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Marchand Electronics Inc.

PO Box 18099, Rochester, NY 14605

Tel:(585) 423 0462 Fx:(585) 423 93!5
"#$o%&rch#'elec(co& )))(&rch#'elec(co&
(c)2010 *rch#' +lectro#"cs ,#c(
PM2 50Watt Amplifier
*rch#' +lectro#"cs ,#c( PO Box 18099 Rochester, NY 14605 )))(&rch#'elec(co& (585)423 0462 1
This conservatively rated o!er a"li#ier "od$le !ill deliver a clean% lo! distortion 50
Watt o# o!er to any & Oh" lo$dea'er( The a"li#ier is rated to drive reactive loads
!ith a hase an)leo# $ to *5 de)ree at #$ll o$t$t volta)e( The a"li#ier can ta'e its
in$t #ro" any re+a"% electronic crossover or other so$rce( The circ$it "a'es $se o# an
inte)rated circ$it driver chi and t!o co"li"entary Darlin)ton o!er transistors( The
co"act desi)n #its on a s"all 2, - ., circ$it /oard that is "o$nted directly on the
heavy+d$ty heatsin' #or the o$t$t transistors(
The availa/le o$t$t o!er deends on the volta)e and c$rrent ratin) o# the o!er s$ly
and the i"edance o# the load 0& Oh" or * Oh"1( The o!er #or the "od$le can /e #ro" a
d$al re)$lated o!er s$ly o# $ to 23+*0 4D5 or #ro" an $nre)$lated so$rce( A si"le
$nre)$lated s$ly can /e asse"/led #ro" a *& 4olt 6 7(5 A" center+ta trans#or"er% a
/rid)e recti#ier and t!o 70(000$F #ilter caacitors8 this s$ly is )ood #or 50WRM9 into
a & Oh" load(
The PM2 can also /e oerated in class A "ode( In this "ode the "od$le can deliver 70
Watt RM9 contin$o$s into an & Oh" load% !hen $sin) a 23+7& 4D5 o!er s$ly(
The a"li#ier "od$le is rotected !ith an o$t$t c$rrent li"iter and a te"erat$re
sensor( The o$t$t c$rrent o# the a"li#ier !ill /e li"ited to a sa#e val$e% so that the
a"li#ier can not /e da"a)ed /y short circ$its at the o$t$t( In the event o# overheatin)
the a"li#ier !ill t$rn itsel# o## $ntil it cools do!n a)ain(
The PM2 o!er a"li#ier "od$le 'it is availa/le in several versions( It is availa/le as
a /are /oard% as a co"lete 'it and co"letely asse"/led and ad:$sted( For those !ho !ant
to $se their o!n heatsin' #or the o$t$t transistors% the 'it is also availa/le !itho$t
Asse"/ly o# the PM2 o!er a"li#ier "od$le is "ade easy !ith the sil' screened rinted
circ$it /oard and the ste /y ste asse"/ly "an$al( 9o"e e;erience is needed #or
asse"/ly o# this 'it% and it is not reco"ended #or the /e)inner< 9i"le tools% a
solderin) iron and a "$lti"eter% caa/le o# indicatin) a 70"4 volta)e 0=2 4olt ran)e1 and
o# "eas$rin) resistance% is re>$ired #or ad:$st"ent o# the a"li#ier(
Fre>$ency resonse@ 5AB+50CAB% 23+ 7dD8
Total Aar"onic Distortion@ less than 0(7E 6 7CAB(8
4olta)e )ain@ 20 dD 070;18
In$t i"edance@ 700 COh"% A5 co$led(
O$t$t load@ * or & Oh"% D5 co$led(
Ma; o!er o$t$t !ith 70 Watt RM9% contin$o$s% into & Oh"(
23+ 7& 4 Po!er 9$ly 0class A1
Ma; o!er o$t$t !ith 50 Watt RM9% contin$o$s% into & Oh"(
23+ .0 4 Po!er 9$ly 0class D1
Po!er s$ly ran)e@ 23+754 to 23+*54% d$al s$ly(
A/sol$te Ma;i"$"
Po!er 9$ly volta)e@ 23+ 50 4olt(
The PM2 o!er a"l#ier "od$le achieves hi)h er#or"ance and lo! arts co$nt /y $sin) the
LM.F7 A$dio Po!er Driver #ro" ?ational 9e"icond$ctor 5ororation( This inte)rated circ$it
