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(Arisi! "#$ "% S.L.P. (Cr&.' N". (2)3 "% 200)'
Madhao & Anr. .... Appellant(s)
State of Maharashtra & Anr. .... Respondent(s)

(Arisi! "#$ "% S.L.P. (Cr&.' N". (324 "% 200)'
(Arisi! "#$ "% S.L.P. (Cr&.' N". (332 "% 200)'
(Arisi! "#$ "% S.L.P. (Cr&.' N". (6)3 "% 200)'
J U D , M E N T
1) Leave granted in all the special leave petitions.
Page 2
(Arisi! "#$ "% S.L.P. (Cr&.' N". (2)3 "% 200)'
2) This appeal is directed against the final udg!ent and
order dated "2."#.2""# passed $% the &igh 'ourt of
(udicature at )o!$a%* +agpur )ench* +agpur in 'ri!inal
Application +o. ,112 of 2""- .here$% the &igh 'ourt
dis!issed the appeal filed $% the appellants herein .hile
confir!ing the order dated 2/."#.2""0* passed $% the 'ourt
of (udicial Magistrate* 1irst 'lass* 2hatani in 'ri!inal
'o!plaint 'ase +o. #2 of 2""0.
,) Bri2% %-3$s4
(a) The 2overn!ent of Maharashtra has pu$lished a
2overn!ent Resolution on "2."-.2""3 .herein it .as
infor!ed to the pu$lic at large that the percentage of
educated un4e!plo%ed a!ongst the Scheduled 'aste and
neo4)uddhist are on the higher side and those .ho are $elo.
povert% line are re5uired to .or6 under different sche!es
and their standard of living is conse5uentl% adversel%
affected. 1or the said reason* it .as resolved that land
should $e !ade availa$le to such people to create a source
Page 3
of inco!e for the!. 1or the said purpose* a sche!e .as
fra!ed $% na!e 7ara!veer 8adasahe$
Sa$ali6aran and S.a$hi!an 9oana Sa!iti. As per the
Sche!e* a 'o!!ittee .as constituted in each district and
the 'ollector of the district .as to act as &ead of the
'o!!ittee. The said Sche!e .as !ade applica$le .ith
effect fro! "1."3.2""3. As per the Sche!e* land .as to $e
purchased $% the 2overn!ent and .as to $e !ade availa$le
to the persons $elonging to the Scheduled 'aste and neo4
)uddhist .ho .ere $elo. povert% line.
($) Madhao Ru6h!ai Vaid%a4Appellant +o.1 herein .hile
.or6ing as Special 8istrict :elfare ;fficer and Me!$er
Secretar% of the Sa!iti under the Sche!e* did several
transactions under the supervision of 8istrict 'ollector*
9avat!al. Sau. Sadhana Mahu6ar 9aval6ar4appellant +o.2* a
:arden at 2overn!ent &ostel* 2hatani* 8istrict 9avat!al
.as .or6ing as Assistant of appellant +o.1 in the said
Sche!e. She .as authori<ed $% appellant +o.1 to get the
Sale deeds e=ecuted in favour of the 2overn!ent of
Maharashtra under the Sche!e.
Page 4
(c) ;n "3."3.2""0* the State 2overn!ent purchased
agricultural land situated at village 7oli4)uru5. The said land
.as ointl% o.ned $% eight persons. The appellants* after
perusing the revenue records of the said land purchased it
fro! the Vendors $% getting e=ecuted a registered sale
deed. At the ti!e of e=ecution of sale deed* on "/."0.2""0*
an affidavit .as s.orn $% the Vendors that the% .ere
residents of Mou<a 7oli4)u<ru5* Tahsil 2hatani* 8istrict
9avat!al and .ere the o.ners of 2ut +o. 3, of the said
(d) ;n "3."-.2""0* A ne.spaper $% na!e >Tarun )harat?
pu$lished an article in .hich it .as alleged that the
petitioners have purchased agricultural land
Ra!esh as alive .hile he .as dead. @t .as further alleged
that one Ra!esh Shi6ai Rathod had signed the sale deed as
Ra!esh Shi6a (adhav.
