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Pehala Nasha....

Its holi-14 fun and colours all around. Two things made me more anxious towards Bha
ng, One; the exaggerated hangover part of others. Two; the zero effect of bhang
on holi-2013 thats actually when I took it for the first time.
On first attempt exactly at 1920hrs I took 1 goli (grape sized tablet). Since its
called as poor mans heaven. I was eagerly waiting for the magic to happen.
In the meanwhile others shared their crazy experience. I had no other chance but
to listen it all bla....bla....bla.... kind of stuff. Like for example one will
laugh or cries continuously, stare at same thing for a long time, gets thirsty o
ften, will be in more hunger, lot many illusion like flying or whirling effect,
doing crazy stuffs like pissing off in pants forgetting to unzip, even mad thing
s like desire to swing in power lines...etc etc.
After one hour passed by no indications yet. It made me to have doubt over the o
riginality of the stuff. But it is when I doubted myself as the other three guys
knocked down one by one on their own time depending on individual resistance. Y
ou can really catch them from their eyes.
Then on the second attempt I took another half goli. They say sweets and food ar
e the promoters. The holi thing started at 2210hrs.
Suddenly it became graveyard silence, I couldnt concentrate while writing, the im
pressions found more rougher, its like I am writing in a giant hand, it made me t
o recheck everything 5 to 10 times, I was doing the cyclic stuffs again and agai
n like stand-check few items-walk for 2 min-again sit. Cant able to chat in wats
app properly its like I need to press harder the touch screen for typing. The fee
lings and emotions were now easily focused to a single person whom you wish you
want no distractions this is the only advantage I can say. You can know your tru
e self if u dont wanna be guilt try think positive things about you. I controlled m
yself from bursting out in laughter. Couldnt able to give logical or emotional an
swer while speaking to a friend in a phone call. Now the whole world is shifted
to slow-motion mode as shown in spider man movie. Whatever you wanna be just ima
gine it really happens in the illusion world. Eg: in illusion I kicked a flower
pot it bounced like a foot ball and hit a transformer and there was a spectacula
r blast. The songs... yeah even the same lines repeated again and again in slowe
r pitch aushique2 sun raha hai na tu. In the conversations the same sentence lastl
y I heard repeated again and again Eg: do you have sore throat?. Others used my
hand writing to check my condition, even it was pretty good in this time too as
it used to be in normal condition. As time moved on the conscious mind worked li
ttle. Before 2300hrs I said good bye and rejected all assistance they wish to pr
ovide me to drop me in my room. All my fear got hyped, like fear of dogs while r
eturning back only its howl made my bone chill, weird question like do I also pi
ss off in my pants thank God! It didnt happened.
At last I reached my room around 2310hrs. Made arrangements for next days work as
it shouldnt get disturbed because of me. Since I am not sure that I can go early
for work.
Here comes the final part, as I left with the only time which is available befor
e I fall asleep. In morning everything will be normal as I hoped. In the room I
double triple checked the door locked properly, turned down the lights and laid
on the bed. Since it all went in slow motion and memories also were kind of scat
tered, so I recalled all the incidents from 2210hrs till I reached room to find
out any flaws. Luckily I didnt get anything. I have a habit of wishing good night b
efore sleeping. Pinged to one or two loved ones in watsapp. I made sure that I a
m not proposing to anyone madly. Then the philosophy part started working made S
WOT analysis. Really the IQ works less EQ gets boosted up for no reason and SQ s
tarts working. I got the answer why sadhus depend on stuffs like these, because
if you question yourself who you are? What you want? you really get answer for tha
t. I got mine.
Dont know when I slept. But as in watsapp my last conversation was at 2343hrs. Us
ually I put my mobile in silent mode but this night I kept it in normal ringing
mode. As I expected morning wakeup call for the first time along with the alarm
at 0800hrs.
Morning at first alarm rang I snoozed it then tried to sleep again but immediate
ly I got the wakeup call also. I woke up, everything was fine.

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