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Listening conversations

A: Did Mr. Burns enjoy the dinner party last night?
B: Yes, he did. He hadn't been to a dinner party in a long time.
A: He's usually late for parties. Was he on time last night?
B: No, as usual, he was about a half hour late. By the time he got to the dinner party, most of the food had already been eaten.
A: If he had been on time, he wouldn't have missed any of the dishes.
B: Yes, and if he hadn't missed the bus, he would have been on time.

A: Were Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins prepared for their vacation?
B: They thought they had prepared very well, but they had a problem.
A: Why? What happened?
B: They had packed their suitcases several days ahead of time.
A: Had they purchased traveler's check at the bank?
B: Yes. They had even asked their neighbor to water their plants.
A: So, what was the problem?
B: When they arrived at the airport, they realized they had forgotten to bring their plane tickets with them.

Wild Thing
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With the wind biting my face and the rain soaking through my clothes, it didnt seem like July. I watched a puddle form at
the foot of my sleeping bag as the 10-foot plastic sheet above me gave way to the wind. I hadnt eaten for almost a day,
and I fumble in my stomach demanded to know why I was in the Northern Cascades of Oregon alone, soaked-in the first
place. With two more days alone in the wilds ahead of me, I had plenty of time to think about that question.
I had always admired people who had been in Outward Bound, basically because I had always lumped myself in the I-
could- never- do- that category. For one thing, I just assumed I was too small and urban I also wasnt a big risk- taker. I
had always relied a lot on my family, friend, and boyfriend, and I evaluate myself on how well I meet their expectations of
me. Signing up for an Outward Bound course the summer after my junior year in high school was a chance to break away
from that. After all, the courses are describe as Adventure- based education programs that promote self-discovery
through tough outdoor activities. Exactly what I needed; I would be facing challenges away from my usual supporters. As
the starting date approached, though, I became increasingly terrified. Id never attempted mountain climbing white-water
rafting, backpacking, rappelling, or rock climbing, and I was plagued by fears that I would fail atta one or all of them. I
begged my mother to cancel for me. No such luck

ReadingListening Lesson Plan Format

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Topic: What makes people change their mind?Describing a problematic situation Level: B2 Time: 40 min #of Ss: 20
Date: Friday 20 June, 2014

Instructor: Wanda Carranza

What are you teaching?

-Past perfect
(had + v. past participle)
- Describing a problematic situation
(being late, forgot your tickets)
-Apologizing when people had some problems
- Vocabulary:
suitcases ,
water (in this context)

Risk taker
- Understand in which environment
both conversation occurs.

Rely on:
Write the meaning of these words

- Retell the listening using to offer an
apologize.Describing a problematic
(being late, forgot your tickets)
-Apologizing when people had some
problemsTo describe things you never
thought actions in the past that happen
before another action you could do..

Main Objective: By the end of the lesson, SWBAT identify the opinion of the woman in the reading had about herself as an
adventurer person and what makes her change her mind while readingthey read a narration so that they can then say things they
never expected they would be able toill do in the future.identify the problems that Mr. Burns and the couple Jenkins had describing
what happen before an action they developed that did not permit them succeed their main objective according to the listening so that
they can retell the audio representing the characters involved in it, but this time, the student have to offer an apologize for being late
and forgetting the plane ticket.

By the end of the lesson, SWBAT identify the problems Mr. Burns and the couple Jenkins had that does not permit them succeed
their main objective in both conversations so that they can retell the listening representing the characters involved in, but this time,
the student have to offer an apologize for being late and forgot the ticket.
in which environment the conversation occurs and what happen to the people they describe while listening two problematic
situations so that they can retell the situation and representing the characters involved there but in this time the student have to pose
explain the troubles they had to success their initial action and offering an apologyize.

Assumptions on Ss previous knowledge:
Students can identify may have knowledge about the past participle of the verbs... ()
Students can Identify the use of past perfect Understand when an event occurs before another through a listeningwhere the
past perfect occur.

I expect the learners be able to identify the meaning of those words: Risk taker, Lump, Plagued, Rappelling, Soaked, Rely on,
and Rumble.
dishes, purchased, ahead, suitcases
, and water (in this context) will present some difficulties with
some new vocabulary.

