a client:
Das its o0n set of user data.
Is a lo"ical system 0it& searate master records.
Das its o0n set of tables.
(et&ods in t&e %>? System 0it& 0&ic& S$P7s functionality is confi"ured and tailored to fit a
comany7s needs.
/tili'in" t&e S$P develoment tool set 2i.e.5 $*$P>- !eveloment +or;benc&5 %@C S!I5
$!I5 etc.3 to create S$P reorts5 interfaces5 conversion ro"rams5 and en&ancements.
R+, Lan%scape
Syste! 4a!es
T&e follo0in" system names may be found in ot&er S$P documentation. T&is section rovides a
cross-reference of t&e standard %>? terminolo"y and t&e System names used t&rou"&out t&is
S6P "echnical 4a!e Purpose
*+! Inte"ration !eveloment 2!E#3
*+A Consolidation Auality $ssurance 2A$S3
*+P %eciient or !elivery Production 2P%!3
"he BW Eniron!ents
(eelop!ent 8BW(:
$ll customi'in" and develoment 0or; is erformed in t&is system5 2see above3. )nce all t&e
c&an"es &ave been unit tested5 t&ese c&an"es can be transferred to t&e A$S system for furt&er
system testin". T&e customi'in" and develoment c&an"es are transorted usin" transort
Cuality 6ssurance 8BWC: 8i&e&, "esting an% "raining:
$fter unit testin" t&e customi'in" and develoment c&an"es in t&e !E# system5 t&e c&an"es are
transorted to t&e A$S system. Dere5 t&e confi"uration is furt&er tested and c&ec;ed to ensure
t&at it does not adversely affect ot&er modules. +&en t&e confi"uration &as been t&orou"&ly
tested in t&is system5 and si"ned off by t&e Auality $ssurance team5 it can be coied to ot&er
system clients and to t&e P%! system.
- .E -
Pro%uction 8BWP:
T&e P%! is t&e system t&at a comany uses for its roduction 0or;. T&is system contains t&e
comanyOs live data and 0&ere t&e real business rocesses are erformed. T&e ot&er systems in
t&e landscae must "uarantee t&at defective ro"rams or incorrect customi'in" confi"urations do
not affect t&e roduction 0or;.
1lient Roles
Every *+ system is initially installed 0it& t0o standard S$P clients. T&e role of t&ese clients is
described belo0:
::: S$P %eference
:CC S$P Early +atc& Service
T&e contents of client ::: contain or"ani'ation-secific and nonLor"ani'ation-secific settin"s
t&at can be used as a foundation for 0or;in" in t&e %>? system. Client :CC is used for Early
+atc& Services only5 and lo"ins are disabled.
1lient 4a!e (escription
1E: C/STI Customi'in">!eveloment
(aster 2I*+3
1FE C/ST1 Customi'in">!eveloment
(aster 21*+3
.E: ATSTI Auality $ssurance Testin" 2I*+3
.FE ATST1 Auality $ssurance Testin"
..: T%,GI End-user Trainin" 2I*+3
..E %SETI %efres& trainin" client 2I*+3
.?: T%,G1 End-user Trainin" 21*+3
.?E %SET1 %efres& trainin" client 21*+3
?E: P%)!I Production 2I*+3
?FE P%)!1 Production 21*+3
1lient 2<0+2><0 1usto!iDing+ (eelop!ent 81BS"I+L:
Customi'in" settin"s are made in t&e C/STI>1 client to create a rototye system. $ll
alication customi'in" is erformed in t&is client. $ll system develoment5 excet customer
develoment in a four-system landscae5 is erformed in t&is client. T&is is created by a client
coy from t&e S$P reference 2:::3.
T&is client is t&e source of most of t&e clients in t&e develoment5 6uality assurance5 and
roduction environments.
- .C -
Tis client !ill contain maste" and t"ansaction data used in te testing of te customizing
settings# Tis data is not "elia$le, as it may ave $een ente"ed and te customizing settings
su$se%uently alte"ed#
1lient 2<0+2><0 Cuality 6ssurance "esting 8C"S"I+L:
T&is client is used to test t&e customi'in" confi"uration c&an"es made in t&e C/ST client.
/nli;e t&e unit testin" erformed in t&e TEST client5 t&e testin" &ere is usually erformed by a
different team. T&is is created by a client coy from t&e S$P reference 2:::3.
!eendin" on t&e system landscae5 transorts of c&an"e re6uests are used to redistribute t&e
confi"uration from t&e C/ST client. T&is second level of testin" ensures t&at everyt&in" &as
been successfully transorted 2in multi-system landscaes3 and t&at it does not affect reviously
mi"rated c&an"es.
T&e Auality $ssurance team c&ec;s customi'in"5 develoment5 and S$P atc&es. )nce si"ned-
off5 t&ese atc&es can be imorted into t&e ot&er tar"et clients.
Coies of customi'in" c&an"es are moved &ere for system testin".
1lient 220+2,00 En%-user "raining 8"R4'I+L:
T&is is created by a client coy from t&e S$P reference 2:::3.
End-users are trained on t&e %>? functionality in t&is client.
%efres&es 0ill come from t&e %SET client on a eriodic basis.
1lient 22<+2,<0 "raining Reset Master 8RSE"I+L:
Contains a limited and 0ell documented master and transaction data test set. T&is client is used
to reset t&e T%,G client after eac& trainin" session4 resettin" all data bac; to ori"inal trainin"
data. T&is is created by a client coy from t&e S$P reference 2:::3.