can directly drive the t!o o$t$t o!er darlin)ton transistors( The circ$it has o$t$t
c$rrent li"itin) and 9a#e Oerarin) Area rotection #or the o!er transistors( The
a"li#ier also has a t$rn on delay circ$it that "ini"ises the o$t$t transients !hen the
a"li#ier is t$rned on( A te"erat$re sensor% "o$nted on the heatsin' o# the o!er
transistors% rotects the circ$it /y t$rnin) the a"li#ier o## !hen the te"erat$re
e;ceeds G5 de)rees 5enti)rade( The PM2 is rated at 50 Watt RM9 contin$o$s oeration !ith
an & Oh" load(
*rch#' +lectro#"cs ,#c( PO Box 18099 Rochester, NY 14605 )))(&rch#'elec(co& (585)423 0462 2

Fi)$re 7( 9OA and load c$rves #or 2?G2&*(
The circ$it dia)ra" #or the a"li#ier is sho!n in #i)$re H( The co"le"entary o$t$t
o!er darlin)ton transistors I7 and I2 are driven directly /y I57% LM.F7 A$dio Po!er
Driver( The o$t$t sta)e oerates in a standard class AD con#i)$ration( The /ias c$rrent
o# the o$t$t sta)e is set !ith R&( The o$t$t c$rrent li"it and 9OA rotection is set
!ith RG%RH% R70+R7F and D7%D2( The d$al sloe c$rrent li"it allo!s the c$rrent li"it
setoint o# the o$$t transistor to vary !ith the collector volta)e o# the transistor(
For lo! collector volta)e a hi)h collector c$rrent is allo!ed% /$t as the collector
volta)e increases the allo!a/le c$rrent is red$ced( At #irst the c$rrent is li"ited /y
the allo!ed o!er dissiation o# the device% /$t as the collector volta)e increases over
a certain val$e the "a;i"$" c$rrent is red$ced in order to avoid secondary /rea'do!n o#
the transistor( This secondary /rea'do!n is a "ayor #actor in li"itin) "a;i"$" o$t$t
o!er o# an a"li#ier8 it is ca$sed /y hot sots that occ$r in /iolar transistors at the
hi)her o!er and volta)e levels( The "an$#act$rer o# o!er transistors seci#y a 9a#e
Oeratin) Area #or the transistor that avoids all these itt#alls( Fi)$re+7 sho!s the 9OA
c$rve #or the 2?G2&* and 2?G2&H transistors $sed in the PM2 a"li#ier( The #i)$re sho!s
the D5 9OA li"its #or the transistors and the c$rrent li"its i"osed /y the a"l#ier( The
#ir$re also sho!s a tyical load line o# o$t$t c$rrent vs( o$t$t volta)e #or o$t$t
loads o# & oh"( The o$t$t load line #or an ind$ctive load !ith a hase an)le o# *0
de)rees sho!s the caa/ility o# the a"l#ier to drive reactive loads( The o$t$t
transistors o# the a"li#ier are #$rther rotected a)ainst ind$ctive 'ic'+/ac' /y the
#ree+!heelin) diodes D. and D*( Ind$ctor L7% caacitor 570 and resistors R20 and R27
ins$re the sta/ility o# the a"li#ier( The ali#ier oerates as a standard oerational
a"li#ier in a non+invertin) "ode( The )ain is set to a val$e o# 20dD 0volta)e )ain o#
701 !ith resistors R* and R5( The in$t si)nal is co$led to the inte)rated circ$it #ro"
in$t connector P7 !ith 57 and R7( This caacitive co$lin) has a corner #re>$ency o# 7(G
AerB% and ins$res "ini"al hase distortion at the lo! #re>$encies o# the a$dio sectr$"(
R2 and 52 rovide #or a t$rn+on delay o# a/o$t 7 second( The t$rn+o## #eat$re o# the
LM.F7 is oerated /y sin'in) c$rrent #ro" in 7*( When the c$rrent e;ceeds a/o$t 7 "A the
