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Design Patterns and Architectures for JavaScript, .NET, C# and VB, Database, SQL | DoFactory

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Design Patterns and Architectures for JavaScript, .NET, C# and VB, Database, SQL | DoFactory

and jQuery design patterns and pattern architectures.

Modern JavaScript Patterns

Architecture Patterns

Classic JavaScript Patterns

Idioms and Best Practices

Model-View Patterns

Sample Apps (MVC, SPA, etc.)

jQuery Design Patterns

much more...

For Web App developers and architects

The definitive guide to building databases using sql and

database design patterns and pattern architectures.
Data Modeling Patterns

Schema Patterns

SQL + Data Access Patterns

Data Caching Patterns

Convention over Configuration

eCommerce Sample Db + App

Object / Relational Patterns

much more...

For SQL and Database developers, modelers, and architects

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