)nce c&an"es &ave been tested and si"ned-off in t&e ATST client5 t&ey can t&en be imorted into
t&is client. Do0ever5 t&e source of t&e c&an"es is still t&e transort re6uests t&at 0ere ori"inally
exorted from t&e C/ST client.
1lient ,<0+,><0 Pro%uction 8PR.(I+L:
T&e P%)! client is used for t&e roductive oeration of t&e confi"ured %>? System. T&is is
created by a client coy from t&e S$P reference 2:::3.
- .F -
)nce t&e entire customi'in" confi"uration &as been transorted from t&e C/ST client and all
rorietary develoment 0or; &as been mi"rated to t&e P%)! system5 it is time to load t&e data.
*efore roduction 0or; be"ins5 t&e system must be loaded 0it& master5 transaction5 and
&istorical data. T&is data must be eit&er manually entered or coied from t&e old system usin" t&e
%>? data transfer rocedures.
!ata transfer rocedures 0ill &ave been reviously tested in a client on A$S5 but t&e final run to
load t&e roduction data 0ill be made in t&e P%)! client.
Te t"anspo"t of customizing configu"ation, p"op"ieta"y developments, and modifications sould
$e to"ougly tested $efo"e $eing copied to te PR&D system#
&nly app"oved configu"ation canges and developments sould $e impo"ted f"om te C'ST
client# Te canges must ave $een p"eviously signed(off $y te )uality Assu"ance team afte"
$eing tested in te )TST client#
S6P BW "ransport Manage!ent Syste!
T&e S$P *+ Transort (ana"ement system 2formerly t&e Correction and Transort System3
rovides otions for data transfer bet0een and 0it&in %>? Systems. T&e tool can be used5 for
examle5 to transort tuned and tested customi'in" settin"s bet0een systems and clients.
T&e inte"ration of t&e Transort (ana"ement System 0it& customi'in" ensures t&at only
individual table entries are transorted5 so t&at no unintentional transfer of test data 0ill occur.
/sin" transort re6uests and customi'in" settin"s5 develoment 0or; develoed in a searate
!E# system can be automatically recorded in c&an"e re6uests and t&en transorted into a 6uality
assurance client and t&en into a roduction client. )nce t&e c&an"e re6uest &as been released
from t&e source system5 it becomes a transort re6uest.
If you do not 0ant to record every c&an"e in a system 2e.". in a test client35 t&e recordin" of
customi'in" settin"s can be activated or deactivated for eac& client.
See t&e document belo0 for &ard0are details concernin" t&e landscae strate"y
Business Warehouse
T&ere 0ill be t0o searate *usiness +are&ouse installations for t&e I%IS5 one to serve as a
business 0are&ouse for le"acy data and one to &ouse t&e data from t&e %>? system. T&e business
0are&ouse for t&e le"acy system7s data 0ill be imlemented before t&e business 0are&ouse for
t&e %>? data. T&e entire business 0are&ouses 0ill be imlemented in . systems 0it& - instances
in t&e develoment>6uality assurance system and t0o instances in t&e roduction system.
- .= -
T&e follo0in" fi"ure illustrates t&e business 0are&ouse system landscae. T&e fi"ure s&o0s t&e
transort layers for t&e business 0are&ouses.
Figure 1 Business Warehouse
Syste! Re9uire!ents for Business Warehouse
BW (eelop!ent+C6 BW Pro%uction
?ar%)are DF: S=:
$IB -.?.? $IB -.?.?
Me!ory 1 G* - G*
(is* Storage .:: G* .:: G*
S6P R+, -.C* -.C*
SI( 1*!5 1*A5 *+!5 *!A 1*P5 *+P
?ost 4a!e
(ata/ase )racle =.1.E )racle =.1.E
"ransport Manage!ent Proce%ures 8"MS:
T&e follo0in" stes describe 0&at needs to be done 0&en roject members are ma;in" c&an"es
0it&in S$P usin" t&e Project I(G and t&e +or;benc& )r"ani'er.
1. T&e team lead for a business rocess 0ill determine t&e scoe of a c&an"e re6uest5 create t&e
c&an"e re6uest in t&e customi'in"> develoment client and assi"n tas;s to t&e aroriate
team members 2initially t&is activity 0ill be erformed by t&e basis team3.
Tas;s are situated at a lo0er level t&an c&an"e re6uests
Hou need to create t&e ri"&t aut&ori'ations for security objects SST%$,SP%T
Customi'ation activities may re6uire multile attemts to create successful results
.. +&en customi'ation results are successful in t&e develoment client
- .< -
8T 9et.ork
En! 8ser:s &orkstation
Savin" t&e c&an"es 0ill automatically romt t&e user to select t&e aroriate c&an"e
re6uest to 0&ic& t&is modification s&ould be included.
)bjects bein" modified are loc;ed exclusively for t&is re6uest. )t&er users 0&o do not
&ave a tas; in t&e c&an"e re6uest cannot c&an"e t&e object.
?. $s roject members comlete t&e customi'in" activities assi"ned to t&em 2tas;s35 t&ey
release t&eir o0n tas; to t&e c&an"e re6uest.