internal circ$it !ill 'ill the drive to the o$t$t transistors( This in$t is also $sed
to activate the ther"al rotection o# the a"l#ier( The te"erat$re sensor R. is a
te"erat$re deendent s!itch( When cold it is oen% /$t !hen it is heated the s!itch !ill
close at G2 de)ree 5( This !ill activate the t$rn+o## circ$it o# I57( The heatsin' !ill
no! cool o## /eca$se o# the eli"ination o# the o!er dissiation o# the o$t$t
transistors( When the te"erat$re )ets do!n to H0 de)rees R. !ill s!itch /ac' o##% and
the a"li#ier !ill t$rn /ac' on(
*rch#' +lectro#"cs ,#c( PO Box 18099 Rochester, NY 14605 )))(&rch#'elec(co& (585)423 0462 3
In the interrest o# lo! distortion and hi)h sta/ility "etal #il" resistors are $sed #or
all lo! o!er resistors( ?o electrolytic caacitors are $sed in the si)nal ath( The I57%
I7 and I2 are "o$nted in soc'ets% and ter"inal /loc's #or in$t% o$t$t and o!er "a'e
#or ease o# $se(
The PM2 o!er a"l#ier 'it incl$des the arts listed /elo!( Please chec' the contents o#
yo$r 'it to "a'e s$re no arts are "issin)(
J Parts List J
J PM2 o!er a"li#ier "od$le J
J art ea Descrition J
J R7%RG%RH J . J 700C% 7E Metal Fil" J
J R2 J 7 J ..(2C%7E Metal Fil" J
J R. J 7 J Te"erat$re sensor J
J R* J 7 J 770C% 7E Metal Fil" J
J R5 J 7 J 7M% 7E Metal Fil" J
J R& J 7 J 70C% Tri""er otentio"eter J
J RF J 7 J 2(00C%7E Metal Fil" J
J R70%R77 J 2 J 70C% 7E Metal Fil" J
J R72%R7. J 2 J .2*C% 7E Metal Fil" J
J R7*%R75 J 2 J .(2*C% 7E Metal Fil" J
J R7G%R7H J 2 J G(*FC%7E Metal Fil" J
J R7&%R7F J 2 J (5G Oh"% . Watt J
J R20 J 7 J 5(G Oh"% . Watt J
J R27 J 7 J 70 Oh"% 2 Watt% 5ar/on co"( J
J L7 J 7 J *$A% 020+25 t$rns L22 !ire on R271 J
J 57 J 7 J 7$F% 50 W4D5% 5E 9tac'ed MF J
J 52 J 7 J 70$F% 50 W4D5% Al$"( Electrolytic J
J 5.%5* J 2 J 22F% G00 W4D5 silver "ica caacitor J
J 55%570 J 2 J (22$F% 700 W4D5% stac'ed #il" ca( J
J 5G%5H J 2 J 7000F% 700 W4D5% 5era"ic disc J
J 5&%5F J 2 J *H$F% 50 W4D5% Al$"( Electrolytic J
J I57 J 7 J LM.F7+700 J
J I7 J 7 J 2?G2&* ?P? Po!er Darlin)ton J
J I2 J 7 J 2?G2&H P?P Po!er Darlin)ton J
J D7%D2 J 2 J 7?52G0% *.4% 500"W Mener diode J
J D.%D* J 2 J 7?*F.H% 7A" diode J
J P7 J 7 J 2 osition ter"inal /loc' J
J P2 J 7 J G osition ter"inal /loc' J
J M7 J 7 J Aeatsin' *27 0"odi#ied1 J
J M5 J 7 J 7G in DIP soc'et J
J MG J 2 J TO. transistor soc'et( J
J MH J 2 J TO. "ica ins$lator J
J M& J * J 732, ins( stando##s% &+.2 thread J
J M70 J * J sheet "etal scre!%#lathead%G+20-53&, J
J M77 J 7 J PM2 circ$it /oard J
J M72 J 7 J hoo'$ !ire J
The asse"/ly o# the o!er a"li#ier is "ade very easy /y the sil' screen )$ide on the
circ$it /oard( The sche"atic dia)ra" o# the a"li#ier is sho!n in #i)$re+H( Fi)$re+G
sho!s the sil'screen and the transistor connections( All co"onents sho$d /e installed on
the side o# the /oard that has the sil' screen8 this side is called the co"onent side(
The arts are then soldered in lace on the #oil side o# the /oard( Re#er alse to #i)$re+
. and the title a)e o# this "an$al #or ict$res o# PM2 a#ter asse"/ly(
*rch#' +lectro#"cs ,#c( PO Box 18099 Rochester, NY 14605 )))(&rch#'elec(co& (585)423 0462 4
