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Mobile Lesson Plan

Balancing the Equations

- MCC1.OA.3: Apply properties of operations to add and subtract.
- MCC1.OA.7: Understand the meaning of the equal sign, and determine if equations involving
addition and subtraction are true or false.
- MCC1.OA.8: Determine the unknown whole number in an addition or subtraction equation relating
three whole numbers. For example, determine the unknown number that makes the equation true
in each of the equations 8+?=11, 5=?-3, 6+6=?

- Introduction:
The teacher will introduce the balancing equations by starting a discussion on what equal means. She will
have the promethean board have a set of blocks on one side of an equal side and a different amount on
the other. The teacher will use several different equal and non-equal examples. Teacher will lead a
discussion on what makes the difference between equal and non-equal.

- Work Session:
The teacher will then break students into 5 different groups. Groups will rotate through centers
throughout the work session.
CENTER 1: iPad (4 students 4 iPads): The students will watch a video on Youtube: Equal is the Same.
The student will work with the app: Alien Equations:

CENTER 2: Computer (4 students 4 computers): The students will work with the interactive scale to
come up with 5 different equations. Each side has to have an addition or subtraction sign and the
equation has to be true. Students will have manipulatives if they need to use them.

CENTER 3: NEO2 (4 students 4 NEOs): Students will practice their MathFacts. Each child will be on
the personal level they need and practice the facts that are giving them the hardest time.

CENTER 4: Ipods (4 students, 2 Ipods) The students will listen to a PodCast walking them through
how to balance an equation. They will need pencil and paper to work through the problem with the

CENTER 5: Teacher (4 students) The teacher will have a scale and different weights will be given a
number. All numbers will be equal. The teacher will give several equations and the students will use
the scales with a partner to figure out if the equation is true or false.

- Conclusion: Students will get with their groups and will use iPads to take pictures of different things
that are equal. They can use manipulatives/paper & markers/ chairs/ to create equations. They will share
their pictures with the class and the class will write a numbers sentence equation that matches each

- Related Apps:

First Grade Math Magic:

First Grade Math True or False?:

Alien Equation:

MQuiz Balance Addition Equations - Elementary School Math Quiz:

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