T&e object loc;s in t&e tas; are coied to t&e arent c&an"e re6uest
%eleasin" t&e tas; dislays a maintenance screen for enterin" documentation about t&e
0or; erformed in t&is tas;
-. )nce c&an"e re6uests &ave been tested and aroved 2si"ned off by t&e business o0ner35 a
business roject lead 0ill release t&e aroriate c&an"e re6uests for transort to t&e A$>
Inte"ration System. T&e objects 0it&in t&e c&an"e re6uest are exorted out of t&e system and
stored in a file at t&e oeratin" level.
E. $n e-mail 0ill be sent to t&e 8sa admins9 re6uestin" t&e c&an"e re6uest to be transorted
into Auality $ssurance.
C. T&e T(S administrator 2basis team member3 issues 8load UVVVVW9 command at t&e
oeratin" system level to execute t&e imort.
T&e administrator also coies all c&an"e re6uests to t&e %efres& client 2Trainin"3 usin"
transaction SCC1. T&is is to sync&roni'e t&e refres& trainin" client 0it& t&e develoment>
customi'in" client.
$lso5 t&e c&an"e re6uest 0ill be transorted to t&e testin" client on t&e Testin">
Consolidation System for system testin" 0&en aroriate.
F. T&e above mentioned stes 0ill be follo0ed to transort t&e c&an"e re6uest into Production.
- ?: -
"ransport Manage!ent process flo)
@i"ure .: Transort (ana"ement rocess flo0
Bac*up an% Recoery Strategy
T&is document describes t&e current )racle S$P *+ bac;u strate"y. T&ere are . /nix servers
t&at ma;e u t&e *+ landscae. T&e strate"y for eac& is described belo0. $lso5 a brief
descrition of t&e bac;u tool is rovided and a sc&edule for all bac;us. T&is sc&edule or t&e
fre6uency of bac;us may c&an"e as 0e imlement delta udates.
Bac*up Btility .erie)
T&e bac;u tool for S$P *+ is a combination of t&e S$P delivered tool and t&e I*( roduct5
$!S(. S$P delivers a utility called sadba 0it& eac& instance of S$P. T&is tool rovides
bac;u and recovery functionality. Interfaces allo0 t&e bac;us to be 0ritten directly to $!S(.
$ll bac;us are sc&eduled in $!S(. T&e ossible use of t&e interface from sadba to )racle7s
%($, 2recovery mana"er3 0ill be investi"ated.
Bac*up Sche%ule
"ue We% "hu
3ri Sat Sun
*+! *+ !ev b0dev D5$ D5$ D5$ D5$ D5$ $5C5* D5$
*+A *+ A$ b0dev D5$ D5$ D5$ D5$ D5$ $5C5* D5$
- ?1 -
Team 1eader
Creates C&an"e %6st and
assi"ns Team (embers
Team (embers
Team (embers
release tas;2s3
Team 1eader
Team 1eader comletes
C&an"e %6st form for
transortin" and sends e-mail
to 8sa admins9
*asis Team
"evie!s CR fo"m
+ scedules
*asis Team
sends an e(mail
to te t"anspo"t
*+P *+ Prod b0rd D5$ D5$ D5$ D5$ D5$ $5C5* D5$
1 E 1ol% Bac*up ? E ?ot Bac*up 6 E 6rchie Bac*up B E Binaries Bac*up
4a!ing Stan%ar%s an% 1onentions
$ "lossery of terms used in t&e *usiness +are&ouse environment is rovided in
$endix $. ,amin" standards and conventions for /T7s 1*+ are resented in $endix *.
LBW Pass)or% Stan%ar%s
Bser I%s
T&e /niversity 0ill adot t&e ,etI! standards for t&e I%?IS I!. T&is I! is roosed to be a
"lobal I! for all /niversity systems. T&e format of t&is ass0ord is t&e user7s first initial5 u to
F bytes of t&e last name5 and a number5 if needed5 to ma;e it uni6ue. T&e total len"t& of t&e I!
0ill be maximum of = bytes.
(inimum 1en"t&
T&e existin" standard for ass0ords re6uires a minimum len"t& of C. %>? re6uires a minimum
len"t& of ?5 but t&e minimum len"t& settin" can be c&an"ed u to a maximum of =. I%?IS 0ill be
confi"ured to &ave a minimum ass0ord len"t& of C5 to matc& t&e /niversity standard.
%e6uired Pass0ord %eset
/niversity standards re6uire t&e ass0ord to be reset every C. days. *ase %>? does not re6uire
t&e ass0ord to be reset5 but can be confi"ured to re6uire a ass0ord reset. I%?IS 0ill re6uire a
ass0ord reset every C. days. %>? allo0s a user to reset t&eir ass0ord only once a day.
T&e /niversity currently restricts ass0ord resets so t&at t&e ass0ord may not be c&an"ed bac;
to any of a user7s revious C ass0ords. %>? restricts resets to t&e revious E ass0ords5 and t&is
is a fixed settin".
Pass0ord #alues
T&e /niversity currently restricts ass0ord values . . . . .
%>? laces t&e follo0in" restrictions on ass0ord values:
@irst byte may not be X 2exclamation oint3 or Y 26uestion mar;3
- ?. -
$ sace c&aracter is not allo0ed in t&e first ? bytes
T&e first t&ree bytes may not be identical
T&e first t&ree bytes may not aear in t&e same se6uence in t&e /ser I!
