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I nt r oduct i on
Womens desk of the Philippine National Police was created by virte of
!epblic "ct #$$1% which was enacted in 1&&#' (nder the said law% womens
desk is the one in charge to handle cases of violence against women and
children% specifically violations of !epblic "ct &)*)% otherwise known as
+iolence against women and children'
,n the provision of the law% the PNP shall establish women-s desks in all
police stations throghot the contry to administer and attend to cases involving
crimes against chastity% harassment% abses committed against women and
children and other similar offenses'
+iolence against women and children into the fabric of society to sch an
e.tent that many of s who are victimi/ed feel that we are at falt' 0any
of those who perpetrate violence feel 1stified by strong societal
messages that say that rape% battering% harassment% child abse%
and other forms of violence are acceptable' 2very day we see images of
male violence against women in the news% on 3+ shows% in the movies%
in advertising% and in or homes and workplaces' 4t is a fact of life for
women of all ages% races% and classes'
4 n t he broadest sense% vi ol ence agai nst women and chi l dr en
i s any vi ol at i on of a woman- s personhood% mental or physical
integrity% or freedom of movement throgh individal acts and societal
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oppression' 4t incldes all the ways or society ob1ectifies and oppresses
women' +iolence against women ranges from sterili/ation abse to
prescription5drg abse% pornography% stalking% battering% and rape' 4t
incldes the and physical abse of yong girls and the abse of
elders' 2very form of violence threatens all women and limits or ability to make
choices abot or lives' violence is particlarly insidios becase
acts are ordinarily and rightly a sorce of pleasre and commnication' 4t is often
nclear to a woman and a child who has been victimi/ed and to society as a
whole whether t hes e mot i vat i ons ar e even 6istingishable% becase
violence itself has come to be seen as or erotic'
3hirty years ago% most forms of violence against women were
hidden nder a cloak of silence or acceptance' "s more and more
women talked with each other in the recent wave of t he women- s
movement % i t became apparent t hat vi ol ence agai nst s occrs on a
massive scale7 that no woman is immne7 and that family% friends% and pblic
instittions have been crelly insensitive abot it' ,ver the past thirty years%
women have mobili/ed to offer direct services to those who have encontered
violence% to edcate people abot the range and natre of male violence
against women% and to develop strategies for change' 3his chapter
reflects the important work of some of these women'
"lso in the !epblic "ct &)*)% the term domestic violence refers to
violence between adlt intimate partners' 8owever% in this stdy% domestic
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violence may mean violence towards a child' 4t is the maltreatment% whether
habital or not% of the child 9!epblic "ct :*1;<' 4t incldes psychological%
emotional% and economic maltreatment acconts of domestic violence
have increased in recent years' 4t can have different forms inclding physical
abse% physical neglect% abse% emotional abse and neglect '3oday% the
cost to children and to society of childrens e.posre to domestic violence is
enormos' 2very child is e.posed to a varios degree of violence depending on
its kind' Sch children coming from the poor families are more likely to be
affected' 4n fact% many families in which domestic violence are present sffer from
lack of financial spport to spport to sstain them every day% ths provoking
them to be stressed and case troble'
=rthermore% it was postlated on Bowens concept of family emotional
system that describes for basic relationship patterns that govern where
problems develop in a family and the level of tension depends on the stress a
family enconters% how a family adapts to the stress% and on a family-s
connection with e.tended family and social networks' 3ension increases the
activity of one or more of the for relationship patterns which are the marital
conflict% dysfnction in one spose% impairment of one or more children and lastly
the emotional distance' ,r stdy was afflicted with the impairment of one or
more children that when a mother or father gives more emphasis to the child then
the child become more an.ios to them ths aggravating the fair to commnicate
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and the parents become vlnerable the do some negative actions towards the
helpless child'
3he basic relationship patterns reslt in family tensions coming to rest in
certain parts of the family' 3he Philippines is a state signatory to several
international agreements% instrments and covenants that recogni/e basic
women and childrens rights' " state5party is mandated to institte and create
internal mechanisms nder its athority to enhance recognition of said rights
throgh the passage of laws% rles and reglations aligned with international
instrments and covenants'
Based on these laws% administrative instittions are directed to craft
positive and forward5looking responses to frther address concerns on violence
against women and children' 3he National Commission on the !ole of =ilipino
Women% in partnership with frontline agencies conceptali/ed and developed
performance standards to serve as indicators for the delivery of anti5+"W
services of government agencies and ?@(s' Partner agencies are 6,A% PNP%
6,8% 64?@% 6SW6 and the ?@(s' 2ach of the performance standards is
accompanied by an "ssessment 3ool'
"n international hman rights grop 0onday deplored the persistent
cases of domestic violence among women despite the e.istence of a law that
criminali/es violence against =ilipino women and children' "mnesty 4nternational
Philippines section director 6r' "rora Parong said victims of rape% and
domestic violence worldwide are continosly denied access to 1stice de to
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gender discrimination and assmptions abot the behavior of victims of
rape' She pointed ot that domestic violence in the Philippines remains pervasive
despite the passage in );;B of the "nti5+iolence against Women and Children
"ct 9"nti5+"W+C< or the !epblic "ct &)*)'CStories of women who corageosly
broke their silence abot domestic violence show that protection by government
from violence of hsbands or other intimate partners have not completely
eradicated tramatic e.periences in the family%D she said' " report titled CBreaking
the Silence%
Seeking Astice in 4ntimate Partner +iolence in the PhilippinesD was
recently lanched by "mnesty 4nternational Philippines together with the Women
Working 3ogether to Stop +iolence against Women Network% which reviewed the
implementation of !" &)*)'C3he law is considered as a significant victory for
women becase many of its provisions are based on the inalienable right of
women not to sffer discrimination and violence most especially within an
intimate relationship%D Parong said'
8owever% she said% CProtection of womens rights does not end with the
enactment of a law' 4t needs a follow throgh in implementation' Si. years later
after the birth of !" &)*)% we see many loopholes in the implementation'D4n
commemoration of the 4nternational Womens 6ay yesterday% members of
"mnesty 4nternational Philippines 1oined the march from 2spaEa to 0endiola%
0anila calling for the stop of violence against women in all its forms' 4n the "4
report% si. recommendations for the si. years of failre in implementation of !"
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&)*) were otlined' 4t rged the legislative body to amend !" &)*) to allow the
renewal of the Barangay Protection ,rder 9BP,<% which they said is the most
accessible protection for women victim and children victims of violence'
4t also inclded recommendations for the local government nits 9?@(<%
the corts and the Commission on 8man !ights to diligently do their share for
the fll implementation of !" &)*)' CWe call on the 4nter5"gency Concil on
+iolence against Women and Children 94"C5+"WC< to comprehensively assess
the effectiveness of all programs towards providing services to women and
children victim5srvivors'
4n other contries like "frica% "frican constittions and legal systems follow
Western models based pon individal rights% and most "frican contries have
ratified nmeros international covenants that either e.plicitly or implicitly
interpret domestic violence to be a violation of hman rights' 6espite this fact%
theories abot domestic violence based on the assertion of individal hman
rights are not freFent in the "frican literatre' While some articles on domestic
violence in "frica draw a link between freedom from violence and hman rights
garantees in varios international charters% the rights5based argments often
appear to be tacked on and to fit neasily with the athor-s overall analysis of the
problem' =or e.ample% =itnat N5" "d1etey% after discssing domestic violence in
@hana as one small part of a mch larger pattern of violence against women%
inclding female genital mtilation% rape% child marriage% widowhood rites% widow
inheritance% and female religios bondage 9trokosi<% incldes in her article advice
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abot how specific provisions of international hman rights conventions might be
sed to accomplish piecemeal legal reforms' Get if domestic violence is 1st one
manifestation of a mch larger phenomenon of gender ineFality and violent
treatment of women% piecemeal legal reforms are nlikely to provide an effective
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Figure 1. Frae!or" o# t$e Stud%
T$e Ca&a'i(it%
o# )CPD
*tation 11 in
$and(ing ca*e*
in re(ation to
R.A +,-,
T$e Ca&a'i(it%
o# )CPD
*tation 11 in
$and(ing ca*e*
in re(ation to
R.A +,-,
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Ma& o# t$e .uri*diction o# )CPD *tation 11
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Stateent o# t$e Pro'(e
3he st dy ai ms t o det ermi ne t he capabi l i t y of women s desk
of He/on Ci t y Pol i ce 6i st ri ct St at i on 11% i n handl i ng cases of
vi ol at i on agai nst women and chi l dr en'