Fi)$re .( Asse"/led PM2(
9te 7 OOO Install resistor R7( Use a 7E% 700C "etal #il" resistor( The resistor is
"ar'ed !ith a color code to indicate the val$e(
The code is Dro!n + Dlac' + Dlac' + Oran)e ++ Dro!n( The orientation o# the resistor is
not i"ortant( 9older and tri" leads(
9te 2 OOO Install R2% ..(2C% 7E Metal Fil" resistor( Proceed as !ith
R7( Oran)e + Oran)e + Red + Red ++ Dro!n(
9te . OOO R*% 770C% 7E MF( Dro!n + Dro!n + Dlac' + Oran)e ++ Dro!n(
9te * OOO R5% 7(00M% 7E MF( Dro!n + Dlac' + Dlac' + Nello! ++ Dro!n(
9te 5 OOO RG% 700C% 7E MF( Dro!n + Dlac' + Dlac' + Oran)e ++ Dro!n(
9te G OOO RH% 700C% 7E MF( Dro!n + Dlac' + Dlac' + Oran)e ++ Dro!n(
9te H OOO RF% 2(00C% 7E MF( Red + Dlac' + Dlac' + Dro!n ++ Dro!n(
9te & OOO R70% 70(0C% 7E MF( Dro!n + Dlac' + Dlac' + Red ++ Dro!n(
9te F OOO R77% 70(0C% 7E MF( Dro!n + Dlac' + Dlac' + Red ++ Dro!n(
9te 70 OO R72% .2*C% 7E MF( Oran)e + Red + Nello! + Oran)e ++ Dro!n(
9te 77 OO R7.% .2*C% 7E MF( Oran)e + Red + Nello! + Oran)e ++ Dro!n(
9te 72 OO R7*% .(2*C% 7E MF( Oran)e + Red + Nello! + Dro!n ++ Dro!n(
9te 7. OO R75% .(2*C% 7E MF( Oran)e + Red + Nello! + Dro!n ++ Dro!n(
9te 7* OO R7G% G(*FC% 7E MF( Dl$e + Nello! + White + Dro!n ++ Dro!n(
9te 75 OO R7H% G(*FC% 7E MF( Dl$e + Nello! + White + Dro!n ++ Dro!n(
9te 7G OO D7% 7?52G0% *.4% 500 "W Mener diode( The /lac' /and at one end o# the /ody o#
the diode indicates the cathode( Ma'e s$re this /and is oriented as indicated on the sil'
9te 7H OO D2% 7?52G0% *.4% 500 "W Mener diode( As ste 7G( Watch the /and<
9te 7& OO D.% 7?*F.H% A"( diode( As ste 7G( Watch the /and<
9te 7F OO D*% 7?*F.H% A"( diode( As ste 7G( Watch the /and<
*rch#' +lectro#"cs ,#c( PO Box 18099 Rochester, NY 14605 )))(&rch#'elec(co& (585)423 0462 5
9te 20 OO Install the 7G+Pin D$al In line soc'et #or I57( Insert the soc'et into the P5
/oard and "a'e s$re all 7G ins )o thro$)h the holes in the /oard( Also "a'e s$re that
the in+7 "ar'er on the soc'et corresonds !ith the "ar'in) on the /oard8 this side is
identi#ied !ith the hal#+circle at one side o# the rectan)le on the sil' screen( 9older(
9te 27 OO Install ter"inal /loc's P7 and P2(
9te 22 OO Install R7&% (5G Oh"% 5W resistor(
9te 2. OO Install R7F% (5G Oh"% 5W resistor(
9te 2* OO Install R20% 5(G Oh"% 7W 5ar/on co"osition resistor( Preen +
Dl$e + Dlac'
9te 25 OO Fa/ricate L7( This ind$ctor is "ade /y !indin) a/o$t 20+25 t$rns on the /ody
o# the 70 Oh"% 2Watt car/on co"osition resistor( Use the 25, o# L22 "a)net !ire( 9tri
and tin the ends o# the !ire to a len)th o# 73*,( 9older one end o# the !ire to one o#
the leads o# the resistor% close to the /ody( Wind the !ire aro$nd the resistor very
ti)htly% and ter"inate /y solderin) the #ree end to the other end o# the resistor(
Otionally% $se so"e eo;y ce"ent to )l$e the !indin) to the resistor( Insert the
asse"/ly in the P5 /oard and solder(
9te 2G OO Install R&% 70C tri""er otentio"eter(
9te 2H OO Install 57% 7$F% 50W4D5% 5E 9tac'ed "etallised #il" caacitor(
9te 2& OO Install 52% 70$F% 50W4D5% Al$"in$" electrolytic caacitor( The electrolytic