T&e ass0ord may not be P$SS or S$PQ 2Q is a 0ildcard limitin" any use of S$P
any0&ere 0it&in t&e ass0ord3
In addition5 a customi'ed 8loc;out list9 may be develoed to ro&ibit t&e use of certain
0ords>terms. T&e terms may include Q 2asteris;3 and Y 26uestion mar;3 as 0ildcard values. T&e
asteris; desi"nates any se6uence and number of c&aracters. T&e 6uestion mar; desi"nates a
sin"le c&aracter. Some su""estions for loc;out terms are:
%>? allo0s for any ;eyboard c&aracter to be used in a ass0ord. T&e only excetions are as
noted above 0it& t&e exclamation oint and 6uestion mar; 2first byte3 and sace c&aracter 2first
t&ree bytes3.
%>? ass0ords are not case-sensitive.
#III. )t&er Issues
$ rincial remainin" issue is t&e need to address a facility for non-S$P /niversity
systems 2camus based student systems for examle3 to &ave referential access to c&art of
accounts data and ayroll emloyment status data for t&e routine validation of active account
numbers5 account attributes5 emloyment status5 demo>bio information and distribution accounts.
T&e strate"y roosed to rovide t&is facility is by means of t&e I%IS *usiness
+are&ouse 2I*+3. Plans call for t&e I*+ to be refres&ed 2via incremental udates3 on a
ni"&tly basis. T&e I*+ 0ill contain all data needed for camus and non-S$P system referential
access. It is roosed t&at extractions of t&is data from t&e I*+ be erformed as needed -
subject to aroriate aut&entication and aut&ori'ation - and referential data do0n-loaded as
needed to non-S$P server data bases t&at could5 in turn5 be referenced interactively by camus
and ot&er non-S$P systems.
T&e issue 0it& re"ard to t&e 1*+ effort is t&at t&is facility of t&e I*+ roject must be
fully secified and oulated5 test InfoCubes made available early in t&e overall I%IS roject L
robably no later t&an t&e end of Guly L so t&at t&ose IT staff adatin" t&e /niversity7s non-S$P
- ?? -
systems for co-existence and inter-oerability 0it& t&e I%IS S$P system &ave secific
information and a test environment 0it& 0&ic& to 0or;.
$ second imortant issue is t&e disosition of le"acy data not lanned for inclusion in t&e
1*+. T&ese data fall into t&ree cate"ories: data t&at must continue to be sustained by non-
S$P systems5 data t&at may be arc&ived for lon" term reservation but t&at need not be readily
accessible for rocessin"5 and data t&at may be abandoned 0it& t&e eventual removel of t&e I*(
mainframe 2currently rojected to be at least ? years out3. $dditional 5 but non ur"ent5 analysis
and lannin" 0ill be re6uired to address t&is issue follo0in" t&e imlementation of I%IS5 1*+
and I*+.
- ?- -
$endix $
*+ Glossary
6%!inistrator Wor*/ench
T&e $dministrator +or;benc& is t&e tool t&at you use to control &o0 t&e data "ets from t&e
source systems into t&e InfoCubes of t&e *usiness Information +are&ouse. T&e arts of t&e
$dministrator +or;benc& t&at you 0ill need for t&e re6uestin" and mana"in" of t&e data include:
Source system5 InfoSource5 InfoCube5 Info)bject5 Sc&eduler5 and (onitor.
Business Explorer
T&e S$P *usiness Information +are&ouse reortin" tool.
In t&e *usiness Exlorer $naly'er 2*Ex $naly'er3 you define 6ueries5 t&at are based on a
selection of c&aracteristics and ;ey fi"ures 2Info)bjects3 or of redefined 6uery temlates of an
InfoCube. Hou analy'e t&e selected InfoCube data by navi"atin" in t&e 6uery5 0&ere you
"enerate different vie0s of t&e data. Hou save t&e 6ueries in 0or;boo;s and can assi"n t&ese to
one or more c&annels.
/sin" t&e *usiness Exlorer *ro0ser 2*Ex *ro0ser3 you access 0or;boo;s5 t&at are assi"ned to
you in c&annels. Hou select t&e 0or;boo;s 0it& 0&ic& you 0is& to 0or;. Hou mana"e t&ose
0or;boo;s 0it& 0&ic& you 0or; fre6uently in your favorites.
$ criterion to 0&ic& data can be selected suc& as comany code5 roduct5 material5 customer
"rou5 fiscal year5 eriod or re"ion.
C&aracteristics rovide classification ossibilities for t&e dataset. T&e master data encomasses
t&e ermitted values of a c&aracteristic5 t&e so-called c&aracteristic values. C&aracteristic values
are discrete names. T&e c&aracteristic re"ion could5 for examle5 &ave t&e values Z,ort&Z5
ZCentralZ and ZSout&Z.
(ata Extraction
T&e rocess of loadin" data from source systems into t&e *+ for reortin".
(ata Mapping
T&e rocess of assi"nin" source system data elements to tar"et data elements in t&e !ata
(ata "ransfor!ation
T&e rocess of modifyin" data for accuracy and comleteness in *+. Transformations t&at are
derived from business rules can be alied to elementary data in *+ to reare it for end-user
- ?E -
(ata Warehouse
$ database t&at contains summari'ed data from transactional data found in t&e )1TP system2s35
le"acy system2s3 or ot&er sources. T&e data store in t&e *+ is desi"ned for t&e efficient retrieval
of data and for decision suort reortin". T&e data are or"ani'ed by subject area5 and t&e data
are time deendent. T&e data store contains fi"ured 6uantities and dimensional data.