Time Stages Steps/Procedure Purposes Materials/VAKT

76 7


1. 1. Previous discussion

- Have you ever been thought in change your mind
about? Why? (give a short explanation)
Your career
Your life style

1. Activate in our
students previous
background using
their reality. .

Asking and
questionsListening to
a partnerquestions

Comment [S1]: See the use and write this
part of the objective base on the use
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Comment [S2]: Use the highlighted green
ideas to rewrite the second part of the objective
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add space between paragraphs of the same
style, Outline numbered + Level: 1 +
Numbering Style: Bullet + Aligned at: 1.75" +
Indent at: 0.5"
Comment [S3]: What do you expect? Will
your students understand the use or that they
do not know the use.
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add space between paragraphs of the same
style, Outline numbered + Level: 1 +
Numbering Style: Bullet + Aligned at: 1.75" +
Indent at: 0.5"
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space between paragraphs of the same style
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Comment [S4]: Be specific. Write the words
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paragraphs of the same style
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Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, + Start
at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25" +
Indent at: 0.5"
Your eating habits
A decision about a trip etcetc.
-Discuss with a partnerreally late into a party? What
things have you missed?

What makes you change your mind?
Do you think it was the best decision? Why?
-Discussion with a partner
Have you ever order food or any other good gone
to the cafeteria without bring and realized your
have forgotten your money? How could you
apologize in those cases?
-Discuss Tellwith a partner great!

2. 2.Discovering the vocabulary
Make two columns of flash cards on the board;
some will contain the word from the vocabulary,
and the other ones a picture that
rrepresentepresenting this word (the picture and
the vocabulary are hide to the students, they just
see the back of the flash card), the class will be
divide in two groups and by turns (group A and B)
have to decide with flash card with an X word, with
the word discovered in order to match it with the
with picture from the other column. of this meaning.

-The teacher gives a short explanation about the
meaning of each word.
Predicting the conversations
-Paste on the board some pictures related with the
environment and the vocabulary of both audios.
Keeping separate pictures from conversation one

2. Students can
familiarize with the
new vocabulary
before reading.the
through active
examples of

and answer &

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Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, + Start
at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25" +
Indent at: 0.5"
Comment [S5]: Write this from the Ss point of
view. E.g. Students see
Comment [S6]: Write the words you will have
Ss encounter
and two.
-Based on the previous pictures, in pairs, students
talk about what they see. Where the conversation is
going to take place? What doid both cases share
in common? What can you predict about these two
conversations? Good

15 MINS.


3- ReadingListe for main ideasning #1:
-Students Answer the question based on your
understanding of the reading. Write your answer in
a separate piece of paper.
-How was the woman feel about this wild
-Did the woman come from city? Where does she
-Had she always been very self-confident?
-Was the woman an expert mountain climbing?
-Does her mother want to the woman stayed at
home? Why?
- Share your answer with a partner before making
these public.

have to listening for general details about the
conversation like: using the following questions:
what both conversations share in common? What
the conversation one is about? Names of what
both conversations share in common?
characters, places, etc.
what both conversations share in common?
- After listening they have to compare the ideas

-Testing student
listening skill
through playing
will find general
details about the

Students will
understand the

- Auditory/visual
Take notesworksheet
with questions

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1.15 li, Tab stops: 4.5", Centered + 5.8", Left
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Comment [S7]: This purpose is thought base
don you. Rewrite it thinking about the students.
What will they be learning in this first listening?
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4.5" + 5.8"
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Comment [S8]: Are you playing a video?
with a partner.Think-pair-share
e.g. -The listening one was about Mr. Burns who
had missed dinner because he always arrive late to
parties in this situation he had a problem, he had
missed the bus. The conversation was developed
in a dinner party. Though I think this conversation
took place after the dinner. You probably want to
ask Ss to identify the problem Mr. Burn had.
- The listening two was about Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins
who are very well organize but they had a problem
in their vacations, they forget their plane tickets.

4- Read for details
Underline the correct answer to each question.
Then compare your answer with another students
1. Why had the woman always lumped about
herself in the I- could-never- do an activity like the
ones she describe on the reading?
a) Because she assumed she was too small and
urban and she was not a big risk-taker.
b) Because she was a bored person
c) Because her mom did not permit her to
participate in any sport activity.