(e) ;n co!ing to 6no. a$out the said pu$lication* appellant
+o. 1 on 2#."-.2""0 !ade an en5uir% and recorded the
state!ents of the said eight A=ecutants and on "2."/.2""0
Page 5
lodged a report in 2hatani B.S. against the! for an offence
of i!personation and cheating.
(f) ;n "/."/.2""0* the officials of 2hatani B.S. registered
offences punisha$le under Sections 32"* 31#* 3-C and ,3 of
the @ndian Benal 'ode* 1C-" (for short D@B'E) for the acts of
fraud* cri!inal $reach of trust and i!personation against the
said accused persons vide 'ri!e +o. CC of 2""0.
(g) ;n "#."#.2""0* one Rani6ant 8elura! )orele* clai!ing
hi!self to $e a Social :or6er* filed a 'ri!inal 'o!plaint in
the court of the (udicial Magistrate* 1irst 'lass* 2hatani*
.hich .as registered as 'ase +o. #2 of 2""0 against the
appellants4herein* Su$4Registrar and fe. !ore persons. @n
the co!plaint it .as alleged that the accused had purchased
the land fro! a dead person* na!el%* Ra!esh Shi6ai (adhav*
.hile the appellants .ere acting in their official capacit%
under the said Sche!e.
(h) Learned Magistrate* $% order dated 2/."#.2""0*
directed the Bolice to investigate the !atter under Section
10-(,) of the 'ode of 'ri!inal Brocedure 'ode* 1#/, (in
Page 6
short the >'ode?) and to su$!it a detailed report .ithin one
(i) ;n 10."#.2""-* the appellants (Madhao Ru6h!ai
Vaid%a and Sau. Saudhana Mahu6ar 9aval6ar) filed an
application under Section 3C2 of 'r.B.'. $eing 'ri!inal
Application +o. ,112 of 2""- $efore the )o!$a% &igh 'ourt
see6ing 5uashing of the prosecution of the applicants
(appellants herein) in 'ri!e +o. #2 of 2""0.
() ;n "2."#.2""#* after hearing the parties* the &igh 'ourt
dis!issed the 'ri!inal Application preferred $% the
appellants4herein $% holding that the procedure adopted and
the e=ercised $% the Magistrate ordering investigation
under Section 10-(,) of 'r.B.'. is ust and proper.
(6) )eing aggrieved* appellants herein filed SLB +o. /2#, of
(Arisi! "#$ "% S.L.P. (Cr&.' N". (324 "% 200)'
3) ;n 2/."#.2""-* one of the accused* na!el%* A6ash
8attatra%a (A41)* $usiness !an* also filed 'ri!inal
Page 7
Application +o. ,232 of 2""- $efore the &igh 'ourt see6ing
5uashing of the prosecution in 'ri!e +o. #2 of 2""0. The
&igh 'ourt* $% order dated "2."#.2""#* dis!issed the
application. )eing aggrieved* he filed special leave petition
+o. /,23 of 2""#.
(Arisi! "#$ "% S.L.P. (Cr&.' N". (332 "% 200)'
0) ;n 23.1".2""-* another accused* na!el%* ;!pra6ash
&iralal (* Su$4Registrar* also filed 'ri!inal Application
+o. ,02- of 2""- $efore the &igh 'ourt see6ing 5uashing of
the prosecution in 'ri!e +o. #2 of 2""0. The &igh 'ourt* $%
order dated "2."#.2""#* dis!issed the application. )eing
aggrieved* he filed special leave petition +o. /,,2 of 2""#.
(Arisi! "#$ "% S.L.P. (Cr&.' N". (6)3 "% 200)'
-) ;n 2#.1".2""-* one of the accused* na!el%* Asla!