(i!ension "a/le
$ table in a star sc&ema 0it& a sin"le art rimary ;ey 2e.".5 customer ;ey5 roduct ;ey5 time
3act "a/le
T&e fact table is at t&e center of t&e star sc&ema of an InfoCube. T&e data art contains all ;ey
fi"ures 2also called Z@actsZ3 of t&e InfoCube and t&e ;ey is formed by lin;s to t&e entries of t&e
dimensions of t&e InfoCube.
C&annel for 0or;boo;s 0it& 0&ic& a user 0or;s fre6uently. /sers can coy 0or;boo;s 0it&
0&ic& t&ey fre6uently 0or; from t&e c&annels into t&eir favorites. /sers mana"e t&eir favorites
t&emselves and can individually name or "rou t&eir content. /sers can save modified or ne0
0or;boo;s in t&eir favorites.
T&is is a tree-li;e structure in t&e $dministrator +or;benc& t&at dislays *usiness Information
+are&ouse 0or;boo;s and 6ueries. T&e various InfoCatalo" trees contain 0or;boo;s t&at S$P
delivers5 0or;boo;s t&at can be used in an enterrise5 0or;boo;s t&at are used by certain user
"rous5 0or;boo;s t&at an individual user is allo0ed to use5 and @avorite 0or;boo;s 2user
favorites35 t&at a user &as ut to"et&er. T&e structure of t&e sub-trees can be freely defined by t&e
administrator. $ user accesses &is or &er 6ueries of t&e InfoCatalo" usin" t&e *usiness Exlorer
T&is is t&e central data container for 6ueries and evaluations. InfoCubes contain t0o tyes of
data5 namely ;ey fi"ures and c&aracteristics.
$n InfoCube is a number of relational tables5 0&ic& are ut to"et&er accordin" to t&e star
sc&ema: a lar"e fact table in t&e center5 surrounded by several dimension tables. T&e fact table is
set u in order to save all ;ey fi"ures on t&e lo0est level of detail 0&ile t&e dimension tables are
used to save t&e c&aracteristics t&at are re6uired bot& in reortin" and in t&e evaluations of t&ese
;ey fi"ures. !imension tables are seen as bein" indeendent of one anot&er. )nly t&e fact table
connects t&e dimensions 0it& t&e ;ey fi"ures. T&erefore all of t&e data is stored multi-
dimensionally in t&e InfoCubes.
Generic term in t&e *usiness Information +are&ouse for c&aracteristics and ;ey fi"ures.
Info)bjects are used in InfoCubes and t&e t&ree structures relevant for t&e data re6uest 2extract
structure5 transfer structure and communication structure3.
- ?C -
,ames for Info)bjects can only be "iven once.
+it&in t&e c&aracteristic a distinction is made bet0een time and unit c&aracteristics. Examles
for c&aracteristics 0ould be evaluation "rous suc& as cost center or roduct "rou.
Iey fi"ures are currency5 6uantity or number fields suc& as sales revenue5 revenue or number of
emloyees. Iey fi"ures usually refer to unit Info)bjects.
T&is describes 0&ic& data in an InfoSource s&ould be re6uested from a source system. T&erefore5
t&e data can be recisely selected usin" selection arameters 2for examle5 only controllin" area
::1 in eriod 1:.1<<F3.
$n InfoPac;a"e can re6uest transaction data or attributes or &ierarc&ies for master data.
$n InfoSource is a 6uantity of information for a unit. T&is information &as been "roued
to"et&er and can be said to belon" to"et&er lo"ically from a business oint of vie0. InfoSources
can eit&er contain transaction data or master data 2attributes5 texts5 and &ierarc&ies3. $n
InfoSource is al0ays a 6uantity of Info)bjects.
Fey 3igure
#alues or 6uantities suc& as sales revenue5 fixed costs5 sales 6uantity or number of emloyees.
In addition to t&e ;ey fi"ures saved on t&e database5 t&ere is a ossibility of definin" derived
2calculated3 ;ey fi"ures in t&e 6uery definition in t&e *usiness Exlorer. Suc& ;ey fi"ures are
calculated usin" a formula from t&e ;ey fi"ures of t&e InfoCube. Examles of derived ;ey
fi"ures are sales revenue er emloyee 2sales revenue divided by number of emloyees35 or
variance as a ercenta"e or t&e contribution mar"in.
Master (ata
T&is is data t&at remains unc&an"ed over a lon" eriod of time. (aster data contains information
t&at is needed a"ain and a"ain in t&e same 0ay.
Meta (ata
(eta data is data about data. T&is means t&at meta data describes t&e ori"in5 &istory and furt&er
asects of t&e data. T&e information t&at is stored in t&e S$P *usiness Information +are&ouse
can be effectively used for reortin" and analysis via t&e meta data.
T&ere are different classes of meta data: tec&nical or business-oriented.
(onitorin" tool of t&e $dministrator +or;benc&. /sin" t&e (onitor you can oversee t&e data
re6uest and rocessin" in t&e $dministrator +or;benc&. Hou 0ill be s&o0n t&e status of t&e I!oc
rocessin" in t&e various levels of t&e detail dislay. $ distinction is made bet0een t0o tyes of
I!oc: !ata I!oc and Info I!oc.
- ?F -
)n-1ine $nalytical Processin" 2)1$P3 is soft0are t&at is used to analy'e summari'ed )n-1ine
Transaction Processin" 2)1TP3 data. )1$P allo0s multidimensional vie0s and analysis of t&at
data for decision suort rocesses.
)n-1ine Transaction Processin" 2)1TP3 is used for oerational data e.". data in t&e %>?
