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4.1 Requirement Specification
4.2 Feasibility Study
4.3 Risk nalysis
4.4 !ife Cycle "odel
4.# $ffort %istribution %ia&ram
4.' (ask %ependency %ia&ram
4.) Pro*ect Sc+edule
Requirements of client describe as follo,-
System s+ould pro.ide secure and accurate data.
System s+ould easy to operate.
System s+ould pro.ide information related to firm.
System s+ould display different Classifieds/ads ,it+ detail
information i.e. acti.ated by admin.
System s+ould pro.ide facility to re&ister as user
or ad.ertiser.
System s+ould pro.ide facility to searc+ particular classified
,it+ detail information.
System s+ould pro.ide facility to &uest user to &i.e t+em
.ie, related to site as a feedback.
System s+ould pro.ide company information0 policy0 etc.
System s+ould display different classified/ads ,it+ detail
information i.e. acti.ated by admin.
System s+ould pro.ide facility to send query to ad.ertiser for
particular classifieds/ads.
System s+ould enable to &et response from ad.ertiser for
t+eir query.
System s+ould pro.ide facility to searc+ particular classified
,it+ detail information.
System s+ould pro.ide facility to sa.e particular
classifieds/ads as per t+em c+oice.
System s+ould pro.ide facility to update user personal profile
and pass,ord.
System s+ould pro.ide facility to &i.e t+em .ie, related to
site as a feedback.
4.1 Requirement Specification
System s+ould pro.ide a facility to purc+ase a ne, sc+eme
as per t+em c+oice for upload classifieds/ads.
System s+ould pro.ide facility to upload t+eir classifieds/ads
in different sc+eme accordin& to different display format
a.ailable and mana&e t+em classified as per t+eir
System s+ould enable to recei.e query from user for
particular classifieds/ads and &i.e t+em response.
System s+ould pro.ide facility to searc+ particular classified
,it+ detail information.
System s+ould pro.ide facility to update user personal profile
and pass,ord.
System s+ould pro.ide Sc+eme led&er t+at contain current
status of sc+eme and classifieds/ads upload in different
System s+ould pro.ide remainder related sc+eme status i.e.
sc+eme e1piry and e1piry point.
System s+ould pro.ide facility to &i.e t+em .ie, related to
site as a feedback.
System s+ould pro.ide follo,in& information to dmin.
Re&istered user information
d.ertiser information and t+ose sc+emes0 and
classifieds/ads information.
Feedback information
System s+ould pro.ide facility to mana&e follo,in& database
entry to admin.
Sc+eme master
Price master
Cate&ory master
Subcate&ory master
dmin account master
System s+ould enable to acti.e /appro.e follo,in& request
Sc+eme request
Classifieds/ads request
System s+ould pro.ide facility to upload and mana&e
classifieds/ads be+alf of ad.ertiser.
System s+ould pro.ide Sc+eme led&er of particular ad.ertiser
t+at contain current status of sc+eme and classifieds/ads
upload in different sc+eme.
System s+ould pro.ide facility to searc+ particular classified
,it+ detail information.

Feasibility study plays .ery important role in t+e de.elopment of any
system0 but ,+en it is t+e case of de.elopment of any soft,are t+en its importance
increases muc+ more because in t+e case one s+ould be .ery clear about a.ailability
of t+e time and resources. 2efore startin& t+e de.elopment of t+e soft,are one
s+ould &i.e considerable amount of time for feasibility study because t+e successful
completion of pro*ect depends upon feasibility.
(+e feasibility of our pro*ect +as been *ud&ed on t+e basis of time0
tec+nolo&y0 resources a.ailable and pro*ect len&t+.
(+is pro*ect takes at least # mont+ to be completed if ,e take +elp of
reused components ot+er,ise it ,ill take ' mont+s to be completed.
3e ,ill not make use of components and t+erefore ,ill be able to
complete t+e pro*ect in ' mont+s. (+us accordin& to time t+e feasibility is not
t+at ri&+t.