Sha6il (ulphi6ar 7han* e!plo%ee of A6ash 8attatra%a (A41)* $usiness !an* also filed 'ri!inal Application
+o. ,23" of 2""- $efore the &igh 'ourt see6ing 5uashing of
the prosecution in 'ri!e +o. #2 of 2""0. The &igh 'ourt* $%
Page 8
order dated "2."#.2""#* dis!issed the application. )eing
aggrieved* he filed special leave petition +o /-#, of 2""#.
/) &eard Mr. Fda% F. Lalit* learned senior counsel for the
appellant and Mr. Shan6ar 'hillarge* learned Additional
Advocate 2eneral for the respondent4State of Maharashtra.
C) The onl% point for consideration in all these appeals is
.hether the learned Magistrate is ustified in directing the
Bolice to investigate and su$!it a detailed report .ithin one
!onth under Section 10-(,) of the 'ode.
#) The order of the learned Magistrate sho.s that $efore
passing the direction for investigation under Section 10-(,)*
heard the counsel for the co!plainant* perused the
allegations !ade against the accused in the co!plaint and
docu!ents anne=ed there.ith. @t also sho.s that ta6ing
note of the fact that so!e of the accused are pu$lic officers
and after o$serving that it needs proper investigation prior to
the issue of process against the accused under Section
10-(,) of the 'ode directed the B.S.;. 2hatani to investigate
the !atter and su$!it a detailed report .ithin one !onth.
Page 9
1") 'hapter G@V of the 'ode spea6s a$out conditions
re5uisite for initiation of proceedings. Section 1#" deals .ith
cogni<ance of offences $% Magistrates. @n ter!s of su$4
section (1) su$ect to the provisions of the said 'hapter* an%
Magistrate of first class* and an% Magistrate of the second
class speciall% e!po.ered in this $ehalf under su$4section
(2)* !a% ta6e cogni<ance of an% offence H (a) upon receiving
a co!plaint of facts .hich constitute such offenceI ($) upon a
police report of such factsI (c) upon infor!ation received
fro! an% person other than a police officer* or upon his o.n
6no.ledge* that such offence has $een co!!itted.
11) Su$4section (,) of Section 10- of the 'ode ena$les an%
Magistrate e!po.ered under Section 1#" !a% order such an
investigation in ter!s of su$4section (1) of that section.
12) @n CREF Finance Ltd. vs. Shree Shanthi Homes (P)
Ltd. and Another* (2""0) / S'' 3-/* .hile considering the of a Magistrate ta6ing cogni<ance of the offence* this
'ourt heldJ
Page 10
>1". K. 'ogni<ance is ta6en at the initial stage .hen the
Magistrate peruses the co!plaint .ith a vie. to ascertain
.hether the co!!ission of an% offence is disclosed. The
issuance of process is at a later stage .hen after
considering the !aterial placed $efore it* the court
decides to proceed against the offenders against .ho! a
pri!a facie case is !ade out. @t is possi$le that a
co!plaint !a% $e filed against several persons* $ut the
Magistrate !a% choose to issue process onl% against so!e
of the accused. @t !a% also $e that after ta6ing cogni<ance
and e=a!ining the co!plainant on oath* the court !a%
co!e to the conclusion that no case is !ade out for
issuance of process and it !a% reect the co!plaint. @t !a%
also $e that having considered the co!plaint* the court
!a% consider it appropriate to send the co!plaint to the
police for investigation under Section 10-(,) of the 'ode
of 'ri!inal BrocedureK.?
@t is clear that an% udicial !agistrate $efore ta6ing
cogni<ance of the offence can order investigation under
Section 10-(,) of the 'ode. @f he does so* he is not to
e=a!ine the co!plainant on oath $ecause he .as not ta6ing
cogni<ance of an% offence therein.
