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(Passenger must present the SIGNED LOI, Photocopy of Credit Card and Photocopy of Cardhoder ID)
TO: Verification Team, KALSTAR AVIATION
In consideration of Kalstar Aviation accepting the purchase of this Booking Code where
I have authorized this purchase using my Credit Card ut I am !OT a Travelling "arty of
the Booking #eference
for the elow$mentioned Ticket%s& and agreeing to carry the passenger%s& as indicated on the
Ticket%s& for travel on
KA'(TA# A)IATIO! flight%s&* including ut not limited to the itinerary mentioned elow*
1. Passenger Name
2. Passenger Name
3. Passenger Name
4. Passenger Name
5. Passenger Name
6. Passenger Name
7. Passenger Name
8. Passenger Name
Cardhoder Name
Cardhoder !eephone
"ome# $o%&e#
'ma& (ddress
) here%* de+are and agree to &ndemn&,* -astar (.&at&on ,or the !ota Pr&+e o, the a%o.e/ment&oned
!&+0et(s) as re,e+ted on the !&+0et(s)
(Card hoder 1&gnature) (Date)
(Name as appear on +red&t +ard)
Te r! " a # d c o# d iti o # " fo r C a r d h o d e r # o t F y $
1. !h&s do+ument &s to %e s&gned 2N34 &n the presen+e o, -astar (.&at&on 5er&,&+at&on team.
2. !he s&gnator* o, th&s do+ument &s re6u&red to present the Pur+has&ng Cred&t Card, proo, o, +onta+t num%er,Produ+e a +ear photo+op* o, )D7passport,
res&dent&a address 87or ema& address as appropr&ate* re6u&red %* a -astar (.&at&on sta,,.
3. 9a: or 1+an th&s 32) to # %&'( )*+),--% or ema& to $ ti!.erifi/a"i0/a"taro#i#e1co!
4. !he s&gnator* o, th&s do+ument a+0no;edges and understands that %* s&gn&ng th&s do+ument, the s&gnator* agrees to use h&s7her o;n +red&t +ard, de%&t
+ard or d&re+t de%&t a++ount, ;h&+h &s hed &n h&s7her name, and &n +ons&derat&on o, -astar (.&at&on a++ept&ng the s&gnator*<s pa*ment ,or the
a%o.e purposes, to &ndemn&,* and hod harmess -astar (.&at&on ,rom an* oss ar&s&ng ,rom the non/a++eptan+e or re=e+t&on %* the ree.ant pa*ment
a++ount &ssuer (,or an* reason) o, the or&g&na transa+t&on, and to ,orth;&th upon demand %* -astar (.&at&on pa* the ;hoe amount o;&ng ,or the
transa+t&on &n ; ,orm -astar (.&at&on sha re6u&re.
5. !he &n,ormat&on &n th&s do+ument &s str&+t* +on,&dent&a and ;& %e se+ure* stored %* -astar (.&at&on ,or a per&od no onger than &s deemed re6u&red %*
-astar (.&at&on.
For Officia 2"e
Thi" doc3!e#t i" .erified a#d appro.ed 4y$
Name 7 Des&gnat&on 1&gnature 1tamp Date

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