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Robert C. Frey, Loan Modification Consultant

13150 Stewart Ave., * Norwood, MN 55368-9675
624 13
Street E., Suite 102, Glencoe, MN 55336
Cell: 612-790-2797; Direct: 952-467-4402; Fax: (TFree)1-866-941-FREY(3739)
Dear Property Owner,
Thank you for requesting the attached information packet. The company is called Save My Home USA. I
can do business Nationwide except Hawaii. The service can be used for Residential 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc.
mortgages, Line of Credit, 2nd home, investment properties, and commercial property mortgages. Some
of the features that can be modified, depending on circumstances are:
Rate reduction.
Changing an ARM to Fixed rate.
Changing a short Fixed rate to a longer Fixed rate.
Reducing the principle balance (particularly if the home is worth less than the mortgage balance).
Eliminating missed payments and penalties.
Eliminating short sale amount (selling a house for less than the mortgage amount).
Deed in lieu of Foreclosure (Walk away from a property instead of being foreclosed on - keeps Credit intact).
Other mortgage related rescues.
The company works directly with the Customer during the process with a User name and Password.
We can help anyone from a Current payment status to someone that is up to two weeks of a Sheriff's
sale. There are 45 attorneys in the company that specialize doing just this. They are experts in this field
and can get the job done right, with nothing left undone to help you.
No charge to pre-qualify. If pre-qualified there is a fixed fee of $2,995.00. Money back guarantee
of reasonable help less $495.00 Audit Fee. 100% back if you change your mind within 72 hours of your
payment Depending on circumstances, it takes 2 to 5 business days to pre-qualify after I receive your
completed faxed packet. Call me when you have faxed your packet, if I can not answer please leave a
message and I will return your call. Since this process is time sensitive, please be sure you can pay the
fee if you are pre-qualified, contact me for some suggestions if necessary.
Save My Home USA will never ask you to do anything inappropriate such as telling you not to contact
your lender or asking you to send your mortgage payments to us. Save My Home USA puts all collected
funds into an escrow account at an FDIC-insured bank. No money will be deducted from the account
unless and until Save My Home USA performs services for you.
To pre-qualify, please be sure to fax (toll free 1-866-941-FREY (3739) the attached completed packet
pages along with the items required on the Check List. If your bank has adjusted your loan (re-cast), be
sure to include copies of these notifications. There is no charge to pre-qualify, but the forms must be fill
out completely, legibly, accurately, and accompanied with the requested supporting information.
Call me with questions anytime,
Bob Frey, Loan Modification Consultant
Loan Modlflcatlon rogram A Loss Mltlgatlon Servlce
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Are you up at nlght, worrylng because your ad[ustable rate mortgage ls golng to reset and you can't afford the new payment?
Maybe you owe more than your house ls worth? Cr you're unable to get a new loan because of bad credlt? Maybe you're 30
days or more late on your mortgage.
3@D *@?"C ,4E8 C@ .@B8 3@DA ,@>8
1he Save My Pome uSA (SMP) Loan Modlflcatlon rogram (a loss mltlgatlon servlce) can help you, llke we've helped thousands
of others ln slmllar - or even worse - clrcumstances. Cur company speclallzes ln helplng people flnd alternatlves to foreclosure
and the loss of thelr home. Cur ob[ectlve ls to make sure you reallze that no matter how bad your sltuatlon mlght be,
foreclosure may be avolded lf you take prompt actlon. 1ogether, we may be able to resolve your dellnquency wlthout a
foreclosure sale of your home. We have the sklll and expertlse to glve you the greatest chance at gettlng the result you need.
