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Information Technology

Computer-An Introduction
The word computer comes from the word compute which means to calculate. So computer is a
calculating device that can perform arithmetic and logical operation at high speed.
The computer is a electronic device that operates upon the data. Data can be defined as a number, character
or symbols which have no meaning. The computer can store, process and retrieve data so we can call the
computer as a data processor machine. The activity of processing data using computer is called as data
A computer is an electronic machine which accepts data and instruction from the use, store the data and
instruction, process the data according to the instruction and return the result to the user.
A computer is an electronic machine therefore it works based on electrical signals. The signals ON is
represented by one !" and signal off is represented by #ero $".Therefore a computer understands only two
signals one and #ero. These signals ! and #ero" are called bits in computer terminology. The language of
#ero and one in computer terminology is called binary language.
The computer is a machine which accepts data and instruction from the user and process the data according
to the instructions. %f we provide wrong data and instructions to the computer, it displays the wrong result to
the user. This feature is called is &%&'. &%&' stands for garbage in garbage out. Thus computer is GIGO
The computer is not a one single machine. A computer consist of different types of sub systems such as input
units, output units, processing units and output units. The computer is a Integrated Machine.
Characteristics/ Capabilities of Computer
The computer is very powerful and useful machine(tool due to the following features.
1]. Automatic:-)omputers are automatic in operations. *y saying computers are automatic machine+ we
means that once the data and instruction are feed into the computer it can do the work without human
assistance. )omputer manipulates the data according to the instructions and continues doing so
automatically till the last instruction is e,ecuted.
An automatic machine works by itself without human assistance. )omputer is an automatic machine
because once it start a -ob, it carry out the -ob until it is finished. )omputer is a machine so it cannot start
self and can not find problem and its solution self. To perform a particular task we must instruct the
computer using some coded instructions. These instructions tell the computer how to do a particular task.
]. !peed:-A computer is a very high speed device, capable of taking logical decisions, performing
arithmetic and non.arithmetic operations at unbelievable speed. %t can perform a task in a few seconds
that a human can not perform in an entire year. The computer speed is measured in
i". /illiseconds !$
" ii". /icroseconds !$
" iii".2anoseconds !$
" iv".4icoseconds !$
The reason for the fast speed of a computer is that it is an electronic device and works on electrical
signals known as electrical pulses. An electrical pulse travels at e,tremely fast speed.
#]. Accuracy:-)omputer is a very accurate machine. The degree of accuracy of computer depends on the its
design. A computer performs every calculation with the same accuracy. %f ten million calculations have
to be performed, a computer will perform the last calculation with the same speed and accuracy as the
Mr. $handra%ant &harma' Mobile: - ()#1**-1*1+' ()))-1#+, !
Information Technology
first one.
*]. -iligence:-A computer is a very hard working machine. )omputer is free from monotony ", tiredness
and lack of concentration. %t continually works for many hours without any errors. 6uman brains feels
tried after a long working hours but a computer does not suffer from this handicap.
.]. /ersatility:-A computer is a versatile machine. A machine which is used to perform different type of
task(operation on the basic of re7uirements is called versatile machine. 8e can use the computer to
perform comple, calculation, play the games, Display the result of e,am, and calculate the electricity
bill etc.The versatile nature of the computer does not mean it can perform every type of -ob. %t can not
distinguish between two people on the basics of their tones.
,]. 0o1er o2 3emembering:-The most important feature of computer is its large and perfect memory. 'ur
brain can store information correctly but its capacity is limited and after a particular time some
information is lost. A computer is used to store large amount of information and retrieving with perfect
accuracy. A user can access the e,actly the same information that he(she had entered into the computer
several years ago.
4]. NO I5:-A computer is not a magical device. %t has no intelligence of its own. %t can not perform any
operation self. %t can not have any decision taking capability. A user instructs the computer how to
perform the task. Thus its %9 is #ero.
+]. No 6eeling:-)omputer has mo feelings and emotions because they are machine. *ased on our feelings,
e,perience, taste, knowledge we often make certain decisions in our life but computer can not make such
type of decisions. They make decisions only based on instructions.
Mr. $handra%ant &harma' Mobile: - ()#1**-1*1+' ()))-1#+, 5

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