Specifically% the researchers wold like to find the answer in the following
1' What is the demographic profile of the respondents% 4n terms ofI
1'1 "ge7
1') @ender7
1'> Civil Stats7 and
1'B 2dcational "ttainmentJ
)' 8ow capable the police officers o= HCP6 Station 11% in handling cases of
violence against women and children% in terms ofI
)'1 3raining7
)') ?ogistics7 and
)'> =inanceJ
>' What measres may be proposed to enhance the capability of HCP6 Station
11% in the handling of cases of violation of !" &)*)J
T$eoretica( Frae!or"
3he stdy anchored on the provision of !epblic "t #$$1% which creates
Womens desk of the Philippine National Police% which is in charge to handle
cases of violence against women and children' 3he stdy has three variables
which are composed of 3raining% ?ogistics% and =inance'
4n terms of 3raining% the focs of the stdy is abot the training and
seminars needed by the police officers handling cases of violence against
women and children'
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4n terms of ?ogistics% the focs is abot the varios eFipment needed by
the police officers in order to handle effectively the cases of violence against
women and children'
4n terms of =inance% the focs is abot the bdget that is needed in the
operation of the womens desk'
Signi#icance o# t$e Stud%
3he reslt of the stdy is deemed significant to the followingI
3o /oen De*" &er*onne( o# )CPD *tation 11% this stdy wold help them
to assess their weakness and to enhance their capabilities in dealing with the
3o the P$i(i&&ine Nationa( Po(ice% this stdy wold give them idea on how to
improve the services of the womens desk'
3o the Counit%% this stdy wold help them nderstand the role of
Women 6esk in investigating cases related to +"WC'
3o the Criino(og% Student*% this stdy wold provide them the knowledge
and skills in handling cases of violence against women and children'
3o the #uture rea*erc$er*% this stdy will provide them with additional
information% and they can se it as it as reference in their stdy regarding the
capabilities of women desk'
Sco&e and Liitation* o# t$e Stud%
T$e Setting
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3he setting of the stdy was in He/on City% specifically in the Barangays
that are nder 1risdiction of HCP6 Station 11'
T$e Su'.ect Content
3he focs of the stdy is on the capability of Police ,fficers in handling
cases of !'" &)*) in HCP6 Station 11' 4t is concentrated on the training% finance
and logistics which are vital in providing a satisfaction service in handling cases
of !'" &)*)'
T$e Re*&ondent*
3he stdy has two 9)< grops of respondentsI 3he first !espondent is the
Police officers that is assigned in HCP6 Station 11 and the second one are the
Barangay ,fficials nder the 1risdiction of HCP6 station 11
Tie Frae
3he stdy covers the period of two years% from );11 to );1>'
De#inition o# Ter*
Battered /oan S%ndroeK refers to a scientifically defined pattern of
psychological and behavioral symptoms fond in women living in battering
relationships as a reslt of cmlative abse'
Dating Re(ation*$i&0 refers to a sitation wherein the parties live as hsband
and wife withot the benefit of marriage or are romantically involved over time
and on contining basis dring the corse of relationship' " casal acFaintance
or ordinary sociali/ation between two individals in a bsiness or social conte.t is
not dating relationship'
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Eotiona( A'u*eI (ndermining an individal-s sense of self5worth andLor self5
esteem' 3his may inclde% bt is not limited to constant criticism%
diminishing one- s abilities% name5calling% or damaging one-s relationship
with his or her children'
Econoic A'u*eI
0aki ng or at t empt i ng t o make an i ndi vi dal f i nanci al l y dependent by
maintaining total control over financial resorces% withholding one-s access to money% or
forbidding one-s attendance at school or employment'
P$%*ica( A'u*eI
8itting% slapping% shoving% grabbing% pinching% biting% hair5plling% biting% etc'
Physical abse also incldes denying a partner medical care
1io(ence again*t !oen and t$eir c$i(dren2 refers to any act or a series of
acts commi t t ed by any per son agai nst a woman who i s hi s wi f e%
f ormer wi f e% or against a woman with whom the person has or had a
or dating relationship %or with whom he has a common child% or against
her child whether legitimate or illegitimate% within or withot the family
abode% which reslt in or is likely to reslt in physical%
psychological harm or sffering% or economic abse
inclding threats of sch acts%battery% assalt% coercion% harassment
or arbitrary deprivation of liberty'
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P$%*ica( A'u*eI
8itting% slapping% shoving% grabbing% pinching% biting% hair5plling% biting% etc'
Physical abse also incldes denying a partner medical care
P*%c$o(ogica( A'u*e2 Casing fear by intimidation7 threatening physical harm
to self% partner%children% or partner-s family or friends7 destrction of pets
and property7 and forcing isolation from family% friends% or school andLor work'
Se3ua( A'u*eI Coercing or attempting to coerce any contact or behavior
withot consent' abse incldes% bt is certainly not limited to
marital rape% attacks on parts of the body% forcing se. after physical
violence has occrred% or treating one in a demeaning manner'
4Se3ua( re(ation*4 refers to a single act which may or may not reslt in
the bearing of a common child
Re5ie! o# Re(ated Literature and Studie*
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Foreign Literature
4n Western society% the most recent efforts to acknowledge% e.plain and
challenge male violence against women coincide with the re5emergence of the
feminist movement in the early 1&:;s' =eminist activists identified male violence
against women as central to the perpetation of women-s oppression% seeing assalt% rape% harassment% domestic violence and other forms of
male violence as part of a continm of violence against women and children
9Melly% 1&#:7 !adford et al% );;;<' +iolence against women is e.perienced by
women of all ages and social classes% all races% religions and nationalities% all
over the world' 4t is overwhelmingly perpetrated by men 9Mrg et al% );;)<'
4ndividal characteristics and circmstances alone cannot e.plain why this
shold be the case' =eminist commentators sggest that the conte.t for violence
against women is a cltral and political framework in which women are not
eFal partners with men' +iolence against women is both the reslt of gender
ineFality and the means by which it is perpetated 9Brownmiller% 1&:*7 6obash
and 6obash% 1&:&7 !adford et al% );;;<' 3his analysis of violence against women
as a reflection of the power imbalance in society has largely informed the
development of work to challenge violence against women in the (nited
Mingdom% and in Scotland% over the last >; years'
3he first Women-s "id grops in Scotland opened refges in @lasgow and
2dinbrgh in 1&:> 9Scottish Women-s "id% );;)<% and by 1&:*% the Scottish
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,ffice had provided some fnding towards a national office 9Cthbert and 4rving%
);;1<' !ape Crisis centres soon followed% with centres opening in @lasgow in
1&:* and 2dinbrgh in 1&:# 9Christianson and @reenan% );;1<' Since then
women-s organi/ations and individal women in Scotland have contined to
develop responses to violence against women% campaigning for recognition of
the isses and for change and improvement in stattory responses to women
who had e.perienced violence' ,n the whole% work to challenge violence against
women in Scotland split early on into separate campaigns against domestic
violence and against rape% althogh in both areas of work the links between
different forms of abse contined to be made' 3he inclsion of child
abse% and the legacy for adlt srvivors% into the violence agenda dates
from the early 1&#;s% as srvivors began to make contact with !ape Crisis and
other spport services' By the early 1&&;s% separate services for srvivors of
child abse had begn to develop 9Merr% 1&&;<'
By 1&#:% there was a strong and vibrant women-s movement in Scotland
developing new ways to challenge male violence against women% despite
sometimes very limited resorces' 3he 1&#: Scottish Women-s ?iberation
0ovement Conference% KWorking "gainst +iolence "gainst WomenK was
attended by over )*; women 9and abot 1$; children< who discssed a wide
range of isses related to violence against women% inclding the need for
Kintensified campaigning on the isse of child abse7 awareness5raising
and action on racism and classism% heterose.ism and oppression in disability7
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creating international links7 addressing the problems of women organi/ing in rral
areasK 9Aennings% 1&&;% in 8enderson and 0ackay% 1&&;I 11$<'
"s awareness of the prevalence and impact of violence against women
increased% instittional responses to the isse gradally shifted' 3hroghot the
1&:;s and early 1&#;s% for e.ample% the police response to allegations of rape
was characteri/ed by aggressive Festioning of complainers based on an
assmption that women were lying' =ollowing research into the investigation of assalt in Scotland 9Chambers and 0illar% 1&#><% a significant policy shift
began% with the pblication in 1&#$ of gidelines to chief constables on
responding to women alleging rape 9Scottish ,ffice% 1&#$<' 3he first -female and
child nit-% designed to provide a more sympathetic response to offences
complainers% was established in @lasgow in 1&#:'
@idelines on police responses to domestic violence were pblished in
1&&; 9804C% 1&&:<% and a -specialist officer- approach to domestic abse was
adopted by ?othian and Borders Police from the early 1&&;s' 3his specialist
approach has contined to develop since then' Strathclyde Police% the largest of
the Scottish forces% established divisional -family protection nits- towards the end
of );;)% providing a specialist response to rape and assalt complainers
and child abse complainers as well as to women reporting domestic violence'
3hese developments have been spported by the involvement of women-s
organi/ations in delivering training to police officers' 3he involvement of Women-s