)3.+9. '6:." *. +8. 56: /68.,369;8. 97.,2+329:9% *. =233 56: .50+0. +5? ,32.5: =16 ls ,;88.5:3? 25 '(& #'6:2,. Cf &./+;3:$
9:+:;9 =2:1 a 3.5-.8% *. =233 1+7723? 8./.8 ?6; :6 a /68.,369;8. 97.,2+329:% (;8 9.8<2,. 06+3 29 :6 +9929: ?6; 25 4.-2+:250 a
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A Loan Modlflcatlon 8epresentatlve wlll slt down wlth you and revlew your avallable optlons. 1he key to avold loslng your
home ls you! 1hrough open communlcatlon wlth our loss mltlgatlon speclallsts, we can try to help remove you from hardshlp.
ln general, there are four optlons avallable to a homeowner ln dlstress:
$# .@4? /@7;9;64C;@?' ln certaln clrcumstances, a lender may allow us to add the dellnquent amount to your loan balance or
temporarlly reduce the lnterest rate, as well as your prlnclpal amount, to asslst you ln curlng the default and restorlng your
credlt status.
%# +@A584A4?68' A lorbearance lan ls a repayment agreement between you and your lender. We wlll revlew documentatlon
supportlng your monthly lncome and expenses. We wlll develop a plan and place a proposal ln wrltlng provldlng for payment
of one full monthly payment and a portlon of the dellnquent amount due on your account. 1he ob[ectlve of the plan ls to allow
you to cure your default over a perlod of tlme, relnstatlng your mortgage, whlle allowlng you to malntaln your normal monthly
llvlng expenses.
&# 1:@AC 14=8: SMP frequently works wlth homeowners who, due to a change ln employment or other llfe events, can no
longer afford thelr home. 1he declslon to sell your home under these clrcumstances ls dlfflcult, ln addltlon, fluctuatlons ln real
estate markets may leave you ln a sltuatlon where you have llttle or no equlty - or even a loss upon the sale of your home.
lAx ALL uCCuMLn1S &$## "%!! 1C: $#)''#*&$#,-+. !%(%*"
Loan Modlflcatlon rogram A Loss Mltlgatlon Servlce
.AF ,A9C /D 4AB>) G +A@D=@E98(
4) ,998 =@ 0=9E A: -AB97?ACEB9( ln the event you have declded you can no longer afford your home and do not want to go
through marketlng efforts or foreclosure, you may voluntarlly return the property to the lender. SMP would need to verlfy all
llen-holders and we would need a walk-through lnspectlon of the property.
4<5D 49 *B=@; DA D<9 356?9
We brlng our vas t experlence and expertlse to provlde you real solutlons to a challenglng and stressful sltuatlon. 1he followlng
may be negotlated:
Au!uS1MLn1, LLlMlnA1lCn C8 8LA?MLn1 LAnS Cn An? uLLlnCuLn1 C8 AS1 uuL 8ALAnCLS,
A LCAn 1C 8L CCnvL81Lu 1C A LCnCL8, llxLu 1L8M,
8LuuC1lCn Cl Cu88Ln1 Anu lu1u8L 8A1L Cl ln1L8LS1 CPA8CLS Anu MCn1PL? A?MLn1S,
A Cu88Ln1 S1A1uS Cn C8Lul1 8LC81 1C ALL 1P8LL (3) ACLnClLS.
**8L CCn1AC1 lnlC**
012 /,"
lAx ALL uCCuMLn1S '%$$ #&"" 1C: %$*(($+'%$-.,/ "&)&+#
Borrower Name__________________________ Co-Borrower Name_______________________
Bob Frey, Loan Modification Consultant
Cell: 612-790-2797
Forms may be printed in black and white
Loan Modlflcatlon rogram A Loss Mltlgatlon Servlce
/53 /683 =: $1= *< %'(+-' (:;317:<>;3 ,;:1332694< )0?3 .=0;=32
lf your mortgage payments have become dlfflcult, even lf you're not yet late or ln foreclosure, then lt ls tlme to act. lf you are
sufferlng a hardshlp due to your loan recastlng (payments are too hlgh), loss of employment, death of a relatlve, reductlon of
lncome, lllness or any other unexpected event, we want to flnd a way to help you - whatever your sltuatlon. And lf we can
negotlate an ad[ustment to your mortgage before late payments, notlces of defaults and the llke, then lt ls better for all partles
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ln order to help you flnd the best posslble solutlon for your sltuatlon, we need to carefully revlew your flnanclal clrcumstances.
lease submlt the followlng lnformatlon provlded on the Check Llst lorm to us (See Check Llst lorm below).
