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Advanced techniques - 1

The Photograph and The Candle

Sahaja Yoga meditation is about tapping into ones
spiritual energy, firstly by recognising that it exists
through Self Realisation, and thereafter by using it to
improve one's life. It is important to remember that
Sahaja Yoga is not a philosophy of blind faith, it is a
Truth which is physically verifiable by all those who
practice it, via the 'cool breeze' or vibrations that one feels
on the hands or head.

It may be easier, therefore, to consider Sahaja Yoga as the
discovery of a sixth sense - the world of vibrations. Once
you have experienced the cool breeze
on the hands, it is possible to detect
similar vibrations emitted from other
objects or even situations.

For instance after realisation, if you
should take a stroll around a
prestigious art gallery, it is possible to
feel the vibrations which emanate from
certain old masters such as the Mona
Lisa, which were painted with the true
love of an artist and not simply for
commercial gain as with much modern

In the same way it is possible, in fact
preferable, to use a photograph of Shri Mataji (which
obviously emits the strong vibrations of a deeply spiritual
person) in order to assist our own spirit to respond to the
meditation in a stronger and deeper manner.

Simply by sitting calmly in front of a picture of Shri
Mataji and holding the hands out with palms upwards, it
is possible to feel the onset of the cool vibrations over the
fingers. If we then symbolise the use of the fire element
by placing a candle in front of the picture, this sensation
is intensified, with the result that we find it much easier to
go into meditation as we settle down.

The Elements
Sahaja Yoga makes full use of the elements, which in
themselves are the basic building blocks of nature. Fire
and water are represented in Sahaja Yoga by using a
candle when we meditate and by foot-soaking in water
(see below) which is a very effective way of relaxing
prior to and during a meditation (especially after the
tribulations of a day at work). In its purest form, fire is
represented by the natural flame of the sun, and likewise
water by the sea (a day out at the seaside takes on a whole
new meaning in Sahaja Yoga terms!).

We use the earth element to help clear our subtle system
by putting salt in the footsoaking water, or by the simple
technique of sitting on the bare earth or grass whilst
meditating. Again it acts as a huge, primal heat-sink for
the cares and woes of modern day living and can produce
a very satisfying meditation.

Footsoaking is a Sahaja Yoga
technique which many people will
recognise from everyday life.
Quite simply it is the Sahaja Yoga
version of putting the feet in a
bowl (or foot spa) of warm water
as a way of relaxing after a tiring
day. It is best done in the evening,
and the main difference in Sahaja
terms is that salt is added to the
water (to represent the earth
element). In this way we use all
the elements - fire (with the
candle), air, water and earth.

Simply sit with your feet in a bowl of lukewarm salted
water (see fig.) for 10 to 15 minutes in the evening whilst
you meditate. When finished, wash off and dry your feet,
throw the water away down the toilet and wash out the
footsoak bowl. Try nor to use the bowl for any purpose
other than the footsoak.

This simple routine is one of the single most powerful
methods we can use to help our meditation, and most
people when they try it report amazing results in that they
sleep better and awake more refreshed in every way. If
you are serious about going deeper in your meditation
you will need to try this amazing technique!


Advanced techniques - 2

Working on yourself to clear an obstruction in
a chakra.
It is possible to clear obstructions in one's own Chakras if
we feel tingling or heat in a corresponding finger. This is
done by moving the hand in a clockwise motion (clockwise
from the viewpoint of someone looking at you) over the
relevant Chakra. For instance, if you feel a tingling in the
left little finger you will know that the left Heart Chakra is
not completely cleared.

So you can take the right hand and describe a clockwise
motion over the heart area on the left hand side of your
body (as if stirring a cup of tea vertically with your four
fingers). Note that most Sahaja techniques use the right
hand, as it represents the hand of action, whilst the left hand
represents the hand of desire and is normally held out
towards the candle and photograph to channel incoming
You can do this for seven or twenty one rotations, or until
you feel some benefit. Most people will feel the results of
the vibrations on the actual Chakra with practice, but don't
worry if not - you may rest assured that it is doing the job in
any case! Whilst rotating the hand we can also say the
relevant affirmation to help re-establish the pure quality of
the Chakra. If you cannot remember the correct
affirmation, then simply say Mother please clear this
centre, addressing the motherly Kundalini energy within.
Working on others to help them go deeper
To help others, you stand or sit behind the person you are
working on so that they have their back to you (see fig. 2).
Raise your Kundalini and put on a Bandhan as you would in
your own meditation and then from behind raise the
Kundalini of the person you are going to work on and give
them a Bandhan. If you have developed enough sensitivity
in your hands or fingers to feel the catches or obstructions
in the other persons Chakras
(evidenced by a tingling or warmth in your fingers which
correspond to their Chakras), then you can work at the back
of the person with your left hand out towards the candle and

If you do not have a picture, then keep your 'Attention' or
concentration on your Sahasrara Chakra at the top of your
head. Rotate your right hand in an anti-clockwise direction
seven or twenty-one times. Note that the Chakras always
spin in the same direction, so you are in effect doing the
same as if rotating the Chakra clockwise from in front of the
person. Repeat this action until you feel your finger or hand
go cool. Again you can use the appropriate affirmation for
the affected centre.

If you are unable to feel the catches, ask the person you are
working on if they feel any tingling or heat in their fingers.
If they do, then work on the appropriate centre. If neither of
you feel any sensations, then you can simply work up the
central channel, starting from the Mooladhara centre and
working up each Chakra in turn. When you have finished
working on the person, raise their Kundalini and Bandhan
them. Then finish off by raising your own Kundalini and
Bandhan in the same way that you would finish off your
own meditation.

