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College of Management & Information Systems

B.S. !rogram in B"siness Information Systems
IT Management for Ser#ie $%erations &'(')*)+,
IT Assignment *
-"estions St".y Analysis
S"/mitte. /y0
Zubaidah Abdul Rehman (20042080)
I declare that this assignment is my own work, in my own words and it
does not include any copy paste or plagiarism issues. I also confirm
that I did not copy it from others and I have included all the
S"%er#ise. /y0
Dr. Selma EL-Sheikh

Assignment ! "#$
#able %& '%ntents
Section 1) Introduction
1.1) Overview 3
1.2) Purpose and Aim 3
Section 2) Discussion Findings
2.1) Internal Audit 3
2.2) Compliance !t"ics #
2.3) !nterprise $is% &anagement '
Section 3) Conclusion ( Summar) *
$e+erences ,
Zubaidah Abdul Rehman, 20020!0 Page 2 of 8
Assignment ! "#$
(uesti%n )) "# $anager Res*%nsibilities
Data Centers &ec"anical &aintenance
-uman $esources Servers
Product Advertising Coordination o+ Suppliers $aw &aterials
Support Sta++ .or%stations
/elecommunications Accounting
Data Centers .e0sites
&ar%eting Sales
Some ot"ers are1
Sta++ &anagement
2ser Support
$egulator) Compliance
Disaster $ecover)
(uesti%n 2) +ers%nnel Re,uirements %& an "# $anager
2.) -n%.ledge
Computer "ardware and so+tware s)stems and programs
Computer networ%s3 networ% administration and networ% installation
Computer trou0les"ooting
Computer viruses and securit)
!4mail and internet programs

2.2 Skills
&anagement and supervisor) s%ills
A0ilit) to install and administer computer "ardware3 so+tware and networ%s
/eam 0uilding s%ills
Anal)tical and pro0lem solving s%ills
Decision ma%ing s%ills
Zubaidah Abdul Rehman, 20020!0 Page 3 of 8
Assignment ! "#$
!++ective ver0al3 presentation and listening communications s%ills
!++ective written communications s%ills
Computer s%ills including t"e a0ilit) to operate computeri=ed spreads"eet3
Stress management s%ills
/ime management s%ills
2. +ers%nal Attributes
6e "onest and trustwort")
6e respect+ul
Possess cultural awareness and sensitivit)
6e +le>i0le
(uesti%n ) /eneral Re,uirements &%r +%siti%ns
.) Lab%rat%r0 #e1hni1ian
Computer la0 tec"nicians are responsi0le +or t"e maintenance and operations o+
computer la0s. /"e) assist la0 users wit" computer4related issues suc" as creating user log4on
accounts and passwords3 trou0le4s"ooting e?uipment pro0lems and using ot"er la0 e?uipment
suc" as printers and copiers. Some tec"nicians ma) "ave supervisor) roles w"ere t"e) are
responsi0le +or managing and training computer la0 assistants and tutors