Cnce we have had a chance to revlew the provlded lnformatlon, then we wlll slt down wlth you (ln person or telephonlcally,
dependlng on proxlmlty) so that we can dlscuss how best to proceed.
ln order to asslst you wlth gatherlng the necessary lnformatlon, as well as expedltlng the process, we have enclosed a number
of forms wlth spaces for requlred lnformatlon. We have also lncluded authorlzatlon forms so that we may begln to work on
your case. lease flll these out completely and return them to us as qulckly as posslble. lf you have any questlons, please do
not hesltate to contact us.
lAx ALL uCCuMLn1S &$## "%!! 1C: $#)''#*&$#,-+. !%(%*"
ALL forms with every line MUST be completely and legibly filled out from
Page 3 thru 14, and accompanied with ALL the requested copies of
infromation from the Check List below. Your request will not be processed
without it. Any line that is not applicable to you, place "NA" in the line. Be
sure you name is somewhere on every page you fax or submit. Please fax
all pages to our Toll Free fax number 1-866-941-FREY (3739).
Loan Modlflcatlon rogram A Loss Mltlgatlon Servlce
Check L|st Iorm
Documents |nc|uded |n the Mod|f|cat|on ackage and prov|ded by us:
PA8uSPl LL11L8 - 1hls form allows you to explaln ln detall the reason behlnd your flnanclal sltuatlon. ln addltlon to
fllllng out thls form you wlll need to provlde any and all proof of your hardshlp clalm and any speclal clrcumstances
beyond your loan recastlng (rate lncreaslng), such as medlcal bllls, death certlflcates, unemployment stubs, dlvorce
decrees, etc. lf there ls more than one borrower, each person needs to complete a separate form.
LL11L8 Cl LxLAnA1lCn (LCL) Cl ALL lnCCML - 1hls form allows you to explaln all lncome that wlll be utlllzed to
make your modlfled mortgage payment. 1hls should lnclude explanatlons as to anyone who wlll be contrlbutlng to
your mortgage payment.
llnAnClAL WC8kSPLL1 - lnformatlon for both the borrower and co-borrower must be lncluded and fllled out
LCAn MCulllCA1lCn lnlC8MA1lCn WC8kSPLL1 - ersonal and property lnformatlon worksheet.
Au1PC8lZA1lCn 1C 8LLLASL C8Lul1 lnlC8MA1lCn - Credlt verlflcatlon.
Au1PC8lZA1lCn lC8M - Authorlzatlon to communlcate on your behalf wlth your lender.
Support|ng document s to be prov|ded by you:
CClLS Cl MCS1 8LCLn1 A?8CLL S1u8S - lease provlde coples of pay stubs for the past 2 month s for both the
borrower and co-borrower. lf you do not have thls, please provlde what you can to show lncome.
CClLS Cl LAS1 2 ?LA8S' W-2's - lease provlde coples of 2 years' W-2's for both the borrower and co-borrower. lf
self-employed, provlde proflt/loss statements for the last 2 years.
CClLS Cl lLuL8AL lnCCML 1Ax 8L1u8nS - rovlde coples of orlglnal slgned and dated tax returns, lncludlng all
schedules, for the 2 most recent tax years for both borrowers.
CClLS Cl LAS1 3 MCn1PS' 8Ank S1A1LMLn1S - lease provlde coples of the last 3 months' bank statements for all
accounts (please provlde ALL pages). lf you need help obtalnlng your statements elther onllne or by phone, see your
representatlve for help.
CClLS Cl MCS1 8LCLn1 MC81CACL S1A1LMLn1S or A?MLn1 CCuCnS - lease provlde coples of your most
recent mortgage statement or coupons for your property.
CClLS Cl MC81CACL nC1LS - lease provlde coples of all outstandlng mortgage notes from orlglnal loan documents
for your property.