1,) :hen a !agistrate receives a co!plaint he is not $ound
to ta6e cogni<ance if the facts alleged in the co!plaint
disclose the co!!ission of an offence. The !agistrate has
discretion in the !atter. @f on a reading of the co!plaint* he
finds that the allegations therein disclose a cogni<a$le
offence and the for.arding of the co!plaint to the police for
Page 11
investigation under Section 10-(,) .ill $e conducive to
ustice and save the valua$le ti!e of the !agistrate fro!
$eing .asted in en5uiring into a !atter .hich .as pri!aril%
the dut% of the police to investigate* he .ill $e ustified in
adopting that course as an alternative to ta6ing cogni<ance
of the offence itself. As said earlier* in the case of a
co!plaint regarding the co!!ission of cogni<a$le offence*
the under Section 10-(,) can $e invo6ed $% the
Magistrate $efore he ta6es cogni<ance of the offence under
Section 1#"(1)(a). &o.ever* if he once ta6es such
cogni<ance and e!$ar6s upon the procedure e!$odied in
'hapter GV* he is not co!petent to revert $ac6 to the pre4
cogni<ance stage and avail of Section 10-(,).
14) :here a Magistrate chooses to ta6e cogni<ance he can
adopt an% of the alternativesJ
(a) &e can peruse the co!plaint and if satisfied that
there are sufficient grounds for proceeding he can
straighta.a% issue process to the accused $ut $efore he
does so he !ust co!pl% .ith the re5uire!ents of
Page 12
Section 2"" and record the evidence of the co!plainant
or his .itnesses.
(b) The Magistrate can postpone the issue of process
and direct an en5uir% $% hi!self.
(c) The Magistrate can postpone the issue of process
and direct an en5uir% $% an% other person or an
investigation $% the police.
10) @n case the Magistrate after considering the state!ent
of the co!plainant and the .itnesses or as a result of the
investigation and the en5uir% ordered is not satisfied that
there are sufficient grounds for proceeding he can dis!iss
the co!plaint.
1-) :here a Magistrate orders investigation $% the police
$efore ta6ing cogni<ance under Section 10-(,) of the 'ode
and receives the report thereupon he can act on the report
and discharge the accused or straighta.a% issue process
against the accused or appl% his !ind to the co!plaint filed
$efore hi! and ta6e action under Section 1#" of the 'ode.
Page 13
1/) The a$ove principles have $een reiterated in
Devarapalli Lakshminarayana Reddy and thers vs. !.
"arayana Reddy and thers* (1#/-) , S'' 202 and #$la
Ram and thers vs. %ishore Sin&h* (1#//) 3 S'' 30#
1C) 7eeping the a$ove principles* if .e test the sa!e .ith
the direction issued $% the !agistrate for investigation under
Section 10-(,) of the 'ode and facts of these cases* .e are
satisfied that the !agistrate has not e=ceeded his nor
violated an% of the provisions contained in the 'ode. As
o$served earlier* the !agistrate need not order an%
investigation if he pre4supposes to ta6e cogni<ance of the
offence and once he ta6es cogni<ance of the offence* he has
to follo. the procedure provided in 'hapter GV of the 'ode.
@t is also settled position that an% udicial !agistrate $efore
ta6ing cogni<ance of the offence can order investigation
under Section 10-(,) of the 'ode.
1#) As rightl% o$served $% the &igh 'ourt* the !agistrate
$efore ta6ing cogni<ance of the offence can order
investigation under Section 10-(,) of the 'ode* .e are of the
Page 14
vie. that the procedure adopted and the e=ercised $%
the !agistrate in this case is accepta$le and in accordance
.ith the sche!e of the 'ode. :e are also satisfied that the
&igh 'ourt rightl% refused to e=ercise its under Section
3C2 of the 'ode.
2") @n the light of the a$ove discussion and conclusion* .e
find no !erit in all these appeals* conse5uentl%* the sa!e
are dis!issed.

+A: 8AL&@I
MA9 ",* 2"1,.


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