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"id in awareness training for police officers is acknowledged to have increased
nderstanding of women-s e.periences of domestic violence 9804C% 1&&:<% and
!ape Crisis Centres flfilled a similar fnction in providing inpt to police training
on rape and assalt 9Christianson and @reenan% );;1<' 3he @lasgow5
based Women-s Spport Pro1ect was involved in providing training to
e.perienced officers at 3lliallan Police 3raining College on the links between
domestic violence and child protection from 1&&#% and this training has been
contined by Women-s "id'
3here have also been changes in the wider criminal 1stice response to
crimes of violence against women' 3he process of restricting the se of
history evidence in offences trials% begn in 1&#$ has been taken a step
frther with the passing of the 8istory 9Procedres and 2vidence<
9Scotland< "ct );;)% more than ); years after !ape Crisis centres began
campaigning on the isses' 3he progress of the crrent +lnerable Witnesses Bill
throgh the Scottish Parliament is the latest otcome of a process of
campaigning for improved treatment by the corts of women complainers% and
other -vlnerable- grops% which has been ongoing for more than two decades'
Since the passing of the 0atrimonial 8omes 9Scotland< "ct 1&#1 there
have also been gradal legislative changes which have increased the protection
available for women from their violent partnersLe.5partners' 0ost recently% the
Protection from "bse 9Scotland< "ct );;1 is slowly beginning to have an impact%
providing more women with the option of having powers of arrest attached to a
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common law interdict 9Cavanagh% Connelly and Scolar% );;><' 6espite ongoing%
and 1stified% concern at the high attrition rates associated with the prosection of
all crimes of violence against women throgh the corts 9see% for e.ample%
8ester% 8anmer et al% );;>7 Aamieson% );;17 Melly% );;><% the general trend is
forward5moving% if slow'
?ocal athorities engaged with the isse of violence against women
initially at a service level% throgh the provision of emergency accommodation
and social work services' 3hroghot the late 1&#;s and early 1&&;s% however%
local athorities played an increasing role in raising awareness and challenging
the norms which nderpin violence against women' 0ch of this work was
ndertaken by women-s nits% eFalities nits% and later% commnity safety nits'
(ndobtedly the most high profile e.ample of this was the development in
1&&)L1&&> of the Nero 3olerance poster campaign by 2dinbrgh 6istrict Concil
Women-s (nit 90ackay% );;1<' ?ocal government reorgani/ation in the mid
1&&;s provided another impets for the development of local partnerships to
tackle violence against women% and this was frther spported by the pblication
of gidance on developing sch partnerships 9CoS?"% 1&&#<' "lthogh some of
these early partnerships took the form of domestic violence fora% a few 9for
e.ample in 2dinbrgh and @lasgow< adopted a broader position on violence
against women'3here have always been spportive individal clinicians and
practitioners in the varios areas of the health service women have approached
for health care as a reslt of violence' Some have developed local initiatives
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which have contribted valable information to the knowledge base within their
own discipline or their own locality 5 for e.ample% a local training programmed for
midwives in 4nverclyde 8ospital 9Scobie% 1&&&<% and a domestic abse monitoring
e.ercise in the "O2 department at ?aw 8ospital 9@thrie% 1&&#<' 4nstittional
developments in the health service% however% were inclined to be piecemeal and
inconsistent throgh most of the 1&#;s and early 1&&;s' 3he pblication of the
SN"P report on domestic violence in 1&&: focsed attention on the failre of the
health service in Scotland to adeFately address the health needs of women
e.periencing domestic violence' "t a practice level% the Castle milk
6emonstration Pro1ect ran from 1&&*5&# from Castle milk 8ealth Centre% and
was managed by the 6epartment of Pblic 8ealth in @reater @lasgow N8S
Board' 3he pro1ect aimed to Kimprove the safety of women in the home throgh
the development of an interagency approachK 9Cosgrove% 1&&#I < and alongside
this also e.plored ways to improve the responses of primary health care staff to
domestic violence'
3he Women-s Pblic 8ealth 3eam at @reater @lasgow N8S Board
contines to develop innovative% replicable work on the impact of gendered
violence on women-s health' 3hey have worked to address the training needs of
health staff in relation to domestic violence% and have also been active in
addressing the development of services for srvivors of assalt and
childhood abse' 2lsewhere in the health service% initiatives to address
domestic abse have far otnmbered broader interventions' "n e.ception is the
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2+" Pro1ect% a mlti5disciplinary pro1ect crrently fnded by N8S ?anarkshire to
provide services and improve service provision for women who have e.perienced
violence at any point in their lives 92+"% );;1<'
3he recent pblication of N8S gidance for health staff on responding to
domestic abse contines the more general trend% althogh there are signs that
other areas are beginning to attract attention' " Scottish 2.ective short life
working grop on the care needs of adlt srvivors of abse has recently
prodced a consltation report% and in @lasgow% a recent srvey e.plored the
responses of clinical psychologists to srvivors of abse and
assalt 9Biggam and Aohnson% );;><'
"gainst this backgrond of )$ years of campaigning and service
development% the Scottish ,ffice annonced the establishment% in 1&&#% of the
Scottish Partnership on 6omestic +iolence% sbseFently renamed the Scottish
Partnership on 6omestic "bse' Chaired by "nne Smith HC% the grop
comprised representatives from the key Scottish office departments% the 1diciary%
the police% the legal profession% and the volntary sector' 3he grop was remitted
to develop an action plan leading to a national strategy on domestic abse% which
was pblished in November );;;'
3he aims of the National Strategy to "ddress 6omestic "bse in Scotland
are based on the -> P-s- first sed in the Nero 3olerance campaignI
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Prevention 5 active prevention of domestic abse of both women and
Protection 5 appropriate legal protection for women and children who
e.perience domestic abse
Provision 5adeFate provision of spport services for womenLchildren
3he Strategy identified key policy and practice areas to be developed and
improved in order to achieve these aims' 4t also placed a reFirement on local
athorities and health boards to establish local partnerships to tackle domestic
abse' 3he Scottish 2.ective provided P1# million throgh the 6omestic "bse
Service 6evelopment =nd to spport the work of these local partnerships% and
established the National @rop on 6omestic "bse to monitor the
implementation of the strategy' 3he National @rop incldes representatives from
the police% the 1diciary% women-s spport organi/ations and local athorities' 4t is
chaired by the 0inister for Commnities'
3here are now >) local partnerships% covering all local athority areas in
Scotland' Some of these predate the National Strategy% having developed either
from local domestic violence fora% or from mlti5agency grops set p to tackle
violence against women in a broader sense' ,f the >) grops% only for crrently
have a focs on aspects of violence against women other than domestic abse'
4n November );;)% the Scottish Parliament debated the isse of -violence
against women-' 3he then 0inister for Social Astice% 0argaret Crran 0SP%
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annonced that the National @rop to "ddress 6omestic "bse wold widen its
remit to inclde all forms of violence against women% and wold be renamed the
National @rop to "ddress +iolence "gainst Women'
3he National @rop has commissioned this literatre review to inform the
development of the agenda on violence against women' "ccordingly% this report
review the available literatre on the prevalence and impact of violence
against women% and on interventions
the review will consider violence% harassment% domestic
violence% and commercial e.ploitation
identify e.amples of good practice
identify gaps in research% policy and practice on violence against women
in Scotland
3he review will primarily focs on work carried ot in Scotland and the
('M'% with some reference to international work% in particlar in Canada' With the
e.ception of some -benchmark- works% the literatre search has been limited to a
five5year period from 1&&#5);;>'
3he sb1ect of -violence against women- is hge' 3here are acknowledged
links between violence against women and violence against children' 8owever%
time constraints mean that this review cannot adeFately consider the impact of
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
violence against children% althogh some attention is given to the impact of
childhood abse on adlt women srvivors' =or similar reasons% the
review does not cover the si/eable body of literatre on se. offenders% althogh
some consideration is given to work with men who abse their partners% in the
conte.t of e.ploring a mlti5agency response to domestic abse' Nor does the
review cover the body of literatre on prevention initiatives'
3here are bond to be omissions in a review covering a sb1ect area as
vast as this' 3his report mst therefore be seen as indicative% aiming to identify
and e.amine some of the key isses in some depth rather than provide a
comprehensive gide to all that has been researched and written abot violence
against women'
" word on terminology 5 throghot the research literatre% the phrase
-violence against women- is sed interchangeably with -domestic violence- and
-domestic abse-% i'e' in conte.ts where what is being discssed is violence
against women by an intimate partner or e.5partner' =or the sake of clarity% in this
report% -violence against women- is sed as a generic term% indicating the whole
spectrm of abse which may be e.perienced by women' Where the report
refers specifically to violence perpetrated against women by intimate partners%