.perational (ata Store
T&e )erational !ata Store 2)!S3 is an inte"rated database t&at contains a coy of extracted
data from source systems.
Pri!ary Fey
Iey field or "rou of fields 0&ic& form t&e uni6ue identification of a record 2a line3 in a table.
Collection of a selection of c&aracteristics and ;ey fi"ures 2Info)bjects3 for t&e analysis of t&e
data of an InfoCube. $ 6uery al0ays refers to exactly one InfoCube5 0&ereas you can define as
many 6ueries as you li;e er InfoCube.
Hou define a 6uery by selectin" Info)bjects or redefined 6uery temlates of an InfoCube and
distributin" t&em to filters5 ro0s5 columns and free 2user-defined or drilldo0n3 c&aracteristics to
create a vie0 of t&e data. Hou insert t&e 6uery in a 0or;boo; and can t&en create furt&er vie0s of
t&e InfoCube data via navi"ation. Hou can save data for t&e current navi"ational state of t&e
6uery in t&e 0or;boo;.
Relational Integrity
T&e observation of inte"rity rules "overnin" t&e relational data model. T&ese include rimary
;ey inte"rity5 value ran"e inte"rity5 and forei"n ;ey inte"rity 2referential inte"rity3.
T&e Sc&eduler is t&e nexus bet0een t&e source systems and t&e InfoCubes. +it& t&e Sc&eduler
you determine 0&ic& data is to be re6uested from t&e source system and at 0&ic& oint in time.
T&e rincile of t&e Sc&eduler relies on t&e functionality of t&e %>? bac;"round job. T&e data
re6uest can eit&er be started at once or 0it& a bac;"round job and automatically at a later date.
Source Syste!
$ll systems t&at are available in t&e *usiness Information +are&ouse for data extraction. T&ese
can be S$P %>? Systems 2from %elease ?.:!3 and so-called external systems 2for examle5 so-
called t&ird arty tools or files3.
Star Sche!a
$ data structure t&at combines fact tables and dimension tables in a 0ay t&at rovides easy and
efficient access to t&e data.
- ?= -
6ppen%ix B
Object Naming Conventions for Business Warehouse
(Version 0.1)
- ?< -
GE,E%$1 C),#E,TI),S $,! G/I!I,G P%I,CIP1ES..................................................................................-1
,$(I,G ST$,!$%!S *H )*GECT THPE......................................................................................................-.
Application Component ,InfoSou"ce -"oup.#########################################################################################/0
Info&$2ect Catalog#################################################################################################################################//
InfoSou"ce ,T"ansactional.####################################################################################################################/4
Sou"ce System#########################################################################################################################################/5
Routine ,A*AP fo" T"ansfe" o" 'pdate Rules.######################################################################################/6
- -: -
T&e namin" conventions resented in t&is document aly to t&e I*( Personal Systems
Grou7s imlementation of S$P7s *usiness Information +are&ouse 2*+3. (ost of t&e
objects described reside on t&e *+ system4 ot&ers reside on t&e S$P %>? )n-1ine
Transaction Processin" 2)1TP3 system t&at serves as a data source for *+.
@or simlicity5 t&e terms tecnical name and desc"iptive la$el are used t&rou"&out t&is
document to refer to t&e t0o tyes of names common to most *+ objects. Tecnical name
refers to t&e internal object identifier used to trac; objects 0it&in *+. T&e desc"iptive la$el
is a more descritive name most commonly dislayed to users of t&e object. T&e actual terms
or field labels used 0it&in *+ for t&ese t0o name tyes varies by object tye.
'eneral 1onentions an% 'ui%ing Principles
Te Leading 89:; T&e tec&nical name for all custom objects created for t&e BBBB
imlementation s&ould be"in 0it& a 8[9. T&e leadin" 8[9 serves to differentiate t&ese
objects from re-defined *+ objects rovided by S$P5 0&ic& be"in 0it& a 8:9 2'ero3.
Tempo"a"y <on(P"oduction &$2ects; T&e namin" conventions in t&is document are
intended for *+ objects t&at exist in t&e roduction environment5 or are bein" develoed
for eventual inclusion in t&e roduction environment. T&e tec&nical name for temorary
objects created for exerimentation5 informal testin"5 or trainin" s&ould be"in 0it& t&e
c&aracters 8[[95 follo0ed by t&e initials of t&e develoer creatin" t&e object. 2Examle:
[[%*S($TE%I$1 is an accetable tec&nical name for a temorary material Info)bject
created by a develoer 0it& t&e initials %*.3 T&is serves to differentiate suc& objects
from roduction-destined objects5 and forces t&em to t&e bottom of al&abetically sorted
ic; lists. *eyond t&is refix5 temorary objects can be named at t&e develoer7s
discretion5 alt&ou"& t&e remainin" conventions in t&is document may rovide some
useful su""estions.
Sepa"ation of P"efi= and Desc"ipto"; T&e conventions for object tec&nical names secify
a refix consistin" of one or more restricted c&aracters 2deendin" on t&e object tye3
follo0ed by a more freeform strin" of descrition text. T&e tec&nical name refix and
descritor s&ould be searated 0it& an 8S9 2underscore3. T&is underscore searator is not
re6uired for descritive labels.
&$2ect Type Denotion; *+ objects are tyically vie0ed 0it&in t&e context of t&eir o0n
object tye5 ma;in" it "enerally unnecessary to denote t&e object tye 0it&in t&e object
names. Given t&is5 and limits on name len"t&5 t&e conventions rarely secify inclusion of
object tye information in t&e names.