caacitors are olarised% they have a ositive and a ne)ative ter"inal( The ne)ative
ter"inal is indicated on the /ody o# the co"onent !ith a "in$s si)n( The sil' screen on
the P5 /oard also has a "in$s si)n to indicate ho! the caacitor sho$ld /e installed( De
9URE to insert the ne)ative lead o# the caacitor as indicated on the P5 /oard( The l$s
side o# 52 !ill #ace to!ards I57(
9te 2F OO Install 5&% *H $F% 50 W4D5% Al$"in$" electrolytic caacitor( As in ste 2&%
o/serve the olarity( The "in$s side o# 5& !ill #ace a!ay #ro" D.(
9te .0 OO Install 5F% *H $F% 50 W4D5% Al$"in$" electrolytic caacitor( As in ste 2&%
o/serve the olarity( The "in$s side o# 5F !ill #ace to!ards D*(
9te .7 OO Install 5.% 22 F% silver "ica caacitor(
9te .2 OO Install 5*% 22 F% silver "ica caacitor(
9te .. OO Install 55% (22 $F% 700 W4D5 stac'ed #il" caacitor(
9te .* OO Install 570% (7 $F% 700 W4D5 stac'ed #il" caacitor(
9te .5 OO Install 5G% 7000 F% 700 W4D5 cera"ic disc caacitor(
9te .G OO Install 5H% 7000 F% 700 W4D5 cera"ic disc caacitor(
9te .H OO 9tri 73*, o# ins$lation #ro" /oth ends o# the G, Dro!n ins$lated !ire( This
!ire !ill connect the collector o# I7 to the circ$it /oard( Fro" the co"onent side o#
the P5 /oard% insert the !ire into the s"aller one o# the t!o holes "ar'ed I75( 9older
the !ire to the /oard( ?o! ass the !ire thro$)h the other hole "ar'ed I75% and $ll
thro$)h all the !ay( The #ree end o# the !ire !ill later /e connected to the transistor
soc'et #or I7(
9te .& OO 9older the Red G, !ire to the P5 /oard% at the location "ar'ed
I25( Proceed as in ste .H(
9te .F OO 9older the Oran)e G, !ire to the P5 /oard% at the location "ar'ed
I7E( Proceed as in ste .H(
9te *0 OO 9older the Nello! G, !ire to the P5 /oard% at the location "ar'ed
I2E( Proceed as in ste .H(
*rch#' +lectro#"cs ,#c( PO Box 18099 Rochester, NY 14605 )))(&rch#'elec(co& (585)423 0462 6
9te *7 OO 9older the Preen G, !ire to the P5 /oard% at the location "ar'ed
D7( Proceed as in ste .H(
9te *2 OO 9older the Dl$e G, !ire to the P5 /oard% at the location "ar'ed
D2( Proceed as in ste .H(
9te *. OO 9older the t!o Dlac' G, !ires to the P5 /oard% at the locations
"ar'ed R.( Proceed as in ste .H(
9te ** OO deleted
9te *5 OO The asse"/ly o# the P5 /oard is no! co"lete( Do$/le chec' the lace"ent o#
all arts( Ma'e s$re all electrolytic caacitors and diodes are installed !ith the roer
9te *5 OO Mo$nt I7% 2?G2&* ?P? Po!er Darlin)ton transistor to the heatsin'( P$t so"e
heatsin' co"o$nd on /oth sides o# one o# the t!o /l$e TO. ins$lators( P$t the ins$lator
on the /otto" o# the transistor% !ith the /l$e side to!ards the transistor( Aold one o#
the t!o TO. transistor soc'ets on the /otto" side o# the heatsin'( The /otto" is the side
!here t!o #ins have /een re"oved% to allo! the P5 /oard to /e "o$nted directly onto the
heatsin'( The t!o /osses o# the transistor soc'et sho$ld /e inserted in the 73*, holes in
the heatsin'( Ma'e s$re the /ase and e"itter contacts line $ !ith the s"aller holes o#
the heatsin'( Insert the transistor and ins$lator into the soc'et #ro" the other side(