the terms -domestic violence- or -domestic abse- are sed'
Children and yong people are affected by violence against women whether they
are living with it or not' Gong people who are affected by violence in their own
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
lives are most likely to trn to other yong people in the first instance for spport
9Gong Women-s Centre% 1&&:<' 3he attitdes of yong people are shaped by the
society they live in% and many yong people grow p believing that at least a
degree of violence against women is acceptable 9Brton and Mit/inger% 1&&#<'
4n a recent 0innesota stdy of women who had e.perienced violence by a
partner% 11B women were interviewed abot the e.tent to which their children
were involved in the violence 5 )1Q reported that their children had tried to get
help when they were being assalted% and )>Q reported that their children had
been physically involved in the events' =actors affecting children-s attempts to
intervene inclded the stability of the woman-s financial and social sitation% the
freFency of the abse% and the impact of the abse on her life and health'
Children were more likely to intervene when their mother-s financialLsocial
sitation was less stable% when the abse was freFent and the greater the
impact on the woman-s life and health' Children were less likely to intervene if the
abser was their biological father 92dleson et al% );;><' 3he athors sggest that
these findings demonstrate a need for more carefl assessments by all of the
agencies involved in responding to domestic abse% in order to improve the
safety of women and children'
4n this contry too% there has been a development of work which considers
the implications of domestic abse for child protection 98ester% );;;7 8mphreys%
);;;7 0c@ee% );;;< and e.amines the need for child protection services to
develop an awareness of domestic abse' 4n particlar% it is arged% service
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
providers mst begin to nderstand how the abse of women and children is
sed by absive men to maintain control over them' 4n doing so% it is sggested%
they will have to dismantle some of their own pre1dices and misconceptions
abot where the responsibility for domestic abse resides and place it back
where it belongs 5 with the absive man '=orman 91&&1< viewed this from the
other side of the glass% so to speak' She interviewed women whose children had
been absed and fond that all of the women had e.perienced some
form of abse by their partner% and 1: of the women had e.perienced physical
violence' 3his sggests that in addressing isses of child protection% it may also
be necessary to consider whether the mother of an absed child may herself be
in need of protection and spport' 3he effects on children of living with domestic
abse inclde difficlties with sleeping and eating% disrptive or very withdrawn
behavior% and delayed development 98age% Melly et al% 1&&$<' Scottish Women-s
"id has prodced a series of reports based on the perspectives of children
themselves% and it is clear from these that many children also e.perience high
levels of fear and an.iety' 3he e.tent to which absive men control the behavior
of children as well as women is also evident 9Scottish Women-s "id% 1&&*<'
Women-s e.periences% as indicated already% do not fit neatly into'
Nor do the e.periences of children' "s with research into violence against
women% stdies looking at childhood e.periences of violence focs largely on a
single type of violence 9Sanders% );;><' 0ltiple e.periences of violence and
relationships between different types of violence are less e.plored% and Sanders
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
advocates that% as with research into adlt e.periences of violence% a more
integrated approach to researching how violence affects children and yong
people is reFired and shold be developed 9Sanders% );;><'3he impact of
childhood and adlt e.periences of violence on women-s mental health has
already been acknowledged% inclding the links to sbstance misse' ?ooking at
the effect this then has on children provides another way to nderstand the effect
that violence against women has on children' =or e.ample% the importance of
recogni/ing and addressing the impact on children of living with a parent with
sbstance misse isses has been acknowledged by the Scottish 2.ective
9Scottish 2.ective% );;><'+iolence against women can be seen as an
nderpinning case of difficlty for children across a broad spectrm of isses
crrently being addressed by the Scottish 2.ective'
4n a stdy commissioned by !ape Crisis Network 2rope 9!CN2<% Melly
and !egan reviewed recent literatre on the condct and otcomes of forensic
e.aminations' 3hey identify some of the key elements of good practice in relation
to forensic e.aminations% emphasi/ing Kthe rights and dignity of the victimK 9Melly
and !egan% );;>I *<' 3hese inclde Kspeedy response7 avoiding the triage
system in hospital "O2 departments7 a private dedicated space7 a well eFipped
e.amination room7 trained and skilled practitioners7 female e.aminers7 a
streamlined victim5centered information gathering process7 time to move at the
speed the victimLsrvivor is comfortable with7 protocols and evidence kits which
are applied fle.ibly% according to the facts of the case7 space to discss the
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
process% debrief and ndertake crisis intervention% and provision of% or links to%
medical follow p and advocacyLspport services'K 9Melly and !egan% );;>I 1)<
3hese conditions% they arge% are crcial% both to the Fality of the
evidence gathered% and to the comfort and health of the complainers 9Melly and
!egan% );;>I 1)<' 4n their sbseFent review of five different approaches to
forensic e.amination% they note that the se of trained doctors is one of the more
common models' 3hey identify a nmber of difficlties inherent in this approach%
inclding problems with recriting women doctors% the need for participating
doctors to take on a generic forensic role% ths perhaps limiting their knowledge
abot assalt% and problems with limited availability of doctors at certain
times' 3hey also sggest that there may be limited co5ordination and integration
across the services% and an absence of advocacy and spport'
Some of these isses are addressed by the se of forensic nrses% who
have a more e.tensive role in providing healthcare advice% advocacy and spport
to complainers% in addition to evidence gathering and providing forensic reports
for the corts' 3his model is widely sed in North "merica and has several
advantages% inclding a higher degree of specialism% cost effectiveness% and a
more holistic approach to health intervention following assalt 9Melly and
!egan% );;>7 ?edray% 1&&&<'
" holistic approach is also fond in the provision of "ssalt
Centres% which in Canada are designed to Kattend to the medical% emotional%
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
social and medico5legal needs of clients in a prompt% professional% and
compassionate manner and to provide leadership in the prevention of
assaltK 96 0ont and Parnis% );;)% cited in Melly and !egan% );;>I 1$<' 3hese
are sally hospital based% often attached to accident and emergency facilities%
with a dedicated e.amination room and possibly interviewing facilities'
3here are several e.amples of similar centres in 2ngland% inclding 3he
8aven% a referral centre based in a health setting which provides forensic
e.amination and health follow p in sotheast ?ondon 9Merr et al% );;><%
and the St 0ary-s Centre in 0anchester% which was the first sch centre in
2ngland' "s yet% there are no sch facilities in Scotland% althogh discssions are
ongoing in @lasgow abot how sch a service might be developed 96tton and
Cavanagh% );;><
Foreign Studie*
" (N Special !apporter on +iolence against Women% itsCases and
ConseFences was appointed in 1&&B%entrsted with docmenting and analysing
the phenomenonworldwide' 3he second holder of the post% Gakin 2rtRrk%took
office in );;>' 3he (N has also appointed otherspecial rapporters on isses
addressing violence againstwomen and children% incldingI the Sale of Children%
ChildProstittion and Child Pornography7 3rafficking in Persons% 2specially
Women and Children7 6ifficlties of 2stablishing@ilt to Crimes of
+iolence7 and 3raditional Practices"ffecting the 8ealth of Women and the @irl
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
Child' 3he 1&&* Bei1ing Platform for "ction from the forth (N World Conference
on Women sets goals for states toeliminate violence against women'
3he Platform for "ctionincldes a variety of measres which governments
are e.pected to implement' Bei1ing S$% held in Ane );;;%identified particlar
areas reFiring focsed attention%which inclded violence against women and
girls' " frtherreview of the Platform for "ction took place in 0arch );;$' "n
,ptional Protocol to C26"W was adopted by the (N in1&&& and came into force
in 6ecember );;;'
4t providescomplaints and inFiry procedres which allow individalsand
grops to bring a case against states that fail to meet the reFirements of the
treaty% once domestic and otherremedies have been e.hasted' !egional
conventions on violence against women% for e.ample the 4nter5"merican
Convention on the Prevention%Pnishment and 2radication of +iolence against
Women91&#B< and the Protocol on the !ights of Women 9);;>< attached to the
"frican Charter on 8man and Peoples!ights 91&#1<% have emerged' 3he most
recent relevantinternational instrment is the Protocol to Prevent% Sppressand
Pnish 3rafficking in Persons% attached to the (N Convention against
3ransnational ,rgani/ed Crime 9);;;<'
Loca( Literature
"s signatory to international conventions and declarations pholding
gender eFality and womens hman rights% the Philippines has passed several
laws protecting women from that pervasive bt hitherto nrecogni/ed menace T
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
gender5based violence% more specifically violence against women and children
9+"WC<' "s a reslt% the designated government agencies have begn to pt p
mechanisms to address +"WC'
Now the contry is taking another step forward 55 it has set a benchmark
for addressing the problem by establishing performance standards on the