(+e necessary tec+nolo&y0 .i4.0 front5end de.elopment tool0 back5end
database tec+nolo&y and .arious ot+er tools namely installation tools0 etc. for
de.elopin& t+e system0 are already a.ailable ,it+in t+e or&ani4ation. So t+is
problem is feasible.
3e need &ood kno,led&e soft,are en&ineers and practitioners. 3e need
6et connection.
3e +a.e all t+e resources in t+e desired amount.
Project Size:
(+e Pro*ect si4e mi&+t be abo.e 1#777 !OC. (+is is *ust t+e rou&+
assumption because ,e don8t +a.e any basis of t+e past pro*ects.
4.2 Feasibility Study
(+us t+e pro*ect o.erall feasibility is normal and t+erefore ,e +a.e
undertaken t+is pro*ect.

3it+ t+e de.elopment of t+e soft,are0 ,e +a.e defined some proacti.e
risks before tec+nical ,ork initiated. (+is part of documents includes t+e risk
mana&ement step.
91: Risk : Unrealistic Deadline
Proaility : !"#
$m%act : &igh
2ecause of t+e s+ort duration and lar&e system t+ere is
Probability not to complete t+e pro*ect ,it+in deadline.

'ontingency Plan:
From t+e startin& day of t+e pro*ect0 ,e +a.e ,orked +ard and
.ery speedily to complete t+e pro*ect ,it+in deadline.
()* Risk : 'ustomer +ill change re,uirements
Proaility : -"#
$m%act : &igh
(+e customer ,ill c+an&e t+e requirements .ery frequently as
t+e pro*ect be&ins. So0 ,e +a.e probability no to complete t+e pro*ect as
t+e customer required.
'ontingency Plan:
From t+e past pro*ect0 ,e +a.e kno,led&e about it. So ,e
interact ,it+ customer e.ery time ne, ,ork be&ins and conduct F(R ;
re.ise t+e ,ork as t+e customer requires.
4.3 Risk nalysis
(.* Risk : Develo%ers $ne/%erienced
Proaility : !"#
$m%act : &igh
3ell de.elopers of t+e soft,are are ine1perienced of t+e .6$(
en.ironment. So0 t+ere is probability not to complete t+e pro*ect.
'ontingency Plan:
From t+e startin& day of t+e pro*ect0 ,e +a.e ,orked +ard and
,e referred t+e books and also take t+e &uidance of t+e intelli&ent to
complete t+e pro*ect.
Technical Risk
01 2anguage Di33iculties
(+e familiarity ,it+ t+e front5end lan&ua&e is illustrated in t+is risk.
(+e reasons be+ind t+is risk are as follo,s-
(+e Pro*ect is mandatory built .6$( platform. Since t+is lan&ua&e is
ne, to t+e pro&rammers0 t+e pro&rammers mi&+t face some
s no one from t+e pro&rammers is partially familiar ,it+ t+is
platform0 some functionalities mi&+t not considered in
implementation or some functionalities mi&+t not ac+ie.ed
)1 S%eci3ication amiguity
(+e comple1ity of t+e requirements or inappropriate understandin& is
included in t+is risk. (+e reason be+ind t+is risk is as follo,s-
(+e specification of t+is pro*ects little profound and +ard to identify.
.1 Technology Unkno+n
(+e risk is concerned ,it+ t+e unreali4ed tec+nical conditions.
(+e reasons be+ind t+is risk are as follo,s-
(+e platform ,e s+ould be ,orkin& on is en.ironment0
,+ic+ is introduction to all of us.
(+e lack of conceptual implement on t+is kind of en.ironment is
The 3ish one diagram de%icting risks o3 our %roject
So3t+are Risk 4anagement Plan
1 <dentify t+e pro*ect8s risk items
2 Present a plan for eac+ risk item
3 =pdate list of risk items0 plan0 and results mont+ly
4 >i&+li&+t risk5item status in mont+ly pro*ect,s.