CClLS Cl 8CL81? 1AxLS Anu lnSu8AnCL - lease provlde coples of property tax bllls/statements and lnsurance
pollcles (declaratlon pages).
CC? Cl Cu88Ln1 18l-ML8CL C8Lul1 8LC81 - Cbtaln a current copy of your credlt report.
CClLS Cl PCuSLPCLu 8lLLS - lease provlde coples of any and all household bllls such as utlllty bllls (electrlc, gas,
water, etc.) lnsurance bllls (car, home, medlcal, health, etc.), chlld care, and any other outstandlng llabllltles.
(We will do this)
Loan Modlflcatlon rogram A Loss Mltlgatlon Servlce
Check L|st Iorm, Cont|nued.
Document s |nc|uded |n Mod|f|cat|on Iorms and prov|ded by us:
LlS1lnC AC8LLMLn1 - lf appllcable (used for short sales )
Puu 1 C8 nL1 AC8LLMLn1 - lf appllcable
DISCLCSUkL: In order for the |oan mod|f|cat|on process to beg|n, you w||| need to prov|de us w|th a|| of the |nformat|on
requested above. It |s Lx1kLMLL |mportant to subm|t a comp|ete package because MISSING INICkMA1ICN WILL DLLA
1nL kCCLSSING CI CUk kLULS1. |ease check off each |tem as you comp|ete |t and]or gather |t for your package.
|ease rush th|s |nformat|on to your representat|ve as qu|ck|y as poss|b|e. |ease a||ow t|me for the process|ng of your
paperwork. Loan mod|f|cat|on |s carefu||y ach|eved through correspondence w|th your |ender.
8L ADVISLD! It |s your respons|b|||ty to furn|sh the |nformat|on needed to successfu||y comp|ete your |oan mod|f|cat|on
package and obta|n the best poss|b|e resu|ts. Add|t|ona| |nformat|on and documentat|on may be requ|red. |ease keep |n
m|nd that th|s d|sc|osure does not const|tute a comm|tment or approva| for ass|stance. In add|t|on, any wr|tten or verba|
commun|cat|ons from your |ender shou|d |mmed|ate|y be presented to us. LLNDLk CCMMUNICA1ICNS MA 8L 1IML
Borrower Name_________________________ Co-Borrower Name________________________
Loan Modlflcatlon rogram A Loss Mltlgatlon Servlce
nardsh|p Letter:
lease brlefly explaln your hardshlp or reason for belng dellnquent.
Loan No: Loan No:
8orrower's Name: Date:
Co-8orrower's Name:
l declare that the lnformatlon provlded above ls truthful and accurate.
8orrower S|gnature Co-8orrower S|gnature
Loan Modlflcatlon rogram A Loss Mltlgatlon Servlce
Letter Cf Lxp|anat|on Cf A|| Income:
lease explaln all lncome that wlll be utlllzed to make your modlfled mortgage payment. lf you have lncome from varlous
sources, even lf lt ls not easlly documented, please provlde the lnformatlon and sources as to such lncome.
Loan No: Loan No:
8orrower's Name: Date:
Co-8orrower's Name:
Lxp|a|n Income:
l declare that the lnformatlon provlded above ls truthful and accurate.
8orrower S|gnature Co-8orrower S|gnature
Loan Modlflcatlon rogram A Loss Mltlgatlon Servlce
I|nanc|a| Worksheet
LMk: 124300
Loan No: Loan No:
8orrower and Co-8orrower Informat|on
8orrower's Name: 8orrower's Soc|a| Secur|ty #: Date:
Co-8orrower's Name: Co-8orrower's Soc|a| Secur|ty #: No. of Dependents:
8orrower's Lmp|oyer: Lmp|oyer hone # Iob 1|t|e: now Long Lmp|oyed:
?ears: Mo:
Co-8orrower's Lmp|oyer: Lmp|oyer hone # Iob 1|t|e:
?ears: Mo:
roperty Address
Street Address:
C|ty: State: 2|p:
Ma|||ng Address
Street Address: Apt or Su|te:
C|ty: State: 2|p:
Month|y Income Data ( See Letter Cf Lxp|anat|on for a|| |ncome to be used for your |oan mod|f|cat|on)
Descr|pt|on: 8orrower's Income: Co-8orrower's Income:
Gross Income:
Month|y After 1ax Income:
Comm|ss|on or 8onus:
Cther Income:
(Ch||d Support]A||mony]kenta|]Cther)
l declare that the lnformatlon provlded above ls truthful and accurate.