!ntr) 9evel Position 4 $esponsi0ilities include construction3 con+iguration and
trou0les"ooting o+ CP2 and perip"erals. Intimate %nowledge o+ DOS3 .in@>3 .inA/ and
.in2888. &icroso+t O++ice e>perience is a must. Success+ul candidate must "ave e>cellent
organi=ational3 communications and customer service s%ills. AB certi+ication and 3 )ears
"ands4on computer e>perience re?uired
.2 '22 +r%grammer
Zubaidah Abdul Rehman, 20020!0 Page 4 of 8
Assignment ! "#$
!>perience wor%ing wit" &C Series on &DS(2ni>(A/(AS;88. Installation o+ &C
Series3 customi=ation(con+iguration(implementation o+ &C Series. S)stems Anal)st and
Design o+ &C Series Applications. Co0ol and CBB programming s%ills using t"e &C API3
&C Series 9otus Aotes and SAP applications using t"e &C API. /wo to +ive )ears
e>perience3 /elecom 0ac%ground is a plus
(uesti%n 4) Ad4ertising +%siti%ns and Reas%ning
6ot" t"e positions1 9a0 /ec"nician and CBB Programmer s"ould 0e advertised is
some o+ t"e +ollowing mentioned 0elow along wit" reasoning1
Advertising &edia Suita0ilit) $easoning
1) /D /"is is not suita0le 0ecause most o+ I/ candidates are
more into computer tec"nolog) related stu++ and t"e)
do not "ave interest +or watc"ing /D.
2) 6ill0oard 6ill0oards are costl) and not suita0le 0ecause t"e) are
traditional +orms o+ advertising positions and it is more
+or targeting customers or greeting to speci+ic person
on speci+ic occasion.
3) $adio $adio is more o+ entertainment and not suita0le +orm
+or advertising I/ positions. &ost o+ t"e people
nowada)s are listening to radios +or latest music3
competition3 greetings3 etc.
;) Print EAewspapers3 I/
&aga=ines3 /rade Fournals3 etc.)
Print +orm o+ advertising is suita0le onl) i+ t"ere is
speci+ic section +or I/ area or I/ related in+ormation.
Suc" as some newspapers "ave I/ listing o+ 5o0
vacancies3 so it will 0e suita0le. /"ere are I/
maga=ines or 5ournals so t"ese are also use+ul +orms o+
#) Internet Internet is t"e 0est +orm o+ advertising 0ecause all I/
candidates do access internet and t"e) mig"t searc"
directl) entering %e)words suc" as 9a0 /ec"nician
') Agencies($ecruiter(-ead"unters /"is s"ould last option i+ t"e organi=ation is not a0le to
Zubaidah Abdul Rehman, 20020!0 Page 5 of 8
Assignment ! "#$
+ind appropriate candidate +rom proposed suita0ilit)
advertising +orms. /"e) are e>pensive +orms and t"e)
do c"arge 0ased on salar) range as well. /"e) do "ave
num0er o+ CDs 0ut t"e) are also using similar +orms o+
advertising to attract candidates3 w"ic" organi=ation
can do t"e same.
*) Aetwor%ing I/ &anagers wit" "ig" contacts and reac" will 0e a0le
to easil) locate t"roug" networ%ing s%ills. /"ere+ore3 it
is one o+ t"e suita0le +orm as well. For e>ample3 w"en
attending seminar3 con+erences3 pro+essional courses3
etc. I/ &anager mig"t come across potential
candidates. -e or s"e can also recall personal contacts
and +ind most suita0le candidates.
,) Fo0($ecruiting Fairs It is depending on t)pe o+ organi=ations participating in
t"e 5o0(recruiting +airs. Suc" as i+ t"e purpose o+ Fairs
are to +ul+ill government sector needs t"en num0er o+
potential I/ candidates will 0e less. I+ it is more on I/
industr) related 5o0(recruiting +airs t"en it is suita0le.
&oreover3 some o+ t"e universities and colleges
conduct career e>"i0itions and t"e) are suita0le i+ t"ere
is I/ department or ma5ors.
(uesti%n 3) List %& 5%n-#e1hni1al (uesti%ns! Lab%rat%r0 #e1hni1ian
/ell me a 0it a0out )oursel+. E/"is is a golden opportunit) +or )ou. See t"is page on
interview answers on "ow to respond.)
-ow do )ou %eep up wit" t"e c"anging tec"nologiesG
."ere do )ou see )oursel+ 18 )ears +rom nowG
.") do )ou wis" to leave )our current 5o0G
."at are )ou loo%ing +or in a new 5o0G
-ow "as )our 5o0 responsi0ilities evolved over t"e past +ew )earsG
According to )our 0oss3 w"atHs )our 0iggest wea%nessG
Zubaidah Abdul Rehman, 20020!0 Page 6 of 8
Assignment ! "#$
(uesti%n 6) 7R De*artment 7el*! Lab%rat%r0 #e1hni1ian
(uesti%n 8) " #eam $embers

Zubaidah Abdul Rehman, 20020!0 Page 7 of 8
Assignment ! "#$
1) Iowal3 Pari0as. E2883). Co0i/ +or Internal Auditors. $etrieved ' Decem0er 2811 +rom
2) Strand3 Sim%in3 6agrano++. E288#). In+ormation /ec"nolog) Auditing. $etrieved '
Decem0er 2811 +rom
3) Strand3 Sim%in3 6agrano++. E288#). In+ormation /ec"nolog) Auditing. $etrieved '
Decem0er 2811 +rom
;) &a%aeva. E288;). Internal Scanning1 Organi=ational Anal)sis. $etrieved ' Decem0er
2811 +rom "ttp1((s0mt.0su.0)(+acult)(ma%aeva:#Cma%aevaS&en:#C9ectureAotes
#) -urt. E2818). Pro+essional Certi+ications and Career Planning. $etrieved ' Decem0er
2811 +rom "ttp1((www.p"iladelp""ap81*.ppt
') /ur0an3 &c9ean3 .et"er0e. E2888). &anaging In+ormation $esources and Securit).
$etrieved ' Decem0er 2811 +rom
*) &c9eod3 Sc"ell. E288;). !t"ical Implications O+ In+ormation /ec"nolog). $etrieved '
Decem0er 2811 +rom "ttp1((people.";81(c"1#.ppt
,) ."eeler3 P. E2883). !t"ics3 Fraud3 and Internal Control. $etrieved ' Decem0er 2811 +rom
@) Altman. E288#). Organi=ational !t"ics and t"e 9aw. $etrieved ' Decem0er 2811 +rom
18) Stanwic%3 P. E2888). 2nderstanding 6usiness !t"ics. $etrieved ' Decem0er 2811 +rom
11) $e5da. E2888). Advanced /opics in $is% &anagement. $etrieved ' Decem0er 2811 +rom
12) &ula)3 P. E288'). In+ormation $is% &anagement vis4K4vis !nterprise $is% &anagement.
$etrieved ' Decem0er 2811 +rom
Zubaidah Abdul Rehman, 20020!0 Page 8 of 8

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