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by :
Niken audia lusianda



A. Topics : Balanced Nutrition Teen Age

B. Sub- topics :
1 . Definition of balanced nutrition
2 . Principles of nutrition in adolescents
3 . Factors affecting adolescent nutrition
4 . Balanced nutritional needs adolescence
5 . Nutritional problems in adolescents
6 . A good diet for teens

C. Target : Age Youth in the Environment Ministry of Health university mitra lampung
D. Day , Date: Wednesday , 23 mei 2014

E. Time : 9:00 s.d. 10:00 am ( 1 x 60 minutes )
F. Place : university mitra lampung

I. Background
Rapidly changing body during adolescence requires inputs of nutrients are sufficient . Therefore
we need education about balanced nutrition necessary for their teens , especially in the
Polytechnic Campus Ministry of Health to improve the health of Tasikmalaya udemi .

II . situation analysis
a. The participants were adolescents ages
b . Never done the previous extension .

III . destination
a. General Instructional Objectives ( TIU )
It is expected that after the target extension can know and understand about balanced nutrition
and dietary change in order to achieve balanced nutrition teenagers .
b . Instructional Objectives ( ICT )
1 . Targets can understand what balanced nutrition for teenagers
2 . Targets can understand the principles of balanced nutrition adolescents
3 . Targets can understand the factors that influence adolescent nutrition
4 . Targets can mention balanced nutrients / foods that are good for teenagers
5 . Targets can understand suffering nutritional problems in adolescents
6 . Targets is expected to change nutmeg meal with balanced nutrition .

IV . Guidance material
1 . Definition of balanced nutrition
2 . Principles of nutrition in adolescents
3 . Factors affecting adolescent nutrition
4 . Balanced nutritional needs adolescence
5 . Nutritional problems in adolescents
6 . A good diet for teens

V. Extension Methods
1 . Lectures
2 . Discussion
3 . Presentation

VI . media Guidance
1 . Posters
2 . Leaflet
3 . Laptops
4 . Projector

VII . evaluation
1 . Teenagers can explain the definition of balanced nutrition
2 . Teens can Explaining Principles of nutrition in adolescents
3 . Teenagers can Describe factors that influence adolescent nutrition
4 . Teenagers can Describes a balanced nutritional needs adolescence
5 . Teenagers can Describe nutritional problems in adolescents
6 . Teenagers can Explaining a good diet for teens .

VIII . Extension activities
Kegiatan Penyuluhan
No time Extension activities Event Participants

1 10
. opening:
1. Saying hello and Introduction

2. Explain the purpose of the
material presented
3. Contracts of time
4. Mention details of extension
materials to be provided

. Welcome greeting and

2. Listening

3. Listening

4. Listen

2 30
5. implementation:
1. Explain balanced nutrition;
2. Explaining Principles of nutrition
in adolescents;
3. Explain the factors that influence
adolescent nutrition;
4. Explaining the need for a
balanced nutrient adolescence;

5. 1. listening;

2. Listening;

3. Listening;

4. Listening

E 5. Explaining nutritional problems
in adolescents;
6. Describe a good diet for teens.

5. Listening;

6. Listening;
3 15
E valuation:
1. Asking a few questions to the
teens about the material provided.

1. Answer and explain any

4 5 minute T Termination:
1. Saying thanks;
2. Saying hello.

1. Answer greeting.

IX . Organizing and Job Descriptions
1 . Protocol / Host
Description of duties :
a. Opening the extension , introduced himself and the team to the participants .
b . Set up processes and long extension .
c . Closing the educational events

2 . Instructor / Lecturer
Description of duties :
a. Extension material explaining clearly and in a language easily understood by the participants .
b . Motivate participants to remain active and pay attention to the process of counseling .
c . Motivate participants to ask .

3 . Facilitator
Description of duties :
a. Join together and sit among the participants .
b . Evaluating counseling participants about the clarity of the material .
c . Motivate participants to ask that the material is not yet clear .
d . Interrupt the extension of the term / things that it is less obvious to participants .

4 . Observer
Description of duties :
a. Record the name , address and number of participants , as well as putting themselves thus enabling
the process to secure the extension .
b . Take note of the questions asked of participants .
c . Observe the verbal and non -verbal behavior of the participants during the counseling process .
d . Evaluate the results of counseling premises extension plan .
e . Delivering direct evaluation of the extension were deemed incompatible with the extension plan .