Compare ,it+ pre.ious mont+8s rankin& status
# <nitiate appropriate correcti.e actions
5 Real time performance
5 "ore t+an estimated
5 =nrealistic sc+edule
3ron& customer queried
<nadequate queries
'om%any gave +rong in3o.
5 "ore t+en estimated
5 =nrealistic bud&et
5 !ack of trainin& on tools
5 Company req. may
5 Personnel s+ortfall
5 (ec+ ,ill not meet
5 S/3 not accepted by CR"
5 %e.elopin& ,ron& S/3
(+e Online Classified Portal pro*ect requires frequent user interaction.
For t+at reason0 our first c+oice included t+e Prototype model. >o,e.er0 ,e +ad
doubts about t+e prototype model0 and t+erefore ,e concluded to use t+e Spiral
"odel. (+e risk5based approac+ of t+e Spiral "odel is si&nificant to t+e
de.elopment of t+is prototype0 and it ,ould also +elp select an establis+ed lifecycle
model or determine a different model constructed from .arious p+ases of ot+er
lifecycle models. fter re&ular,s0 ,e decided t+at t+e best approac+ ,as to use
a +ybrid model t+at ,ould implement t+e risk mana&ement of t+e spiral model alon&
,it+ t+e incremental model0 ,+ic+ is a mi1ture of t+e prototype model and t+e linear
sequential model. Currently0 t+e pro*ect around t,o establis+ed sta&es-
Requirement nalysis and Prototype %e.elopment. bo.e fi&ure s+o,s t+e life
cycle for t+e de.elopment process as ,ell as entry and e1it criteria for t+e different
p+ases of t+e pro*ect.
4.4 !ife Cycle "odel
Project Planning: 2 to 3 A
Re,uirement Analysis: 17 to 2# A
Design: 27 to 2# A
'oding: 1# to 27 A
Testing 6 Deugging: 37 to 47 A
(estin& and
nalysis 937547A:
91#527 A:
4.# $ffort %istribution
%eli.ery Confirmation
7ote: 3e prepare documentation of e.ery P+ase.
8stimation Scheduling
'oding 9
4.' (ask %ependency %ia&ram
:ork reakdo+n Structure
<t is di.ided in to fi.e main parts-
01 Sco%e 9 Planning:
<n t+is particular p+ase of t+e pro*ect ,e +a.e e1plained t+e problem
definition alon& ,it+ its requirements in detail. ll t+e researc+ ,ork and
back&round study prior t+e pro*ect initiali4ation +as been conducted in t+is p+ase.
(+e ,ork breakdo,n structure and sc+edulin& c+art is prepared after conductin&
t+e feasibility study and risk analysis.
)1 Re,uirement Analysis:
>ere ,e +a.e tried to &at+er all t+e requirements pertainin& pro&ram
code0 user interface and database desi&n. (+e detailed flo, of data in t+e system is
depicted. 3e +a.e s+o,n t+e relations+ips bet,een t+e entities of data t+rou&+
entities relations+ip dia&rams. (+is particular p+ase leads milestone SOF(3R$
R$B=<R$"$6( SP$C<F<C(<O6.
.1 User $nter3ace Designing:
%ependin& on t+e inputs and outputs of t+e system i.e. t+e interaction
bet,een t+e user and t+e system ,e +a.e desi&ned t+e interface. 3e +a.e made it
simple and attracti.e ,+ic+ makes it more users friendly.
;1 $m%lementation and Testing:
%ependin& upon t+e requirement specified in scope0 ,e +a.e
implemented t+e system usin& latest SP.6et tec+nolo&y.
<1 =ther Peri%heral Activities >or ?uality Assurance:
Continuously meetin&s ,ere +eld for pro*ect trackin& and analy4in& t+e
+i&+er risks. (+eir de&ree of ri&or ,as al,ays tested and properly documented.
(+ese acti.ities ,ere conducted considerin& our bud&et constraints and required
accuracy. <t +elped us to be focused and built a quality product.
(ime line

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