5- Make inferences
reading in a more
specific. way using
area through
listening those

Students go deeper
into the reading in
order to analyze the


- Visual

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1 + Aligned at: 0.25" + Indent at: 0.5"
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Based on what is implied in the story, discuss with
your partner whether the statements are true or
false, and write T (true) or F (false) on the short
line. Then write a sentence explaining your
decision. Includes points in the story that support
your inference.
_T_ _T_ 1.The woman on the reading change her
Support: She thought about to cancel this event,
but she continue doing that because she hadnt
taken a break after her junior year in high school
and because it supposed to be an educational

_F_ 2. The woman could cancel the trip
Support: She begged her mother to cancel the trip
for her. She had no such luck. (line 12)__________

Listening # 2:
Students have to listening both audios
again, but this time they have to filling in
cloze some sentences from the
conversations in which the past perfect and
simple past structure are missing. This task
is more appropriate for the third listening.
e.g:Listening audio 1:
a)Did Mr. Burns enjoy the dinner party last
b) Yes, he did. He
_____________________ to a dinner

Testing students
at will students

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Level: 1 + Aligned at: 0.25" + Indent at: 0.5",
Tab stops: Not at 4.5" + 5.8"
Formatted: Bulleted + Level: 1 + Aligned at:
0.25" + Indent at: 0.5"
Formatted: English (U.S.)
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party in a long time.
Listening Audio 2:
a) Were Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins prepared for
their vacation? through
b) They thought they _________________
very well, but they _____ a problem.

5- Listening 3
Students have to answer some specific questions
based on their understanding about listening.
1-What was Mrs and Mr Jenkins problem on the
airport? They had forgotten to bring their planes
tickets. This is perfect for a gist question
2. Why did Mr. Burns arrive late to the dinner party?
Because when he arrived the bus had left. This
is a good question for the second listening.
write similar questions for all other occasions
where the past perfect occurs. If you notice the
second listening have several occasions of past
perfect. You can have students listen for things
the characters people described in the listening
did well and the things they did wrong.

15 mins
6- Express experiences

Students have to say to a partner things they never
expected they would be able to do in the future but
at the end, they change their mind because of
E.g. I was studying tourism until sometime. I had
decided to study that career because I thought it
Student can apply
what their learn in a
real situation about

-Testing student
comprehension and


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was focus on environment protection; and the
pensum has some subjects that makes us
awareness about that topic but not environment
protection in its totally. So that, I change my mind
and Im studying teaching. I had never thought I
could study for being a teacher, but It makes me
feel happy because every day this career is a
challenge.6- Retelling both audiosRole-playing
the characters in
-Eliciting from students to retell a story offering
apologizing from a problematic situation.
-They have to representrepresents play the role
of Mr. Burns and Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins working in
pairs using some sentences of the audio or create
new ones.
-Working in pairs.Write the situation. of

-After some minutes Marcos listening the message
and explain to guess what have happened with Mr.
Burns using sentences like:
Could everybody Iistening to me please? Mr. Burns
is gonna be a little late. If he had arrived some
minutes ago he could have taken the bus. Imagine
you are Mr.who is calling the host of the party,
e.g. a) Why are you so late Mr. Bruns?
b) I had organized my time, but when I decide to
leave, someone called to my phone. I had planing
everything well in order to come early to the dinner
party but I couldnt. Im really sorry.
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3 MINS Closure/Grap-up 8. Questions and Answers
Teacher will answer questions.
tudents will be asking questions.
- How could you identify past perfect in a
Could you explain the difference between
past perfect and simple past?Eg.
What language did you use when explaining
what had happened to the characters of both
what have you have learned?
what was the most difficult part on the
lessonlanguage did you use when explaning
what had happened to M
-How could you identify past perfect from
simple past?r?
What else do you need to do to
appropriately described actions in the past that
happened before other actions?

The questions of the grap-up should directly
aim at analyzing the FMU.

1. Students to
clarify doubts.
-Visual aids.
* Copy information on
the board.

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1 + Aligned at: 0.25" + Indent at: 0.25"
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1 + Aligned at: 0.25" + Indent at: 0.25", Tab
stops: Not at 4.5" + 5.8"

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