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Name:____________________ Date:________________________

Geography Quiz
Chapter 4&5
Answer True or False to the following:
1. 89% of the earths water on the surface is salt water F
2. The four comonents of the atmoshere are: air! water! the crust an" lants
an" animals. F
#. $ana"a ro"uces the least amount of gar%age er erson. F
&. The ionoshere sits on to of the mantle of the earth. F
'. An e(amle of oint ollution is a smo)e stac) from a factor*. T
+. The earth has ' la*ers. F
,. The giant an"a! )oala %ear an" %lac)-foote" ferret are e(tinct. F
8. .mni/ores! carni/ores an" her%i/ores are ro"ucers. F
9. .ur oceans sul* most of the reciitation that falls on lan". T
10. 1unlight can ro/i"e energ* for *ou. T
$omlete the following sentences:
1. The ionosphere, stratosphere, troposphere an" lower atmosphere are la*ers of the
2. The earths surface is a%out 70% water an" a%out 0% lan".
. The la*ers of the earth are soli! inner "ore, molten outer "ore, lower mantle, upper
mantle, soli! "rust, an" atmosphere
4. #on sustaina$le resources are resources that cannot %e renewe".
5. 2/er* time a secies is lost we lose it as a geneti" resource.
%. 2cos*stems that are !rier an" col" ten" to %e more &ragile than others.
7. 'orna!o, hurri"ane an" tsunami are natural ha3ar"s.
(. )reparation can hel re"uce the effects of natural "isasters.
$omlete the following in short aragrah form.
1. 4ist fi/e common wetlan"s:
*i+er !eltas, lagoons, swamps, $ogs, an! marshes
2. 5hat is a finite resource6
Name:____________________ Date:________________________
'here is only so mu"h o& one thing, ro",s, water, air, plant an! animals. *esour"es that
are not renewa$le.
#. 7ow man* la*ers "oes the en/ironment ha/e6 4ist them all an" "escri%e one.
Four: %ioshere 8 life 3one! art of the earth where lants an" animals li/e! inclu"es the three sheres
atmoshere! lithoshere an" h*"roshere.
4ithoshere- is the crust! sits on the mantle! least "ense of la*ers! comose" of "ifferent roc)! soils
an" other moose materials! ro/i"es us with the nutrients nee" to grow an" with natural resources
li)e metals! oils an" natural gas
Atmoshere- ma"e u of gases! nitrogen! .2! $.2! has four la*ers! ionoshere! trooshere!
stratoshere! lower atmoshere! sulies water for the lan". Nitrogen an" car%on for lants to grow
7*"roshere- all water on the surface! oceans sul* most of reciitation! the* are giant reser/oirs.
&. 5hat are two a"/antages an" two "isa"/antages of a 5in"mill Farm6 2(lain.
$ost more! more lan" nee"e" to %uil" them! nee" win"! energ* efficient! en/ironmentall* safe.
'. Descri%e the 2cos*stem 2ffect.
- 9n an ecos*stem e/er* secies has /alue!
- all life is relate" to one another
- scientists thin) that the loss of a secies ma* threaten the health of the whole
+. 2(lain how climate affects what we grow.
The amount of heat an" moisture along with "istri%ution throughout the growing season! sets limits
for agriculture!
,. 2(lain irrigation in relation to growing cros. 9s it a/aila%le to all countries6
1ul*ing water to soil through "itches! canals! srin)lers an" "ris
No it is e(ensi/e an" technolog* ma* not %e a/aila%le.
8. 2(lain the sa*ing : For e/er* action there is a reaction; alies to eole an" the
Name:____________________ Date:________________________
5hen we create gar%age or a%use the worl" <ust a little the effects "omino to other life an"
ollution from one area create a worl" wi"e ro%lem.

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