8orrower S|gnature Co-8orrower S|gnature
Loan Modlflcatlon rogram A Loss Mltlgatlon Servlce
I|nanc|a| Worksheet - Cont|nued
Loan No: Loan No:
|ease be as deta||ed as poss|b|e
8a|ance Due Descr|pt|on
8a|ance Due
Ut|||t|es ]
Cther kea|
Ch||d Care
Cab|e, D|sh
kea| Lstate
Med|ca| Lxp.
Med|ca|, L|fe
Mortgage ]
Student Loan
IkA Account
A||mony ]
Ch||d Support
Cred|t Card 1
Cred|t Card 2
8onds. CD's
Auto Gas,
Cred|t Card 3
Dry C|ean|ng
ho|d Goods
LLASL NC1L! It |s your respons|b|||ty to furn|sh th|s |nformat|on! It |s needed for work to beg|n and to negot|ate your
mod|f|cat|on w|th the best resu|ts!
l declare that the lnformatlon provlded above ls truthful and accurate.
8orrower S|gnature Co-8orrower S|gnature
Loan Modlflcatlon rogram A Loss Mltlgatlon Servlce
Loan Mod|f|cat|on Informat|on Worksheet Comp|ete th|s worksheet to the best of your ab|||ty
Loan No: Loan No:
8orrower and roperty Informat| on (prov|de what you can)
8orrower's Name: Co-8orrower's Name: Date:
nome hone: 8est t|me to Ca||: Are you current|y |n 8ankruptcy?
es No
Work hone: 8est t|me to Ca||: Chapter:
7 13
Ce|| hone: 8est t|me to Ca||:
SMP 8ep:
Ma|||ng Address:
Clty: State: Zlp:
Sub[ect roperty
Address: Are you current|y |n 8ankruptcy?
Clty: State: Zlp: es No
7 13
Current 1
Loan Deta|| (p|ease prov|de any |nf ormat|on you have ava||ab|e)
Mortgage Company: Current Mortgage 8alance: $
Account #: Pave you Modlfled thls loan wlthln last 12 months?
llxed Arm lmpounds: ?es no 1ax er Month: Ins:
Current Mortgage ayment: rev|ous Mortgage ayment: Current Int. () kate: rev|ous Int. () kate:
kecast Date:
kecast Int. () kate:
De||nquent Amount: Last ayment Accepted: # Cf ayments 8eh|nd: Not|ce of Defau|t (NCD) I||ed:
es No Don't know
l declare that the l nformatl on provl ded above ls truthful and accurate.
8orrower S|gnature Date Co-8orrower S|gnature Date
Robert C. Frey LMR ID #124300
Loan Modlflcatlon rogram A Loss Mltlgatlon Servlce
Loan Mod|f|cat|on Informat|on Worksheet - Cont|nued Comp|ete th|s worksheet to the best of your ab|||ty
Loan No: Loan No:
(|f app||cab|e - p|ease prov|de any |nformat|on you have ava||ab|e)
Mortgage Company: Current Mortgage 8alance: $
Account #: Pave you Modlfled thls loan wlthln last 12 months?
llxed Arm lmpounds: ?es no 1ax er Month: Ins:
Current Mortgage ayment: rev|ous Mortgage ayment: Current Int. () kate: rev|ous Int. () kate:
kecast Date:
kecast Int. () kate:
De||nquent Amount: Last ayment Accepted: # Cf ayments 8eh|nd: Not|ce of Defau|t (NCD) I||ed:
es No Don't know
roposed Mod|f|cat|on (p|ease prov|de your best guess be|ow - |f unsure |eave b|ank)
8e kea||st|c w|th the |nformat|on you prov|de be|ow 1 Mortgage 2 Mortgage
Max|mum affordab|e payment per customer's request:
|us 1ax:
|us Ins:
1ota| mt:
(8e rea||st|c) roposed 1erm:
(8e rea||st|c) roposed kate:
1he lnformatlon provlded here ls a benchmark for the proposed modlflcatlon and does not ensure that your lender(s) wlll
accept any such proposal. ?our lender(s) may counter wlth a dlfferent proposal.