Fasten sec$rely !ith t!o G+20 - 53&, sheet "etal scre!s(
9te *G OO Mo$nt I2% 2?G2&H P?P Po!er Darlin)ton transistor(
Proceed as in ste *5(
ste *Ga + Install the ther"al s!itch to the heatsin'( The "o$ntin) /rac'et o# the s!itch
is installed !ith a G+.2 scre! on one side( The other side is #astened /y sliin) it
$nder the transistor soc'et o# one o# the o!er transistors( The 4+notch in the "o$ntin)
/rac'et #its aro$nd one o# the "o$ntin) scre!s(
9te *H OO 5hec' transistor isolation( With a "$lti"eter% chec' that the transistor cases
are not shorted to the heatsin'(
9te *& OO 5onnect the Dro!n !ire #ro" the P5 /oard to the collector ter"inal o# the
soc'et #or I7( The collector ter"inal is the one that connects to the case o# the
transistor !ith the t!o "o$ntin) scre!s( 9older(
9te *F OO 5onnect the Red !ire to the collector ter"inal o# I2(
9te 50 OO 5onnect the Oran)e !ire to the E"itter ter"inal o# I7( This ter"inal is
identi#ied !ith the letter QEQ on the /otto" o# the soc'et(
9te 57OO 5onnect the Nello! !ire to the E"itter ter"inal o# I2(
9te 52 OO 5onnect the Preen !ire to the Dase ter"inal o# I7( This ter"inal is identi#ied
!ith the letter QDQ on the /otto" o# the soc'et(
9te 5. OO 5onnect the Dl$e !ire to the Dase ter"inal o# I2(
ste 5.a + 9older the t!o /lac' !ires to the t!o ter"inals o# the ther"al s!itch(
9te 5* OO P$sh the solder ter"inals o# /oth transistor soc'ets do!n onto the /ase o# the
soc'et( This !ay they !ill not short to the #oil side o# the P5 /oard( Ma'e s$re nothin)
is shorted to)ether(
9te 55 OO Install the P5 /oard in the cavity o# the heatsin'( 9cre! the * threaded
circ$it /oard s$orts into the threaded holes in the heatsin'( Attach the ther"al sensor
0see ste **1 to the heatsin' /y scre!in) it do!n !ith one o# the /oard s$orts( 9na
the circ$it /oard onto the * s$orts( A s>$eeBe o# the loc'in) head er"its re"oval o#
the circ$it /oard(
*rch#' +lectro#"cs ,#c( PO Box 18099 Rochester, NY 14605 )))(&rch#'elec(co& (585)423 0462 !
9te 5G OO 5are#$lly insect the sace /et!een the heetsin' and the P5 /oard and "a'e
s$re nothin) is shortin)(
The asse"/ly o# the a"li#ier is no! co"lete(
?o! )o to ne;t section #or "a'in) the #inal ad:$st"ents(
Initial ad:$st"ents(
The only ad:$st"ent needed is that o# the /ias c$rrent o# the o$t$t sta)e(
9te 7 OOO Aoo' the a"li#ier $ to a d$al o!er s$ly o# 23+ .0 volt( 9ee ne;t section
#or the in connections o# connector P2(
9te 2 OOO Ma'e an initial chec' o# the o!er s$ly hoo'$( Meas$re the volta)e /et!een
)ro$nd and in+7G on the soc'et o# I57( This volta)e sho$ld read ne)ative .0 volts% the
sa"e as the o!er s$ly( The volta)e on in+75 o# the soc'et sho$ld /e the sa"e as the
ositive o!er s$ly( Do not roceed #$rther i# these volta)es do not chec' o$t(
9te . OOO T$rn o## the o!er s$ly and insert I57% 7G+in d$al in line ac'a)e LM.F7(
Ma'e a/sol$tely s$re that the chi is inserted roerly(
9te * OOO 5onnect a volt"eter or "$lti"eter /et!een the e"itters o# I7 and I2( A )ood
sot to cli the leads on to is the leads o# the .W resistors R7G and R7H% ne;t to the
"ar'in)s I7E and I2E on the sil' screen(