- -1 -
SAP *usiness Content &$2ects; S$P re-defined *+ objects 2collectively referred to as
S$P *usiness Content3 0ill not be renamed unless t&ey are customi'ed5 and in some
cases even customi'ed *usiness Content objects 0ill retain t&eir ori"inal names so as not
to invalidate deendent objects.
4a!ing Stan%ar%s /y ./ject "ype
6pplication 1o!ponent 8InfoSource 'roup:
Tec&nical ,ame
(ax 1en"t&: ?:
Prefix: Position 1: [ L custom object
!escritor: @reeform. /se abbreviation of corresondin" %>?
alication comonent if alicable.
!escritive 1abel
(ax 1en"t&: C:
Prefix: ,one
!escritor: @reeform. /se name of corresondin" %>?
alication comonent if alicable.
Tec&nical ,ame !escritive 1abel
[SS! Sales and !istribution
[SC)P$ Profitability $nalysis
Tec&nical ,ame
(ax 1en"t&: ?:
Prefix: Position 1: [ L custom object
!escritor: @reeform. /se abbreviation of corresondin" %>?
alication comonent if alicable.
!escritive 1abel
(ax 1en"t&: ?:
Prefix: ,one
!escritor: @reeform. /se name of corresondin" %>?
alication comonent if alicable.
Tec&nical ,ame !escritive 1abel
[SS! Sales and !istribution
- -. -
[SC)P$ Profitability $nalysis
Tec&nical ,ame
(ax 1en"t&: 1:
Prefix: Position 1: [ L custom object
!escritor: @reeform. Include abbreviation of corresondin"
%>? alication comonent if alicable.
!escritive 1abel
(ax 1en"t&: C:
Prefix: ,one
!escritor: @reeform. Include name of corresondin" %>?
alication comonent if alicable.
Tec&nical ,ame !escritive 1abel
[SCC$SS/( Cost Center $ccountin": Summari'ed
[SCC$ST%B Cost Center $ccountin": Transactional
It is believed t&at most &ierarc&ies 0ill be ulled from an %>? source system5 and
t&erefore *+ 0ill in&erit t&e &ierarc&y names and descritions t&at exist in %>?. If t&e
need arises to create ne0 *+-only &ierarc&ies5 any existin" %>? &ierarc&y namin"
conventions s&ould be follo0ed 2currently none3.
Tec&nical ,ame
(ax 1en"t&: ?:
Prefix: Position 1: [ - custom object
Position .: I - internal5 comrised of %>? data
E L external5 comrised of non-%>?
!escritor: @reeform. S&ould &ave some consistency 0it& t&e
name of t&e corresondin" data comonent2s3 in t&e
source system.
!escritive 1abel
(ax 1en"t&: C:
- -? -
Prefix: ,one
!escritor: @reeform. S&ould describe t&e data contents.
Tec&nical ,ame !escritive 1abel
[ISE(P1)HEE Emloyee
2sourced from %>? E(P1)HEE data element3
[ESSE11P%ICE Sellin" Price
2sourced from Global Sales System SE11I,G
data element3
Info./ject 1atalog
Tec&nical ,ame
(ax 1en"t&: ?:
Prefix: Position 1: [ - custom object
!escritor: @reeform. If ossible5 simly add a descritive
extension to t&e end of t&e arent Info$rea tec&nical
!escritive 1abel
(ax 1en"t&: C:
Prefix: @ull or abbreviated name of arent Info$rea
follo0ed by 8:9 2colon3.
!escritor: @reeform. !ifferentiate t&e sub"rouin" of
Info)bjects from ot&er sub"rouin"s 0it&in arent
Tec&nical ,ame !escritive 1abel
2arent Info$rea is
Personnel $dministration: Iey @i"ures
2arent Info$rea is Personnel $dministration3
Tec&nical ,ame is system-assi"ned.
- -- -
!escritive 1abel
(ax 1en"t&: C:
Prefix: ,one
!escritor: @reeform. Indicate udate tye 2full5 delta3 and
scoe as aroriate.
Tec&nical ,ame !escritive 1abel
2system assi"ned3 @ull udate emloyee master
2system assi"ned3 !elta udate related CC$ cubes
InfoSource 8"ransactional:
Tec&nical ,ame
(ax 1en"t&: ?:
Prefix: Position 1: [ - custom object
Position .: I L from internal 2%>?3 source
E L from external 2non-%>?3 source
!escritor: @reeform. Include an abbreviated reference to t&e
sourcin" %>? comonent or external system5 alon"
0it& an abbreviated descrition of data content.
!escritive 1abel
(ax 1en"t&: C:
Prefix: ,one
!escritor: @reeform. Include a reference to t&e sourcin" %>?
comonent or external system5 alon" 0it& a
descrition of data content.
Tec&nical ,ame !escritive 1abel
[ISS!S!E1I# Sales and !istribution: !eliveries
2delivery data from %>? Sales and !istribution3
[ESGSSS$CTS1S GSS $ctual Sales
2actual sales data from Global Sales System3
- -E -
Tec&nical ,ame
(ax 1en"t&: ?:
Prefix: Position 1: [ - custom object
Position .: , L non-variable 6uery
# L variable 6uery re6uirin" user
!escritor: @reeform. $bbreviated descrition of t&e data
returned by t&e 6uery.