delivery of anti5+"WC services' 3he development of the performance standards
is a key component of the pro1ect of the National Commission on the !ole of
=ilipino Women 9NC!=W<% CStrengthening 4nstittional 0echanisms in
0ainstreaming @ender in !eprodctive 8ealth% Poplation and "nti5+"WC
ProgramsD% fnded by the (nited Nations Poplation =nd 9(N=P"<' =ive priority
agencies with anti5+"WC services were enlisted for the first year of
implementation T the Philippine National Police 9PNP<% 6epartment of Social
Welfare and 6evelopment 96SW6<% 6epartment of 8ealth 96,8<% 6epartment of
Astice 96,A< and 6epartment of 4nterior and ?ocal @overnment
964?@<'6eveloping the standards took almost a year' 2.tensive research 55 with
review of e.isting literatre inclding agency mandates 55 along with fieldwork
and consltations preceded the actal drafting' " consltant for each agency was
engaged to review protocols and facilities% facilitate the assessment of services
rendered to +"WC victimsLsrvivors% and draft the performance standards and
assessment tools' 3o validate the consltants baseline report and the draft
standards and tools% focsed grop discssions were condcted by the NC!=W
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
with the participation of direct service providers from each agency and some
local government nits 9?@(s<'
3he drafts were then endorsed to the individal agencies% throgh their
respective focal persons% for review and adoption' 3he reslt of the painstaking
process described is this information package' 3he package consists of five sets
of docments for each of the five service categories% represented by the
government agency tasked primarily to render sch type of service% as followsI
PNP for investigatory services or procedres
6,8 for medical or hospital5based services
6SW6 for psychosocial services
6,A for legalLprosection services
64?@ and the ?@(s for anti5 +"WC services at the barangay% mnicipal% city and
provincial levels' 2ach set is introdced by an ,verview% followed by the
Performance Standards and an "ssessment 3ool to gide compliance with the
standards as well generates data for monitoring and evalation prposes' 3he
data generated is also a tool for prioriti/ation and planning particlarly in the se
of the @"6 bdget' " Baseline !eport is also inclded to pt the standards in
conte.t' 3he ,verview points ot that althogh one doesnt have to go far to
confirm that +"WC is a reality for many =ilipino women% official data available on
the sb1ect do not present a coherent pictre that can be sed to ) >formlate
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
more effective responses to the problem' 3hs the need for systemati/ed data
+iolence against women% or +"WC% takes many forms and affects women and
children in varying degrees' Bt one thing has become clear to those advocating
for its eradication T +"WC% it reslts from as well as perpetates male privilege
and power' Women and Children% in short% are attacked simply becase they are
women and children' Becase spremacy has been the norm% +"WC for a long
time was not visible% it remained nnamed' 4f someone went to the police to
report that a man was hitting his wife or hitting his siblings% the matter wold have
been dismissed as Caway pamilya yanD which police officers wold rather not dip
their noses into% other than giving the offender a stern reprimand' " male
spervisor demanding favors from a female sbordinate was likely
shrgged off as merely naghty 55 the woman shold even be flattered by the
attention' 3here was no sch thing as date rape% mch less marital rape' 4t took a
lot of lobbying to even have certain forms of +"WC classified as Ccrimes against
6espite strides made in consciosness5raising% +"WC and the isses
srronding it remain a gray area for most =ilipinos' 3his is seen in the sketchy
data on +"WC% reflecting not 1st the relctance of victimsLsrvivors to report
their sitation partly becase of ambivalence abot the matter% bt also the lack
of responsive mechanisms T inclding systemati/ed gathering and processing of
data 55 for dealing with +"WC cases' gathering that wold show not only the
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
prevalence bt also the natre of +"WC cases and the impact in economic and
psychosocial terms on individals% families and the nation'
Loca( Studie*
3he Philippine government has practically ratified all international
instrments that are relevant in promoting and protecting womens and girls
rights' 3hese inclde the followingI the 4nternational Covenant on Civil and
Political !ights 94CCP!< on )> ,ctober 1&#*7 the 4nternational Covenant on
2conomic% Social and Cltral !ights 94C2SC!< on : Ane%1&:B7 the Convention
on the 2limination of "ll =orms of 6iscrimination "gainst Women 9C26"W< on
1&Aly1&#17 the Convention of the !ights of the Child 9C!C< on )1 "gst1&&;7
the Convention on the 2limination of !acial 6iscrimination 9C2!6< on 1$
September 1&*: the 4nternational Convention on the Protection of the !ights of
"ll 0igrant Workers and 0embers of their =amilies on $ Aly 1&&$'
3he Philippines also acceded to the Convention against 3ortre 9C"3< and
other crel% inhman or degrading treatment or pnishment on 1# Ane 1&#*'3he
Philippines% as a state party to the said international conventions% is dty bond
to enact laws and implement specific programs to meet their international
commitments' 3he ratification of these international instrments has no dobt
showed the commitment of the Philippine government to apply de diligence on
its international obligations to make womens rights a reality' 3he 1&#:
Constittion e.plicitly states that the Philippine government Crecogni/es the role
of women in nation bilding and shall ensre the fndamental eFality before the
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
law of women and menD 9"rticle 44%Section 1B<' Similarly% the following laws7 "nti5
0ail ,rder Bride "ct of 1&&;% " 8arassment "ct of 1&&$% "nti5!ape
?aw of 1&&:% !ape +ictims "ssistance and Protection "ct of 1&&#% "nti5
3rafficking in Persons "ct of );;>% "nti5+iolence "gainst Women and 3heir
Children "ct of );;B% "rticle )B$ of the1&>; !evised Penal Code and the 0agna
Carta of Women are now in place to criminali/e pblicly recogni/ed violations of
womens rights'
6espite the e.istence of these laws% no less than the National
Commission on the !ole of the =ilipino Women 9NC!=W< confirms that there are
still Csignificant gender imbalances in practice and cstomary laws that
discriminate against women and particlarly women in the rral areas< =aces of
+"W 6espite the milestones in instittionali/ing protection for women in the
contry% the incidence of violence against women grows nabated' "ccording to
=ilipino feminist activist "ida Santos 9);;B<% in the Philippine Contry
!eport:9);;B<I Cthe conservative vales and strict standards of morality
engendered by a Predominantly Catholic society% and the patriarchal instittions
and its attendant vales are pinpointed as the root cases of +"WD in the
Philippine Contry !eport% 4nternational 0eeting on 8man 6evelopment
O Secrity November ))5):% );;B 0anila% Philippines Prepared by the Philippine
Working @rop 9PW@<U 3his paper is a compilation of work and docments
provided by members of the Philippine Working @rop% and edited by "ida ='
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
Santos% Contry Coordinator or the 4nternational 0eeting' Specific contribtions
came from "mnesty 4nternational5Pilipinas% B(M?,6% M"4S" Ma% and W26P!,'
3he ,616 Nationa( Deogra&$ic and Hea(t$ Sur5e% 7NDHS8 condcted
by the National Statistics ,ffice 9NS,< introdced the KWomen Safety
0odleK which aims to captre the e.tent and types of +"W e.perienced
by women 91$5B& years old<' 4nformation was collected on sposal
violence 5 covering all forms of +"WI 1< physical violence7 )<
violence7 >< emotional violence7 and B< economic violence 9the >rd and Bth
forms of +"W were groped together in the srvey as Kother forms of
violenceK<' 3he modle also inclded Festions on marital control% which
may fall either nder emotionalLpsychological violence or economic
P$%*ica( 1io(ence
3he N68S revealed that one in five women aged 1$5B& has e.perienced
physical violence since age 1$7 1B'B percent of married women have
e.perienced physical abse from their hsbands7 and more than one5third
9>:Q< of separated or widowed women have e.perienced physical
violence% implying that domestic violence cold be the reason for
separation or annlment
Se3ua( 1io(ence
,ne in twenty five women age 1$5B& who have ever had se. ever
e.perienced forced first intercorse
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
,ne in ten women age 1$5B& ever e.perienced violence
P$%*ica( 1io(ence During Pregnanc%
,verall% B percent of women who have ever been pregnant have ever
e.perienced physical violence dring pregnancy' 3he incident increases
slightly with nmber of living children7 decreases slightly with age7
decreases with edcation level7 and declines steadily with wealth Fintile'
S&ou*a( 1io(ence
2motional and other forms of non5personal violence are the most common
types of sposal violence 9)>Q of ever5married women<' ,ne in seven
ever5married women e.perienced physical violence by their hsbands
while # percent e.perienced violence by their hsbands'
Patterns in prevalence of sposal violence are similar to those of violence
e.perienced by woman 1$5B&' 0ost likely higher among separated%
widowed and divorced7 crrently married women who have married more
than once7 and in C"!"@" region% Central +isayas and
S&ou*a( 1io(ence '% Hu*'and9* C$aracteri*tic*
Sposal +iolence tends to decline as hsband-s age increases% edcation
increases% and wealth Fintile increases'
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
Con*e:uence* o# S&ou*a( 1io(ence
,ne in three women who e.perienced violence reported
having physical in1ries sch as cts% brises or aches' 0ore than 1;
percent reported to have sffered eye in1ries% sprains% dislocations or
brns% and abot the same proportion reported that they attempted to
commit sicide'
3hree in five women who e.perienced violence reported
having e.perienced psychological conseFences like depression% an.iety
and anger'
1io(ence Initiated '% /oen Again*t Hu*'and*
Women were asked% K8ave yo ever hit% slapped% kicked% or done anything