I]We can manage a payment of 5 w|thout hardsh|p. Any h|gher month|y payment than
5 per month, and I]we w||| be forced to e|ther se|| or |ose my (our) home.
l declare that the lnformatlon provlded above ls truthful and accurate.
8orrower S|gnature Co-8orrower S|gnature
Loan Modlflcatlon rogram A Loss Mltlgatlon Servlce
Author|zat|on to ke|ease Cred|t Informat|on
Loan No: Loan No:
l authorlze Save My Pome uSA (SMP) and lts authorlzed agents to obtaln a credlt proflle through a credlt bureau. 1he
underslgned, [olntly and severally, represent and warrant to the above mentloned companles that the lnformatlon submltted
ln thls personal flnanclal statement, questlonnalre and flnanclal statement schedule ls true, correct and complete ln all
materlal respects. 1he lnformatlon and documentatlon provlded does not omlt any materlal fact or matter that makes the
lnformatlon or documentatlon presented mlsleadlng.
If your property |s he|d as husband and w|fe |n [o|nt tenancy, both s|gnatures are requ|red regard|ess of your current mar|ta|
(1 8orrower or S|ng|e Ind|v|dua|) (Co- 8orrower, Spouse or S|ng|e Ind|v|dua|)
8orrower S|gnature Co-8orrower S|gnature
r|nt Name r|nt Name
Loan Modlflcatlon rogram A Loss Mltlgatlon Servlce
Author|zat|on Iorm:
1o: (Mortgage Lender)
Loan No: Loan No:
8orrower's Name Soc|a| Secur|ty #:
Co-8orrower's Name Soc|a| Secur|ty #:
roperty Address:
C|ty: State: 2|p: Date:
, name SaveMyPomeuSA, lncludlng lts employees,
agents and asslgns (SMP), as my deslgnated agent, pursuant to the 8eal Lstate Settlement rocedures Act, 12 u.S.C. Sec. 260S
(e)(1)(A). As such, and ln general, l authorlze SMP to communlcate and negotlate wlth my mortgage loan lender/servlcer and
lts agents and asslgns concernlng the followlng, from lnltlal contact through flnal dlsposltlon:
Loan Modlflcatlon(s)
llnanclal Pardshlp
lorbearance Agreement(s)
ayment lan(s)
Short Sale(s)
ueed(s) ln Lleu of loreclosure
lurther, and ln consequence, l authorlze my mortgage loan lender/servlcer and lts agents and asslgns to communlcate and
negotlate wlth SMP regardlng the foregolng. l therefore request that all communlcatlon regardlng the foregolng be dlrected
to SMP. Any communlcatlon l recelve regardlng the foregolng, whether oral, wrltten or electronlc, wlll be forwarded to SMP
for revlew before a response ls glven.
l understand and acknowledge that l could communlcate wlth my mortgage loan lender/servlcer wlthout the asslstance of an
agent, and that l could utlllze nonproflt and/or government asslstance wlth elther reduced or no fees. l hereby walve any such
rlghts and lnslst that my mortgage loan lender/servlcer communlcate and negotlate wlth SMP. l request that all partles
lnvolved act ln good falth to take all avallable actlon to allow me to avold foreclosure. Should thls posltlon change, l wlll notlfy
all partles ln wrltlng.
(1 8orrower or S|ng|e Ind|v|dua|) (Co- 8orrower, Spouse or S|ng|e Ind|v|dua|)
8orrower S|gnature Co-8orrower S|gnature
r|nt Name r|nt Name

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