!escritive 1abel
(ax 1en"t&: C:
Prefix: ,one
!escritor: @reeform. !escrition of t&e data returned by t&e
Tec&nical ,ame !escritive 1abel
Plan Sales by Product
2includes Cost Center
Cost Center (ont&ly Exenses
Source Syste!
@or %>? source systems5 t&e otions to &ave names system-"enerated s&ould be selected. T&e resultin"
tec&nical name 0ill be of t&e fo"mat >system id?:CL<T:>client n$"? and t&e descritive label of t&e
format >system id? Client >client n$"?# Examle: G*PC1,T1::5 G*P Client 1::.
T&e follo0in" conventions aly to t&e namin" of external 2non-%>?3 sources.
Tec&nical ,ame
(ax 1en"t&: 1:
Prefix: Position 1: [ - custom object5 external system
!escritor: @reeform. Source system name or abbreviation.
!escritive 1abel
(ax 1en"t&: -:
Prefix: ,one
!escritor: @reeform. Source system name.
- -C -
Tec&nical ,ame !escritive 1abel
[SGSS Global Sales System
Routine 86B6P for "ransfer or Bp%ate Rules:
!escritive 1abel
(ax 1en"t&: C:
Prefix: @irst +ord: T%$,S@E% L transfer rules routine
/P!$TE L udate rules routine
@ollo0ed by 8:9 2colon3.
!escritor: @reeform. !escribe t&e transformation erformed.
Tec&nical ,ame !escritive 1abel
2system assi"ned3 /P!$TE: !etermine a"e ran"e based on a"e
Tec&nical ,ame
(ax 1en"t&: ?:
Prefix: Position 1: [ - custom object
Position .: C L c&aracteristic variable tye
D L &ierarc&y variable tye
, L &ierarc&y node variable tye
T L text variable tye
@ L formula variable tye
!escritor: @reeform. $bbreviated descrition of data element
t&e variable sulies a value for.
!escritive 1abel
(ax 1en"t&: C:
Prefix: ,one
!escritor: @reeform. !escrition of data element t&e variable
sulies a value for.
Tec&nical ,ame !escritive 1abel
[CSC/%S+%I!$H Current +or; !ay
[DSCSTCE,T% Cost Center Dierarc&y
- -F -
Tec&nical name is system-assi"ned.
!escritive 1abel
(ax 1en"t&: C:
Prefix: ,one
!escritor: @reeform. !escribe 0or;boo; contents.
Tec&nical ,ame !escritive 1abel
2system-assi"ned3 (ont&ly Sales Executive Summary
- -= -
6ppen%ix 1
4a!e "itle .ffice 6%%ress
!enise *arlo0 !irector )ffice of !irector of @inance
P.EF $ndy Dolt To0er
Inoxville5 T, ?F<<C
!avid *o0man ("mt $nalyst )ffice of #ice Pres-*us and @inance
-:. Communications *uildin"
Inoxville5 T, ?F<<C
*elinda Carter !irector *usiness $dministration
F1- Sto;ely ("mt Center
Inoxville5 T, ?F<<C
#ince !eDart Sr $uditor $udit and (ana"ement Services
111 Student Services *uildin"
Inoxville5 T, ?F<<C
Iaren @ox Exec !irector Comutin" and Telecommunications
F=< 1amar $lexander *ld"
(em&is5 T, ?=1C?
G. %. 2*ob3 Gissell !irector Institute of $"riculture-$dmin
.1=! (or"an Dall
Inoxville5 T, ?F<<C
Go&n Garrard Exec !irector /niversity-0ide Comutin" Svcs
1:. $ndy Dolt To0er
Inoxville5 T, ?F<<C
1es (at&e0s !irector Payroll )ffice
P11E $ndy Dolt To0er
Inoxville5 T, ?F<<C
- -< -
S&eila (c,eil (ana"er Controller7s )ffice
.:1 $ndy Dolt To0er
Inoxville5 T, ?F<<C
Goel %eeves Sr Sys $nalyst /niversity-0ide Comutin" Svcs
1:. $ndy Dolt To0er
Inoxville5 T, ?F<<C
Gim Sauceman (ana"er !II-Comutin" and ,et0or; Svcs
.E.? !unford Dall
Inoxville5 T, ?F<<C
!avid Steiner-S$P $lications Glenrid"e Di"&lands )neCosultant
EEEE GlenridConnector
$tlanta5 G$ ?:?-.
Gac;ie S0in"le Sr Sys $nalyst /niversity-0ide Comutin" Svcs
1:. $ndy Dolt To0er
Inoxville5 T, ?F<<C
*ill T&omson Sec Proj Coor Controller7s )ffice
.:1 $ndy Dolt To0er
Inoxville5 T, ?F<<C
- E: -
6ppen%ix (
- E1 -
Bniersity of "ennessee BW Legacy "echnical "ea!0
Team %oles and %esonsibilities
4a!e Role
Go&n Garrard Project Team 1ead E:\
Gac;ie S0in"le Tec&nical>*asis 1ead 1::\
Gac;ie !aste !ata (odeler -:\
Ed Go&nson !ata $ccess 1::\
!avid Gofort& !ata $ccess 1::\
%o"er Garni"an !ata Extractor E:\
Games Price !ata Content Exert E:\
S&eila (c,eil *asis>Security .E\
Pam Grimm C&an"e (n"mt 1iaison and !ata Content Exert .E\
Pa"e E.

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