else to physically hrt yor 9last< hsband at times when he was not
already beating or physically hrting yoJK' 1* percent answered KGes%
everK and & percent answered KGes% in the last 1) monthsK
Re(e5ance o# Re5ie!ed Literature and Studie* to t$e Pre*ent Stud%
3he above mentioned related literatre and stdies are considered
significant in the present stdies' 3hey provide the researcher information on the
natre and scope of the problems of the stdy' 3hey also help the researcher a
great deal by giving him wider perspective to the area that needs improvement in
order to enhance the capability of the handling cases of !'" &)*) in HCP6
Station 11'
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
Met$od o# Re*earc$ and Procedure*
3his chapter present the methods and techniFes sed in the stdy% as
well as the sampling and selection of the respondents% the instrmentation and
procedres sed in the gathering and statistical treatment of data'
Re*earc$ Met$od
3he descriptive method of research was sed by the researchers to
assess the Capability of Womens 6esk of He/on City Police 6istrict Station 11
in handling cases of violence against women and children'
3he descriptive method of research involves collecting data in order to test
hypothesis or answer Festions concerning the crrent stats' 4t involves
training% logistics and finance' 6escriptive research describes and interprets what
is' 4t is concerned with conditions of relationships that e.ists7 practices that
prevail7 belief% processes that are going on7 effects that are being felt% or trends
that are developing'
3he process of descriptive research goes beyond mere gathering and
tablation of data' 4t involves the elements or interpretation of the meaning or
significance of what is described' 3hs% description is often combined with
comparison and contrast involving measrements% classifications% interpretation
and evalation'
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
Po&u(ation and Sa&(ing Sc$ee
3he poplation of the stdy covers police officers who are handling cases
of violence against women and children and selected barangay officials nder
the area of 1risdiction of Station 11'
Convenience sampling was sed to draw the nmber of the respondents
in the stdy'
Convenience sampling is a non5probability method' 3his means that
sb1ects are chosen in a nonrandom manner% and some members of the
poplation have no chance of being inclded' With non5probability sampling%
researchers have no way of calclating how well their sample represents the
poplation as a whole
De*cri&tion* o# t$e Re*&ondent*
4n this stdy% the researchers inclded as part of the stdy the profile of
the respondents as to their age% gender% civil stats and edcational attainment'
Ta'(e 1
Fre:uenc% Di*tri'ution o# Re*&ondent*
Grou& o#
Nu'er o#
Nu'er o#
Police ,fficers )$ )$ $;
Brgy ,fficials )$ )$ $;
3,3"? $; $; 1;;

B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
3able 1 presents the freFency distribtion of the respondents' 3he table
shows there are )$ or $; percent respondents police officer participated in the
,n the part of the barangay officials% there are also )$ or $; percent
respondents answered the srvey Festionnaire distribted'
Re*earc$ In*truent*
4n gathering data% the researchers tili/ed the srvey Festionnaire' 4t was
administered to the two grops of respondents' 3he first part is abot the
demographic profile of the respondents% while the second part is abot the
capability of HCP6 station 11 in handing cases of violence against women and
children% in terms of 3raining %=inance and ?ogistics
3he last part is abot the measres that may be proposed to enhance the
capabilities of HCP6 station 11 in handling cases of violence against women and
1a(idation o# In*truent*
4n the validation of the instrments% the researchers distribted personally
to the two 9)< persons to each grops of respondents' 3hey asked if all the items
are clear and can easily be nderstood and not biased% if the items are enogh to
collect the necessary data in the stdy'
Procedure* in t$e Gat$ering Data
3he researchers condcted the following procedresI
1' 3he researchers condcted the pre5test of the srvey instrments'
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
)' 3he researchers implemented the necessary changes in the srvey
instrments based on the trn ot of the pre T test and sggestions
>' 3he researchers reprodced enogh copies of the srvey instrments
incorporating all sggestions received'
B' 3he researchers distribted copies to the three grops of respondents'
$' 3he researchers collected the srvey instrment from the two grops
of respondents'
*' 3he researchers tallied% encoded and tablated the reslts of the
Stati*tica( Treatent o# Data
3he following statistical treatments were sed in the data that gathered in
the condct of the srveyI
3he Percentage 0ethod was tili/ed in the analysis and evalation of the
data on the profile of the respondents according to age% gender% civil stats and
edcation' 4t was compted as followsI
P V . 1;;
P 5 Percentage
N 5 =reFency
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
f 5 Nmber of respondents
1;; 5 Constant
3he Weighted 0ean was sed to determine the central tendency which
describes the characteristics of the poplation' 4t was compted as followsI
W0 V
W0 5 Weighted 0ean
W 5 Smmation sign
f 5 =reFency
. 5 (nit Weight
n 5 Nmber of respondents
=or the analysis of the capability of HCP6 Station 11 in handling cases of
violence against women and children a five point scale was sed in describing
the data that obtained from the srvey'
6escriptive !ating Point +ale 0ean Scale
+ery Capable
B')1 5 $';;
>'B1 5 B');
=airly Capable > )'*1 5 >'B;
?ess Capable ) 1'#1 5 )'$;
Not Capable 1 1';; 5 1'#;
=or the measres that may be proposed to enhance the capability of the
HCP6 Station 11 in handling cases of violence against women and children% the
following scale were sedI
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
6escriptive +ale Point +ale 0ean Scale
+ery Sitable
B')1 5 $';;
>'B1 5 B');
=airly Sitable > )'*1 5 >'B;
?ess Sitable ) 1'#1 5 )'*;
Not Sitable 1 1';; 5 1'#;
Pre*entation= Ana(%*i* and Inter&retation o# Data
3his chapter deals with the findings of the stdy according to the
following seFenceI 91<I demographic profile of the respondents% 9)<I perception
regarding the capability of HCP6 Station 11 in handling cases of !" &)*) as
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
assessed by two grops of respondents in terms of training% =inance and
?ogistics7 9>< proposed measres to enhance the capability of HCP6 Station 11
in handling cases nder !" &)*)' 4t presents the tablated information of the
gathered data' 4t incldes the analysis as well as the interpretation of the reslts'
Su'>&ro'(e No. 12 Deogra&$ic &ro#i(e o# t$e re*&ondent*.
Ta'(e ,
Pro#i(e o# t$e T!o Grou&* o# Re*&ondent* according to Age
3able ) illstrates the distribtion of the two grops of respondents
according to their age' 3he table shows that the Police ,fficers are mostly
between the ages of )*5>> with 1$ respondents or *; percent% followed by those
whose ages are between 1# T )$ with 1; respondents or B; percent'
,n the part of the Barangay ,fficials% there are 1; respondents or B;
percent whose ages are between >B5B1% followed by ages )*5>>% with &
respondents or >* percent' 3he ages 1#5)$ has the lowest nmber of respondent
with B or 1* percent'
Ta'(e ;
Pro#i(e o# t$e Re*&ondent* according to Gender
O##icia(* Tota(
Fre:. ? Fre: ? Fre:. ?
1#5)$ 1; B; B 1* 1B )#
)*5>> 1$ *; & >* )B B#
>B5B1 ; ; 1; B; 1; );
B)5$; ; ; ) # ) B
TOTAL ,@ 166 ,@ 166 @6 166
Gender Po(ice O##icer* Baranga%
O##icia(* Tota(
Fre:. ? Fre:. ? Fre:. ?
0ale 1> $) )1 #B 1* >)
=emale 1) B# B 1* >B *#
3otal )$ 1;; )$ 1;; $; 1;;
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
3able > presents the profile of the respondents according to gender' "s shown in
the table% there are 1> or $) percent male police officers and 1) or B# percent
female police officers'
,n the part of the barangay officials% there are )1 or #B percent who are
male and B or 1* percent who are female'
Ta'(e <
Pro#i(e o# t$e Re*&ondent* according to Ci5i( Statu*
Ci5i( Statu* Po(ice O##icer* Baranga% O##icia( Tota(
Fre:. ? Fre:. ? Fre:. ?
Single 1# :) 1$ *; >> **
0arried : )# * )B 1> )*
Separated ; ; ) # )' B
Widower ; ; ) # ) B
TOTAL ,@ 166 ,@ 166 @6 166
3able B shows the profile of the respondents according to civil stats'
@leaned from the table% on the part of the police officers% there are 1# or :)
percent who are single and : or )# percent who are married'
,n the part of the barangay official% there are 1$ or *; percent who are
single% followed by married with * respondents or )B percent' =or separated and
widower% there have identical nmber of ) respondents or # percent'
Ta'(e @
Pro#i(e o# t$e Re*&ondent* according to Educationa( Attainent
Ci5i( Statu* Po(ice O##icer* Baranga% O##icia( Tota(
Fre:. ? Fre:. ? Fre:. ?
8igh School ; ; ; ; ; ;
+ocational ; ; ) # ) B
College ; ; : )# : 1B
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
1& :* 1* *B >$ :;
With 0" nits B 1* ; ; B #
0" @radate ) # ; ; ) B
With 6octoral
; ; ; ; ; ;
Ph 6 6egree ; ; ; ; ; ;
TOTAL ,@ 166 ,@ 166 @6 166
3able $% presents the profile of the respondents according to edcational
attainment' "s shown in the table% the police officers are mostly college gradate
with 1& respondents or :* percent% followed by those with 0" nits with B
respondents or 1* percent' 0" gradate has ) respondents or # percent'
,n the part of the barangay official% ma1ority are college gradate with 1*
respondents or *B percent% while for college ndergradate% there are :
respondents or )# percent% and vocational gradate has ) respondents or #
Su'>&ro'(e No. ,. T$e Ca&a'i(it% o# Po(ice O##icer* in )CPD Station 11 in
$and(ing ca*e* in re(ation to RA +,-,.
Ta'(e -
A**e**ent* o# t$e Re*&ondent on t$e Ca&a'i(it% o# /oenA* de*" o#
)CPD Station 11 in $and(ing ca*e* o# 5io(ence again*t !oen and c$i(dren
in ter* o# Training
Indicator* Po(ice O##icer* Baranga%
"' 3he Police ,fficer has
training in handling cases
of !'" &)*)'
B')) +C >'*; C >'&1 C
B' 3he lectrers have
adeFate knowledge on !'"
B'1; C >'#; C >'&$ C
C' 3he Police ,fficers
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
ndergone refresher corse
in handling cases of !"