9te 5 OOO T$rn the o!er s$ly on% !ait a #e! seconds #or the t$rn+on delay to e;ire%
and ad:$st the volta)e to *0 "4( This val$e !ill )ive a /ias c$rrent o# *0 "A in the
o$t$t sta)e(
9te G OOO 5hec' the ther"al rotection( 9hort o$t the leads o# R.% the sensor that !as
"o$nted to the heatsin'( The a"li#ier !ill t$rn o##% and the /ias volta)e /et!een the
e"itters o# I7 and I2 sho$ld )o to Bero( I# not% chec' asse"/ly #or !irin) errors( Do not
oerate the a"li#ier !itho$t a !or'in) ther"al rotection(
Installation and $se(
Fi)$re+* sho!s the in$t and o$t$t connections #or the a"li#ier( The in$t si)nal is
connected !ith connector P7% and the o!er is connected to P2( The lo$dsea'er is
connected to P2 also( 9ee also ta/le+2 #or the connector in de#initions(
*rch#' +lectro#"cs ,#c( PO Box 18099 Rochester, NY 14605 )))(&rch#'elec(co& (585)423 0462 8
Fi)$re *( A"li#ier hoo' $(
J Ta/le 2( J
J 5onnector in assi)n"ents( J
J 5onnector Pin L 9i)nal descrition J
J P7 J 7 J In$t si)nal )ro$nd J
J P7 J 2 J In$t si)nal J
J P2 J 7 J 42% ositive o!er s$ly J
J P2 J 2 J O$t$t J
J P2 J . J O$t$t Pro$nd J
J P2 J * J Po!er Pro$nd J
J P2 J 5 J Po!er Pro$nd J
J P2 J G J 4+% ne)ative o!er s$ly J
Fi)$re+5 sho!s the circ$it #or a tyical $nre)$lated s$ly s$ita/le #or this a"l#ier( A
trans#or"er !ith a center taed secondary and a d$al co"le"entary recti#ier circ$it
rovide the ra! D5 o!er( The #ilter caacitor stores the D5 ener)y d$rin) the ea's o#
the A5 cycle and delivers the o$t$t c$rrent /et!een the ea's( A lar)e caacitance is
needed #or achievin) a lo! rile volta)e( The 70C /leeder resistors allo! the caacitors
to dischar)e in a reasona/le ti"e a#ter the s$ly is t$rned o##(
Fi)$re 5( Tyical si"le $nre)$lated o!er s$ly(
The #ollo!in) #or"$la "ay /e $sed #or deter"inin) the trans#or"er
secondary volta)e@
4acK0(H - 04o$t24rile24rect1

4ac K volta)e o# hal# o# secondary 04olt1
4rileK + rile volta)e 04olt1 024 % tyical1
4rect K recti#ier volta)e dro( 04olt1 074 tyical1
*rch#' +lectro#"cs ,#c( PO Box 18099 Rochester, NY 14605 )))(&rch#'elec(co& (585)423 0462 9
An o$t$t volta)e o# .0 4olt th$s re>$ires a trans#or"er !ith d$al secondary o# 4acK2.(7
4olt RM9( A trans#or"er !ith a d$al 2*4 secondary% or a *&4 center taed secondary is
the roer choice and !ill )ive a 4o$t o# .24( The c$rrent ratin) o# the trans#or"er "ay
/e o/tained !ith the #ollo!in) #or"$la@
Idc K0(.5 - 04dc + 4dro1 3 Rload
Iac K 7(2 - Idc
Idc K D5 o!er s$ly c$rrent 0A"1
Iac K trans#or"er c$rrent 0A"1
4dc K 9$ly volta)e 04olt1
4dro K a"li#ier droo$t volta)e 04olt1
Rload K load resistance 0Oh"1
The droo$t volta)e is the di##erence /et!een the o!er s$ly volta)e and the o$t$t at
#$ll o$t$t volta)e( It is at least . 4olt( For a .2 4olt s$ly and & Oh" load the
trans#or"er has to /e rated at 7(. a" at least( This "eans the trans#or"er "$st have a
4olt+A"ere ratin) o# at least G5 4A(
The val$e o# the #ilter caacitor can /e esti"ated #ro" the #or"$la #or the rile@
Iea' K 04dc+4dro1 3 Rload
5 K Iea' 3 0 . - Fac - 4rile 1
Iea' K ea' D5 c$rrent 0A"1
5 K caacitance 0Farad1
4dc K 9$ly volta)e 04olt1