The Ice Pack

A quick tip for those who may be having difficulty in
maintaining thoughtlessness in their meditation. Very often
the intrusive thoughts are the result of an overactive liver - a
hot liver in Sahaja terms. This is easily remedied by
placing a cloth covered plastic ice pack on the area of the
liver on the right side of your body during the meditation.
You will find this an amazingly effective method of
improving the meditation in these circumstances.

4 3
A The Left Side Channel (Ida Nadi in Sanskrit) represents the sub-conscious mind, the past and the emotions. It
is our receptive, femnine side; often identified with imagery of the cool moon.

B The Right Side Channel (Pingala Nadi) represents the supra-conscious mind, the future and the power of
thought. It is also our active masculine side, often identified with imagery of the hot sun.

C The Central Channel (Sushumna Nadi) is the path of our evolution and spiritual ascent. It represents the
present moment and our potential for integration and balance. It is here that collective consciousness and super-
consciousness are manifested.

The Subtle System

7. Sahasrara Chakra
6. Agnya Chakra
5. Vishuddhi Chakra
4. Heart Chakra
3. Nabhi Chakra
V Void
2. Swadisthan Chakra
1. Mooladhara Chakra




Deity: Shri Brahmadeva (Shri Saraswati)
Physical counterpart: Aortic Plexus
Looks after: Liver, kidney, spleen and pancreas
Qualities: Creativity, aesthetics/art, pure knowledge.
No of Petals: Six (6)
Day: Wednesday Colour: Yellow Element: Fire
Gem: Amethyst Symbol: Star of David

The Swadhisthan Chakra is suspended like a satellite on a
chord from the Nabhi Chakra, and moves around the Void
area giving sustenance to the ten petals of the Void (which
represent the Ten Commandments). When the Kundalini
rises, it passes into the Nabhi Chakra first and then along
the chord to enlighten the Swadhisthan and then returns to
the Nabhi Chakra to continue the journey to the crown of
the head.

The fundamental quality of this Chakra is that of creativity
It is here that the energy for our individual creativity is
generated. After our Realisation we discover that the true
key to creativity lies in achieving a state of thoughtless
awareness (Nirvichara Samadhi) through our meditations
and from this we discover that all the beauty of the creation
is reflected within us like a still and silent lake. Once we
locate this pool of beauty we can become the channel for it
and the creative instrument of the collective unconscious,
without ego to distort the purity of the art. We become, as
Wordsworth says A heart that watches and receives!

Art which is produced in this balanced state without ego,
can be said to be spiritually enhanced, i.e. it comes from the
heart. If the person producing it is a Realised Soul, as with
the classic works from artists of the past such as Mozart and
Michelangelo (who were born as evolved Realised Souls)
then it can become inspired. Works of this quality are
immortal, and provide joy and beauty which define a whole

The Spirit which resides in our heart is the real reservoir of
creativity, and people who think excessively or are
egotistically obsessed with fame or success will usually
suffer a weak Swadhisthan Chakra and tend to be off
balance personalities. Their ambition to be superior to
others or to be acclaimed by them for their talents comes
from their ego, which is connected to the right side of the
Swadhisthan Chakra through the right channel. Their
spontaneity is lost in this ambitious and competitive effort
to create. This explains why many modern artistic creations
in different genres lack vitality, spirit and heart.

The presiding Deity (or role model) for the Swadhisthan
Chakra is Shri Brahmadeva. He represents the ultimate
Creator, and has as his power Shri Saraswati, who is the
Goddess of music and arts.

Gross Physical Aspect
One of the most important functions of this centre is that it
breaks down fat particles in the abdomen to replace the grey
and white cells of the brain, and so generates the energy
which fuels our thinking. Excessive thinking and planning
overworks this process and exhausts the centre. The
Swadhisthan also looks after the liver (along with the Nabhi
Centre). If the Chakra is having to cope with excessive
thinking, then the other organs it is supposed to look after
are neglected..

The liver has a particular importance in that it is the seat of
our Attention (chitta).A balanced liver sustains and
nourishes our Attention and filters it by scanning out any
external clutter. From this purified Attention comes the
peace and stillness that we obtain in our meditation. A liver
which has been overheated by the consumption of excessive
amounts of alcohol, caffeine or other stimulants can spoil
our Attention which will have the knock on effect of
weakening our meditation and so on..

Causes of problems with the Swadhisthan Chakra
Left side: Black magic, false knowledge, drug abuse
Right side: Excessive thinking/planning, bad eating habits,
ego oriented life, domination of others.

Looking after the Swadhisthan Chakra
A weak Swadhisthan may show up as - irritability,
difficulty meditating, inability to sit still.

To help clear any problems of the Right Chakra we can:
A. Use the elements
Soak the feet in a bowl of COLD (or even iced) salted water
at meditation.
Place an ice pack on right Swadhisthan Chakra position

B. Affirmations:
Mother please take away my thoughts
Mother, you do everything, I do nothing.
Mother, you are my Guru

General Advice:
Place the left hand on the Chakra and right towards the
Raise the left channel and bring down the right channel 108
times, with the right hand.
Use the liver diet (a diet which encourages us to eat food
which is helpful to the functioning of this organ ask for
details at your local meeting).

For the Left Chakra we can use WARM water instead of
cold, use the affirmation Mother, please give me the pure
knowledge and use the 3 candle treatment on the left
Swadhisthan area.

Swadhisthan Chakra

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