B'1$ C B'11 C B'1> C
6' 3he provisions of !" &)*)
are well e.plained to the
Police ,fficers before
posting to Women and
Children 6esk'
B'1# C B';$ C B'1) C
O1ERALL MEAN <.1- C ;.B+ C <.6, C
3able * demonstrates the assessment of the respondents on the capability
of womens desk of HCP6 station 11 in handling cases of violence against
women and children in terms of training'
"s shown in the table% the overall assessment of the respondents is
capable with mean score of B';)'
=or the grop of police officer% the overall assessment is capable with
mean score of B'1*' 3he indicator that The Police Officer has training in handling
cases of R.A 9262 has the highest assessment of very capable with mean of
B'))% while the remaining indicators have an assessment of capable% sch asI
The provisions of RA 9262 are well explained to the Police Officers before
posting to Women and hildren !es"# The Police Officers $ndergone refresher
co$rse in handling cases of RA 9262# and The lect$rers have ade%$ate
"nowledge on R.A 9262% with mean scores of B'1#% B'1$ and B'1;% respectively'
,n the part of the barangay officials% the overall assessment is capable
with mean score of >'#&' "ll indicators have an assessment of capable% sch asI
The Police Officers $ndergone refresher co$rse in handling cases of RA 9262#
The provisions of RA 9262 are well explained to the Police Officers before
posting to Women and hildren !es"# The lect$rers have ade%$ate "nowledge
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
on R.A 9262 and The Police Officer has training in handling cases of R.A 9262
with mean scores of B'11% B';$% >'#; and >'*;% respectively'
Ta'(e C
A**e**ent* o# t$e Re*&ondent on t$e Ca&a'i(it% o# /oenA* de*" o#
)CPD Station 11 in $and(ing ca*e* o# 5io(ence again*t !oen and c$i(dren
in ter* o# Finance
Indicator* Po(ice O##icer* Baranga%
"' 3here are enogh
bdgets for
maintenance of vehicle
sed for Police officer
assigned in Children
and Women 6esk'
B'1# C >'#& C B';> C
B' 3here are bdget for
office spply sed in
the Womens and
Childrens desk
B'1: C B'11 C B'1B C
C' 3here are bdget
allotted in case the
victims nder !" &)*)
needed immediate care
andLor medical
B'); C >'B> C >'#1 C
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
6' 3here are allowances
for the Police ,fficer in
case they needed for
B'1$ C >'&B C B';B C
O1ERALL MEAN <.1B C ;.B< C <.61 C
3able : reveals the assessment of the respondents on the capability of
womens desk of HCP6 Station 11 in handling cases of violence against women
and children in terms of =inance'
"s presented in the table% the overall assessment of the respondents is
capable with mean score of B';1'
=or the grop of police officer% the overall assessment is capable with
mean score of B'1#' "ll indicators have an assessment of capable% sch asI
3here are bdget allotted in case the victims nder !" &)*) needed immediate
care andLor medical assistance% 3here are enogh bdgets for maintenance of
vehicle sed for Police officer assigned in Children and Women 6esk% 3here are
bdget for office spply sed in the Womens and Childrens desk and 3here are
allowances for the Police ,fficer in case they needed for emergency% with mean
scores of B');% B'1#% B'1: and B'1$% respectively'
,n the part of the barangay official% the overall assessment is also
capable% with mean score of >'#B' "ll indicators have an assessment of capable%
sch asI 3here are bdget for office spply sed in the Womens and Childrens
desk% 3here are allowances for the Police ,fficer in case they needed for
emergency% 3here are enogh bdgets for maintenance of vehicle sed for
Police officer assigned in Children and Women 6esk and 3here are bdget
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
allotted in case the victims nder !" &)*) needed immediate care andLor
medical assistance with mean scores of B'11% >'&B% >'#& and >'B>% respectively'

Ta'(e B
A**e**ent* o# t$e Re*&ondent on t$e Ca&a'i(it% o# /oenA* de*" o#
)CPD Station 11 in $and(ing ca*e* o# 5io(ence again*t !oen and c$i(dren
in ter* o# Logi*tic*
Indicator* Po(ice O##icer* Baranga%
"' Women and Children
6esk is provided with
enogh compters'
B')B +C B')) +C B')> +C
B' 3here is a service
vehicle provided for
police officer assigned
in Women and Children
B'1# C B'); C B'1& C
C' 3here is a specific
office for police officers
who handled cases of
B'*: +C B'>; +C B'B# +C
6' Police officers handling
cases of +"WC are
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
provided with
>'*# C >' :$ C >':1 C
O1ERALL MEAN <.1+ C <.1, C <.1@ C
3able # presents the assessment of the respondents on the capability of
womens desk of HCP6 station 11 in handling cases of violence against women
and children in terms of ?ogistics'
"s shown in the table% the overall assessment of the respondent is
capable with mean score of B'1$'
=or the grop of police officer% the overall assessment is capable with
means score of B'1&' 3wo indicators have an assessment of very capable% sch
asI There is a specific office for police officers who handled cases of &AW and
Women and hildren !es" is provided with eno$gh comp$ters with mean score
of B'*: and B')B% respectively% while the remaining indicators have an
assessment of capable% sch asI There is a service vehicle provided for police
officer assigned in Women and hildren !es" and Police officers handling cases
of &AW are provided with comm$nication e%$ipment with mean scores of B'1#
and >'*#% respectively'
,n the part of the barangay officials% the overall assessment is also
capable with mean score B'1)' 3wo indicators have an assessment of very
capable% sch asI There is a specific office for police officers who handled cases
of &AW and Women and hildren !es" is provided with eno$gh comp$ters
with mean scores of B'>; and B'))% respectively% while the remaining indicators
have an assessment of capable% sch asI There is a service vehicle provided for
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
police officer assigned in Women and hildren !es" and Police officers handling
cases of &AW are provided with comm$nication e%$ipment with mean scores of
B'); and >':$% respectively'
Ta'(e +
Co&arati5e A**e**ent o# t$e Re*&ondent*
on t$e Ca&a'i(it% o# /oenA* de*" o# )CPD Station 11 in $and(ing ca*e* o#
5io(ence again*t !oen and c$i(dren
Po(ice O##icer Baranga% O##icia( Grand Mean
"W0 +4 "W0 +4 "W0 +4
1'3raining B'1* C >'#& C B';) C
)' =inance B'1# C >'#B C B';1 C
>' ?ogistics B'1& C B'1) C B'1$ C
Grand Mean
<.1B C ;.+@ C <.6- C
3able & presents the comparative assessment of the respondents on the
capability of womens desk of HCP6 station 11 in handling cases of violence
against women and children in terms of 3raining% =inance and ?ogistics'
"s shown in the table% the overall assessment of the respondents is
capable with mean score of B';*' 3he variable ?ogistics has the highest mean
score of B'1$% interpreted as capable% followed by variable 3raining with mean
score of B';)% also interpreted as capable% while the variable =inance has the
lowest mean score of B';1% also interpreted as capable'
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
Ta'(e 16
Pro&o*ed ea*ure* to en$ance t$e ca&a'i(it% o# !oenA* de*" o# )CPD
*tation 11 in $and(ing ca*e* o# 5io(ence again*t !oen and c$i(dren
Indicator* Po(ice O##icer* Baranga%
"' 3he ?ocal @overnment
shold spport by
providing financial
assistance to PNP
specifically all station in
B'#1 +S B':* +S B':# +S
B' 3he ?ocal @overnment
shold also condct
refresher corse in
police officers in HCP6
Station 11 in handling
cases of !" &)*)
B'&1 +S B'#* +S B'## +S
C' 3here shold be a
dialoge between
Police and Barangay B'&$ +S B'## +S B'&1 +S
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
,fficials in prevention
in cases of !" &)*)
6' PNP shold provide
enogh police officers
in HCP6 Station 11'
B'*) +S B':: +S B':; +S
2' 3here shold be a
refresher corse in the
Police ,fficer who
handle cases of !"
B':$ +S B'*: +S B':1 +S
O1ERALL MEAN <.B1 1S <.C+ 1S <.B6 1S
3able 1; demonstrates the assessment of the respondents on the
proposed measres to enhance the capabilities of womens desk of HCP6
station 11 in handling cases of violence against women and children
"s shown in the table% the overall assessment of the respondents is very
sitable with mean score of B'#;'
=or the grop of police officer% the overall assessment is very sitable with
mean score of B'#1' "ll indicators have an assessment of very sitable% sch asI
There sho$ld be a dialog$e between Police and 'aranga( Officials in prevention
in cases of RA 9262# The )ocal *overnment sho$ld also cond$ct refresher
co$rse in police officers in +P! ,tation -- in handling cases of RA 9262# The
)ocal *overnment sho$ld s$pport b( providing financial assistance to P.P
specificall( all station in +P!# There sho$ld be a refresher co$rse in the Police
Officer who handle cases of RA 9262 and P.P sho$ld provide eno$gh police
officers in +P! ,tation -- with mean scores of B'&$% B'&1% B'#1% B':$ and B'*)%
,n the part of the barangay official% the overall assessment is very
sitable with mean score of B':&' "ll indicators have an assessment of very
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
sitable% sch asI There sho$ld be a dialog$e between Police and 'aranga(
Officials in prevention in cases of RA 9262# The )ocal *overnment sho$ld also
cond$ct refresher co$rse in police officers in +P! ,tation -- in handling cases
of RA 9262# P.P sho$ld provide eno$gh police officers in +P! ,tation --# The
)ocal *overnment sho$ld s$pport b( providing financial assistance to P.P
specificall( all station in +P! and There sho$ld be a refresher co$rse in the
Police Officer who handle cases of RA 9262 with mean scores of B'##% B'#*%
B'::% B':* and B'*:% respectively'
Suar%= Conc(u*ion* and Recoendation*
3his chapter presents the smmary of findings% conclsions and the
recommendations proposed by the researcher'
Suar% o# Finding*
"fter a thorogh research process% the researcher arrived at the following
1. Deogra&$ic Pro#i(e o# t$e Re*&ondent*.
In ter* o# age= the Police ,fficers are mostly between the ages of )*5>>
followed by those whose ages are between 1# T )$
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
,n the part of the Barangay ,fficials% there are 1; respondents whose
ages are between >B5B1% followed by ages )*5>>' 3he ages 1#5)$ has the lowest
nmber of respondent with B'
4n terms of Gender% there are 1> male police officers and 1) female police
,n the part of the barangay officials% there are )1 male and B female'
4n terms of to ci5i( *tatu*' on the part of the police officers% there are 1#
single and : married'
,n the part of the barangay official% there are 1$ who are single% followed
by married with * respondents' =or separated and widower% there have identical
nmber of ) respondents'
4n terms of educationa( attainent% police officers are mostly college
gradate with 1& respondents% followed by those with 0" nits with B
respondents' 0" gradate has ) respondents'
,n the part of the barangay official% ma1ority are college gradate with 1*
respondents% while for college ndergradate% there are : respondents% and
vocational gradate has ) respondents'
,. T$e Ca&a'i(it% o# )CPD Station 11 in $and(ing ca*e* in re(ation to
RA +,-,.
4n terms of Training% the overall assessment of the respondents is
capable with mean score of B';)'
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
=or the grop of police officer% the overall assessment is capable with
mean score of B'1*'
,n the part of the barangay officials% the overall assessment is capable
with mean score of >'#&'
4n terms of Finance% the overall assessment of the respondents is capable
with mean score of B';1' =or the grop of police officer% the overall assessment is
capable with mean score of B'1#'
,n the part of the barangay official% the overall assessment is also
capable% with mean score of >'#B'
4n terms of Logi*tic*% the overall assessment of the respondent is
capable with mean score of B'1$' =or the grop of police officer% the overall
assessment is capable with means score of B'1&'
,n the part of the barangay officials% the overall assessment is also
capable with mean score B'1)'
;. Pro&o*ed ea*ure* to en$ance t$e ca&a'i(it% o# !oenA* de*" o#
)CPD *tation 11 in $and(ing ca*e* o# 5io(ence again*t !oen and c$i(dren.