Enclosure Material Extension :
A. Understanding Nutrition
Nutrition is a process by which organisms use food normally consumed by the process of
digestion , absobsi , transport , storage , metabolism and expenditure substances are not used to
sustain life , growth and normal functioning of the organs , as well as generate energy .
None of the types of food that contains all the nutrients , which allows a person to live a healthy ,
productive growth . Therefore , each person needs to consume a diversity of food ; except infants
aged 0-4 months who consume enough breast milk ( breast milk ) only. For babies 0-4 months ,
breast milk is the only single food that is important in the growth process itself is natural and
healthy .
Eating a wide variety of foods are beneficial to health . Diverse foods which are foods that
contain elements of nutrients that the body needs both in quality and kuantintasnya , in
nutritional science studies are commonly called triguna foods , foods containing energy , builders
and regulators . In the event of a shortage of the completeness of certain nutrients on one type of
food , will be complemented by a similar nutrients from other foods . So eat diverse foods will
ensure the adequacy of sources of energy substances , substances builders and regulators .
Food sources of energy substances such as: rice , maize , wheat , cassava , sweet potato , potato ,
sago , bread and noodles . Oil , margarine and coconut milk which contains fat can also generate
power . Food sources of energy substances support the day-to- day activities .
Food sources of builder substances derived from plant foods include beans , tempeh , tofu .
While the animal is derived from eggs , fish , chicken , meat , milk and processed products , such
as cheese . Plays a very important building block for the growth and development of a person's
intelligence .
Food sources regulators are all vegetables and fruits . These foods contain a variety of vitamins
and minerals , which contribute to smooth operation of the function of the organs of the body .
Balanced nutrition for teens is on the consumption of food containing substances teen power
source , substance builders , and regulators as well as a wide range of species .
B. Principles of Nutrition in Adolescents
Adolescence is a time of rapid changes in the growth process of physical , cognitive and
psychosocial . At this time occurred the achievement of sexual maturity and adult forms because
maturation of endocrine function . At the time of physical maturation process , have also been
changes in body composition .
Adolesensia period characterized by rapid growth ( Growth Spurt ) both height and weight
badannnya . In the period of growth spurt , high nutritional needs as they relate to the size of the
body .

Growth Spurt :
1 . Daughter : between 10 and 12 years
2 . Boys : ages 12 to 14 years .
The onset of growth spurt in children is not always at the same age but depending on individual .
Rapid growth is usually accompanied by the growth of physical activity so that the nutrient
requirements will go up anyway .
The investigation proved that if the man has reached the age of 20 years , the growth of his body
has stopped altogether . This means that the food is no longer working for the growth of the body
, but to maintain the nutritional status has been obtained or made better nourished . Thus , the
need for nutritional elements in adulthood has been rather constant , except in case of
abnormalities in the body , such as pain and so on . So mengharuskandia get more nutritional
needs than usual .
C. Factors Affecting Adolescent Balanced Nutrition
Here are the factors that influence their teens needs nutrients such as :
1 . Physical activity ;
2 . Environment ;
3 . Economics ;
4 . Treatment ;
5 . Depression and mental condition ;
6 . Disease ;
7 . Stress .
D. Need for Balanced Nutrition for Adolescent Substance
1 . Protein
The main role of protein is to maintain and replace damaged cells , regulating physiological
function of organs . Protein needs for adolescents that is 14-16 % of total calories ( 0.8 - 1gr /
kg.BB / day ) . Primary source of protein is fish , meat , chicken , tempeh , tofu , and nuts .
2 . Fat
Fat is an energy source that can be stored in the body as fat energi.Konsumsi excess reserves in
the teenage years are not recommended because it can increase the levels of fat in the body
especially the blood cholesterol levels , ie 20-25 % of calories total.sumber ; oils , butter .
3 . Minerals
Minerals in need teens in need in small amounts , even though such a very important role in
various metabolic processes in the body .
Adolescents aged mineral needs
4. Needs Vitamins
Vitamins are needed to regulate a variety of metabolic processes in the body , maintaining the
function of various tissues and affect the formation of new cells .
5 . Needs vitamin Teen age
a. Vitamin A is 3500-4000 mg / person / day
b . Vitamin B1 10 to 1.2 mg / hr
c . Vitamim B 6 2.0-2.2 mg / person / day
d . Vitamin B1 2 3.0 mg / person / day
e . Vitamin C 60mg
f . 200 - 400IU of vitamin D
g . Vitamin E 8-10 mg /

E. Nutrition Problems in Adolescents

1 . Obesity
Although the need for energy and nutrients is greater in adolescents than adults , but there are
some teenagers who eat too many needs that exceed fat. Active exercise and make arrangements
eating is the way to lose weight . A high fiber diet is very appropriate for teenagers who are
doing weight loss . In general, high- fiber foods that contain less energy , thus can help you lose
weight , in addition to the fiber can cause a feeling of fullness so as to avoid snacking food /

2 . Chronic Energy Deficiency
In adolescents or skinny body called Chronic Energy Deficiency is not always a result of too
much exercise or physical activity . In general, is due to eating too little . Adolescent women
who lose weight drastically closely related to emotional factors such as fear of fat like her mother
or seen the opposite sex less sexy .
3 . Anemia
Anemia due to iron deficiency is the most common problem , especially in women . Iron is
needed to form red blood cells , converted to hemoglobin , circulating throughout the body
tissues , serves as an oxygen carrier .
Adolescent girls need more iron than men . In order for iron absorbed by the body more readily
available , it would require a high -quality foodstuffs . As in meat , liver , fish , chicken , besides
high maknan materials .

F. A good diet
Here is a diet that follows 13 Book Basics " Balanced Nutrition " is highly recommended to get
adequate nutrition for Teens :
1 . Eat a wide variety of food which consists of power substances , substances builders , and
regulators ;
2 . Eat food to meet energy sufficiency ;
3 . Eat a carbohydrate source , half of the energy needs ;
4 . Limit intake of fats and oils to a quarter of its energy needs ;
5 . Use of iodized salt ;
6 . Eat food source of iron ;
7 . Provide exclusive breastfeeding in infants aged 0-6 months ;
8 . Familiarize breakfast ;
9 . Drink clean water , safe enough in number ;
10 . Perform physical activity and regular exercise ;
11 . Avoid munum - alcoholic beverages ;
12 . Eat foods that are safe for health ;
13 . Read the labels on packaged foods .

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