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Name: Rajib Hassan Course: ENG 102

ID 2011-2-10-307 Sec: 07
Essay: Cause and Effect
Leaving Dhaka City
Dhaka city is one of the most over populated city in the whole world. Over 16 million people lives in this
city. The reason for this over population is due to the industrialization of Dhaka city. eople from all over
the country mi!rate to the capital city Dhaka" in search for #o$ and for a $etter life%style. &ut this over
population and unpleasant environment is makin! Dhaka city a very inappropriate city to live in. That's
why many people in Dhaka city is plannin! to leave this city and settle into some other less crowded
areas. (ome of the main reasons for leavin! Dhaka city are ) over population" increasin! livin! e*penses"
environmental pollution" etc. +eavin! Dhaka city will have some effect in the lives of the people.
One of the main reasons for leavin! Dhaka City is over%population. Over% population has made Dhaka
city a very hostile place to live in. Traffic #am and lon! ,ueues in $us stops" train stations and all other
pu$lic places have made life very hard for the people of this city. -oreover" people are not !ettin!
sufficient space to live in. That's why leavin! Dhaka city and settlin! in some other cities or towns seems
the lo!ical choice for most people. eople movin! to some other less crowded areas will result in $etter
life style and peaceful livin! for those people. eople can avoid all the hassles and rou!hness of this
unfor!ivin! Dhaka city.
.nother reason for leavin! Dhaka city can $e the increasin! livin! and accommodation cost. Dhaka $ein!
the capital city of &an!ladesh is undou$ted the most e*pensive city to live in compared to others. /ent
and food e*penses are increasin! day $y day. 0ery soon some people mi!ht not $e a$le to afford livin! in
the capital city. That's why some people are plannin! to leave Dhaka city and movin! to a new location"
which will $e more ine*pensive foe them.
+astly" environmental pollution is also a valid reason for leavin! Dhaka city. Due to over population and
industrialization" Dhaka city has $ecome one of the most polluted cities in the whole world. .ir pollution"
water pollution and noise pollution have made Dhaka city a very unhealthy place to live in. (o people are
plannin! to move to more environmental friendly locations" where people can $reathe in fresh air.
Dhaka city is very historical city a once it was a !reat city to live in. &ut now due to over population and
pollution" it has lost all it its previous !lories. (o" once people starts leavin! Dhaka city and evacuate it"
then someday Dhaka mi!ht once a!ain $e a !reat city and only time will say when it will happen.
1ords: 263

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