3he overall assessment of the respondents is very sitable with mean
score of B'#;' =or the grop of police officer% the overall assessment is very
sitable with mean score of B'#1'
,n the part of the barangay official% the overall assessment is very
sitable with mean score of B':&'
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
Based on the assessments made by the respondents% the researchers
arrive at the following conclsionsI
1' 0a1ority of the respondents police and barangay officials are on the ages%
)*5>>% in terms of gender% police officers are dominated by male% while
barangay officials are dominated also by male respondents' 4n terms of
civil stats% both police officers and barangay officials are single% while in
terms of edcational attainment% both grop of respondents are dominated
by college gradate'
)' 3he womens desk of He/on City Police 6istrict Station 11% is Capable in
handling cases of violence against women and children7
>' 3he proposed measres to enhance the capability of womens desk of
He/on City Police 6istrict Station 11 are +ery Sitable'
Based on the findings and conclsions% the researchers strongly recommend
the following measres to enhance the capability of womens desk of HCP6
Station 11 in handling cases of violence against women and children'
3he PNP shold condct reglar and continos training for the
advancement of knowledge of police officers assigned at the women
3he He/on City government shold help the PNP% particlarly the HCP6
in terms of financial aspect for the betterment of services of womens
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
Police Station 11 and the barangay officials nder the area of the said
station shold condct reglar dialoge or seminar on the awareness on
violence against women and children7
3he Police ,fficer and the Barangay ,fficials shold have an immediate
means of commnication eFipment for a speedy reporting of crimes not
only in cases nder !" &)*) bt also in other cases'
!epblic "ct :*1;I "nti5Child "bse ?aw
!epblic "ct &)*)I "nti5+iolence against Women and their Children "ct
!epblic "ct No' :*1;
!epblic "ct No'#>$>
!epblic "ct No'#$;$
!epblic "ct &:1;
6,8 Performance Standard and "ssesment 3ools for Services "ddressing
+iolence against Women in the Philippines'
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
November ;:% );1>
Chief% HCP6 Police Station 11
6ear SirI
"s part of the reFirements for the Bachelor of Science in Criminology% the
ndersigned stdents are condcting a research stdy entitled% C3he Capability of
Police ,fficers in HCP6 Station 11 in 8andling cases in relation to !" &)*)'
4n this connection% we are respectflly reFesting for yor approval to allow the
distribtion of srvey Festionnaires to the selected police personnel which will
comprise the respondents of the stdy'
We are deeply anticipating yor approval on this matter'
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
3hank yo'
!espectflly yors%
Mr.Ger5een Su%ao
Mr.Deano=Ra%ond R.
Mr.Ru'ia=Ren Sa(5ador G.
Mr2Pero(ino=G$une( S.
Noted byI
6ean% College of Criminology
T$e Ca&a'i(it% o# Po(ice O##icer* in )CPD Station 11 in Hand(ing ca*e* in
re(ation to RA +,-,
PART I. Re*&ondent* Pro#i(e
Direction2 P(ea*e &ut a c$ec" 7H8 ar" on t$e *&ace &ro5ided t$at 'e*t
a&&(ie* to %ou.
"geI 9 < ); T )$ 9 < >$ T B;
9 < )* T >; 9 < B1 T $;
9 < >1 T >$ 9 < $1 and above
@enderI 9 < 0ale
9 < =emale
Civil StatsI
9 < Single
9 < 0arried
9 < Separated
9 < Widowed
2dcational "ttainmentI
9 < 8igh School @radate
9 < College (ndergradate
9 < College @radate
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
9 < With nits in 0asters 6egree Program
9 < @radate of 0asters 6egree
9 < With (nits in 6octorate 6egree Program
9 < @radate of 6octorate 6egree
Part II. Re*&ondent*A a**e**ent on t$e Ca&a'i(it% o# Po(ice O##icer* in
)CPD Station 11 in $and(ing ca*e* in re(ation to RA +,-, in ter* o#
Training0 Finance and Logi*tic*.
Direction*2 P(ea*e &ut a c$ec" on t$e co(un t$at corre*&ond* to %our
an*!er u*ing t$e *ca(e 'e(o!.
@ > 1er% Ca&a'(e
< > Ca&a'(e
; > Moderate(% Ca&a'(e
, > Le** Ca&a'(e
1 > Not Ca&a'(e
"' 3he Police ,fficer has training in handling
cases of !'" &)*)'
B'3he lectrers have adeFate knowledge on
!'" &)*)'
C'3he Police ,fficers ndergone refresher
corse in handling cases of !" &)*)'
6'3he provisions of !" &)*) are well e.plained
to the Police ,fficers before posting to Women
and Children 6esk'
"' 3here are enogh bdgets for maintenance of
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
vehicle sed for Police officer assigned in
Children and Women 6esk'
B'3here are bdget for office spply sed in the
Womens and Childrens desk
C'3here are bdget allotted in case the victims
nder !" &)*) needed immediate care andLor
medical assistance
6'3here allowances for the Police ,fficer in case
they needed for emergency'
"' Women and Children 6esk is provided with
enogh compters'
B'3here is a service vehicle provided for police
officer assigned in Women and Children 6esk'
C'3here is a specific office for police officers who
handled cases of +"WC'
6'Police officers handling cases of +"WC are
provided with commnication eFipment'
Part III. Mea*ure* t$at a% 'e &ro&o*e to t$e Ca&a'i(it% o# Po(ice O##icer*
in )CPD Station 11 in Hand(ing ca*e* in re(ation to RA +,-, Direction*2
P(ea*e &ut a c$ec" on t$e co(un t$at corre*&ond* to %our an*!er u*ing
t$e *ca(e 'e(o!.
@ > 1er% Suita'(e
< > Suita'(e
; > Fair(% Suita'(e
, > Le** Suita'(e
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
1 > Not Suita'(e
Pro&o*ed Mea*ure*
Indicator* $
"'3he ?ocal @overnment shold provide financial
assistance in HCP6 station 11
B'3he ?ocal @overnment shold condct
refresher corse in HCP6 Station 11 in handling
cases of !" &)*)
C'3here shold be a dialoge between Police and
Barangay ,fficials in prevention in cases of !"
6'3here shold provide enogh police officers in
HCP6 Station 11'
2'3here shold be a refresher corse in the Police
,fficer who handle cases of !" &)*)
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
:$> 4nt B* !asabago 3ondo 0anila
0obile No'I ;&>**#)>$)&
2mail "ddressI syaoYyahoo'com
6ate of Birth I "gst >% 1&&1
Birth place I 0anila
"ge I ))
Civil Stats I Single
Se. I 0ale
8eight I $#
Weight I :> kg
Philippine College of Criminology
Bac$e(or o# Science in Criino(og%
"lternative ?earning system
Secondar% Education
?lorente Central 2lementary School
E(eentar% Education
On>t$e>Go' Training=
0akati Central Police 6istrict
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
0ay );1B to Present
)* 6 Mabignayan Street 3atalon He/on City
0obile No'I;&>*&:>#&)$
2mail "ddressI tarck_royoYyahoo'com
6ate of Birth I September :% 1&#:
Birth place I 0anila
"ge I ):
Civil Stats I Single
Se. I 0ale
8eight I $:
Weight I :B kg
Philippine College of Criminology
Bac$e(or o# Science in Criino(og%
"ntonio "' 0aceda 8igh School
Secondar% Education
"rora 2lementary School
E(eentar% Education
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
On>t$e>Go' Training=
0akati Central Police 6istrict
0ay );1B to Present

$); 0oriones Street 3ondo% 0anila
0obile No'I;&)*)#>)B>#
2mail "ddressI rbia';)Yyahoo'com
6ate of Birth I =ebary #% 1&#&
Birth place I 0anila
"ge I )$
Civil Stats I Single
Se. I 0ale
8eight I $:
Weight I $* kg
Philippine College of Criminology
Bac$e(or o# Science in Criino(og%

Sergio ,smena 8igh School
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
Secondar% Education

4sabelo 6elos !eyes 2lementary School
E(eentar% Education
On>t$e>Go' Training=
0akati Central Police 6istrict
0ay );1B to Present

1;* 0annggal Street 3atalon He/on City
0obile No'I;&;&#):11>:
2mail "ddressI1helperolinoYyahoo'com
6ate of Birth I November 1$% 1&&)
Birth place I 0anila
"ge I )1
Civil Stats I Single
Se. I 0ale
8eight I $*
Weight I :)kg
Philippine College of Criminology
Bac$e(or o# Science in Criino(og%
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
6r Aosefa Aara 0artine/ 8igh School
Secondar% Education
6iosdado P' 0acapagal 2lementary School
E(eentar% Education

On>t$e>Go' Training=
0akati Central Police 6istrict
0ay );1B to Present
*B&5" Boni "vene% 0andalyong City
0obile No'I ;&B#*>;&:#:
2mail "ddressI
6ate of Birth I ,ctober 1*' 1&#&
Birth place I San "ntonio ?ila Bohol
"ge I )B
Civil Stats I Single
Se. I 0ale
8eight I $&
Weight I :> kg
Philippine College of Criminology
Bac$e(or o# Science in Criino(og%
B Bachelor of Science in Criminology_ Page _
?ila 8igh School
Secondar% Education
?ila Central 2lementary School
E(eentar% Education
On>t$e>Go' Training=
0akati Central Police 6istrict
0ay );1B to Present

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