4dro K a"li#ier droo$t volta)e 04olt1
Fac K line #re>$ency 0AerB1
4rile K + rile volta)e 04olt1
Rload K load resistance 0Oh"1
With a line #re>$ency o# G0 AB the o!er s$ly th$s needs a #ilter caacitor o# 0(07
Farad% or 70(000 $F( The recti#ier diodes sho$ld /e rated at at least Iea'K.(G A" and
t!ice the ea' to ea' A5 volta)e o# 0*& - 7(*21KG& 4olt
For o!erin) "$ltile a"li#iers #ro" a sin)le s$ly the ratin)s and val$es sho$ld /e
"$ltilied accordin)ly( A s$ly volta)e o# 23+ .2 volt !ill )ive an o$t$t o!er o# 50W
into & Oh"( A hi)her o!er s$ly volta)e !ill yield a hi)her o$t$t o!er( It is very
i"ortant that the o!er s$ly volta)e sho$ld never e;ceed the a/sol$te "a;i"$" ratin)
o# 23+ *5 volt( The "a;i"$" RM9 o!er the a"li#ier delivers into a resistive load is
)iven /y@
P"a;K04"a;1 3 02 - Rload1
P"a; K "a;i"$" deliverd o!er 0Watt1
4"a; K ea' o$t$t volta)e 04olt1
Rload K load resistance 0Oh"1
4s K o!er s$ly volta)e 04olt1
4dro K a"( droo$t volta)e 04olt1
0ass$"in) the o$t$t c$rrent li"it is not e;ceeded1(
*rch#' +lectro#"cs ,#c( PO Box 18099 Rochester, NY 14605 )))(&rch#'elec(co& (585)423 0462 10
Th$s% !ith a s$ly volta)e o# *5 4olt% a load o# & Oh" and a tyical "ini"$" volta)e
dro /et!een o!er s$ly and o$t$t o# 4droK5 4olt% the "a;i"$" o$t$t o!er is 700
The reason that the PM2 is rated at only hal# this o!er is that the heatsin's are not
/i) eno$)h to allo! s$##icient coolin) #or contin$o$s d$ty at this o!er( Also% the
tyical load is not a $re resistor( As can /e seen in #i)$re+7 and #i)$re+2% the c$rrent
to volta)e relationshi o# a tyical reactive load ca$ses hi)her c$rrents at lo!er o$t$t
volta)es% and this ca$ses the o$t$t c$rrent li"it to /e activated sooner than e;ected(
Fi)$re G( 9il'screen o# 2(7,;.(0, /oard and e;ternal !irin)(
5lass A oeration(
The PM2 can also /e oerated in class A "ode i# so desired( In this "ode the a"li#ier
can deliver 70 Watt RM9 into an & Oh" load( In class A "ode the /ias c$rrent o# the
o$t$t sta)e sho$ld /e ad:$sted to /e 0(& A"( The asse"/ly and ad:$st"ent is the sa"e as
descri/ed a/ove% /$t in ste 5% initial ad:$st"ents% the volta)e /et!een the e"itters o#
I7 and I2 is ad:$sted to 0(& 4olt( The a"li#ier sho$ld /e oerated !ith a o!er s$ly
o# 23+ 7& to 20 4olt D5% rated at 7(5 A"( Use a re)$lated s$ly o# 23+7&4D5 or $se the
$nre)$lated s$ly o# #i)$re 5% /$t !ith a trans#or"er !ith a secondary o# .0 to .G 45T 6
In class A "ode the a"li#ier !ill dissiate o!er re)ardless o# drivin) a load( This
"eans that the a"li#ier !ill /eco"e >$ite !ar"% and secial attention sho$ld /e )iven to
roer coolin) o# the heatsin'( I# the a"li#ier 'ees t$rnin) itsel# on and o##% and the
heatsin' is hot% it is o/vio$sly overheatin)( Dest coolin) is achieved !ith the a"li#ier
in a vertical osition 0i(e( the circ$it /oard in a vertical lane1% or !ith the $se o# a
coolin) #an(
*rch#' +lectro#"cs ,#c( PO Box 18099 Rochester, NY 14605 )))(&rch#'elec(co& (585)423 0462 11
*rch#' +lectro#"cs ,#c( PO Box 18099 Rochester, NY 14605 )))(&rch#'elec(co& (585)423 0462 12

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